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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the russian army, in response to shelling in the mtr , carried out 35 group strikes in a week with high-precision weapons... including
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hypersonic dagger missiles, as well as drones against military enterprises, railway junctions, air defense systems, drone bases and energy facilities in ukraine. the deployment points of nationalist mercenaries were hit. in all areas, russian units have improved their positions. novamikhailovka and bogdanovka were liberated. during this time, zelensky’s formation lost about 8,500 more soldiers and mercenary officers. six tanks were eliminated and...
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a combined strike is a response to the kiev regime for attempts to damage our energy and industry. four tes were struck at once in the propetrovsk, ivano-frankivsk and lviv regions and flew to military facilities in kharkov. that's it, the arrival is about to go boom. facilities of the energy industry of ukraine, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and railway infrastructure, air defense systems, and arsenals were hit. fuel base, production and repair workshops for unmanned aerial boats devices, the mik-29 aircraft of the ukrainian air force was destroyed at the base airfield, and the mig-29 and su-25 aircraft of the ukrainian air force were shot down within a week. the crews of su-34 sonic fighter bombers are preparing to take off. this is the vostok group of troops and those same fap-500, high-precision high-explosive bombs. the pilots go out. reconnaissance
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confirms the destruction of targets and the crews return to the airfield, where mechanics immediately begin working with the fighters. this is not an easy job, because the technology requires special attention so that everything is clearly and evenly.
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it turns out that you have made the work easier, as if this makes it easier for yourself, day and day we can drive from morning to evening, 200 km, in a day i drive, it itches, itches, bro, frost, frost, air, frost, aimed fire at fpv drones vsu from a sniper group of usuri paratroopers, this is an unscheduled special operation to rescue civilians, a ukrainian drone attacked the car of a family that... was evacuated from yar to the lpr. paratrooper snipers used smoke bombs, misled the ukranazis and hid the mother and children from shelling. during the evacuation they came under fire. and thank you very much to the guys, they helped us and did not leave my children orphans. very, very grateful that we are alive. our military personnel took this family from the chapel to a safe area and took it to a medical facility. and they visited a few days later with gifts. no. children, our own, others, there are
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only children, they did not choose, they are not to blame, and i want shells not to explode over their heads, avdeevsky. direction k-52 attack helicopters take off into the air attack aircraft su-25 sm. combat work according to coordinates from the aircraft controllers of the group of forces, the center of missile and bomb strikes. was there a hit on the target? yes sir. in the area of ​​the settlement of udachny , a warehouse with ammunition was destroyed, as well as a train with weapons and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. aircraft controllers not only tell the attack aircraft the location of the target, but also give information on how to destroy it without getting hit. enemy air defense. our friends on earth are looking for targets. i am precisely in the unit in order to pass these goals on to aviation. coordinate these goals and then work on them for assault, army, and operational-tactical purposes. this is
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our main task. the second task is to ensure the safe flight of our aviation. and this is precisely the enemy equipment that was knocked out in the avdeevsky direction. two trophies. american repair and recovery vehicle m80. and a barrage vehicle based on the abrams tank. the second one was literally blinded. our drone operators hit the nail on the head. due to the inexperience of the crew, she drove into a minefield and the rear left was blown up. parts. after conducting engineering reconnaissance, clearing this sample, direct contact with the enemy through the action of enemy unmanned aerial vehicles. our repair and aviation teams evacuated this sample in two transports to the rear area. ukrainian forces lost more than 800 people this week alone. our servicemen liberated novomikhailovka and bogdanovka. so, no matter how many american abrams you receive, they will still have to be
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cowardly abandoned on the battlefield. evgenia petrukhina, news. ukraine itself refused to make peace with russia after negotiations. more than in the twenty-second year, well, now there are no prerequisites for a conversation with kiev, and the special operation will continue,” stressed presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, as he commented on an article by the german publication welt dedicated to the istanbul agreements, with details by anastasia efimova. a secret document that could put an end to the war in ukraine, the headline of the german dewelt, which not only mentions this very secret document, publishes. so. if you believe the publication, this is the very draft peace agreement between moscow and kiev, which could have been signed in the spring of 2022, but quote: the decisive step was never taken. only one of the seventeen
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pages of the allegedly genuine contract has been made public, the rest is given in a retelling. however, this sheet is also quite interesting. please note that the text is written in russian, in other words:
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russia, in turn, agreed that the five permanent members of the un security council provide ukraine received comprehensive security guarantees, and crimea and sevastopol
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were not covered by these same guarantees, in other words, there was no discussion whose crimea was no longer supposed to be russian. and , according to the document, moscow demanded that russian be recognized as the second official language in ukraine. the following, he says: it’s easy for you, you have one boss, and we have three, so
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no matter what we sign here, we need to agree with two more bosses, that’s all, that’s everything, that’s fair, that’s fair, that’s it. this a tragedy, unfortunately, i am from ukraine, of soviet origin, this is the tragedy of a non-sovereign state. not sovereign, in fact, develt’s presentation certainly does not attract sensation; the russian president repeatedly and in detail dwelt on the fate of the very document that was actually agreed upon in turkey, and then, quoting the words of vladimir putin, voiced just over two weeks ago during negotiations with alexander lukashenko was thrown into the trash, and this despite the fact that the process was difficult, long, three negotiations after all, the rounds were held first in belarus, in belovezhskaya pushcha, only after...
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boris johnson came to kiev and said: “let’s just fight.” then he left, resigned from the post of prime minister, now. over there he is skiing with his wife in the french alps, and the ukrainians, as he bequeathed, are fighting. everyone
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is well aware that the document was actually signed; everyone also knows well, from the words of a participant in these negotiations on the ukrainian side, what exactly was the reason for the ukrainians’ refusal to continue and finalize work on the document. this there was direct pressure from london. mr. arakhami reported this. everything else is speculation; i suggest focusing on primary sources. by the way, about the primary sources, i wonder who exactly is behind the leaking of the document to the german press. it is difficult to suspect moscow of such a thing, after the streams of lies hurled at russia from the pages of european media, there is no desire to cooperate, and most importantly, there is no confidence that your words will not be misrepresented. european officials also most likely have nothing to do with it. no matter how much they they didn’t puff out their cheeks or wag their fingers, they don’t make independent decisions, and they don’t even ask. such sources, so what
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remains is ukraine, or rather, influential ukrainians, the same ones who paid off the war, fled from their homeland, and now you can’t even change your passport without the risk of ending up in a trench. in the spring of twenty-two, in the illusions of european brotherhood and quick victory, they may have been ready to fight with someone else’s hands, but free hands were in favor. the best deal that could be made, the peace that ukraine was forced to refuse. inflation in russia is gradually slowing down, and gdp may increase by more than that by the end of the year. this was stated by vladimir putin, the president held a meeting with
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the government on economic issues via videoconference, noted that macroeconomic indicators turned out to be higher than the forecasts of the government and the bank of russia and called on manufacturers to more actively develop the domestic market, we certainly need active actions from the government and regions that will support, stimulate business and investment activity, help... open new production facilities, including high-tech ones, create modern jobs, satisfy the growing demand of the domestic market, primarily by increasing our own... production of goods and services that are more competitive compared to foreign suppliers, that is, we need to develop and occupy our own market, to displace imports, to displace not due to administrative actions of resources, but due to fair market competition, this is precisely the increase in one’s own production, the development of the internal national market, this
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we call it supply-side economics. vladimir putin too. called for maintaining a conservative approach to the budget, despite the growth in income, to focus spending on those areas that provide the maximum effect in improving the quality of life of people. another large batch of uaz vehicles, almost 700 vehicles, were sent to the front lines for special operation fighters. they are needed, including by military doctors. sanitary transport is one of the main goals for the armed forces of ukraine. the purchase of uaz vehicles was organized by mimpromtorg on... instructions from vladimir putin. government allocated a billion rubles, the popular front helped to additionally equip the vehicles with electronic warfare equipment, drone detectors, and thermal imagers. we continue to fulfill the task set by the president to supply vehicles for the needs of the tsvo.
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today we are handing over another batch through the united popular front. this is a total of about 700 cars, this is 480 uaz, they are in great demand, first of all, they perform a task of a purely humanitarian nature, i would like to thank our soldiers who perform its important mission. he successfully landed in zhukovsky near moscow. the updated superjet arrived from komsomolsk at sea to prepare for flight tests; lyudmila smirnova will tell you how this aircraft differs. the superjet lands in zhukovsky, touches the ground, here it is, the first domestic airliner, successfully completing its flight through most of the country. the flight was a success, the plane was flying, we arrived at flight level 38:0,
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we flew as a pair, together with ours. serial basic aircraft, that is, the aircraft easily catches up, easily lags behind, and is easily controlled in flight, he was born on the wing in komsomolsk on the amur, in the yakovlev production center, here he underwent a large cycle of ground and flight factory tests, outwardly this aircraft is not much different from its predecessors, a non-specialist will hardly notice the difference, but it was he who first gave way to heaven for domestic systems and components, the famous one continues to do this for an hour to give the green light to an entire program of import-substituted airliners. warm-up before the flight, everything is ready and checked more than once, the workshop workers see you off, everyone who helped the first russian car reach this height. a feeling of pride in this common work of ours, our team, our collective. emotions, of course, are off the charts, the whole team came out and with tears in our eyes
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we simply said goodbye to our child, who flew into adulthood. according to tradition, the new airliner swings its wing over the workshop that was its cradle. today is a really important moment in the life of our enterprise, and you saw that the entire team went out into the street to conduct our first russian import-substituted aircraft. factory tests have been completed and the aircraft has been sent to our base in the city of zhukovsky for certification tests. now there will be a whole series of cars with new russian systems.
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does not exist, literally everything in the plane is new, systems and assemblies, materials, on-board radio electronics, and later on the engine, practically the plane is completely replaced with the exception of the power plant, which is why , of course, this is a huge stage - in the development of the program, this is accordingly the future program, well, this is an opportunity for us, despite the fact that today there is no domestic power plant, there is an opportunity to take advantage of this time. and carry out a lot of work on certification of domestic systems. the usual world practice cycle for creating aircraft and engines is 10-15 years. russian import substitution programs.
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in st. petersburg, a janitor from uzbekistan saved several people during a fire in a residential building, and the hero was dmitry akimov. there is a fire on podolskaya street here in the very center of st. petersburg. started early in the morning, the apartment was on fire on the third floor, these five windows, the apartment is on fire, i called 112, the fire started on the other side of the house, and then spread to the entire apartment, today utility workers are throwing unburnt garbage out of the windows. well, this is what this apartment looks like from the inside, as you can see, almost everything burned out, and as the locals say, a woman lived here, they call them plyushkins, that is... she brought all sorts of junk from the dumps and stored it here, they say that there were rubble literally to the ceiling, a terrible event, but ordinary, fires in big cities
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happen every day, it would have remained in the crime chronicles of the city if not for this video published on the same day. while firefighters are lifting the tower along a drainpipe, a man deftly climbs up and hugs him. olimzhon has been living in st. petersburg for 7 years, he moved his family, he already has grandchildren, but at the same time he is still in excellent physical shape.
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debekistan is already 14 years old, after retirement i’m already 48 years old. i’ve been living for 7 years, my family is screaming, i need help, my family, that’s all, i ’m just helping, about the brave janitor it is worth awarding, say the residents of this house themselves, and even deputies of the legislative assembly, especially since the ministry of emergency situations has a special medal for rescue in a fire just for such cases. dmitry akimofei, sergey fodeev, news from st. petersburg. in moscow in the cathedral of christ. patriarch kirill illuminated the willows of the savior: the festive evening service
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took place on the eve of one of the main orthodox holidays, the entry of the lord into jerusalem, which is also popularly called palm sunday. it opens the last week of lent before easter. the digital advantage. management models were discussed at sirius as part of the talent pool development program. a lecture for young scientific students was given by deputy prime minister and chief of staff of the government dmitry grigorenko. the program is focused on training future leaders. we wanted and i wanted to show our examples there, show a digital management model , show how with the help of digitalization you can achieve certain goals. well, with our mistakes, with our examples and with our some kind of positive experience, it seems to me that this is not only important and interesting in itself, but this is not even our future, this is our
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present. at the european boxing championships in belgrade, it’s time for the finals; today the women are chosen among the best, tomorrow it’s the men’s turn. stas sredezkultsev is monitoring the progress of the tournament and he is in direct contact with the studio. stas greets. how many medals have our athletes won, and most importantly, what quality? yes, anton, greetings, but now the russian national team already has seven awards, five of them silver and just now the second gold medal of the european championship was won by darema sandakova, of course we congratulate the champion, but today yulia chumgalakova brought the first gold to the russian national team in the first match in the weight category. up to 48 kg, she was incomparably stronger than her rival from serbia kristina varga and won the first gold medal, so here in the capital of belgrade
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the gi... of russia was sounded for the first time during the award ceremony, but it’s true, there was a technical hitch, the music in some the moment was interrupted, but our the champion was not taken aback and continued to sing acapello, and the audience supported her. fatherland. in this sense, it must be said that the girls are quite unlucky during the award ceremony, so at the world championships the anthem was completely mixed up, the wrong music was turned on, and yulia chemgalakova began to cry, she even burst into tears, but even after the award ceremony we of course we found out why.
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in total , 10 russians are competing in the finals of the european women's championship, let me remind you that there are already two golds, five silver medals, and the media weigh-in took place this morning, tomorrow the men will get into action, there are nine russians in the finals, and eduard savin and i, one of the finalists, talked about how it happened that the russian team is such a skating rink in the ring of the old world.
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the lineup is very strong, everyone was in excellent physical shape for this tournament, so everything turned out this way, the opponents you already had, how competitive the fights turned out, how satisfied i was with what i was able to do in the ring, the fights were good, competitive, not it was easy fights, so i’m glad that i had just such fights; i approached the final in optimal shape. well, in the women’s part of the european championship , we expect three more matches with the participation of our athletes, we hope that there will still be gold medals. anton. yes, stas, thank you, we are waiting for new victories, my colleague stas ridikultsev spoke about the european boxing championships, which is taking place in belgrade.
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