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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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personal protective equipment will be provided, there is also a shower here, you will need to use it at the exit, let's move on, the mirror is not here for beauty, but in order to check how tightly the protective clothing fits, the doors here are designed in such a way that when in real work , it will not be possible to open two at the same time, only one at a time , that such a laboratory will be transferred to uganda in the summer at the russia africa summit. in february of this year, a delegation from our rospotrebnadzor, led by its head, visited you ms. popova, she is here at our conference table. in accordance with the agreements reached then on expanding cooperation in the sanitary and epidemiological field, here we are transferring to uganda the latest mobile laboratory based on our camas vehicle with a capacity of up to 3,500. research per day for
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any infection, including especially dangerous ones, and this was highly anticipated here, because epidemics in africa are like weapons of mass destruction, says peter alupote alupote, a professor at the ugandan busetema university. we are already in the past we observed situations where, instead of helping to fight epidemics, most countries left africa alone with them, and diseases continued to kill african peoples.
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very big steps, the fact is that a special agency has been created, called investatorite, which helps to open a company, helps to carry out legal transactions, it issues land, the land is given to the company for 50 years free of charge, plus all the equipment that the company imports here, it does not taxed, the possibilities are already appreciated by investors from china, japan, and india. uganda, along with seven other countries, including such large ones as kenya, tanzania, and the democratic republic of the congo, is part of the east african community, and this is a common market, a population of about 300 million people, inexpensive hired labor, but there is also an advantage that is not expressed in numbers. those who have lived and worked in uganda for a long time note that the locals are unusually hardworking, and indeed, here it is enough to go outside to feel it and work. doesn't stop
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it seems, not for a minute, even on weekends, everyone is in a hurry somewhere, everyone is going about their business, everyone is busy with something, our president, uganda, at the summit in july in st. petersburg announced that we really need russian investors, including in oil production, in the oil refinery, which... will be built here, the uganda-tanzania oil pipeline is currently being built, we have found large oil reserves, so we have great prospects in the country, there is room for growth in the tourism market it’s not for nothing that uganda is called the pearl of africa. uganda is not only local markets, very colorful, but not always safe for tourists. these are also national wildlife parks and picturesque lakes. for example, here, on the shores of the famous lake victoria , summits are held at the fashionable resort. but i don’t care for tourists either.
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so valued by our colleagues on the african continent, the western approach, our colleagues here have already experienced for themselves when they can only give material to a laboratory, and then spend a week or two trying to achieve it, but what is there after all, this is the largest and most equipped laboratory uganda, equipment foreign, mainly from the usa and japan, tests of patients from all over the country are brought here twice a week, and during an epidemic every day, but hours are spent on the road, every minute counts. a russian laboratory
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can be quickly deployed in any remote source of infection. the laboratory unfolds very quickly, it takes 1-2 hours from the moment it starts. arrival of the installation at the required points until the moment when it can begin to take samples and analyze a set of two modules, two laboratory modules can work as autonomous mode, so strengthen with your resources some local laboratories that need temporary strengthening. russia didn’t just hand over the laboratory, the ugandan specialists who will work here passed through. this is the principle of russia’s work in africa, and the conference, which brought together scientists from 15 countries and two international organizations, is just an example of this approach. africa has relied on
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the support of partners from the united states and other countries, but now is the time to develop internal capabilities, run its own affairs and learn from your experience, etc.
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research, we work with many countries, everywhere there are many infections, circumstances, diseases that are of scientific interest, are of interest for practical healthcare, and this demonstrates the previously announced principle of russia, african problems, african solutions.
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political wars, all these are important subjects. election race in the united states, but there is the most important, eternal plot, the economy. only 41% of registered american voters approve of the way joe biden is handling things there; more than half think things were better under donald trump. i don't know what this thing is, but it definitely works. this is how joe biden last year first commented on the term bidennomics, which he admitted to learning about from the wall street journal. in fact, bidenomics, as a term, is indeed largely artificial and largely media-based. of course, it is based on the traditions of the american social perception of the economy as the most important plot of public life in general, well... it is difficult for a person who is at least minimally familiar with the recent history of the united states not to see here
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a parallel with reegonomics, when you and i were little, the authorities they took only 15 cents from every dollar they earned, today they take almost half a dollar, most people don't understand this because politicians claim they only tax businesses, the little people shout hooray, without realizing that they are paying these taxes when purchasing goods. reeconomics is a new economic course proclaimed by ronald reagan, opposing the course of the then democratic president jimmy carter, he plunged america into the abyss of unprecedented inflation, under him the global oil crisis erupted, in general, ronald reagan with his neoliberal approaches was a complete antipode, well, as they like to say republicans, reform economics really worked, america then began to rise. but at the same time the social sphere and other areas, which the american
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state usually takes on, they were relegated to the background, since then the economy has officially ended, but it has never been officially cancelled, trump changed everything, and the pandemic changed everything even more. a team of economists estimates that by the end of 2023 , economic damage from the covid-19 pandemic in the united states will reach 14 trillion. more than a million people died from covid-19, many more were hospitalized or lost loved ones, and the greatest damage to the economy was caused by job losses. sales due to store closures, flight cancellations and a ban on visiting public places. a certain prerequisite for the emergence of boydenomics in general was an article that current national security advisor jake sullivan wrote back in 2019. it was called the new old democrats, which jake sullivan did, he reflected on the experience of his
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work in the hillary clinton campaign headquarters. the fact is that in 2016, sullivan was a fairly serious figure in the clinton campaign, but clinton lost to trump, and then salevan tried to understand what happened, why did they still lose to trump then? and he came to the following conclusion: the democrats were too focused on... roosevelt and johnson. roosevelt is the course of the new economic policy, the serious influence of the state on economic
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processes, while johnson is the fight against racial segregation and so on. the 2016 election showed that a few simple slogans, like build a wall or squeeze the bankers, work better than a long list of carefully crafted ideas. 2016 showed that the audience is receptive to according to the populist approach, the old democrats united americans with a high goal, the new old democrats should make that goal the revival of the middle class. of course, these changes would not have happened without biden himself. biden, a long-time inhabitant of... the ton swamp , he always keeps his nose to the wind, understands where everything is changing, he changed his position more than once during his political career, and here he trusted a rather young team of economic reformers, who created a document called the plan saving america, it included three bills: the first on
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infrastructure, biden was not allowed to pass it in full, he asked for 2.3 tenths of a trillion dollars, indeed , the american infrastructure is very worn out, we saw what happened in the city of east palestine, where a train derailed with chemicals and history in the baltic sea with a bridge. the second important bill was the bill that became the anti-inflation law. two important points were included there: the strengthening of the policy that was started under barak. healthcare, here is a reduction in prices for medicines, and the availability of health insurance for a wider segment of the population, the second is the green transition, huge investments are expected in the production of electric vehicles, stimulation of the purchase of electric vehicles through reduced tax rates, solar panels and so
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on, that’s all in this bill third bill on chip science, the goal here is clear. to conduct semiconductor production as much as possible from southeast asia to the united states, because over the past 20 years, the amount of semiconductors produced here in the united states by companies such as amd and del has fallen by 25%. the chip science act i signed accelerates progress, it will allow companies to build their factories here in america, and this is already happening, only one company, micron, is planning. over 10 years , invest $40 billion in production to create 40,000 jobs here. two more foreign companies are investing $4 billion to produce chips that would otherwise be made abroad. this industry will live under slogan, made in america. there is such a popular soviet expression: the economy should be economical. now, if
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we rephrase it and adapt it to the current state of affairs in the united states, then boydenomics, on the contrary, is economical. there shouldn’t be, the main task is to spend as much as possible, and there is a downside, which is fixed by the constant growth of the american public debt, that is , for the economics to function, the american printing press must work at full capacity. inflation is no longer just a buzzword, common among economists, this is a harsh reality that is hitting americans' wallets, families across the country are struggling to meet basic needs such as food and fuel. despite the biden administration's statements to the media, the undeniable truth stands before us. economic policies touted as bailouts are actually exacerbating the financial burdens on working americans. the population, that is, all those for whose sake, in general
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, baydonomics was started, as a program to improve the quality of life of the middle class, they do not feel. here... there are two planes: the real picture and psychological perception. the president forced pharmaceutical companies to lower the prices of prescription drugs. he's working to get big banks to reduce penalties for non-performing loans, to lower the cost of raising children and those in need of care, and all the things that put pressure on our families. we have made progress, but it is not enough, people are not happy, we are not happy, but president biden is the one who has what is possible. people began to notice that this long period post-pandemic recession, these difficult times are behind us, people are ready to admit that things are getting better. and people answer in completely the opposite way during surveys; many believe that things in the united states economy are not improving, but are getting worse. 78% of americans live paycheck
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to paycheck, they buy less groceries, fill up their car less often, they feel the need, when the president tells them about economic growth and unemployment reduction, they simply don’t believe him, americans are not as stupid as sometimes it seems they won't trust showmen. who claim that poverty is not in the wallet, but in the head. the favorite genre of american television, american television news, here, of course, is a comparison; they compare how much a basket of certain products cost before the pandemic, how much it cost under trump, how much it costs now under biden, or how much it cost at the beginning of biden’s presidency. here's what $100 could buy you in 2019, here's what you can buy today.
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merry christmas animals but american the administration and biden are personally trying to fight back, we urgently need to find the culprits, we need to turn the arrows, as they say, on someone, well, in this case, the culprit. they were found, they say, by the corporations themselves , including those that produce food during the super bowl of american football; biden personally spoke about such a phenomenon
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as shrinkflation. one thing you've probably noticed is that drink bottles are smaller and there are fewer chip bags, but they cost the same. me as an ice cream lover the most annoying thing is that cardboard boxes of ice cream have actually decreased in size, but not in price. i'm fed up with what they call shringflation, it's a rip off. an important part of bodonomics can be considered the green transition program. here america is really, in a sense , now ahead of the rest, very favorable conditions are being created for businesses that are also aimed at producing electric vehicles, here even the europeans are unhappy, because many companies that do this, seeing these tax benefits. they fled to the united states, but again there is a downside, it is unknown how long this will be enough, because we know very well that
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donald trump, if he does not openly deny the concept of climate change, then treats it with great irony, so this business, which has now trusted biden and trusted bidenomics and moved overseas, it may well be disappointed to find itself in a situation where it has to. look for some other places to go. electric cars are nonsense. for the first 10 minutes you are happy, and then you painfully look for where to charge the car. they also want to make large equipment electric. are any of you tractor owners? how about carrying around a battery larger than the tractor itself? tanks, apparently, will also be electric, so that when we smash our enemies to smithereens, we do it with respect for the environment. it is forbidden. discount another important factor, geopolitical, this has never been discussed openly, this has never was spelled out - in the establishing
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documents for bidennomics, the very three laws that i spoke about, but nevertheless it is already clear that the factor of the military-industrial complex is very serious, it is not for nothing that biden has been in the last few months, including campaigning for the law on military assistance to ukraine. at almost every rally, especially in cities where there are defense plants, he campaigned for the fact that most of the money allocated under these bills would remain in the united states itself. i know this is important to americans. the money we give to help ukraine stays here in the united states, it goes to arizona, where they make petriot missiles, to alabama, pennsylvania, ohio and texas, where they make artillery shells. however, not all global conflicts are equally useful for bidennomics, well, take the situation in the middle east, the situation in the middle east has not yet greatly affected... the rise in
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gasoline prices, this is a traditional phobia, a traditional fear of americans, because the price of gasoline, the outcome of the elections largely depends, and this has happened more than once, but who knows, if, for example, the situation in the confrontation between israel and iran worsens, what the price per gallon of gasoline will be at american gas stations, and so in everything, no matter what happens in other areas, every day the american goes down. to the store, goes to the gas station, pays, as they like to say, they live from check to check, this is the life from check to check, it also determines the attitude towards the president of the united states. 2/3 of americans are dissatisfied with the state of the economy, despite reports of falling inflation and unemployment. according to the poll, about 82% of republicans believe that the economic situation is worse than the media portrays it. at the same time, almost half of democrats
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also said so. that the media is exaggerating the state of the economy. the main test for beidenomics, for its success or failure, of course, will be the presidential elections in november of this year, here it is important to understand this: there are objective indicators, there are numbers, and there is psychological perception. for joe biden, for his economic bloc, now this is in some way a fight with a shadow, a fight with themselves. themselves, how much they will be able to sell their successes bidennomics to the voter, to the extent that trump will be able to convince the voter that trumponomics, the economy that was before biden , was more effective than the current one, to the extent that this voter will ultimately tilt his choice towards one candidate or another. this was america, all the best to you.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, best of all in these conditions...
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11:00 pm
hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov, today on
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the international review program. events weeks, chronicle, facts.


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