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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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one of the main german thinkers of the new time suddenly became a political event, all because they decided to celebrate the anniversary on a large scale in his homeland. kant was born all his life, minus several years of study, and lived in köniksberg, now russian kaliningrad. during those four years of the seven years' war that east prussia was part of the russian empire, a philosopher became. olaf schultz of germany, putin has no right to kant, because russian politics contradicts his ideas, and the german embassy in moscow hung a huge poster for the anniversary, in general, it hurt. our guest is andrey teslya, he is not just an excellent specialist in the history of philosophy, but...
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he belongs to the world heritage, national treasure, this, by the way, is a very interesting question, because, for example, in the logics of history, philosophy of the 19th century, so nationalized, what we maybe familiar, this is a story about the construction of national philosophical schools,
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and not only in the current time, yes, but also looking into the past, where they begin to say that leibniz is not only part of the rational tradition, he is not only a philosopher xvi century, but this is the first big one. conophilosophy played a significant role for , well, some kind of state self-determination, especially with regard to the now pressing issue of relations with europe. georgy florovsky is one of the outstanding historians of the russian intellectual tradition, he generally said
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that russian thought, as something holistic, secular thought, was formed in the thirties, twenties and thirties of the 19th century, and it was formed precisely in connection with which pyotr yakovlevich began where they will be westerners, elephantophiles, where will the pochvenniki be, where will danilevsky be, in a certain sense , we can say that by the end of the 19th century this story died out, here it seemed that someone could be upset, someone could be happy, but literally in the 20th century they immediately gave the second
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season, when philosophy found itself at the center of all disagreements in the form of marxist-leninist philosophy, is a slightly different series after all, but also different and not entirely.
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they did it differently, that’s true, good, this is a topic that, unfortunately, is also relevant now, can be found in history moments when they deliberately tried to isolate russia intellectually, humanitarianly, to somehow disown it so that i don’t know, so that it wouldn’t exist on the cultural field, no, it wasn’t so powerful, you can remember attempts as far back as the 16th century, for example ,
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not just erase each other in the current time, but are simply trying to immediately rewrite
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the history of science or the history of philosophy. for example, henri berkson, such a pillar of french philosophy of that time, first declares and then even writes an encyclopedic article dedicated to philosophy of modern times, where he speaks from a very patriotic position, which is basically history. the philosophy of modern times comes down to, they used to think it was wrong, they mentioned all sorts of wrong people, in fact it comes down to the french, descartes malebranche, in principle, more than enough, because everything reasonable that the germans said, kant, hegel, ficht, they in principle they took it from us, yes, well, in principle, leibniz can also be mentioned, but he is, by and large, part of french culture, and where he is quite consistently, including redescribing... the 19th century was not particularly like that with russia, although there were attempts to create a cordon sanitaire on
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the one hand against the bolshevik infection with the revolution, but what is interesting is that this also affected those who had absolutely nothing to do with bolshevism did not have, for example, in the late twenties, when such a classic universal manual on the history of philosophy was published, another publication, which was famous for the fact that it involved different authors to write articles on... all over russia there are only eight, and this is very they were upset, understandably, somewhere they were upset, somewhere they were angry, russian migrants
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of the same years, where they said that, okay, okay, let’s say you think that in moscow bolshevik philosophy is not a philosophy, which can be understood, although, although why do you forget about some other people who are still in moscow, okay, but how do you manage not to notice at least immigration, what happened to your past in this regard, but nevertheless? the first russian migration, in fact, set its own tasks, to distinguish between current subjects and the current turns of soviet politics and soviet ideology from russian culture and russian philosophy, although it is worth noting that the victory of the soviet union in the second world war contributed to the success of this endeavor to a much greater extent than the efforts of any emigrants, this is somehow significant reinforced, well, yes, well, we’ll probably expect the long term to be a little shorter in... thank you very much, andrei teslya from the kant ikbfu was with us. thank you.
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russia came to emman kant as a geopolitical reality, but other scientists world-famous people came to us themselves, seeing special opportunities for work here. in the first composition of the st. petersburg academy of sciences, only its president lavrenti lavrentievich, blumentrost. was a russian german, the other 14 academicians were foreigners. joseph nicolas de lisle, in our opinion, osip nikolaevich, lomanosov’s teacher, spent the most fruitful period in russia, he... led the observatory in the kunskamera building, carried out meteorological observations, compiled a detailed map of the empire, and in 1740 went on an expedition to siberia, however, when it turned out that he was secretly sending copies of maps of russian territory to france, he was expelled from the country; the brothers daniel and nikolai bernoulli
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headed the department of physiology and mathematics at the academy. after the lecture, daniil practiced medicine and visited himself. took them at home, restored limbs that seemed to be subject to amputation, treated stomach and heart diseases, and colds. at his invitation, another future great scientist, leonhard euler, arrived in russia. swiss mathematician, mechanic and physicist, for throughout his life he wrote about 850 scientific works, most of them in russia. at the st. petersburg academy of sciences he was a professor of physics and headed the department. developed methods for raising the large bell in the moscow kremlin. even when eller lost his sight, he continued to work for the benefit of science, dictated texts, and his student translated them into russian . empress catherine invited the best ophthalmologist of that time for him. euler underwent surgery and saw the light again.
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despite the warning, the scientist strenuously started work and lost his sight for the second time. on the day of his death. the burg academy of sciences was in deep mourning. in 1758, at the height of the seven years' war, when tjönecksberg, now kaliningrad, was occupied by russian troops, the founder of german classical philosophy, immanuel kant, swore allegiance to the russian empress elizabeth petrovna. at the imperial, now russian, university of könecksberg, he lectured on logic and metaphysics, physical geography and general natural science. problems of theoretical and practical mathematics and mechanics, taught fortification and pyrotechnics to russian officers. scientific cooperation is not protected from military-political tensions; the era of almost unrestricted interaction is in the past. in recent news, the european
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nuclear research organization cern, which operates the large hadron collider, is ending its relationship. international experimental thermonuclear reactor, english abbreviation etr. the project, conceived at the end of the previous cold war , continues after the start of the new one. in lunch break, cafe itr looks like a buzzing beehive. project employees cross.
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this €22 billion idea is an attempt to test whether nuclear fusion reactions can be used to produce clean energy. how it works? all you need to do is raise the temperature to 150 million ce, then the nuclei of two isotopes are transformed through fusion into a helium nucleus and free neutrons, resulting in a huge amount of energy and practically no radiation, only that plasma must somehow be contained by a magnetic field. we're probably standing on the threshold a new stage of the offensive.
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roma 9 days of one year for the first time presented to the general public not only the love conflict of lyrical physicists, but experiments with plasma, and if the first takomak was the size of a desk, then today it is completely different. a unique example of international cooperation, the itr project is a huge step for humanity on the long road of research in the field of plasma physics, seven parties, seven project participants, the eu, russia, india, china, korea. the usa and japan many years ago decided to divide the project into parts, or rather packages tasks, and do each their own, but together. the choice of france is not accidental; the french love for the atom is known. 56 nuclear reactors produce 80% of the country's electricity, don't forget about jobs, they are sorely lacking in the french provinces, so the issue with
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environmentalists was resolved, when you see all this with your own eyes, you understand that it is so amazing that a person, yes, it is clear that this is a large number of people, scientists, engineers, because they all gathered together, but that a person, human the thought did... this, now we are already seeing how it is being transformed into the real, into a real installation that will work and will work in the distant future. in the hall where tacomak and tera are assembled, entry is only required with special shoes and overalls, mandatory hard hat goggles, corridors made of antistatic fabric, a powerful ventilation system removes any dust, the most complex machine ever produced by mankind will weigh as much as 3.5 times the eiffel tower . now we are in the very heart of the project. there is steel around us the base of the cryostat, when the tokomak is assembled , it will be closed with a lid on top, there will be an absolute vacuum and the hottest place in the universe. given the scale of the problem
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posed by climate change, it is not surprising that scientists are trying to find a source of energy that does not contain hydrocarbons, but a stable supply of fusion energy is still a long way off, and even it admits that the current project is a delayed response to supply and environmental problems.
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already, it is making a huge contribution to scientific research. for example, superconductors, whose invention was great success, they have been tested here, like many others. and ter has already received his share of criticism for exceeding the budget and falling behind. from the schedule, however, the point of no return has already been passed and taking into account the time spent, the only possible movement is forward, eduard shillin, cadorage, france, especially for international viewing. hoochie coochie man everyone knows, i'm macha and a womanizer, a classic composition of the mid-fifties by the famous bluesman, madi waters. no, even
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"investment rating, economy, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a rosary working in russia and a clear signal is the russian industry capable . replace foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of
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the world? shook himself up, let's go, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, you were in the recent past a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist, you killed me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she is for you digging, valera is in the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, any other way, it will hurt. they say that you people know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. the russian army, in response to shelling in so, carried out 35 group strikes with high-precision weapons
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, including hypersonic dagger missiles, over the course of a week. as well as drones against military enterprises, railway junctions, air defense systems,


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