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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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“you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist in the recent past, and then you quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist, kill for me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you together, you’re a predator , what else, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. the russian army, in response to shelling in the ssu, carried out 35 group strikes with high-precision weapons in a week, in including hypersonic dagger missiles, as well as drones against military enterprises, railway junctions, air defense systems, drone bases and energy facilities in ukraine. amazed by:
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the blade group is made in the uk, all optics are made in italy. this is the m1150 schroeder breakthrough assault armored vehicle, with the help of which the vysu militants tried to break through our defense line in the ovdeevsky direction. a huge seventy-five-ton shredder on the battlefield, as it turned out, is ineffective, firstly, due to its size it is visible from afar, and on top of everything, it’s terrible clumsy. our fighters hit this overseas giant with a kamikaze drone. our unmanned aerial vehicle's optics blinded the crew, after which , due to inexperience, the crew drove into a minefield and an explosion occurred on the rear left side. the crew of the tour vehicle is two people. the driver controls the instruments in a reclining position, and here is the commander’s seat. you won't turn around. engineer.
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the m1150 schreder armored vehicle was developed on the basis of the m1 abrams tank in the seventies of the last century; it came to ukraine about years ago, here is another example of the weapons of the fsu militants, also from overseas and also with history: the m-88 armored vehicle. an american repair and recovery vehicle, created back in the fifties of the last century, this model was produced in the late eighties, weighs 51 tons. and our fighters destroyed it in the ovdeevsky direction with a precise drone strike. the impact hit the side of the left side of the object, the car was abandoned. this armored junk was evacuated from the front line in two stages: engineering reconnaissance and an immediate operation to deliver trophies to the rear. this our soldiers have already dubbed repairs to the evacuation vehicle the grandmother of the american abrams; it was on its basis that these heavy tanks were created. spare parts for such equipment are now scarce. you won’t find it during the day, but our
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specialists assure you they will restore everything on time. its traction force on hard ground is too small to evacuate tanks such as abrams, which weighs 60 tons, leopard, and so on. i think this machine is useless here. it will take no more than 3 days to replace the main components of the units, after which the command the center group will decide the fate of these trophies. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev and alexander savchuk, news! about 100 thousand ukrainians may be hiding from mobilization in poland, the kiev ambassador said. the zelensky regime hopes that warsaw will send the fugitives home, because it is becoming increasingly difficult to patch up the holes on the ukrainian armed forces front, and the losses are too great. about the search for cannon fodder, natalya solovyova. raids on the streets, in courtyards, public transport, mobilization in ukraine, like a witch hunt, employees tsk break into apartment buildings. the
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kiev police are now looking for about 500 draft dodgers, in the regions the numbers are several times higher, in the poltava region they cannot find 3,000 persons liable for military service, in the ivano-frankivsk region. without a leg they can take it, they say, without an arm, children, he says, will wait, you go, war and fight. according to data officially announced in the verkhovna rada, there are about 1 million draft dodgers in ukraine, unofficially people who ignore
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military duties several times more. thousands of men are willing to risk their lives to escape the country, but even if the escape is successful, there is no guarantee that the draft dodger will not be forcibly returned to his homeland. there is an urgent need for recruits who could be sent to defend ukraine, representatives of the ukrainian authorities often talk about this, so poland is ready to help them with this. according to kiev authorities, in poland alone , several tens of thousands of men of military age may be hiding from mobilization. warsaw is even ready to organize buses to transport them. having heard this news, the ukrainians began to storm the consulate and embassy to have time to obtain the necessary documents.
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this is a service, and not the responsibility of the state to do this. the state stops this service due to the fact that certain citizens have stopped their duties to the state. according to the new york times, this situation is a consequence of washington’s pressure on kiev; ukraine’s western suzerain demands proof that it has people to continue the war. as u.s. officials pressed lawmakers in washington to provide more military aid to ukraine, they also insisted that the government in kiev had solved the problems with mobilization, but the effect turned out to be the opposite, the attempts of the kiev regime to radicalize the struggle for the unity of the nation only led to stiff resistance of people to the military narrative, ukrainians are not ready to pay with their lives in exchange for an illusory promise, so moreover, they promise mountains of gold
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only in case of victory; the authorities themselves hardly believe in it. natalia slovyova and natalia goncharova. news. inflation in russia is gradually slowing down. industry shows strong growth, russian enterprises have every opportunity to occupy their market, displacing imports, vladimir putin emphasized this; the president held a meeting on economic issues via videoconference; nika yankovaya will tell you what else was in the spotlight. russia's gdp growth at the end of 24 may add 3%; the real current state of the economy allows us to improve forecasts for its development, president vladimir putin said. meeting on economic issues, the data from the beginning of the year turned out to be higher than the forecasts of the government, the bank of russia, and some experts. in january-february, russia's gdp increased by 6% in annual terms.
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the so-called calendar factor certainly had an impact here, specifically the leap year, additional working days, but even if... this factor is cleaned up, removed, the dynamics are still good. higher rates are demonstrated by the manufacturing industry dynamics in january + 7.5%, in february - 13.5%. against this background, inflation is gradually slowing down, as well as, what is especially important, inflation expectations, including among citizens. let me remind you, according to the head of the central bank elvira nabiulina, previously, the regulator estimated stable inflation in the country at 6-7%. now most indicators say. and this is noticeably higher than in january, when the increase was 4.6%. now, according to the president, special attention should be paid to the domestic market, and imports
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should be squeezed out due to market competition. increasing our own production, developing the internal national market, this is what we call the economy. investments in strengthening the personnel base, industrial and social spheres at all levels of vocational education. u people from different regions should have equal opportunities,” the president emphasized. it is important to take everything into account. the state of the so-called infrastructure, childhood, that is , kindergartens, schools, clubs, sections, recreation camps, the development of healthcare systems, culture, environmental well-being of settlements, conditions for the self-realization of young people and launching entrepreneurial ventures are also important. initiatives, at the same time, when planning the federal budget in the next 6 years, it is necessary to maintain
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a conservative approach. progressive the development of our economy has a positive impact on the federal budget; its revenues significantly exceed last year’s levels. thus, in the first quarter, non-oil and gas revenues increased by 43%. but in general , federal budget revenues increased by more than one and a half times over 3 months. focus on those areas that give the maximum effect for the quality of life of people, the well-being of russian families, for
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the development of territories, regions, the social sphere and infrastructure. in southeastern turkey, an off-duty police officer opened fire at the authorities. the conflict occurred in the city of adeyman. first, the policeman argued with the chief of the station, the head of the public safety department. well, then i grabbed my service pistol and opened it. european parliament, elections in june, from germany, 35 parties are going to participate in them, what the leaders are focusing on, found out ekaterina radaeva, one of the leaders of the alternative for...
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and even scholz does not dare to go too far in supporting kiev. the chancellor once again stated that berlin is not going to send taurus missiles and its soldiers to ukraine. ekaterina radaeva, news. in germany, thousands of muslims rallied in the center of hamburg. the protest, permitted by the authorities, was directed against islamophia and anti-islamic reporting on television. press, the police did not interfere in what was happening. in moscow, clients of the beribit cryptocurrency exchange have been besieging the company’s office for several days, trying to return the money; some invested 20 million rubles there, but in the end they received chocolates. alexandra perfeleva is monitoring the situation. every minute
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, beribit comes to the office of the so-called crypto exchange more and more people. now there are about 40 people here. the employees promised to bring the money in cash by four o’clock, people are standing for a day, how long have you been for more than a day, i said, more than a day, like many people here, a day, then a few more hours later a new message in the telegram channel: the money will be returned to only 18 investors , but the deadlines are constantly being postponed. there was just an official announcement from the beribit exchange that the money will be issued today at 18:00 and 18, before that they said at 4, yes, it has now been postponed. i've been in the office for over a day now, he has more than 5.5 million rubles in his account on the beribit crypto exchange. says that if they left at night, the office would simply be closed. one day i simply topped up the exchange, sent a transaction, and simply, well, the money didn’t arrive. in fact, this is such an ordinary situation that is repeated on exchanges such as grantex and so on, just at the moment,
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specifically about this exchange they started writing about the fact that there was a scam and so on and so on. perhaps because of all this hype, what happened happened , the funds were frozen in the accounts and have not been available for withdrawal for several days; according to preliminary information, this is about 400 million rubles. not only me, my friends and i have a total of 5 million there. how long have you been keeping your money in this particular crypto exchange? we do not store, we just use this exchange, since this exchange is convenient and you can top up at any time , buy cryptocurrency and bring it.
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in principle, it is not very clear what they are auditing, on what basis, who is conducting the audit, can we consider that this is some kind of deception scheme, maybe, maybe we we will see a story similar to what happened with the vex exchange, in 2018, it closed and left its clients without payments; some investors still got their money back, although only 50% of the investment.
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wrote a statement to the prosecutor's office. the applicants reported that they were clients of organizations that provide services for buying and selling cryptocurrency and lost the funds invested in the exchange. their personal accounts opened on the exchange are blocked, they are deprived of the opportunity to use their funds on their balance sheet. also in in march, beribit's offices were searched; there was information that it was in connection with the case of financing terrorists who attacked crocus city hall. the company itself denied everything, stated that no violations were found, but did not indicate the time frame within which it would return the money. alexandra perfileva, sergey velichko and ivan poevsky, conduct. the ldpr will create its own digital ecosystem. this was stated by party leader leonid slutsky at the all-russian meeting of the liberal democrats.
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we summed up the results of 35 years of work and presented a development strategy. about the plans of varvara nivskaya. develop human capital, overcome socio-economic inequality, overcome the demographic crisis, improve the quality of the environment, these are not just goals, but the main pillars of the ideological platform of the liberal democrats. the ldpr, the first party in russia, which today begins a serious conversation about the future of the country, to move away from templates and not think in five-year terms, like... an era, it’s time to formulate long-term plans for the development of russia, we need to show it to the people, our voters, those who believe in the ldpr what will their appearance look like...
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ecosystem and will become, as i said, the first digital party in russia. as part of our digital ecosystem, we will create, in essence, a single, seamless environment without dividing lines, where we ourselves, or with the help of partners, will be able to meet the needs of our constituents. reduce the distance, become even closer to the voter, provide assistance to everyone. from the first day of the special military operation , the ldpr has been supporting the families of the svo participants. and the fighters themselves behind the ribbon. all these postulates are preserved in the party’s election campaign within the framework of the upcoming electoral cycle. 14 in september, russian regions will elect deputies
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to the city dumas of the legislative assembly, as well as to municipalities. the party is experienced, the first party in russia, and, accordingly, there should be no difficulties, we know everything, we can do everything. depending on the regions , the election campaign will be structured; accordingly, it is at the discretion of the regions, all their pain points.
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revealed the secret of the so-called curse of pharaoh tutankhamun. about 20 archaeologists died after opening a tomb in egypt 100 years ago, the daily mail reported. managed to find out the cause of their death. this is radiation poisoning. new research has shown that the pyramid's builders placed toxic rock containing uranium in a sealed burial chamber and created radioactive gas. a team of russian schoolchildren, gold and silver medalists of the international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry, returned to moscow. this year the competition took place in shinzhen, china. the winners
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were met by our correspondent, maria valieva. five gold five silver medals. based on the results, none of the russian schoolchildren the international medeleev olympics was not left without a reward. our team of young chemists has once again confirmed its right to be considered. the best in the world, at sheremetyevo airport the winners and prize-winners are met by relatives, as well as dozens of journalists. of course, after a long flight, the guys were tired, but they were still overwhelmed with emotions. are you the only girl? yes, being a gold medalist on the team and having all the gold medals in general, it was hard, but it turned out well in the end. the olympics are very interesting, it was nice.
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experimental, our guys successfully passed all tests. we had a rather interesting practical tour, i especially liked the first task, we studied the denaturation of proteins depending on different reagents and built different calibration graphs based on the optical density of absorbed solutions. there were a couple of interesting problems on a topic that hadn’t really been encountered before, superconductors, interesting structures, yes, so there were a couple of pleasant moments to get something going. to study new things, to emphasize knowledge, the site for the olympics was not chosen in chinese shenjen by chance, here is the first joint russian -chinese university, which was established in
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2014. the olympiad brought together a record number of participants, more than 200 schoolchildren and mentors from almost 30 countries, people met there from tajikistan and brazil, even from syria. everyone is especially nice guys, i met many people from vietnam, from china, from uzbekistan, from belarus. the mendeleev olympiad is one of the two largest and most prestigious chemistry tournaments for schoolchildren in the world; its international status is recognized by unesco. maria valieva, viktor denisov, artyom ryzhikov and anna tarasenko, lead.
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the women's final matches have ended at the european boxing championships in belgrade. russia. the morning before the final fights at the european boxing championships begins with the weighing ceremony, the opportunity to look into the opponent’s eyes to show oneself in all its glory, a curious pigeon flew into the arena, the bird of the world is taking a noticeable risk, the owner here loves the cat, she immediately found a common language with her, yulia chumgalakova , this ljubica is perhaps the most famous sporting cat in serbia. "basketball club mascot cervena is a star and has been living here in the arena for 15 years, does not miss a single match of his favorite team, well, boxing is also not indifferent to the stands to see how our girls fight, in ten of the twelve women's finals of the european boxing championship , russians are the first the ring rises yulia chumgalakova, morning tenderness in her hands, as if it had never happened, she rains down a hail
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of blows on her opponent, confidently wins gold." for me , it’s like there is a responsibility that i stand for my country with the flag, with the anthem, this is actually very cool, so i tried to carry out all the fights very well, with dignity, to show that russia has the strongest boxers, no matter how no one wants to admit it, the gin of russia in boxing sounds in honor of the winner, thanks to the decision of the iba, our and belarusian athletes perform without restrictions under their own flag, at some point the music disappears, the champion finishes the acapella with tears in her eyes. the fatherland, our free, centuries-old union of fraternal peoples, you weren’t confused by what you were talking about, no, i was already there, i knew that something this will happen no matter what, well, because at the world championships they played something else rather than the anthem, that’s why. it’s
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okay too, we all sang, everything is fine. in belgrade, the russian anthem is played twice more. darima sandakova breaks the flow of five consecutive silver medals with her gold performance. we watched how our girls performed in the warm-up area; we were very worried and sick. when you saw that he was losing, it was very offensive, but the jitters turned into anger, into great anger, it accumulated, here you go, the result clearly won, of course, i want our anthem to sound, our flag to be raised, so for me it was.
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us home in russia, in my hometown of sevastopol. three golds, seven silver medals and a record 10 finals. triumphant performance of the russian women's boxing team at the european championships. on sunday , russians will box in the men's finals in nine weight categories for gold. staz ridikultsev, ivan lavrikov, umar tuskaev, news from belgrade, serbia. are you sure that you chose me yourself, or listened to a fashion blogger on bigfest is definitely your choice, a double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period.


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