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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the russian army responds to shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. in a week, there were 35 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including hypersonic dagger missiles, as well as drones against military enterprises, railway junctions, air defense systems, drone bases and energy facilities in ukraine. the deployment points of nationalist mercenaries were hit. novomikhailovka and bogdanovka were liberated. during this time, zelensky’s formation lost about 8,500 more soldiers and mercenary officers. two mig-29 fighters were destroyed. attack aircraft 125,
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air defense forces shot down almost 1,700 drones, eliminated 109 self-propelled guns, howitzers and other guns, as well as six tanks and 53 other armored vehicles. the legend that the abrams are invincible has also been dispelled. alexander katsuma will tell you about the clumsiness of these heavyweights. under escort, these brothers- in-arms of the vaunted american abrams returned to the front line. soldiers of the group's repair units.
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firstly, due to its size, it is visible from afar, and on top of that, it is terribly clumsy. our fighters hit this overseas giant with a kamikaze drone. hit by our unmanned aerial vehicle the device's optics blinded the crew, after which , due to inexperience, the crew drove into a minefield and an explosion occurred on the rear left side. the crew of an assault vehicle and two people. the driver operates the instruments in a reclining position. and here is the place of the commander, you can’t turn around, the m1150 schroeder engineering armored vehicle was developed on the basis of the m1 abrams tank in the seventies of the last century, it came to ukraine about a year ago, here is another example of the weapons of the ukrainian armed forces militants, also from overseas and also with history: an armored vehicle m-88. american repair and recovery vehicle, created back in the fifties of the past.
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nowadays , you won’t find such equipment, as they say, in the wild, but our specialists assure that they will restore everything on time. its traction force on hard ground is too small to evacuate tanks such as abramс, which weighs 60 tons, leopard, and so on. i think this machine is useless here. it will take no more than 3 days to replace the main components and assemblies, after which the command of the center group will make a decision.
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ivanova found out that there are already similar stories some. with a strong blow, he saved the life of not only himself, but his colleague. combat mission in the village of kola dpr. a group of our military was attacked. one of the fighters was wounded, private khamatov returned after him, it was he who saw the drone kamikaze swung the first thing that came to hand, a duffel bag, reportedly possibly with potatoes. explosion, clouds of smoke, flames, the drone was destroyed, the fighters remained alive, escaped with only minor injuries, luck, shooting down, of course, an fpv drone with a sack of potatoes, well, not an easy task, in this case, well, you have to understand. what is fpv
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dronn is an extremely small story, that is , usually it is 10 inches, that is, it is 25 cm, here this determination, luck , dexterity coincided, well, of course, a person wants to live, in an attempt to survive a person. a person is capable of making very non-standard solutions, in no case should this be perceived as a panacea for drones; self-loading carbines, well, guns, are much more effective. the hero of our time and the video, private khamatov, originally from uzbekistan, distinguished himself not only for his strength of spirit, but also for his fearlessness, this was appreciated by the russians, who, although not personally they know the fighter, he has not yet appeared somewhere on the internet, but dozens of russians thank him, write poems about him, or depict a moment of heroism, but such cases...
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here is another one of the commanders of our unit, who recently dodged, i, of course, had to react with lightning speed, swerved to the right, and the amphidron landed nearby, the personnel, thank god, turned out to be alive and well, and this is the ugledar direction, our soldiers heard an intensifying, buzzing sound, did not hide, went on the attack, do not be afraid, i i’m shooting, come on, come on, come on, the machine gun is clearly aimed at the target, there are enough videos like this, for example, russian soldiers are driving across the field , a drone hovered above them, kalashnikov entered, this is the result. the kamikaze racing drone
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accelerates to 60 km/h, at such a speed no one would have shot it down with improvised means, circumstances helped, even a stick and a drone... this is what lets them down, because the soldier nearby, he can at least take aim, aim, he can at least take a stick, hit, then the drone flies quickly, you you can’t do anything to him anymore, against this background, the meme of how a kiev woman shot down a drone with a jar of cucumbers, which later turned out to be an old one with tomatoes, even looks more
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realistic, however, then the ukrainian media never showed the woman herself, nor the jar, nor the drone , a fairy tale that our soldiers made into reality and a feat. anastasia ivanova. lead: are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in application or website. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. hello, this is the film industry, ivan kudryavtsev is with you, we recorded this episode in our
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festival studio, located on the central site of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival at the october film center. the miff has come to an end, today we will tell you about its results. key events, let's look at the latest in film distribution and the success of the film 100 years ago, but first the miff and its laureates. winner of the main prize of the forty-sixth miff golden saint george became miguel salgada. his film shame is about two friends who are kidnapped by bandits and forced to fight to the death. a terrible crime and inevitable punishment, debilitating feelings of guilt and uncompromising cruelty. the author... weaves all this into the film, asking the viewer the question: what makes a person human? shame was also awarded the silver saint george for best actor and the russian film critics jury prize for a shining example of a professional view on the revival of the human spirit. art as such
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can awaken some changes within us to become better people. for the best director , azizi sidik received the silver saint george award for the hit. the hero of her feature-length debut is breathing. yes, bakha, who dreams of taking revenge on his father for the murder of his mother, and the opportunity presents itself, because the father, having served his sentence, is released from prison, the story captivated the guests of the festival, the film also received the audience prize. sympathy. i always wanted to create a story that would tell about the relationship between a father and son, and this theme hooked me. best actress awards marika beikirch, the leading actress in the film silky enders schlimazzle, was honored. her heroine is trying to understand herself through the prism of an investigation into the events of the second world war. the special jury prize went to bangladesh. the film nirvana talks about inner entities that sooner or later will break out of a person and reveal him completely. asif islam, a supporter of non-standard solutions in
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cinema. nothing could be better than this award. i am very happy. over eight busy festival days, the miff was visited by 39. spectators. the international competition featured 10 films from 11 countries, including serbia, romania, russia and turkey. the chairman of the jury this year was taken by icelandic director friedrich thor fridriksson. i was fascinated by the jury member of the main competition, i was just interested, i wanted to watch all the films that i couldn’t see in iceland, i just love watching movies. i really respect the people who came, i am very grateful, i think that they are doing a very worthy, artistic human act. winner of the russian premieres competition, yulia trofimova and her drama “liar”. the plot is based on...
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there and i defended you, you need to listen to your voice and not listen to the majority, try to understand what exactly you want, and move on your own path. the national competition russian premieres was held for the third time this year, the jury's audience saw seven works by experienced filmmakers and beginning authors, with a focus on debutants, an appeal to national flavor and current social issues, masters. experimented with genres and approaches to film language. the competition jury was headed by producer
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alexander akopov. the general desire of cinematographer audiences to see a movie that they will like, that they will want to watch from beginning to end, does not stop. the best short film was awarded to the film by the partners of the spanish experimental director josse maria flores, about a young couple caught in a space-time gap, and the best documentary film by ladi iranian sema kalantari. the plot centers on the famous artist ali akbar sadigi. his children, together with the director, decide to comprehend the mysterious world works with which sadigi was accustomed to express his emotions and dreams. we believe that while working on this film, the author discovered a new cinematic language. the author of the serial films liquidation, tikhidon and the historical drama righteous sergei ursulyak was awarded an honorary award for his contribution to world cinema. we need to try, so to speak, to forget as quickly as possible. so back to what i am, so to speak, a person
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who tries to do something well with all his might. the crime festival opened drama open sky, about brothers and sister who set out to find the culprit behind the death of their father. its authors are the children of the famous mexican filmmaker guillem oriaga, marianna and santiaga oriaga. the forty-sixth miff ended with the continuation of the story about an irreconcilable and disruptive investigator. st. petersburg mayer thunder game. one of the most anticipated films of spring will be released on may 23. the main roles were played by tikhan zhiznevsky and lyubov aksyonova, directed by oleg trofim. it was all about dimon and me, with our kin, but i see that i was just carrying a passenger, i just dropped it, this whole bed comes flying over, i just start throwing it around. may be enough? well, i say, well, that's enough, well, the movie moyer loud doctor was well. strichen is absolutely loved all over the world, from uruguay to japan in the middle east, in
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russia, of course, and i am very glad that we have the opportunity to continue making this movie. in the documentary film program free thought, the world premiere of dmitry and anna shpelinok's film fire fox took place. the story of a little fox named wind growing up filmed in kamchatka for 26 months. the film will appear on big screens on may 18. this is my first winter. about which dad warned, winter, it’s beautiful, and also hungry, if you don’t have supplies, it won’t be easy for you, i don’t have supplies, but i’m the wind, the blood of the strongest and bravest fox flows in me, no winter is scary for me, it’s a story that took place in the wild, where man, rather than having the power to intervene, does not have the power to dictate to the hero how to behave, he can only contemplate from the outside, in a non-competitive
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section special screenings, viewers saw the film adaptation of the novel by alexander yuk, about modern... haromeu and juliet 4/4. the film was directed by the famous russian filmmaker, screenwriter and producer evgenia terdatova. and the main roles were played by pyotr bezmenov and anastasia ermoshina. why did we take this girl? we don’t have space, because our parents really asked. all parents ask very much. yes. and these, i hope, will help us with equipment for the computer science classroom. it's clear. in terms of? what do you understand? everything is clear, i can go to class. you can go to lesson. thank you. what? who was the call for? another highlight of the section, special screenings, post-war drama based on
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true events, look at me. the main character, alexandra ursulyak, trying to avoid arrest, sells all her property. takes four children and sets off in a freight train from sverdlovsk to moscow. masters of russian cinema worked on the film. the script was written by andrei konchalovsky, the film was directed by vladimir gramatikov. i think that many directors want to film some fragment or fragment from their childhood. some kind of memory, because amarkort philline haunted us all. here. but returning to childhood is a difficult thing. and so... there was a real story about this journey. traditionally , a business platform operated as part of the festival; an important topic for discussion was support for regional cinema, the creation of clusters for training aspiring authors and promoting debut films. also on the business platform , the sixteenth moscow pitching of debutants took place, as a result of which the winners entered into an agreement with production companies and
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online platforms, managed the miff business platform, deputy executive director of the fund. 40 years have passed since the release of guests from the future, the previous film adaptation of the story by soviet science fiction writer kir bulychev, a lot has changed since then, schoolchildren no longer wear pioneer ties, do not return kefir bottles, and oatmeal is used only
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as a fashion accessory, that's why the filmmakers took a risky, but unique approach. russian science fiction, behind him are such projects as the attraction of the invasion of fedor bondarchuk's companion yegor abramenok, in which he acted as a co-producer, apparently, thanks to this experience, the ideal formula for the future film was developed, an abundance of action, impressive graphics, a fascinating storyline, bright antagonists , a very correct good message that can touch the heart of even
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the most inveterate skeptic , and where are the flying cars, like they are? “good evening, young gentleman, what are you
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doing to me, i’m him, this is the situation. yes, this is the situation, nikolai, it’s not that i’m in a hurry, but these are pirates, yes, these are pirates, i never liked robots, attention, intrusions, strangers in sector 32. it was difficult to accept at all, because when i entered gitis, i did not think that something like this would happen at all, i didn’t even think that i would act in films, i think, well, i will act in the theater, i want to engage in this profession, that is, i jumped as far as possible over my head. 100 years ago is an example of how an original unique product is born from an attempt to rethink a classic work,
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the original text successfully combines the author's discoveries. this is a serious, exciting family fantasy that teaches you to take care of your friends, your loved ones, the planet on which we all live. in general, i really love kiluchov, this is my favorite writer from childhood, this is already the third version of this. read and strive for your dreams. the arctic international film festival golden raven, which takes place in chukotka,
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is a significant event in the russian film calendar. the winner, traditionally determined by the audience, was the film by yakut author mikhail lukachevsky, where the siberian cranes dance. in the story, the father convinces his son that his mother turned into a white crane after her death. now the little main character dreams of meeting her and seeing the rare dance of these unusual birds. the jury, headed by an indian producer and the best film according to professional director vivik agrawal, won the tragicomedy of adilkhan irjanov, the training of ademoka, and the young artist is a migrant who dreams of getting an education and a strange philosophy teacher who decides to help her. ilya zheltyakov was awarded for the best director's work. his documentary film the last motor ship takes viewers on a journey under... and the award for best script went to china to the author of the drama snow leopard, pema tseden. a large
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number of festival news is not a reason to forget about box office news. today, in the field of view of the cinema industry, the military science-fiction drama blindage, an adventure film with a reference to the elusive suvorovets 1944 and the immortal comedy of leonid gaidai, the diamond arm, which is being released in theaters for the first time since... the ninth year cinemas, in a restored version, an excellent reason to go to the cinema with children to show them the film that their parents and grandparents grew up with, and not to show it from a phone or on tv, but on a big screen, so that they see it through the eyes of the first viewers, oh, it’s okay, there’s air coming from there, let’s go.
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friends have to make a choice: run back to their comfortable future or stay in the trenches, i'll stay with them, you'll die, do you understand that? they understand it too, but they don’t run! main story engine of the dugout is not new, the technique of transferring our contemporaries to the times of the great patriotic war was used in the projects we from the future, fog, frontier and others, nevertheless, the producers, among whom are successful screenwriters... who made a name for themselves at the police felling and the dyatlov pass, assure , that they managed to find a new psychological perspective on this story, plus their film is much more spectacular than
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the previous ones, yes...
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the fund for cultural initiatives, according to the producers of the project, the main character did not have a real prototype, thirteen years old vovka kulyakov, who found the strength to deal with the raiders, is a collective image created on the basis of literary material of that period. the film also feels the influence of soviet adventure films for children, including the elusive avengers of edmund kiosayan, in which teenage characters also try to fight back against adult bandits. burgen is lusty, damn it, sometimes old, damn it. damn it, damn it! these cretins insisted that he was unconscious, which means this mug doesn’t know anything. great! soviet lovers comedy classics are in for a real treat in cinemas. leonid gaidai's masterpiece the diamond hand is released into wide release. the film, shot on film, was restored frame by frame and transferred to 4k format by specialists from the mosfilm laboratory. mommy!
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golden collection in cinema. viewers have already seen on the big screen shirley myrli, pokrovsk gate assu, and the latter became the highest -grossing soviet re-release after the pandemic release, collecting 11 million rubles in 2022. you watched the cinema industry, ivan kudryavtsev was with you. moscow international film festival. towards the end, but the movie continues, about new films, faces and events in exactly a week on our air, see you at the cinema, the neural network saw in the scientist hydrologist alexander tsvetkov, a suspect in a series of bloody crimes, he was charged with four murders twenty years ago, was done a huge amount of work,
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photographs of that time were obtained. you know that you are not guilty of anything, but they are trying in every possible way to convince you otherwise. the researcher will make him a new chekatil, so he will said. absurd, absurd theater. neurosen can detect a person's face at 99.8. svetkov is that same person. an artificial intelligence error almost ruined the scientist’s fate. naturally, we wrote the president. artificial intelligence has begun to be used in the investigation of crimes, especially in past years. if there are any glitches. analyze them and draw a conclusion: who actually committed the brutal murders of which alexander tsvetkov was accused? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. gerring addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread.
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sour cream apples, take it all, take it. the ost master plan did not leave the slightest doubt: what did they want to do with us? having exhausted all attempts to bring our western colleagues to the negotiating table and sign something anti-hitland, we realized that we , alone, must ensure our own security. fighting in the city is not chaos, fighting in the city is the highest military art, and even psychological little things were thought out, the bet was that this would happen. counteroffensive, the very miracle that will save germany, took aim and i fired the first shot under the window, more than they were afraid of running into a machine-gun fire, they would no longer be able to escape from it, our corps left the very south of berlin, i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, like this.


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