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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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without discussion, and now about the progress of the special military operation, about the work of our artillerymen in the southern donetsk direction , the crew of the multiple rocket launcher, the hurricane destroyed the command post of the ukrainian armed forces. the soldiers go out on missions, including at night, having received the coordinates of ukrainian militants from reconnaissance, the crew moved to a firing position and struck. high-explosive fragmentation shells. the target was successfully hit, and this was recorded by drone operators. another large batch of uaz cars. almost 700 vehicles were sent to the front line for special forces soldiers military operation. they are needed, including by military doctors. sanitary transport is one of the main goals for the armed forces of ukraine. the purchase of uaz vehicles was organized by the ministry of industry and trade on behalf of vladimir putin. the government has allocated a billion rubles. and the popular front helped provide additional equipment. we continue
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to fulfill the task set by the president to supply a vehicle for the needs of the northern military district. today we are delivering another batch through the united people's front, this is a total of about 700 cars, this is 400.80 uaz, they are in great demand, first of all, they are carrying out a task of a purely humanitarian nature, i would like to thank our fighters who are fulfilling their very important mission, at sheremitiev airport we met the winners of the international chemistry olympiad, which took place in china, our team won 10 medals, half of which...
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gold and talked to the winners my colleague maria valieva. five gold and five silver medals; none of the russian schoolchildren were left without an award at the end of the international medeleev olympiad. our team of young chemists has once again confirmed its right to be considered the best in the world. at sheremetyevo airport, the winners and runners-up are met by relatives, as well as dozens of journalists. of course, after a long flight.
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medal with the name of valery lunin, i am very proud that i could receive an award for it. i am very proud that i can wear it. there are three rounds in total at the olympics, two practical and one experimental. our guys successfully passed all the tests. we had a rather interesting practical tour, i especially liked the first task, we studied the denaturation of proteins, depending. from different reagents and built various calibration graphs based on the optical density of absorbed solutions, there were a couple of interesting problems, on some topics that had not been particularly encountered before, superconductors, interesting structures, yes, so there were a couple of pleasant moments to learn something new , emphasize knowledge, it was not by chance that the site for the olympiad was chosen in chinese shenjen, here is the first joint russian-chinese university, which...
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the olympiad gathered a record number of participants, more than 200 schoolchildren mentors from almost 30 countries. i met people from tajikistan and brazil there. even from syria, especially, all good guys, i met many people from vietnam, from china, from uzbekistan, from belarus. the mendeleev olympiad is one of the two largest and most prestigious chemistry tournaments for schoolchildren in the world; its international status is recognized by unesco. maria valieva, victor denisov, artyom ryzhikov and anna tarasenko. news. cooperation between russian and thai museums, minister.
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the hamas movement published a video of israeli hostages, the times of israel reported. the press also clarified that the detainees have american citizenship. the video shows two civilians who were kidnapped in early october last year. during this period , a new palestinian-israeli conflict began. filming dates have not been announced. however, one of the detainees says that... he has been in captivity for about 200 days. citizens turn to their relatives and express hope that a deal on the exchange of prisoners will be concluded soon. according to recent media statements, palestine is already is studying a proposal for a ceasefire for 6 weeks. german authorities are hindering the investigation
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of sabotage on the nord streams. this statement was made by the member of the welfare sector, stefan kurte, to the coalition. there is no doubt that the main suspects are the us, but the government. rg is keeping this information silent, he emphasized. earlier, the german ministry of defense refused to respond to china’s call to investigate the explosions on the nord streams. the investigation is already being conducted by the federal prosecutor general, as noted in the department. essentially the same moscow also receives replies, in response to numerous requests from our experts, to join the investigation. pro-palestinian activists go on strike outside the hilton hotel in washington. and at this time there is a dinner party with the participation of the us president and journalists. moreover, students are joined by professors. a wave of protests has gripped american universities across the country. the media reported that about 700 demonstrators were detained, due to security reasons in the white house they want to limit the speech of joe biden and kamala haris at graduation
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events. this was previously reported by a local tv channel. and then the investigation by eduard petrov about how a scientist from the yaroslavl region. i almost became a victim of artificial intelligence and ended up in jail for murder. see this after the ad. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, you give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any
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artificial intelligence error. the neural network saw a scientist hydrologist from the yaroslavl region, alexander tsvetkov, suspected of a series of bloody crimes. hello, at studio eduard petrov. look today, only a few of us can remember where we were 20-25 years ago. they took a man and cast out the suspicions that fell on him. flowers, these are simply incompatible things, absurdity, the theater
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is absurd, they killed them, they came up, there was a fire, too, in my opinion, this person was identified, all they have is the testimony of artificial intelligence, also a criminal, you go every time court and you think, well, that’s it, now the judge will sort it out, they’ll let me go there, neurosen can determine it at 99.8, if there are any glitches, we need to analyze them, draw appropriate conclusions, and hug them. wife, children, stone from the soul. in february 2023 , alexander tsvetkov, an employee of the institute of inland water biology of the russian academy of sciences, was detained at the capital’s domodedovo airport. he was charged with four murders twenty years ago and sent to pre-trial detention. there seemed to be evidence. neroset compared the sketch of the supposed one. criminal and a portrait of a scientist and rendered a verdict: this is the same person, but with
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an accuracy of 55%. the hydrologist spent almost a year he fought for his good name behind bars all this time, and in the end he was freed. how an artificial intelligence error almost broke the fate of a scientist, who actually committed the brutal murders of which alexander tsvetkov was accused and... what plans for the future does the hydrologist make now? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. creating an identikit of a criminal is a complex procedure. vkts mia of russia. there are professionals who, based on the descriptions of eyewitnesses, can create an accurate
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portrait of a lawbreaker. in recent years in new technologies have come to the aid of operational investigation teams. now artificial intelligence has taken on the creation of an identikit based on various data. december 4th. 2023 - this is footage of a broadcast of a meeting of the council for the development of civil society and human rights, which is annually held by the president of russia via videoconference. after important statements by the head of state, council members begin to discuss a wide range of issues, and journalist eva merkacheva takes the floor. today, artificial intelligence has begun to be used in crime investigation, especially.
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tsvetkova and artificial intelligence revealed that it was an identikit of the killer compiled in 2003, that is, 20 years ago. women are 55% the same as him, he was detained at the airport after the expedition, and the most interesting thing is that he had everything documented precisely because he is a scientific hydrologist, with him in those days when they committed... murders in moscow there were professors , doctors of science, including the director of the institute of the russian academy of sciences, they are surprised, they say how the investigation doesn’t believe us, we say, here we show photographs, that we show the results of laboratory research there, we testify that he was with us many kilometers away, but the investigation has been keeping the scientist in pre-trial detention for almost a year, all they have is the testimony of artificial
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intelligence, also a criminal, who can actually kill anyone point with your finger, the story of a scientist hydrologist from the yaroslavl region. artificial intelligence is a complex topic and the field of big data, it works very effectively in many areas, if there are any failures, they need to be analyzed draw conclusions. employees of the general prosecutor's office of russia carefully analyzed tsvetkov's case and within a few days the zamoskvaretsky district court of the capital changed the preventive measure for the scientist. here is a video recording of that very meeting. tsvetkova is taken out of the glass box and he is already free.
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stone from the soul. a few more months. will remain in the status of an accused, and then the case will be closed and the moscow prosecutor’s office will officially apologize to the researcher, but first things first. alexander and marina tsvetkova have been married for 20 years, lived all their lives in the quiet village of borok, in the yaroslavl region, both
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researchers, a young attractive girl. he himself organized it at a local institute and noticed during a scientific conference on the biology of inland waters. three daughters were born in the marriage, in the anniversary year for the family, the couple was separated in 2023. marina remained in the apartment, and alexander went to the pre-trial detention center, the scientist was accused of committing abuses. murders twenty years ago, after his release, our film crew went to varok, the flower family for a long time i was thinking about whether to communicate with journalists or not, remember, i was filming when you were released from the courtroom, you don’t remember, you probably
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didn’t have time for that, but not before that, of course, but i remember, as a result of long negotiations. empty, despite all the evidence, despite the testimony of witnesses.
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or in general some kind of, i don’t know, absurdity, absurd theater. the news of the arrest of the yaroslavl hydrologist quickly spread throughout the scientific world of russia. scientists were perplexed, how could this even happen? my hair stood up like smoke, what is it, they flew in, who, who could do this
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foresee? they took a person and dragged him out, and it was unclear why, for what, how? well, you know, when i found out what he was suspected of, i honestly called the garage and said that... they were holding him for a while, because, well, you know, the suspicions that fell on him and the flowers are, well, just incompatible things, here i am, well, how could i be completely confident that now they will quickly sort it out, we will live together with him, share cabins, to understand this confusing story, fast forward to 20 years ago, on august 2, 2002, a fifty-four-year-old a resident of a small village of a settlement near moscow
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, vyacheslav petrov, received guests, the feast dragged on until dark, and, as usual, word for word, mutual insults began. as a result, one of the friends attacked the owner of the house and stabbed him several times, who died. to hide traces of the crime, the drinking companions dismembered the body of the unfortunate man and burned the house. the local watchmen remember this terrible story, they killed and set it on fire, in my opinion there was also a fire, that is, the house was set on fire, young man, you know, well, if it’s a murder, then it’s supposed to be set on fire, it’s through week, august 10, 2002. the well-known ones dealt with a pensioner in a house on kolominskoye shosse in moscow, and then with two women, a mother and daughter, in an apartment on
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yaroslavskoye shosse. each time the raiders' loot was money and jewelry. we were unable to find photographs of the victims; their close relatives are not alive. in 2003 , during a robbery, operatives detained a certain citizen. sidrova, he said that his accomplice andrei aleshin committed four murders together with another person. sidorov i didn’t see the counterfeiter, and lyoshin was interrogated, but sidorov’s testimony was not enough, and the man was released. they returned to andrei aleshin during the investigation of crimes of past years. he was born in 1982, a repeat offender with experience behind him . several walkers, already at the first interrogations the repeat offender confessed to all the crimes, in addition he spoke about the counterfeiter, his name was supposedly alexander, but
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more often he was addressed by the nickname chuvash, but alyosha could not name either his last name or place of residence, he only remembered that they often they met on the square of three train stations in moscow, where they sang alcohol together and chose the next victim. criminal. sent to forensic experts, who , based on the description of the detainee, drew up an approximate portrait of the counterfeiter, the sketch was sent to all police departments, then artificial intelligence came into play, we didn’t have to wait long, in february 2023... the facial recognition system worked, one of the passengers at the krasnoyarsk airport turned out to be very similar to an identikit, smart
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cameras found a match with the portrait the alleged killer, the neural network established a similarity of 55%. we can imagine how, in principle, a person changes over 20 years, that is, this is generally a very strange coincidence, but 55% is, you see, not even 90, eight. will be similar to someone, we are not lawyers, and of course, we cannot evaluate the actions of the investigators who decided to put the person under arrest, but this is not only a matter of the neural network, because in addition to artificial intelligence, people also gave evidence against the scientist, this the person was identified. three witnesses, later four, and the fourth is his counterfeit, about whom there was a conversation earlier. and this person
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was confidently recognized by these persons, and it was as if the investigation had decided to arrest him, four different people who, well, let’s say , are not connected with each other, not by some kind of friendly relations, by some kind of criminal relations, and in general, people are different in their social status, but they say the same thing, that is, well , it wasn’t banal, it’s just that the identification was carried out, he was not he, it was done a huge amount of work, and photographs of tsvetkov from that time were obtained, in fact , identification was already carried out based on them, repeat offender andrei aleshin was interrogated again, and he remembered a lot, for example, that allegedly, in the company of a learned hydrologist, he dealt with
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innocent... victims for the sake of simple profit, cash and gold jewelry. and in aleshin’s testimony, a more specific description of the forger appeared: tall, brown-eyed, had a strong physique, special signs on his fingers, tattoos in the form of an ancient kelsk pattern. green-eyed and alexander tsvetkov, a short man, approached with difficulty, but despite obvious inconsistencies. the investigators had a purely heartfelt recognition of the scientist’s deed. the editors have documents at their disposal confirming this fact. all this seems to have been written on behalf of tsvetkov. at the bottom there is a signature similar to the signature of a hydrologist, but there are a huge number of grammatical errors in the text, which does not look very much like a scientist.
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around august 2002, i arrived in moscow from the village of borok, i don’t remember what kind of transport? i headed to the city center where i met a young man. i did not know the name of this person until yesterday, that is, until february 16 , 2023, when a confrontation was held between us in a criminal case. his name is aleshin andrey. i approached him, greeted him, after which he invited me to go with him to his friend’s house for a drink. i agreed. we got off at the station and headed on foot to a private house, the address of which i cannot give because i don’t remember. on the way to the indicated house i and andrey went to a grocery store, i don’t remember which one. we bought alcohol. next we came to the fence enclosing the above-mentioned private one-story house. the owner of the house, an acquaintance of andrei’s, opened the gate for us. currently, i don’t remember well how the owner of the house introduced himself to me, but andrei
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addressed him. named either slava or semyon. then the three of us began drinking alcohol at the table in the kitchen room. further in the text, eerie details of the crimes are given. for ethical reasons, we can only cite a few of them. we we consumed a large amount of alcohol, i find it difficult to explain exactly what, but all three of us were in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication. at one point i left the house. when i returned, in the kitchen, where i, andrei and the owner of the house were drinking alcohol, i saw that there was a fight between them. the reason for their fight is unknown to me. i saw how andrei aleshin inflicted beatings on the abdomen of the owner of the house with his own hands. further, the owner of the house fell to the floor, if i’m not mistaken, on his back, after which andrey aleshin, bending over him, continued to inflict multiple blows with fists to the torso, chest and abdomen with considerable force. after that, andrey aleshin
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grabbed it from the table. a knife with a wooden handle, a blade length of about 15-17 cm, with which he struck at least five times in the torso area of ​​the owner of the house. as far as i remember, the owner of the house tried to offer slight resistance to andrey, but was significantly inferior to the latter in physical strength, and after stabbing him, he completely lost the ability to resist. next, andrey aleshin asked me to help him place the owner of the house in the furnace of a wood-burning stove. then andrei and i started a fire in the house by setting fire to wood, which... and here is the description of the next episode, it is about the murder of two women in an apartment on yaroslavskoye highway. walking along the corridor of the apartment, the younger owner of the apartment and i saw how andrey aleshin was strangling the older owner of the apartment with an object that looked like a belt in the kitchen. the younger owner of
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the apartment screamed. i grabbed it from the kitchen table.


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