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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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your path to the pinnacle of excellence. in ukraine, new explosions are being reported in different regions of the country, and information is coming from nikolaev about powerful attacks in the area of ​​the plant where water drones are assembled. according to some reports, marine corps training was also located and conducted there. they also report a second detonation near the river port in nikolaev; fuel tanks were recently brought there and attacks on a hotel with foreign mercenaries. according to media reports , explosions were also heard in dnepropetrovsk in...
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a german leopard tank captured by ours by fighters in the special operation zone, taken to moscow. it and other western equipment supplied by the west to the armed forces of ukraine will be shown at an exhibition on poklonnaya hill. a total of 30 combat vehicles will be presented, including from the usa, great britain, france and finland. egor grigoriev was one of the first to see the trophy. an automobile trawl delivered a german leopard to poklonnaya mountain. in order to lift 65 tons of metal onto the crane , a counterweight had to be installed. the crane chugs, but manages. taking its place in the center of the exhibition, the german leopard 2 tank, now soldiers again they help, turn the car around, he must stand with the gun facing the west, that is , he is looking at the powerful muzzle in the direction from where he was sent, dozens of european states have sent different leopards to ukraine.
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as if only from the factory, an interview about this was recorded in the rear area of ​​the northern military district. the crew urgently abandoned the vehicle, which allowed us to locate the tank and evacuate it. on the front line, these tanks are safari participants, our fighters love to hunt for german cats, mainly with the help of lancets and fpv, but the loss of tape and rollers for leopards is also common phenomenon, the armor in this place is achilles's peta, it is half as much as, for example, that of the t-72, which was also unloaded on poklonnaya hill today, the exhibition has not yet opened, and its future visitors were closely following the process, this is very cool, that this is exactly what troops are needed, it’s not... no, no,
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you can’t win, that in the future, we have a chinese one, there will be soda for the chinese, there will be soda for the russians, yes, we will win with the senate, we look at this only from pictures, from broadcasts, but it’s all about immersing yourself, because it’s scary to be there, in the armed forces of ukraine, combat vehicles are placed in white crosses, a clear analogy with wehrmacht units and formations, marder self-propelled artillery mount from 1943. the release here on poklonnaya gora turned out to be no coincidence, we walk literally a few meters and see an infantry fighting vehicle, also a marder, also a german, well, actually a grandfather and grandson, both captured by our russian soldiers, only this one is already in the fields, svo. in the far corner shyly lurked, one might say, a symbol of the ukrainian army and the corrupt kiev government, the only example of combat vehicle support for azovets tanks, which was of the same name terrorist formation of the hole. in 2015
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: failure from the council. one of the features is the virtually complete absence of surveillance equipment, but if you don’t count the three peepholes with cameras mounted there, which are more like cameras for video intercoms, the only thing missing is a bell button to press. hello, we are from the russian army. perhaps the best assessment of the reaction of the european press is that the exhibition was called putin's terrifying warning to the west to replenish funds after...
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the head of state in ukraine is now one of the central ones; in february it was decided to extend martial law there; in march, the central election commission decided to consider the president legitimate after the expiration of his term of office. verkhovna rada, which... in fact, she was supposed to resolve this issue and left the topic without discussion. the hamassa movement published a video of israeli hostages, the times of israel reported. the press also clarified that the detainees have american citizenship. the video shows two civilians who were abducted at the beginning october last year. during this period , a new palestinian-israeli conflict began. filming dates have not been announced. however, one of the detainees says that he has been in captivity for about 200 years. the us elections will be held according to the script of hollywood director steven spielberg, the american television channel nbc reported. spielberg is expected to
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help organize events for joe biden's election campaign. the director will also develop a strategy for holding the united states democratic party convention. nbc emphasized that the script. screenwriter, longtime supporter of the current head of the white house. spielberg has previously appeared at campaign fundraisers in los angeles. five people were killed and more than thirty were injured by a powerful tornado in southern china. these shots are published on chinese social networks. a large hailstorm occurred in buangdong province. the precipitation falling from the sky resembled giant boulders. a weather station a few kilometers from the tornado recorded a wind gust of 20.
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russia, belarus and kazakhstan, among them stars of world and russian curling. danil makhalin has all the details. the city of dudinka is located on the right bank of the river. kara sea. the main city-forming enterprise is the seaport, the only one in the world operating in year-round navigation mode in the conditions of the far north. its berths are annually flooded during the spring flood, but are restored after the end of the ice drift. relatively recently , the taymir ice arena appeared here, which has already become... immersion in the world of arctic nature customs on the approaches to the stadium, reindeer are hospitably greeted here, and the national motifs of the indigenous peoples of the north can be heard.
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during the opening ceremony of the girling cup tournament, the creative teams of taimyr, as it turned out, immersed the audience in the world of local myths. the arctic is powerful, powerful with its people, its nature, its wildlife, and today we saw the task of the arctic fire. the arctic is the power of our russia, we look forward to this event every year, we look forward with pleasure to the opening, these very stories, these surprises, well, this there are no stars this year, but we expect that next year there will be, the organizers decided to demonstrate the legend of the birth of the arctic fire, the lighting of which... was attended by the olympic champion in biathlon dmitry malyshka and the silver medalist of the olympics skier alexander panzhinsky, two medalists of the sochi games, after that, we found time to also conduct master classes for everyone. for some reason everyone wants to shoot, but we are waiting for everyone to ski,
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so we definitely teach techniques, of course we’ll suggest some of the most rude banal mistakes, well, in technical terms , we will also definitely help with shooting. for several days it became the real capital of russian curling. the sport for krasnoyarsk is quite young, a serious impetus for development was given, of course, the universiade held in the nineteenth year, facilities appeared, and today almost 400 people are already involved in this sport. this time eight women's teams from russia, belarus and kazakhstan are represented, including european champions and participants in the olympic games. this is all interesting and very important for our species sports, and we do this many times. play on different rinks because our athletes must develop such an opinion as reading the ice understanding the ice. the professional curling tournament in the far north will last until sunday, inclusively ending on april 28. daniil makhalin, stanislav petrov, umar tvskaev, broadcast from dudinka, krasnoyarsk
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region. in the oryol region, the head of the district was detained, what he is accused of, who else is involved in this case, all the details are in the release of the duty unit after the advertisement. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur, you don’t just prepare cakes and emotions, you don’t give fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other, you don’t create fashionable things, but you give the opportunity to be in the center of attention. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness, how do you like it,
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the legal program is conducted by the duty department, in the studio of maxim movchan. the twelfth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus has been arrested in moscow. according to investigators, he financed his accomplices, including providing them with telephones and paying bills. details from alexander mostovoy. another possible accomplice in the terrorist attack in the moscow region, sitikholi, dzhumukhon kurbonov, was taken to the capital’s basmanny court building early in the morning. journalists. media representatives were allowed into the hall during the day and it was held closed to personal meeting when the judge began to announce the decision to select a preventive measure. twenty- one-year-old dzhumukhon kurbonov, being in a cage, looked at one point, not paying attention to those around him. it is noteworthy that this gentleman has already come to the attention of operatives. back in early april, he was detained for hooliganism. at first he was given 15 days of administrative arrest, later it turned out that kurbonov may be connected with. terrorists. according to investigators, he provided the bandits with communications equipment and paid their bills. in fact, he sponsored
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mass killings of people. elect kurbonova dzhomakhnov bigidzhonovich without detention, set the period of detention of kurbonov to zero months 26 days. the four perpetrators of the terrorist attack were sent to pre-trial detention in march. investigators found that the bandits carefully prepared for the crime. the probable leader of the murder group, shamsiddin fariduni, specially rented housing. the apartment is in a new building , essentially. was a base for criminals, there was a minimum of things and furniture in the rooms, the killers slept on mattresses, covered with blankets, here they discussed their plans; judging by the abundance of rolls of electrical tape, they were fastening the machine gun magazines together. before moving into crocus on march 22. the terrorists entered the building, shooting at everyone they met on their way. having reached the concert hall, they set fire to the chair and returned to the car the same way. leaving crocus, they deliberately knocked down two children, little ilya and his sister ira. white rena. accelerating, he
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hit my whole family. the children suffered, i suffered. accordingly, my youngest child, ilya, received the most severe bruises. following the perpetrators of the terrorist attack , probable accomplices were arrested, including the islomov family. israil's father and his two sons amenchon and dilovar, who sold the killers a renault car for 250 thousand rubles. alisher kasimov, a chef from cheykhana near moscow, also became a defendant in the criminal case related to the terrorist attack. it was he, as investigators believe, who rented out a three-room apartment to terrorists in krasnogorsk; he and his family lived in a neighboring house. kasim's wife. admitted to reporters that she knew nothing about her husband’s affairs, how long they did you rent this apartment? i don’t know, it’s just that in the case of the terrorist attack, dzhumukhon kurbonov became the twelfth defendant, he was also sent to pre-trial detention. the investigation is gaining momentum, and security forces continue to identify everyone involved in the bloody crime. alexander mostovay, andrey romanov, vladimir shabalin, danila klishchevsky and khalimat kuchmezova. news,
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duty department. the corruption swing has come full circle; in the oryol region, the head of the dmitrov region was placed under house arrest. the investigation is confident that sergei kozin got high on the merry-go-round. on their budget millions were allocated for the purchase, but not all of them reached children's attractions. ekaterina lekhomanova will continue the topic. the head of the dmitrovsky district of the oryol region, sergei kozin, is led under escort into the hall of the zavodsky district court. burned on swings and carousels, accused of abuse of power and embezzlement of almost 2 million rubles. from the state treasury for improvement. kozin retrained as an official in 2016; before that, however, he also worked as a manager, chief physician local central district hospital. as head of the district, he built not only a career, but also the city’s famous kantimir boulevard, for which the government of the country allocated 70 million rubles in 2023. it will be a beautiful highlight of our city, the pedestrian part will be landscaped, paving slabs will be
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laid, a huge children's playground will be installed. a sports complex, an open type one will be installed there, this is what the huge playgrounds looked like in reality, an inspection showed that there was no trace left of the plans of the municipal contract. were contractors and subcontractors who were installing slides and swings were detained. among them, by the way, was the notorious businessman anton tyapochkin; he had already been caught fraudulently with government contracts when he was engaged in the improvement of a facility in kursk. it is not clear why such a renume did not embarrass the dmitrov officials. children's play equipment and sports complexes with poorer quality characteristics were supplied to the improvement project at an inflated cost. the head of the municipality, in turn, violation of contract requirements did not check the compliance of the volumes and quality of
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work performed and submitted for delivery. what kind of sites, the whole boulevard turned out like this, local residents write. the asphalt surface is terrible, the tiles are not reinforced, there are no markings on the side of the road, there are no signs, and there is no video surveillance. why such a negligent attitude on the part of the administration towards the improvement of the boulevard territory is unclear, here is my house, no check-in, no check-out, and here there was a pile of crushed stone , it was not leveled, but simply sprinkled, in this house, by the way, lives a disabled person of the first group, who with great difficulty goes out into the street, talking with our managers who are in... in the administration, since i am a widow, no one wants to talk to me, no one really wants to help me either, that’s all i already filmed what they could do, whether the rest of the money was used in good faith, the big question is, perhaps kantimir boulevard and its reconstructors have other secrets, sergei kozin was sent under house arrest during the investigation. catherine
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lekhamanova, lead, duty department. a little inattention, a big fire, it would seem, everyday little things will not turn off. phone chargers not putting out a cigarette can cause tragedy: fire and smoke will engulf the room in a matter of minutes, how to protect yourself from fire? rescuers and andrey kugatov show and tell. report from novosibirsk. we placed the cigarettes, now we’ll see what it leads to. obviously, this is what, oddly enough, is what rescuers are trying to achieve today during operational exercises. i don’t mind the building, it’s everything they’ll tear it down anyway, there’s nothing to be afraid of either. at the site, six fire brigades from novosibirsk, kemerovo, altai. the crew of vesti... became 70 for a while, which suits me, everything is fine, fine, now you’ll get a little smokey, it’ll be absolutely gorgeous, while i was putting on my equipment, a cigarette left on the chair did its insidious deed, the example is not abstract, it’s from life, fires in our region , in which dozens of siberians die a year, hundreds are left without a roof, this is how they begin, fell asleep with a cigarette, where
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they worked with a fire extinguisher, there is almost it’s impossible, let’s get out of the toxic smoke, no at all, now the test is more difficult, although the legend is harmless at first glance, they left the phone charging overnight, well, leave the phone unattended, it’s a voltage drop or a poor-quality charging block, now it doesn’t matter, just a couple of minutes and it ’s a pipe, we go out, operators, we go out, we bent down, we went out, the fire extinguisher won’t cope here, we need a fire hose apparatus that will not allow us to suffocate in the smoke, go put it out already, smoke with a rocker, a couple of breaths without equipment will darken your eyes, save yourself it will no longer be possible. the fire is extinguished, the rescue laboratory begins work, examines the air, there are no traces of a flammable mixture, which means it was not set on fire, they are looking for the cause of the fire, rough mechanical work, they will study the socket,
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determine why the short circuit occurred, we hand over the shift to the next team, i thought it was mine wild work, you can’t hear anything there, some commands to do something urgently, and it’s like a fire that can’t be called a fire, i can imagine when... the rescuers really get into some kind of serious trouble, what’s there happens, in real fires everything is much more complicated and scary, a minute of burning in a room is almost 400 °, the temperature is not fire, i emphasize, smoke, so many rescuers cover the helmet with foil so that it does not melt, being somewhere in nature, barbecue, as you called , fires, it all looks different and the possible development of some situation is predicted, you need to check everything first, you can relax, check everything, and only then relax, for no reason, for no reason, not only chargers, but also heaters, electric blankets, even smart speakers, all this is unattended, must
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be turned off, rescuers remind, smoking really kills sometimes in one night, and the main dangers of fires in everyday life, this is really indicative, few people see this, basically everyone sees their consequences , if something catches fire, i’ll definitely wake up, this is a myth, on the contrary, carbon monoxide only makes sleep deeper, it’s good if there is... the detector will wake you up, rescuers give the same advice to everyone, you see a fire, urgently go out, crouching down, below less smoke and be sure to call the fire department. andrey kugatov, roman shulik, andrey svatutsa, duty officer, novosibirsk. in the capital, a drunken nightclub patron stole a gazelle and rammed into the crowd. footage of the terrible accident was released by the moscow prosecutor's office. the video shows dozens of young people in the early morning after a party, next to a delivery van, its driver carried the goods to the store, he left the keys in the ignition and the door open. as a result. the inadequate lady climbed into the car, started it, and then jumped out of the cab. the out of control van drove straight towards people, most managed to run away, but one girl was crushed under a car and
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dragged along the asphalt. she is now in intensive care. as for the culprit of the accident, she simply ran away from the scene of the accident, but after a few hours she was identified and detained. today at 18:15, don’t miss the final episode of our program, here are its main topics. dark affairs. in dagestan , arrests continue in the case of fraud amounting to almost 3 billion rubles. there are already more than thirty people under investigation, only our program managed to communicate with the probable organizers large-scale theft scheme, how they got burned on smart meters, in order for it to work, it needs to be supported, why some bathe in luxury while others are forced to sit in the dark, huge amounts of money are allocated, but we don’t feel it, we tried to figure it out. where did the budget billions go from dagestan and the stavropol territory, investigation by maxim shevchenko. the subscriber is offline. in the nizhny novgorod region, police officers seized a record
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batch of mobile phones, which they tried to deliver to the colony. here are the so-called push-button dialers, already more rare. who made the hiding place in the gas cylinder and how they managed to uncover the cunning plan. the security department staff worked competently and stopped the delivery. smartphones, push-button. phones, sim cards chargers. were the prisoners from the sixth colony really going to open a fraudulent call center behind bars? the convicted person could commit fraudulent acts using means of communication with the territory of the institution. how to identify inmates and swindlers when calls from fake bankers and security officials from the colonies and pre-trial detention centers finally become a thing of the past. from nizhny novgorod region report by fyodor eliseev. when the amount raises additional suspicions. in the city of kineshma, ivanovo region, for a small bribe. who is he hiding from
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and is it true that the deputy chief of the city police department decided to help him with this? do you agree with the charges brought against you? i initially disagreed. could this story be connected with the detention of operatives who are accused of receiving cars from a former deputy? why is the ivanovo police rocked by one scandal after another? either the security forces are doing a good job or bad shots. we went to the ivanovo region to find out on the spot whether to expect new arrests? report by olga zhelenikova. one of the worst road accidents in recent years in nigeria, a fuel tanker exploded in a traffic jam. here are the shots. in a matter of seconds, the huge machine turns into a torch, and then into a huge bomb that blows everything around. and then the second tanker exploded in the chain, the third, and so on, until literally the entire federal highway, clogged with cars, blew up into the air. people had nowhere to go fire trap as a result,
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hundreds of vehicles were destroyed in a chain of powerful explosions. a stranger goes into the kitchen, makes coffee, empties the refrigerator and takes water treatments right in your bathroom, sounds like a bad dream in fact, you may not even suspect for years that you do not live alone, the so -called squatters, those who secretly move in with strangers apartments and houses have recently become a thorn in the world, the unofficial capital of squatting is called the usa, in the state of georgia alone, invisible occupiers have seized more than a thousand homes, the real owners are perplexed,
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as soon as they went on vacation, uninvited guests took over, and okay, also, if your door is opened by a pretty neighbor, oh, hello, this is my house, no, but often homeless illegal immigrants squat, via the internet , they look for abandoned or put up for sale houses, deftly get inside, open and then change the locks and live on everything ready, it can be difficult to drive out such insolent people, even the police, this is a video from the chest camera of one of the officers, partners on in chains, meter by meter, the individuals are examined. a mysterious stranger can turn up around any corner, and not alone, in the company of a trusty revolver, that’s how deadly locks here almost ended in tragedy, an armed monster was found under the bed in time. i'll shoot now, count to three. imagine the surprise of the police when, in the next room, among the chaos and syringes, they came across this gentleman’s accomplice, her box was guarded by an aggressive dog,
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but there are also those who take... higher literally they live in the ceilings of supermarkets, emerging at night sweeping food off the shelves, others open strip clubs in occupied houses, but this squatter in a large empty mansion seems to have become lonely, he invited the ladies. impostors often forge lease agreements ; besides, they are well versed in laws and the gaps between them, for example, in some states, if a stranger lives in an abandoned house for more than 3 days, then he can only be kicked out through the court, and this is also... necessary for the invader, after all, there is still a free lawyer, but what if he lived in the house for several years, then he has the right to become the owner, but quickly come out face down, in our country there are also those who like to flutter into other people’s nests, the real squatting boom occurred in the chaotic nineties, then free artists, gloomy gentlemen in tracksuits, very dubious interest clubs, since then the laws have become stricter and settlement on someone else's
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territory... falls under the article of the criminal code on arbitrariness, but some still cannot be stopped, russian squatters they feel especially at ease outside the city, so when you arrive at the dacha, the first thing you should do is make sure that there isn’t another tenant in the closet. alena skachkova, duty officer. a seventeen-year-old sambo wrestler , debashir, who attacked defenseless passersby, was arrested by court decision in rostov-on-don. you are familiar with the decision to initiate a criminal case, and its contents are clear to you. just a few days ago, young man and his friends boasted in his telegram channel about numerous attacks on people, rumor has it that he also may turn out to be a so-called sportsman, a bouncer from a group of drug dealers, whose task is to punish guilty pawnbrokers. now i'm not a member.


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