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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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no one has done this before, today we have already detected 47 new viruses in mosquitoes, fourteen in ticks, we are preparing to see everything that can cause , well, harm, and the main thing is to see, first of all , the risk. the activity of ticks directly depends on meteorological factors; the most favorable conditions for them are temperatures of 18°c ​​and high air humidity. residents of the moscow region are already reporting a large number of ticks in the forests. and parks in the region. pests are found everywhere, on the branches of trees in the grass. first cases of tick bites were recorded among muscovites who visited forested areas of the capital region. an abnormally warm april may affect the early appearance of mosquitoes; unseasonably high air temperatures accelerate the development of larvae. therefore, the first mosquitoes may appear in central russia even before the may holidays. according to statistics, about 10% of ticks are infected with the encephalitis virus, that is. every tenth
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tick is affected; the most reliable way to protect against this disease is vaccination. this work needs to be carried out, to expand those opportunities, that have now appeared, they are much greater than they were, the epidemic danger, the epidemiological significance, of course, must be assessed, this is the most important task in ensuring the protection of the population from biological threats. by the way, in russia almost one and a half million people are vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis. in addition, more than 10,500 hectares of land in different regions of the country were subjected to acoricidal treatment. and finally , a current recommendation from rospotrebnadzor for the may holidays: when in nature, use repellents, reliably cover the body with clothes. if you are bitten by a tick, consult a doctor immediately. the traditional
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section is space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the institute of space research. the earth is once again amazingly lucky. the sun entered this week with huge reserves of explosive energy. even according to the most conservative estimates, this energy would be enough for three or four flares of the highest rating. and most importantly, the main centers of activity. were located just opposite the ground, that is, at almost any scenario, our planet was supposed to plunge into a geomagnetic storm of incredible strength, but this did not happen, the sun managed to waste all the energy, indeed, i confirm that the sun passed according to the most favorable scenario, not even according to the peak, not according to the mix, but according to the scenario when all the energy went into an event of medium strength, in a week we had... a huge number
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of medium flares, simply huge, more than 100 events, including 25 events of point m - this is the point preceding x, but not a single event there was no highest score, no x score. what can we expect from the holiday week now? let us immediately note that the sun shows clear signs of degradation of flare activity. naturally, energy reserves are not infinite, the main centers decrease in size and contract. state of outbreaks, so by monday-tuesday, solar activity will go to minimum levels, along with this the geomagnetic situation on earth will improve, the models show only a very slight disturbance on tuesday, but in general you do n’t even need to mention it, it’s so insignificant, the important thing is that the next week is painted in green tones, so at least in the next 7 days all weather-sensitive people can temporarily forget about the space weather factor, a new
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surge in solar activity, we expect approximately may 12-13, that’s all, enjoy weather, whatever it was, goodbye, traces of battles in full view, i didn’t think twice, that is, i called, they told me to come, i arrived, i didn’t even know where i would end up, tor for salim at the reception, okay , wait another 3 minutes.
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cameron made a large tour of central asia. the interests of the british in this region and not only this are discussed in the review by robert frantsev. welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. this week was truly indicative of how much attention to central asia has grown and how different this attention can be. the head of british diplomacy, lord david cameron, is on a grand tour of central asia to demonstrate that a new chapter in the great game has opened. british politician himself. on the eve of the visit, he called the region the most important in the world, it seems that this formulation is not for the sake of diplomatic rhetoric. in london they are talking about a change in strategy towards central asia. this is the first ever trip by the head of british diplomacy to kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and turkmenistan, and to
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uzbekistan - the first of the ninety-seventh year. london maintained more intensive contacts with kazakhstan. in the struggle for the favor of the central asian states, london is betting on investment and what they understand is soft power, here is a striking example. the british, of course, are aware that pilaf is rightfully the national pride and heritage of the uzbeks. and in tashkent, cameron first poses near the cauldron. on camera he admires and is surprised, saying how amazing, how exotic. lord cameron knows well what he is doing. this is a hereditary british politician of those who, for many generations , ensured the well-being of the crown by exploiting colonies around the world. and this is the most admirable... in fact, an example is everything the same colonial communication from top to bottom, the so-called exoticization, when one communicates with a counterpart as if he were some kind of exotic native. by the way, it coincided that in uzbekistan the head of state did not receive cameron; right before his arrival, shavkat mirziyoyev went on a short vacation.
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now let's look at an example of another communication. no, here, too, there are smiles , mutual interest and, of course, pilaf, but this is precisely a dialogue of equal partners. a week in tashkent with great success.
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bet on the central asian market, well into the future abroad. the volume of russian investments in uzbekistan is about 20 billion dollars, behind these statistics there are thousands of business contracts, tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of jobs. in total , about 24,000 companies with russian capital operate in the countries of the central asian region today. the foreign industry clearly demonstrates that russia remains one of the world's technological leaders, while it does not close itself off from friends, but... on the contrary , invites us to jointly develop this potential. the world's most powerful hydrogen car was presented in tashkent. it's already the fourth car to be powered by hydrogen. we are on the path of development. first of all, it is quite powerful. 1020 horsepower. this car has three motors.
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one motor is located on the front axle, two motors are on the rear axle near the wheels. it’s like the shape of a triangle, and under the engine, allows you to control the car more efficiently when driving in turns, the distance that the car can travel before refueling has been increased, that is, it is 875 km, the refueling time is quite fast, these are the advantages that a hydrogen car provides, well before electric. there is enormous interest in russian solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, and moscow is ready to share these technologies with friends. we have counted and see that until the thirtieth year. the effect on the economy of uzbekistan in terms of gdp could be about 10 billion us dollars. what industries are these? this is industry, this is construction and this is agriculture. these are the three industries that are now actively developing in uzbekistan and which
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should actively use artificial intelligence. we cordially invite our uzbek colleagues to join the artificial intelligence alliance of the brix countries and... and we will develop this alliance from russia to all countries that are part of the brix. we primarily help our colleagues in those factors that will create the basis for the development of art. intelligence, this is education, this is science, this is working with data, this is assistance in computing power, there are already studies that show that the introduction of artificial intelligence in uzbekistan will help create more than 430,000 additional jobs. level of interaction and the main understanding is so high that the regions of the two countries establish contacts with each other, help business, but are ready to share.
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states that work for the economy and change people's lives for the better. but returning to our sheep, the british, announcing a new strategy towards central asia, recognize their past policy in the region as a failure. there was even a whole report that summed up that all that london had achieved was that britain had become a haven for the old central asian elites and a center of outflow capital. well, so what to dissemble in london , they seem to publicly regret this, but the whole world knows very well that it is corrupt. elite, this is what is called not a bug, but a feature of british politics. we will return to it later, but for now let’s talk about
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other events of the week. in the povladar region of kazakhstan, they began to build new houses for those who were left without a roof over their heads due to the now receding floods. five will be ready in just 3 months, and they will be delivered using turnkey technology, that is , the owners will immediately receive housing with all amenities. but in western kazakhstan in the region, the situation is still difficult, the peak of the flood has not yet been passed , and at least 15 suburban households have been flooded by river floods, so rescuers and volunteers continue to pump out water. the picture is similar in atirau, where the second wave of flooding is expected, where drainage canals are being deepened non-stop and they are strengthening the dump. meanwhile , large shipments of humanitarian aid from neighboring countries were delivered to the turkestan region, 61 wagons of construction materials and 15 trucks with food were sent tajikistan, and uzbekistan sent a car caravan with provisions, clothing, mattresses, blankets and rubber boats. previously, a neighbor also helped. the disaster hit kyrgyzstan itself, heavy rains covered the chui and jollobat regions,
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as a result of which mudflows hit two villages, damaging many buildings and carrying away livestock. it is necessary to restore order, including with the help of special equipment. in addition, a local state of emergency has been declared in vozhsk and talas regions due to fairly large-scale flooding. and back to british affairs in central asia among cameron's tour of the region with the most. the visit to kazakhstan was productive. london and astana signed a strategic partnership agreement. it is reported that this is a new chapter, the foundation for future relations between the countries. but it must be said that there have always been british interests in kazakhstan, not to mention that the country’s main aircraft carrier, air astana, is 49% owned by by systems, the largest defense company in the uk. nowadays special attention is paid to resources, namely rare earth metals. there are many of them throughout central asia, but... it is in kazakhstan that there are the most deposits, perhaps this particular resource will become the main one in the 20th century. but here’s the thing:
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beijing is already looking at this with jealousy. the fact is that china is the main player in the rare earth market, and not so long ago it added all technologies related to this critical element to the list of restricted prohibited exports. and it’s not just a matter of protecting business interests, it’s just that sub-local people understand that a global confrontation is possible ahead, and share with the future enemy. an important resource, probably not entirely that’s right, kazakhstan’s desire to develop its fields and attract investment is absolutely understandable, but the issue is really very delicate, a lot of interests intersect here, and it coincided that immediately after the departure of the new british strategic partner, the minister of defense of the sco countries came to astana for scheduled consultations. an old irish proverb comes to mind: if two neighbors are fighting, one of them spent the night at their house the night before. englishman. about the new agreement and the intricacies of balancing in a difficult
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geopolitical situation. let's talk with kazakh expert rakhim ashakbayev. what new content can the relationship between london and astana fill with agreements on strategic partnership? i am sure that in fact, de facto, a strategic partnership means cooperation in the economic, trade, and primarily investment spheres, but in no case affects any political, much less military, ones. since the uk is at a fairly early stage as a trading and investment partner of kazakhstan, there is fairly successful investment projects as well. the national company erostan, respectively, presence in the oil and gas sector, it can be said for sure that no progress, no hints of any kind of cooperation, coordination, especially in the military, military-political sphere , are envisaged. cooperation on rare earth metals especially stands out, what agreements have already been reached here, what are the prospects and is there a conflict
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of interest with china? well, it’s obvious that kazakhstan is rich in resources, including the country has been sparsely populated from the very beginning. since gaining independence, kazakhstan has been trying to diversify foreign investors in the oil and gas sector in the mining sector, now as part of diversification, that is , the british, like any other investors , have equal access to participate in tenders for the development of geological exploration of deposits and there for their subsequent development , and recently there was a change in the subsoil code, it has been quite modernized, now it’s increased...
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resources obtained in kazakhstan, aren’t they here? including, apparently, this requires contradictions in astana, as a member of such associations as the csto and the sco? well, i repeat that strategic partnership means expanding cooperation in the harmless economic and trade investment spheres, but it does not mean any kind of cooperation or coordination with the military-political sphere, especially in the military-industrial complex, there may be some. i don’t know, there may be some niche purchases - i don’t know the technical equipment there, but it’s important to understand that kazakhstan is one of the founders of the csto, and kazakhstan is one of the beneficiaries of the general organization of the collective security treaty, when the csto peacekeeping contingent in january twenty-two
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essentially saved kazakh statehood, and this is priceless and unforgettable. therefore, i am confident that the country is faithful to its allied obligations within the csto. but there is something in russia’s relations with the countries of central asia that cannot be enshrined in any agreement, something that binds our peoples with blood, the great feat of our ancestors shoulder to shoulder, who forged victory over fascism, and no matter how selflessly the western emissaries devoured pilaf on camera, they did not say. their unctuous speeches, as eastern wisdom says, do not make the mouth any sweeter; on the contrary, a bitter aftertaste remains, especially when the newly made partners, on the eve of the anniversary of the great victory, try to tell that everything was not so simple and in general this is a war and this is not a victory at all yours. it’s good that there are still living witnesses to those events, ready to tell the whole truth about the holy war. such as
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tamara maksimova from almaty, who celebrated her centenary anniversary surrounded by kazakh military volunteers. despite her venerable age, tamara alexandrovna demonstrated her dancing talents, and there are dozens of such examples, while somewhere they are trying to whitewash nazi criminals, they are declaring war on monuments and military graves in central asia, they are writing victory dictations, they are holding memorial lines in schools, lessons on courage, active participate in the st. george's ribbon and victory dictation events. in tashkent at the chapel of st. george victorious, recently another garden of memory appeared. and in other news: the president of tajikistan made his first official visit to italy. there, mamali rakhmon held talks with giorgia meloni, who proposed increasing interaction between rome and dushanbe. the most promising areas of cooperation were the light food and chemical industries, as well as agriculture and tourism. the head of the
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russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , met with his kyrgyz counterpart almaz asanov to thank him for the help that bishkek sent... those who suffered from floods in the orenburg region, let me remind you, 20 trucks of humanitarian cargo, be it food, clothing or automatic pumps for pumping out water. a festival of military-patriotic creativity, leysia front song, was held in osh, which united song and dance ensembles from kyrgyzstan, russia and china. on the eve of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory , participants performed legendary and beloved works of the war years. 20 best riders of turkmenistan tested their horses in a unique marathon on the occasion of the national day of the khaltika horse. near the picturesque kapendag foothills, riders had to overcome two thirty-kilometer stages, each in no more than an hour and a half. the winner was a horse from the equestrian complex of the president of the republic. and more about cooperation. vladimir putin called on all countries to develop the north-south transport corridor. the russian president noted that the corridor should become an example of broad
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international cooperation. and for the countries of central asia this is a special place. north south - a multimodal transport corridor with a length of more than 7.00 km from st. petersburg to the indian port of mumbai. several types of transport are used on the route: sea, river, railway. it is part of the mtc. the piysk corridor through the russian ports of astrakhanal and makhachkala and the vostochny direct railway connection through kazakhstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan with access to the railway network of iran. by 2030, total cargo traffic on the north-south route could reach 41 million tons. this is a fundamentally new logistics, but it is important to understand that behind such global projects there are specific, often very small objects, but each of which changes people’s lives. with one of
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the joint projects between russia and uzbekistan. the task was to provide the russian federation with affordable and high-quality fruits and vegetables. uzbekistan turned out to be the most ready for such a project, because it demands. the agricultural sector needs modern logistics, because today the supply of fruits, vegetables, well, so-called skaporta, and central asia is a loss 30-40%. but the logistics that has now been created allows losses of no more than 3-5%. great support from the government of uzbekistan. the president of uzbekistan, because uzbekistan allocated quite a lot of funds for infrastructure, gas, water, energy, access roads, communications and land were
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provided free of charge for this project, that is, the benefits are primarily the end consumer of the products, this is maintaining quality, reducing the cost and speed of delivery on the counter. the project will allow uzbekistan to bring the export of its agricultural products to compliance with international standards. peasants from neighboring regions bring their products here. here there is primary processing, sorting, packaging and even customs clearance. our complex concentrates all types of services that are necessary for the promotion and sales of products, starting from the acceptance of sorting of products produced by dykhane, and we know that in uzbekistan some large agricultural holdings are not so active, they are mainly family businesses , small business, small business, medium business at best. and and these people who work on the land, grow these products, they can bring them to us, and then we relieve them of all this concern, how to obtain phytosanitary
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permits, how to go through customs, how to pack, how to assort, we can do it here right inside our complex in very good conditions, all the premises of the complex are refrigerated, well, this turned out to be a real, in the full sense of the word, single window for exporters and importers, strategic. the significance of the project is even greater, the city of jiza itself, a major transport hub in the very center uzbekistan and the new complex in the future will become another one of the branches of the north-south transport corridor. for us, the priority key prospect is the accession and early start of work of the interstate russian-uzbek agroexpress project. this is the transportation of products from uzbekistan and from russia to uzbekistan by special trains...
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and bring the money to a secure account, i call the bank, hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear, clear signal in russia,
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is russian industry capable of replacing? foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, you are in in the recent past, a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then quit medicine, became an ordinary policeman and psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him? i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging for you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, it’s so painful, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the app or on the website .
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in the khmelnitsky regions of ukraine, the country's media also report explosions in nikolaev. information is received about powerful impacts in the area of ​​the plant where water drunes are collected. they also report repeated detonation of the urinary port, where tanks with fuel were recently brought, as well as about explosions in the area of ​​​​the hotel with foreign mercenaries.


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