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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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at night it sounded in dnepropetrovsk, in the kharkov and khmelnitsky regions of ukraine. the country's media also report explosions in nikolaev. information is received about powerful impacts in the area of ​​the plant where water drones are assembled. they also report the repeated detonation of the crippled port, where tanks with fuel were recently brought, as well as explosions in the area of ​​the hotel with foreign mercenaries. the supreme court of ukraine opened a case against the verkhovna rada. parliament. accused of
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inaction due to the failure to call presidential elections. this is inaction demands to recognize it as illegal and oblige the verkhovna rada of ukraine to call elections for the head of state. the question of zelensky’s legitimacy is now one of the central ones in the country. in the tyumen region, the water level in the ishimu river, the village of obatskoye, has exceeded 12 m. this is a historical record, people are being urgently evacuated. there are more than twenty populated areas in the possible flooding zone. points, flood threatens on the federal highway, road workers are strengthening dams, making an additional embankment, and preparing for floods from the neighboring region. american elections will be held on spielberg's script. the hollywood director will help organize events as part of joe biden's election campaign. nbc tv channel reported this. the media also highlighted spilger, a longtime supporter of the current us president. russia
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has comprehensive rehabilitation programs for demobilized and retired northern military district soldiers. as part of the project, they receive medical care, legal support and assistance in finding employment. about how they are returning to peaceful life, a special report by catherine sanders, after the advertisement. sber presents loan with 2% cashback so you can have more.
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i decided to immediately join the militia for my families, for my homeland, for my homes, this is our land - this is our homeland, some received shell shock and serious injuries at the front, and i was depressed. such stress that, well, that’s it, life without legs, but we didn’t lose faith in our truth without thinking no matter what, without fear for their life, health, with honor and dignity, i think, they fulfilled all the tasks assigned to themselves, how is their return from the front to peaceful life, there is some period of acclimatization, you cannot from war immediately overshadow the citizen and... it never happened, as if you were just there on a business trip, what treatment, rehabilitation and support programs exist for veterans, participants of the northern military district, we have psychologists working with the guys, counseling family members as well, and this is also very important part of the program, and what they do in
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civilian life, what they chose in civilian life, we are working on a graphic novel about motim milk. on the left leg, then we’ll work on the right, yeah, every step is like a small but very important victory, his personal, as well as his family, friends and specialists, rehabilitators of the highest class. hand job, yeah, well done, great. leonid, a professional soldier with many years of service and enormous experience, was sent to the zone of a special military operation in february of twenty-two, not thinking about nothing, not fearing for my life, health, with honor and dignity,
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i think, i completed all the tasks assigned to myself, but it turned out that i was seriously wounded, as a result of which i lost both legs. fight for life. paired hip amputation - as a forced decision that doctors made to save their patient. in total , he spent six months in hospital. yes, i had depression, such stress that, well, that’s it, life without legs, that’s it. but as soon as my wife came to see me at the hospital for the first time, well when she was already informed, that’s it. she arrived, i looked at her, she looked at me, and i realized why i should live further. this.
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and until 6 to 7 pm, i kind of take off my prostheses only in the evening so that my legs can rest, and, accordingly, at night, to sleep, there was a moment in the south. everyone with independent support, yes, then we transfer the person with support to crutches,
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gradually complicate it, yes, we turn the crutches over, leave one cane, teach us to overcome all the obstacles that we encounter in everyday life. she is a specialist with higher education in the field of adaptive physical education, understands how difficult it is for her students. push yourself forward with the back of your thigh, watch your pelvis, try not to force yourself too much, he cites statistics: when moving on a prosthetic leg , you do not need to expend 40% more energy than a person usually spends, and when amputating one hip, the effort almost doubles, like leonida is generally the most difficult amputation, and paired amputations. she spends 200% more energy than you and
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me, yes, that is, to climb four steps, it is not difficult for us, but leonid does this with great energy consumption, and his muscular corset must be ready for this, thanks to hard training, leonid now not only walks well, but also runs. not so long ago i started mastering special prosthetics, i just realized that it’s real, it’s accessible, it can be mastered easily, so in the gym i learned to run as if in a straight line, yes, i had to fall a few times, but it’s okay , without this, not a single lesson goes through, and in a couple of days i have this jink in my head at 3:00 am i woke up, i don’t want to sleep, damn it, i want to run, right there...
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maybe with stops, i ran almost 5 km, he says he has a dream to take part in a sports marathon this year, dedicated to victory day, the event will be held in the first days of may in sochi, there are three races, 945, well , the year 1945, well, almost 2 km, 9 km and 78 km, well, it’s like an anniversary, yes, 78 years, well, i say, nine is a lot, i’m generally silent on 78, i think it’s generally unrealistic, and maybe it’s real, but 1945, please, yes, i say, ok, i’m ready to get back on my feet, return to my normal life after being seriously injured. participants of the svo are helped by the rehabilitation program let’s walk together. it was launched as part of a large comprehensive
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sector integration project, which is being implemented by the popular front, the presidential grants fund and non-profit organizations. psychologists will work with the children, they will also advise family members, and this is also a very important part of the program. and most importantly, we explain what to expect from prosthetics, what you need to do for the patient himself and - well, having there, being a center of competence in general in the rehabilitation industry, we can control the quality of prosthetics at prosthetic enterprises, of course, helping, including financially, by paying for this work. the process is the processing of a cast, initially we take a cast, called a negative, after which we get a cast like this, after which we pour plaster into it, remove it, get a positive, here it is... we already process it, this is a lower leg, a leg,
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here is the knee joint, and this part of the stump. konstantin voinov, a prosthetist technician, works in a workshop on the basis of a research and production company that specializes in the manufacture of prostheses, orthoses, as well as providing related services. all difficulties, from minimal amputation to maximum. here they help those who, due to various life reasons, need such specialized support. well, we begin to work with patients immediately after surgery, after amputation, at the stage of preparation for prosthetics, we give recommendations on the preparation of the stump, on care behind the stump, for the prevention of contractures, various inflammatory diseases, then the immediate stages
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of primary prosthetics. training in the use of prostheses, technical rehabilitation. since the age of 22, explains doctor igor shpachinsky, they have also been involved with svo participants. during this time, they have helped hundreds of those who turned to them return to normal life. in total , about 600 people are undergoing rehabilitation in russia within the framework of the sector integration project, most of whom are already provided with prostheses, clarifies ivan beryukov. we are working. with almost all the leading prosthetic and orthopedic centers in countries in many regions, this includes moscow, the moscow region, st. petersburg, a large number of children in rostov due to simply geographic proximity,
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we go to this rostov center, as part of the rehabilitation program, together, in the end april 25 people arrived from the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye. her name is vera ivanovna, and for her friends at the front, just vera, this is her call sign, she is from the city of gorlovka. in one day the life of the entire donbass changed. we saw on tv that there was a revolution in ukraine. and kiev declared donbass, well, as a target, that is,
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planes flew at us and began bombing planes, hailstones, mortars, and just hit the elderly. block, we started a war against the civilian population in donbass, i decided to immediately join the militia, because one day our schools closed, people began to run away, some joined the militia, vera served in the artillery since 2014, defended donbass, in february 2015 she was wounded and eventually had to have her leg amputated after treatment.
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participants of the svo to replace the old prosthesis with a new, more modern, improved one, she agreed, so she came to rostov-on -dana to consult with doctors, further plans and making a sleeve, fitting, learning to walk again, because this is a new knee module, i will need to use it learning to walk again, that is, we still have enough work ahead of us. got into the volunteers, came to the military registration and enlistment office in 1922, went to his own, fought for 2 months, then in battle received a splinter wound 120 mortar me he shied away, the wound came to his side, there was even a small hole here, but it hit him in
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the lower back, so it turned out to be an unprotected place. i was wearing a vest, my side was not protected. immediately after the wound, vitaly khafizov says, it seemed to him that he had lost both legs at once, he suddenly stopped feeling them, but his colleagues reassured him that his limbs were in place, he was quickly evacuated from the battlefield , and in the hospital it turned out that his spine was damaged. they pulled me out in belgorod, the city hospital, operated on, pulled me out, and then to moscow, here in moscow. was in the vishnevsky hospital, rehabilitated. he is now undergoing a recovery course under the sirs return program at the samara regional clinical hospital for war veterans. exercise therapy, magnets and massage, well , more time in physical therapy, well, i got back on my feet, at least on weightlifters, because
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i was completely lying down, couldn’t do anything, well, i’ve been practically lying down for a year and a half now, his goal is to move from complex elbow crutches to using a cane, for this vitaly is ready to work for days, but unfortunately it doesn’t work that way, recovery. the process is gradual, doctors say. here , a whole group of experts is involved in a special military operation. and since august last year, we opened a modern inpatient department for medical rehabilitation for patients with damage to the central nervous system, a twenty-skin department, where the so-called comprehensive multi-station team of medical workers concentrates the equipment that allows for rehabilitation. at a new level, pray for quality, that soldiers who are returning from the zone of a special military operation to peaceful life, as well as their relatives, may need rehabilitation, samara
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started thinking back in 2022, as a result, a professional comprehensive program was developed, which is implemented on the basis of medical and other specialized institutions. a special return center was opened on the basis of the war veterans hospital. which coordinates the work of providing medical care, drug provision, sanatorium and resort provision medical organizations of the samara region. among those undergoing treatment and rehabilitation is vladimir voronin. in the spring of twenty-two, he signed up as a volunteer, but they did not immediately agree to send him to the northern military district zone. in nanakomata they announced that i was not suitable in age. i
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served for several months, but in the end my health seriously failed, i tore my back, in any case, even one way or another. i didn’t go because of the fact that i understood that it was much more difficult for the guys who were left without arms, without legs, who else, well
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the program began to work, they already called me at home, came, asked, interviewed me about the medical treatment and rehabilitation program, the project to help svo participants is not limited to their relatives, a specialized return center has been operating in the samara region for more than a year, which... accepts requests related to psychological support, social guarantees, employment and others. based on the results of the work of the special return center, our program, therefore, received more than 2,700 requests that were worked out and sent for their implementation, the center has registered over 350 direct requests, which... from veterans, participants in a special military operation, and directly through telephone channels, via the internet, as well as in
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personal communication. rastislav pavlov from yakutsk, recalling his experience of participating in the svo of returning home, says that for some time he recovered morally, as if getting used to his former life in civilian life again. there is some kind of acclimatization period, i know, well, the guys who visited again, for example, in a voluntary situation, you can’t immediately open the firebox after the war and as if nothing had happened, as if you were just there on a business trip. anyway, when you are at war , you are constantly under tension; when you arrive in a peaceful city, for some time you cannot, well, live at the same rhythm
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as you used to live. his story is unlike others. in the twenty-second year, the sought-after director and head of the famous yakut design studio decided that he had to go on a special military operation and pass the test of fear, to prove first of all himself that he is stronger. it seems to me that living as a coward is very difficult, when there comes a moment in life that you are afraid, you need to overcome this fear and move, and the fear of ending up in a war, it would be very... i’m that kind of person, i don’t like to give up when they arise some difficulties or problems, i solve them, war is also just a solution to a problem, you made a decision, you went to war, as soon as i realized that the enemy wanted to test us with fear, at that moment i decided to go, it was last fall, signed up as a volunteer, but before this, i prepared thoroughly and strengthened
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my physical strength. after several months of intense training , i packed my things and, in fact, just before leaving for donbass, i told my relatives, i was worried that they would dissuade me, so we ate some tea, and then he told me, mom, this is the case, i ’m flying away on saturday, i tell him where again to moscow, he flies there often, and he says, no, it’s like i’m going crazy, have i gone crazy
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or what? “well, it’s kind of like a bolt from the blue, i say, well, i don’t know, he says, and he tells me, mom, i have to go through this also pass, we have a grandmother, she is such a noisemaker, and grandmother foresees what happens to all of us, when mom asked if everything would be okay, everything would be fine, and this influenced me, mom..." she let me go less easily, but at the same time, i had to say that i would generally be there in the rear, in a safe zone, nothing would happen there, and it didn’t quite turn out that way, of course, since rostislav did not serve in military service, he was assigned to a private, but he soon proved himself in battle , that he was capable of more and was promoted to squad commander, however, actually about he doesn’t like to talk about military operations; he prefers
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to recall soldier’s life. in the summer, for example, we fortified positions, dug trenches, surveys, that is, you do very hard work and in the summer it was very hot, about 40°, so when you get low in your helmet you can’t dig, you we have to undress, that is, you undress , you dig, you risk getting under fire or being hit by a drone, comics. so yes, this is a compromise between security and mobility, either move quickly or be more secure, he also says that he took his laptop from home with him during short hours of rest and continued to work and do creative work in his studio. we had a big project then, before i left, i started finishing it, i was already in training with one foot, and being already at war, i still...
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controlled some moments and gave tasks or something there there he ruled already in the future war, it was funny, that is, i worked as a designer at that time i was literally there in the trench almost, rare news from the front home, everything was in okay, it seemed to his family that the days of waiting had merged into one continuous infinity, full of anxiety, six months later he returned alive and well, asked for home-cooked food and a hot shower, i wanted... i wanted, uh, steak, any kind of re-buy, i wanted a banal burger and my mother’s cabbage rolls, these things, and also a shower, and the simplest toilet, you can only wash yourself using a stalzik ldpe with a ladle, and at night i sleep, i don’t sleep, i’m already waiting for a call, the phone is always nearby.


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