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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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the hero of our story today is the commander of a tank battalion, ivan dadosov, he managed to carry out a brilliant tactical operation, commanding only three tanks, destroying 10. he was able to force the enemy to leave their positions and retreat, thereby winning time in the battles, giving our troops the opportunity to move forward. in february of the twenty-second year, his tank battalion received the task of taking the city of popasnoye, but encountered serious enemy resistance. february 23.
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a task arrived, at that time i was the commander of a tank battalion, i received the task was to break through the enemy’s defenses, our regiment was in the ugan direction, near the settlement of popasno, at that time it was the largest settlement that was occupied by the enemy, and of course, the liberation of this settlement was very significant in all matters, preparations were made there the defense, which had been prepared for more than one year, was being prepared...
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a real tank battle unfolded.
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the first obstacle that awaited was the built checkpoint, let's call it the past block even, in front of which there were dragon teeth, everything you already know, these are called traders, this is a tank vehicle, you can hear it from afar, especially the direction from this checkpoint, direct visibility is about 3 km, that is, you can see it in advance, even while conducting reconnaissance.
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the ukrainians were waiting for our tanks, they gave us the opportunity to drive in, and already standing at the crossroads, the most, let’s say, unexpected from the enemy began, they closed the possibility of retreat behind the vehicle and began firing at this vehicle with everything possible. anti-tank weapons and grenade launchers were launched, fire began from a tank that was in cover enemy, our tank fired back and the first second, immediately the shooting began with house grenades to allow the vehicle to go back, the crew did not hesitate to pay tribute, here is the competent leadership of the tank commander. that is, the crew
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fully exited in their vehicle under their own power, after they opened fire on them, accordingly, the enemy withdrew all of their firing points, a decision was immediately made, not as quietly as we... take a breath, about 2, 5 hours minutes, do not give the enemy an opportunity shooting, the shooting does not stop, nor did they carry out targeted fire, destroying and revealing all the angry points on this line, then the enemy used everything that he had
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at that time, opening fire and artillery, it was all done with a purpose. somewhere around here like this , well, they were firing at me, well, about there, there was a large machine gun, around here, from the same pocket , a grenade gun was constantly firing, although we got there more than once, but
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we didn’t understand , something immortal there or something, why fire comes from there all the time, although on our side there was a hit on this in this... pocket, on the first day, it didn’t work out for us, we didn’t understand, just why - the fire doesn’t stop, just imagine, 15 pairs are firing in the area there up to 500 m along the line, there is literally a shell falling on every meter, someone else is shooting from there, well , it’s just to give it some credit, i personally had no explanation to myself, what was happening there, that they didn’t stop shooting from there , it was a shock, of course.
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we were also hit at that time from thirty perfectly serviceable vehicles remained, well , about 12; everything else, unfortunately, we were knocked out somewhere; after all, we still needed time to recover; the only thing is that i am of course glad that every single one of the personnel remained intact; the commander, when making a decision, proceeds from the fact that he needs to complete the task at this is to save people. without equipment and ammunition, in the evening, when we gathered, we began to weigh our powerful means, let's call it what to do next, the enemy does not give the opportunity to pass, what to do?
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and the decision was made to try nevertheless, to pass through a small forest belt that ran along the road and further abutted, well, let’s say, a small ravine that divided this densely populated forest, that is, where the trees are already thicker, the task was to get to it, at least to it , which allowed according to the maps, this would no longer be the front line, but somewhere there would already be a path...
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not to prolong the process of a frontal attack. and already with three machines that were prepared for this task. we managed to make the path, but we overdid it a little and didn’t end up on this one intersection, and a little further, because there are few landmarks in the forest, it turned out that we came out.
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after all, the enemy will come out, so it gave results. this method of fighting is often used by russian tank crews, and is similar to the cossack venter, a trap that the cossacks used in the horse lava to mislead the enemy. venter is the same carousel, everyone is spinning around at a frantic pace, whistling, jumping, and then unexpectedly strikes, the enemy, at a loss, does not understand how many enemies there are, loses his head and orientation falls into... panic, so ivan dadosov managed to use three tanks with the help of a carousel
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to unwind an entire tank company, and this is 10 enemy combat vehicles, you know, the enemy not only cannot understand, he does not understand how many vehicles are working when you are being shot at without stopping, again there is shooting, here one car was hit, and i am looking at this from the enemy’s side, the second got out, the third, what was it, luck or for sure? cold calculation, probably all together, the professionalism of the tank battalion commander ivan dodosov helped the unit decide set the task and even exceed it, then they will write it in the combat report of that day, it’s all so fast, it all happens in a blur, when you completely leave the battle, only then the realization begins to come that well, it really worked out, bait, so called played its role, it’s just there... no one cared about what was happening on the enemy’s left flank in the forest, a trick, it’s a trick, it’s
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like a card game, after the battle, when they began to count losses, it turned out that our the tankers are all alive, we got out without losses, all three vehicles, that is, it’s worth a lot, but after we had already completely broken through this defense, we went to enter the first street, well, there was no need for the guys’ motivation there, comrade officers.
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was it necessary? this is very often asked at events, even in schools by children, and i say, imagine, you just got up for school, woke up, your mother made you breakfast there, you ate, so you go to school and sit down, everything is fine here, you sit, study, i say, now imagine, that now you are sitting here, it will fly here, it will fly there, while you are walking to school, something somewhere will explode, this, this, that’s when it dawns on them that god forbid this happens to us, here ... that's why we started there, so that it wouldn't happen here. ivan dadosov graduated
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from the kazan higher tank command order of zhukov school. this educational institution is today called the forge of officer personnel. the traditions of russian and then soviet military science have been preserved here. the school remembers ivan dodosov and is proud of their graduate. we not only remember, we we give an example. he is our hero of the russian federation and i must tell you that it is not so easy to learn from us, look at the hardware, this is hardware, he studied it, mastered it, he did not just master it. he studied its combat use, he studied the tactics of application, this knowledge that we give them here allows them to defeat the enemy, over the enemy. today he is a student at the army academy. this higher education institution produces commanders, those who must truly
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be able to lead, many students academy officers with combat experience, this obliges a lot. the listeners themselves, their mentors, there are no ordinary people here , everyone studies here, well, probably 95% who passed the hot spots, i remember now, when i first came to him, he is a major, he is a hero with a star, he is in his group there are all military officers there, many are there for the sake of marriage and so on, well, i just have a perception, the perception was that a hero is something, you know, with whom you just can’t talk, it shows that heroes are the same like us, you see, ivan is very an open, calm person, reasonable, we are with you alexey. we were talking about how he felt, how he felt being the commander of a tank battalion there, ivan alekseevich looked at me like, well, i told her that i know my crew, i know my tank, i know my neighbors from right to left, i know what to do, fear, anxiety goes away, and you are focused on completing your task, the more he
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told me some life examples and how he acted there and it is not clear that the person is well professional. professional, this is a high title, and ivan dadosov deserved it, he knows everything about the disadvantages and advantages of his favorite t-72 tank, how to maneuver, how to load, how to repair, how to escape from fire. the tank is absolutely simple, which is why it is my favorite, it is very simple to repair and maintain, plus the ease of control, namely the system. controls, both for the gunner operator and control levers, which is controlled by the driver. a tank, a complex fighting machine, you have to love it, respect it, then he will not let you down in critical situations. i always answered like this: there is nothing more terrible than a russian crew sitting in any car, of any brand, but made by us. after
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ivan dodosov was awarded the gold medal of the hero of russia, he was greeted at the kazan airport. why has the military always been and is revered in russia, why do we call them the elite of our fatherland. during ceremonial parades on red square and in soviet times , a special feeling is now evoked by the even, ruler-like formation of parade boxes marching
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officers in gold shoulder straps. these shots were taken on red square 40 years ago. students of military academies are marching in ceremonial calculations, and this is already the twenty-first century, the parade on may 9 , 2023, in what families did these guys grow up, who raised them, gave them the right instructions and a compass for... the path of life, ivan dodosov’s father is alexey anatolyevich and tatyana nikolaevna’s mother, he was short all his life , from kindergarten, we bought him a uniform in the first grade, he went to them until the fifth, he graduated from school of short stature, he was what a real tanker, in school he stretched out, girls carried him under his arm, and
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he still has one girl, well, his classmate marina, they are still friends. all her life she took him by the neck like this and dragged him everywhere around the school, he was very small, but everyone at school loved him, if he sets a goal, he will achieve it, and for him, if he sat like people sit, -three, he does his homework for 5 hours, he would probably be some kind of scientist, but he’s 5 minutes, he heard, he saw, he has everything done, and ivan is always at school i went in for sports, running, football, and not only because i wanted to grow up, but simply because the desire to win and leadership qualities are nurtured in a person along with his attitude towards everyone around him, towards the world. the decision to join the tank was not spontaneous, rather a family, collegial one, well, somehow we talked about it, decided to offer the whole family, he says, okay, let
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's go, the jackpot is 400 people, he recruits 600, well, just for survival, they give a week to the man realized, looked around there, that is, they were driving drillers there, something like that in the heat they are holding, the heat is the jelly, everything has passed, the honors are over, the distribution is already the responsibility of the platoon commander, you are already responsible for your own people and equipment and the people on you, when in the fourteenth year crimea became ours, and they came from a business trip, he is a young lieutenant , all the officers, majors, colonel said thank you very much for raising such a son, he was so young then, they say this is a doctor from god, a teacher from god. and ivan alekseevich, he, apparently, is a warrior from god, he, apparently, is exactly god sent him to this earth to protect russia,
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family, people, no matter who vanya becomes, no matter who he is today, he will always remain a younger brother for me, and i always want to protect him, you know, although sometimes , this is probably stupid on my part, he can already make decisions himself .
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everyone, everyone, all the men, someone's son, someone 's husband, someone's father, returned alive to their families, the dodos family and thousands of the same
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families, russian military personnel - this is the basis of the foundations of our society, where traditions are preserved family life, where mother is mother, father is father, son and daughter, brothers and sisters, where everything is simple and clear, what is given by god is not destroyed, preserved, this concludes...
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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i've been waiting for you forever. “i was in such a hurry to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.”
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12:00 pm
review of news in the tyumen region , the water level in the ishimu river continues to rise, villages obatskoe, it has already exceeded the mark of 12 m, this is a record in the entire history of observations. in total , emergency evacuation of the population is underway in the zone of possible flooding of more than twenty settlements. ours has details.


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