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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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let's return to the news review. in the tyumen region, the water level in the ishimu river continues to rise, in the village of obadskoye, it has already exceeded 12 m. this is a record in the entire history of observations. in total , emergency evacuation of the population is underway in the zone of possible flooding of more than twenty settlements. ours has details.
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correspondent in the region kseniy usoltseva. the water level in the ishim river has already exceeded 12 m. the water continues to flow. well, we are now on the tyumen-omsk federal highway. now employees of the ministry of emergency situations and road workers services continue to work to strengthen the hydraulic structure. of course, now the most important thing is to maintain this federal road, which connects the east and west of our country. throughout the entire route , 24-hour monitoring is carried out, including from the air. and if. the patrol identifies some leaks or washouts, of course, all of them are quickly eliminated, the route is open, traffic is organized in reverse mode, now cars are allowed through at intervals of 50 m, so as not to put such a heavy load on roadbed. as for the situation as a whole, governor alexander mor is constantly working in areas that fall into the flood zone. we are noticing rising water levels, as we were warned. hydrologists in
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ilinka +4 - in ishim +13. in obbatsky the water continues to be +12 cm, and today another record record of 12 m 9 cm was recorded. vikulova, vikulovsky district, flood district is just beginning to set in, but nevertheless in the village of vikolovo itself the water level has increased by 74 cm. in obbatsky the situation is tense, the water level is high, southwest wind, which raises a large wave. therefore, the load on the federal highway and on the hydraulic structures is quite high. for the third day now, our road workers have been continuing to strengthen the embankment along the federal highway. we have to expand the existing earthen embankment on the water side for 4 km, then some sections will be strengthened with crushed stone and concrete slabs. the flood situation still remains tense, according to the forecast of the opertyzh department. on hydrometeorology and
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environmental monitoring in the region, especially in the south, today on the night of april 29 they promise heavy rains, thunderstorms and wind with gusts of up to 25 m or more, of course, this will certainly somehow affect the situation with water, which still continues to come to our region, and we continue to monitor the situation, ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, conduct tyumen, a planned exercise of the baltic fleet military personnel from the launch site.
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take all measures to rescue the hostages from hamas, whom they captured back on october 7. the lives of captured israelis are threatened by the operation in rafahi, which is being prepared benjamin netanyahu's office. the head of our middle east bureau, sergei pashkov, was looking into whether there was a chance of salvation. relatives and friends of the israeli hostages taken captive to the gaza strip on october 7, the israelis who support them, gathering every evening. in front of the general staff, called hostage square, believes that time is running out, that the ongoing war increases the list of dead hamas prisoners in gaza, saturday evening - these are tens of thousands of protesters in tel aviv, jerusalem, haifa, at the personal prime minister's residence in elite caesarea, today participants of the action. in addition to
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immediate action to free the hostages, there is an increasing demand for the resignation of benjamin netanyahu’s government. the mood of despair is fueled by videos shot by hamas the day before of two captives, residents of kibbutz kfaraz, forty-year-old omri miran and sixty-four-year-old shmuel keith segal. both were kidnapped by terrorists on october 7. shmuel kita’s friend, whom we met on the square, only understood from this video that his fellow villager was alive. hamas published a video of him, and at least we know he's alive, we hope. i don't want to get too deep into politics, but there is a feeling that the government is busy. and not people, the relatives of those abducted by terrorists fear that the upcoming operation in the palestinian city of rafah could lead to the death of their loved ones. among the hamas prisoners remains a twenty-seven-year-old israeli- russian citizen, andrei kazlov. he was a security guard
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at a music festival on the gaza border. the last time he contacted his father was on october 7, he wrote that he heard shots. his mother i really hope for a conclusion.
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individuals acting as suicide bombers have also become more active in israeli cities. israeli minister of state security bengvir, who was returning on friday from the city of ramla, where there was a terrorist attack, was involved in a car accident. his jeep, which, as local media wrote, ran through a red light, hit an oncoming car and overturned. bengvir was taken to hospital with injuries; his life is not in danger.
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pointed out that attempts to discredit the party do not stop, emphasized, despite this, the struggle for a normal life in country, and dg does not intend to stop, called for stopping reforms aimed at the collapse of the country, in particular, preventing further legalization of drugs in germany. pay attention to people who have become the poster child for keeping silent about society's problems that could solve them. cannabis has already been legalized, fight it. germany is actively preparing for elections to the european parliament. according to opinion polls, alternative for germany has become the most popular party among german youth, despite constant attacks from the press associated with the ruling coalition. an assistant to one of the adc deputies was even accused of espionage. the party leaders
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do not intend to give up, they say that the policies of those who are now in power have already led the country to a dead end, and germany may also be drawn into a direct conflict with russia over ukraine.
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ruling coalition and even scholz is hesitant to go too far in supporting kiev. the chancellor once again stated that berlin is not going to send taurus missiles and its soldiers to ukraine. ekaterina radaeva, news. orthodox christians today have palm sunday, it is celebrated a week before easter. on this day, according to tradition, willow branches are illuminated, remembering the meeting of the savior in jerusalem. and ceremonial services are held in churches. patriarch siril of moscow celebrated the divine liturgy this morning. in the cathedral of christ the savior. lord, open our sleep, our lips will proclaim your praise,
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blessed be god forever, now and ever and unto ages of ages. may the lord correct your steps, may the lord god replace you in his kingdom, always, now and ever, and forever and ever. on russians won three gold and seven silver medals at the european boxing championships in belgrade. our athletes perform at this tournament under the flag with the national anthem. today are the finals for men, about the fights of stas razikultsev. the morning before the final fights at the european boxing championships begins with the weighing ceremony, an opportunity to look into the eyes of an opponent and show itself in all its glory , a curious pigeon flew into the arena, the bird of peace is taking a noticeable risk, the owner here loves the cat, she immediately found a common language with her, yulia chumgalakova. this ljubica is perhaps the most famous sports cat in serbia and is the mascot of the basketball club. cervena is a star and has been living here in the arena for 15 years, he doesn’t miss a single match of his favorite
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team, well, he’s also partial to boxing and came out into the stands to see how our girls fight. in ten out of twelve women's finals of the european boxing championship , russians qualify. yulia chumgalakova is the first to enter the ring. morning tenderness in her hands, as if it had never happened, she unleashes a hail of blows on her opponent and confidently wins championship gold europe. for me it kind of is. responsibility is that i compete for my country with a flag, with an anthem - this is actually very cool, so i tried to carry out all the fights very well, with dignity, to show that russia has the strongest boxers, no matter how no one wants to admit it, in the honor of the winner is played by the gin of russia in boxing, thanks to the decision of the iba, our and belarusian athletes perform without restrictions under their own flag, at some point the music disappears, the champion finishes the acapella with tears in her eyes. fatherland
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brady peoples are an age-old union, weren’t you embarrassed that it was gone, no, i already, i knew that something like this would happen anyway, well, because at the world cup we played not the anthem, but something else, that’s why there's nothing wrong with that either, we all do. in belgrade, the russian anthem is played twice more, darima sandakova interrupts the flow of five consecutive silver medals with her gold performance. we watched how our girls performed in the warm-up area; we were very worried and sick. and when you saw that they were losing, it was very it’s a shame, but the jitters turned into anger, into great anger, it accumulated here you go, the result was clearly a win, of course, i want our anthem to sound, our flag to be raised, so for me it was a great honor. telegrainedly accurate in combat.
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hometown of sevastopol, three golds, seven silver medals and a record 10 finals. triumphant performance of the russian women's boxing team at the european championships. on sunday , russians will box in the men's finals in nine weight categories for gold. one hundred sredekul residents, ivan lavrikov and umar tuskaev, news from belgrade, serbia. a sunburst was noticed over moscow; videos and photographs of this are now being actively posted on social networks and telegram channels. as meteorologists say. this phenomenon means that the sun will shine brightly in the coming days, the air temperature is forecast to warm up to +20.
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now a short advertisement, and then watch a special report by anna nemirovskaya about how russia is helping africa in the field of healthcare and biosecurity. a credit card is beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and the service notifications are free forever, that’s why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country, apply for a credit card , everything will be just like you! you want, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, here she begs, yes, i can call you back, i can’t do it anymore, i’ll take a photo for my followers, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere,
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one of the central roads in the capital of uganda , kampala, there is brisk trade along it; here you can buy, it seems, everything, fruits, clothes. a live bird, you don’t even have to get out of the car. such markets are everywhere here, it is very convenient for kampala motorists who are always stuck in traffic jams. the main thing is to maintain hygiene, because equatorial climate, hot with high humidity, an ideal incubator for infections. timur, we're coming. to ensure that outbreaks of infection
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cease to be a threat to the african continent, russia is sharing its technologies. to uganda. we have compiled the first russian mobile laboratory for testing for dangerous diseases; these are already operating in almost one and a half dozen countries in asia and africa and the effect is obvious, says the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova. this august will mark 10 years since the first delivery of such a laboratory to guinea, during these 10 years in guinea, using our mobile technologies and pit surveillance technology, we managed to cope with the epidemic of fevers. ebola with an outbreak of yellow fever with an outbreak of hori and an outbreak of cholera in guinea and we do all this together with our friends. two modules are based on kamaz vehicles, which means... they can cover long distances off-road, this is especially important, because, for example, the last ebola outbreak in uganda was in a remote area on the border with the democratic republic of the congo. this is the so
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-called sanitary checkpoint, namely through it, epidemiologists will enter the laboratory. here they will leave their clothes, change into work clothes, put on personal protective equipment. there is also a shower here; you will need to use it upon leaving. go ahead. the mirror is not here for beauty, but in order to check how tightly the protective clothing fits; the doors here are designed in such a way that during real work it will not be possible to open two at the same time, only one at a time. the fact that such a laboratory will be transferred to uganda was announced at the russia-africa summit in the summer vladimir putin. in february of this year , a delegation from our rospotrebnadzor, headed by its head, mrs. popova, visited you.
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this year we have produced quite a lot of different fruits, this is an avocado, hello plotnikov has been in uganda for 8 years, formerly
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a doctor, now an entrepreneur, supplies russian medicines to the ugandan market, says here they are glad that russia paid attention to africa, because investors are welcome here, the government of uganda is taking very big steps for this, the fact is that it has been created such a special agency is called investatorite. which helps to open a company, helps to carry out legal transactions, it issues land, the land is given to the company for 50 years free of charge, plus all the equipment that the company imports here is not subject to taxes. local business opportunities have already been appreciated by investors from china, japan, india, uganda, along with seven other countries, including such large ones as kenya and tanzania. the democratic republic of the congo is part of the east african community, which is a common market, population of about 300 million people, inexpensive hired labor, but there is also an advantage that is not expressed in numbers.
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those who have lived and worked in uganda for a long time note that the locals are unusually hardworking, and indeed, you only need to step outside to feel it. work doesn’t stop, it seems, not even for a minute, even on weekends, everyone is in a hurry, everyone is going about their business, everyone is busy with something. our president of uganda, at a summit in july in st. petersburg, announced that we really need russian investors, including in oil production, in the oil refinery that will be built here, the uganda-tanzania oil pipeline is now being built, we have found large oil reserves, so we have great prospects in... the country. the tourism market also has room to grow. it is not for nothing that uganda is called the pearl of africa. uganda is not only about local markets, which are very colorful, but not always safe for tourists. these are also
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national wildlife parks and picturesque lakes. for example, here, on the shores of the famous lake victoria on fashionable the resort hosts summits. but it is important for businesses and tourists to feel safe, so that those who come to the african continent do not fear for their health; russia is helping to cope with the threat of the epidemic. when they can only send the material to the laboratory, and then spend a week or two trying to find out what is there after all. it is the largest and most equipped laboratory in uganda. the equipment is foreign, mainly from the usa and
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japan. twice a week , tests from patients from all over the country are brought here, and during epidemics every day, but hours are spent on the road, every minute counts, a russian laboratory can be quickly deployed in any remote source of infection. the laboratory sets up very quickly, it takes 1-2 hours from the moment the installation arrives at the required points until the moment when it can begin to take samples and analyze. a set of two modules, two laboratory modules can work both in autonomous mode and strengthen with its resources some local laboratories that need temporary reinforcement. russia is not i just handed it over to the laboratory. the ugandan specialists who will work here were trained by russian colleagues from the saratov anti-plague institute microbe. sharing experience and scientific knowledge is
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the principle of russia's work. our partnership is strengthening, in particular on disease control. we know that the russian side has incredible expertise in terms of expertise. because getting infectious diseases under control has better practices and management. covid-19 has made us realize that we should act together, exchange experience and expertise. no country can deal with something like this on its own; if someone is not safe, everyone is not safe. by the end of 2026,
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10 mobile phones will be delivered to the continent. practical health care. and this is of scientific interest; they are interested in demonstrating the previously announced principle of russia to african problems, an african solution.
12:29 pm
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