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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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12:32 pm
surprise, your mother will return safe and sound, 100 years in the future, a brilliant choice, already in the cinema, customer love is the main reward for any entrepreneur, you don’t just prepare cakes, give unforgettable emotions, don’t fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other, you don’t create fashionable things, but give the opportunity to be in the spotlight, for each of you this is not just a business, but a favorite thing, which...
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it’s 200 124, i’m absolutely delighted, i 'm amazed, very cool, simply intoxicating, i love children, this is a really unreal movie, this is right on the level, this is a story of childhood, this is a movie from the future, a film from the future, from the future to the past, from the past to the future, once again, i'm right i understood, the future, yes, but the music, graphics, i liked the humor. from parent committee, i don’t have any change in experience, the main thing remains love, i see how he looks at you, the way he looks, well, how they look, they look like that, there are so many different things, surprise, well, of course like that, 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we will meet in the future, tell me when 100 years from now.
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on the front line in the zone of a special military operation , representatives of various nationalities from different regions of russia are fighting shoulder to shoulder. in this report we let's talk about some units in which tatars, chechens, dagestanis, russians, and representatives of other nations are fighting. but we will not focus on the nationality of the fighters, because this issue does not bother anyone here behind the ribbon, the main thing is to defeat the enemy. the accumulation of our military armored equipment for the enemy is one of the priority goals, especially the workshop for repairing and restoring its combat effectiveness, in order not to declassify the location of the repair company in the zone of our own, we are filming only indoors. give me the middle extension cord, give me the extension cord . you had a moped as a child, you had one, that
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is, you have been friends with technology since childhood, yes, well , yes, of course, they taught everything here, mainly in civilian life, what did you work for? the settings worked, yeah, little by little everywhere, complex science, the engine, yes, disassembling it again with not much, we’ll split the engine box in half, change the disks, splice them together and throw them back, pick up how much time you were given for this, well, it’s like a day’s work, the guys there are waiting for this technology, well , yes, well, there are all sorts of nuances, but basically behind, there is. you have such a car tuning studio here, so it’s possible, yes, armored tank studios, what tasks do they have to face here, what tasks are the main tasks of a repair company -
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firstly, restoring faulty weapons of military equipment, conducting technical reconnaissance on the line of combat contact, evacuating faulty equipment and return to duty as soon as possible, deputy commander. anti-drone protection was invented by the main armored directorate, and accordingly they made a book and guidelines on how to to cook correctly, respectively, each unit of equipment has its own cooking, for example, b3 is cooked in its own way like a 2s9 nona based on bmd, here it’s cooked like this, we make the rabisu grid
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so that the ppv drone, how to say, springs back, pushes away from it, so that less harm caused to the crew, which and, accordingly, the power unit. to figure out how to attach the anti-drone structure, which is popularly nicknamed the barbecue, to a special alloy of armored vehicles, this is already the task of the welder, ordinary welding will not help here, you need argon welding, well, here i am, here we are we weld to the tower, the tower, since it is iron, that is, it’s easier for us to make a tower, that’s what we call it, we call it a fungus, we also find it, we weld the iron places and that’s it, from above, we look for places where at least there is something iron , where we carry it through tubes, well , we somehow cope with the situation, here there are three iron points, that is, we take a channel, cut an eight,
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unscrew it on one side, well, cut it, tighten it, and here we just weld it, it turns out, here are more iron places, that is, we weld to them channel, we also throw in a corner, that is, the edging of the tower. also iron, the hook is iron, everything else is all aluminum, we’ll throw a little extension here to cover the turret more, but we won’t be able to close the mechanical one, because it will interfere with the work very much, because the rotation of the turret is too small, if we if we reduce it even further, it will be very bad, in principle, it is better not to close it here, the view will be very small, that is, if we close it like this, somehow we will be able to attach hooks somewhere, not hooks, that is, we the review will not be very inconvenient, even if it gets there they will not be able to simply get out of the car. and this loss of personnel is very bad. the crew of an airborne combat vehicle, the driver and gunner of an automatic thirty-millimeter cannon. the driver's position is in front, which means there is a greater risk of taking an explosion from a mine or kamikaze drone. here are the side levers, now the guys are removing the engine, it is clamped. yeah,
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completely, that is, this is to the left, this is to the right, the viewing angle is when this one is closed i love how you look when we move along the battlefield. there are triplexes, the main one, two side ones, that is, here i am sitting now, i basically see everything in front of me, a member of the svo with the call sign lesha once managed to outplay the operator of an enemy uav. the drone flew right under me, that is, it turns out that i slowed down a little, saw it in time, pulled the levers myself, the side straps clamped down, i had it like that, well, it smoothly pecked, and well, i paused a little and the fevishka stuck right into the ground in front. well, we move mainly on adrenaline, that is, you drive, but fipivedrons, they can fly under you from the front, they are carried at a speed of 120 km/h, our cars, well, on average 60-70 on a good road, that is, well, inevitably, that is
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, it will hit, it won’t hit, we move, we drive, and so, while god was merciful, so let’s say when... you go out on a combat mission, we give them from 5 to 7 seconds to jump from the vehicle, because , well, they can simply burn both the infantry and the vehicle. in principle, stopping for a long time together with a mechanic and a gunner is generally not recommended during a combat mission. mechanical driver with the call sign gogol, colleagues say, that he looks like a russian classic, like the svo from the first days, he has served in the army under contract for 16 years, he says that he was undergoing repairs to prevent the engine, it is impossible for it to lose speed and power in battle, because tasks have to be solved where it stops technically reasons is unacceptable, he sends troops to the front line and covers the infantry advance with fire. military
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equipment equipped with electronic warfare equipment, which creates an invisible dome at a distance of 200 m, flying into which the drone loses control if the drone operators are very experienced, he can do it here, and under your turret, but maybe it’s very difficult to do, he can work not only from above, but also from the side. allows 200 m, so it is very difficult for him to correct, because at this distance, already when he flies up, their video signal is already lost, he can no longer adjust, there the engines are still running, uh-huh, but there is no video signal, so it’s not pleasant when there ’s a tearing next to the car, it’s an indescribable feeling, you try not to think about it, it’s already like the brain turns off, only instincts work and you work. well, somehow you carry it out, and people need to be carried out, there were, there were moments, and the wounded were taken out, right
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directly from under fire, yeah, so it’s like here, well, think, you don’t think much, that is, you need to trust your instincts, but instincts need to be developed these are also automatic movements, that is, the body itself seems to react, there was just a moment when i was very shell-shocked , the gunner next to my car was already evgeniy balukhta. uh-huh, it turns out that his arm was broken by the elbow, but in short, and me i was shell-shocked, and i almost couldn’t think at all, the boys just threw me into the mechanics, well, the driver was driving, he just turned on the battery, he just turned it on, it was as if there was a click in my head, everything immediately became clear, all hands went to work, everything, got there, everything calm, everything is alive, thank god, well, the guy really made up his mind, uh-huh, well... there is a war, the repairs
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are over, it’s time for sea trials at the training ground, equipment is delivered to it on trawls, trawl drivers are also a real hero of the northern military district. there are tasks such as evacuation equipment, this is at any time, at any time and place, we receive coordinates from other units, we ourselves conduct a group, well , technical reconnaissance, i send a technical reconnaissance group, it conducts it, says what shortcomings there are, for example, the same as in automotive technology, for example, there are no two front wheels, so i’m sending a technical assistance car, which you can lift up the hill, this car on the rear wheels, it can easily get here , a big car plus one more thing.
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weapons inspection is carried out in a special in a closed sector, you see a triangle , yes, you can’t shoot for it anymore, a square , then it turns out that the shooting sector is allowed, shooting is carried out as usual and
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they work in the zone with its warheads. everything is in order, everything works, everything can be driven, fought, they are preparing to replace their comrades on the front line of fire, and this is a unit of attack aircraft, their area of ​​​​responsibility is in the donetsk direction, before leaving at night, it is at this time of day that it is relatively safe to carry out a rotation, they are cleaning their weapons, preparing them for battle. purely. osman is the most experienced fighter among them. he came to donbass in may 2014 as a volunteer and is still fighting. i ask him a question that never arises here, because on the front line everyone calls each other brothers and treats their comrades in arms the same way. by nationality, father is chechen, may tatar. i have already fought a lot here, there are many wounds,
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there are many shell shocks, i have a family here, now i am fighting for my family. people of donbass, why did i come here, well, i watched how this whole maidan began there, how they did on may 2 people were burned to death in odessa, well, somehow all this was twisted in my head, so i came here, and really i don’t, how do you say it correctly in russian, i didn’t regret that i came here, i saw with my own eyes what they were doing , these are the ones who don’t have their names unclear, what i saw with my own eyes, they’ll probably never show this on tv, that’s right, that’s it... but what, how, that how they shot women at the same airport, we were traveling ordered the cleanup, the helicopter was flying , started firing rockets, everything that there is, battle after battle with supplies, in short, as the plane bombed, even people shouted, do n’t shoot, they shouted, there you are like russians,
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speak russian, it all started because they speak russian in donbass, i just i saw it myself. with our own eyes we went into sortana, instead of an icon they have a portrait of hitler hanging, yes, yes, hitler and the flags are flying, two german flags like these, i looked at this, i think, the head, i think, some are not like that, yes, it’s clear, they are simply knocked off on the head. "eldar ended up in the northern military district zone due to mobilization in twenty-second, he is from orenburg, was born in a tatar family, he came immediately with a summons, my father called me and said what they called from the administration and said, the summons came and they told me to pick him up, my father called me and said the choice is yours, i will always understand you, but well
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, make a decision judiciously, the decision came right away.” the next day i arrived, took the summons from the administration itself, collected my things and went through training and came here, they all have a good idea of ​​who their enemy is and from whom and from what they need to protect their loved ones and my country, this is the regime, this is really the regime, and when i came here, i became convinced of this, that the civilian population is being exterminated, that attacks and bombings are targeting civilians. residents on easter day, for example, i saw with my own eyes, when on the night of easter there was shelling of the central cathedral in donetsk, i saw myself how my grandmother was walking, turning to us, she was already saying that i no longer knew where to look at my feet, well petals or
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drones up, this is in the frontline area, how can such a decision be made, even someone... approach him, because there were snipers sitting and shooting everyone who tried to get closer, because this is also a real case, this is exactly what the perverted fantasies of people who... well, not people, scum, this is, well, this cannot be eradicated , they are repulsed, but the man’s form is blurred, he doesn’t
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even say his call sign, the sniper’s credo is always to remain secretive, his task is to cover the infantry in battle, for example, to eliminate machine-gun nests at a distance of up to half a kilometer, if the task is to cover work at short distances , that self-loading. there is a minefield that even sappers say that it is necessary to detonate, and if there is an explosion, you will no longer be able to enter unnoticed, you can already fail the task, you will lose stealth,
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so you have to work from long distances, when solving real combat missions, at what distance is it mainly are you working? there are all kinds, there are close distances, most often it is cover for an assault, that is, it can be 450-500 and 600 m, well, somewhere up to a thousand with svd is possible, if the distances are over a thousand m, then it is accordingly better to take bolt gun a sniper, as a rule, does not work alone, but in pairs; a sniper pair is number two, who initiates the shot, who makes adjustments, all corrections, well, accordingly, the entire metering station complex, and so on. surprisingly weak deviation, good result, how did you become a sniper? well , it’s kind of a long story, well, basically it
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probably started in childhood, i’m the son of a military man, so to speak, a hereditary military man, when i was a child when my parents were, my father was in the service, my mother was at work, i... from school in primary classes, i went free to shoot from the air at a shooting range, well , our usual izhevsk soviet aerial system, and somehow my soul was drawn to high-precision shooting, apparently from childhood, a fighter from a sniper group says that he comes from lugansk and knows the area well, as well as it features for high-precision shooting, well, the steppe has its drawbacks, at a distance... different wind directions, yeah, it’s like in the mountains, here are the specialists who worked in the mountains, who went through afghanistan, they say, if you learn to shoot in the mountains with
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with this changeable constant wind, he says, then you will be able to shoot in any conditions, as he manages to remain invisible to enemy drones, which are on duty in the air around the clock. i started using it a lot. drones, komikazes, which even interfere with entering positions; the difficulty is that entering a position, working out, welding barbecues on armored vehicles, placing fish on armored vehicles, how can you fight these drones, protect yourself from them, how to try to enter, so that you can be unnoticed, as always, forest plantations help out a lot, they save. that is, these drones can get tangled in the bushes, screw up, fall, not detonate, if they detonate, then it will be a distance from you, every day the russian
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army on the line of combat contact moves forward and improves its positions, work is carried out at every line of defense and rear, and the goal of this work is one, victory. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, best of all in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, a meeting was created that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today around inside the laurel.
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rebina's call sign, no, my brother's call sign, you remain a passenger, that's for sure.
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let's return to the news review: almost 6,000 people were evacuated from the floods of the tyumen region, more than 180 houses remain flooded there, and another half thousand are at risk of flooding. the most difficult situation is in the obat district. our correspondent ksenia usoltseva reports on the situation from the scene. the water level in the ishim river is lower.


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