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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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yes, yes, if necessary, we can replace any parts from existing components, make any repairs, and this allows us to ensure a continuous process of launching our solutions. in addition to kovot, this is a robot that works in collaboration with a person, the company produces and produces classic versions of industrial robots, for example, this one does milling work, this one is designed for heavy loads, to pack them and put them on pallets, there are.
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industry is the basis of the economy not only big city, but the whole country. increasing productivity, improving quality and expanding the range of products, all this inevitably leads to gdp growth. without engineering schools and factories that produce high-precision,
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human-quality tasks, in the future it is precisely such complexes that will form an entire production line; they have already begun to build it in the moscow technopolis. we have several production sites on the territory of the technopolis, the enterprise is actively developing, thanks to economic preferences and benefits, we can invest in the development of new production facilities. now we have begun to build a line for the production of matrices directly, which no one has ever done in russia on a large scale.
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industrial automation creates demand for intelligent systems, which are also being created in moscow. in fact, a new high-tech niche is being created in the industrial sector of the city. there is a need to minimize manual labor, where there are some routine technological operations; naturally, this makes automation better. artificial intelligence is possible with digitization of certain technological processes, when assessing risks in an enterprise that may arise in one way or another, naturally including technological ones.
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companies participating in certain technology parks, programs and other things, generate the profit of the enterprise, which one way or another becomes a source of income for the city and federal budgets, and this is also a question of scientific and technological sovereignty, a profitable partnership in every sense, let’s do this, and now to the cattle ? there are other ideas, of course, let's pay for it. yur, without qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera itself calculates everything. vtb. so how did it turn out? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb. everything will work out together. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those.
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hello, alena berezovskaya is with you, this is the church and we are on russia 24, and today our guest is the rector of the church of the life-giving trinity on the sparrow hills in moscow, a member of the synodal biblical theological commission of the russian orthodox church proteraeus andrei novikov. father, hello, hello, alena, you are from odessa, i am from kiev, we met in the moscow studio. the us senate approved the allocation. billion dollars in ukraine, and experts say that this will only lead to new victims, primarily among the ukrainians themselves. do you agree with this opinion and how do you evaluate the actions of the united states of america? well, it’s impossible to disagree with this opinion. this is certainly true. this is a colossal sum and a colossal
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infusion into this mill of killing death, an offering to the bloody idol of the moloch of war. here. this, of course, yes, has some basis in the domestic politics of the united states, in the interests of the deep state, financial, but still the most important thing is not this, the most important thing is the hatred of the american political establishment for russia, for russian orthodoxy, for thousand-year-old foundations christian civilization, which is associated with russia, simply has no one else to associate them with now, and this is purely religious hatred.
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the second thing is that he prayed before the bill about ukraine and will make a decision, that is , this is all due to such a perverted religious doctrine. on the one hand , protestant sectarianism, on the other hand , such a pressure of liberal hatred towards the traditional, orthodox and christian world order in general, machka... in kiev , they proposed demolishing the monument to archangel michael, the corresponding petition has already been published to the city authorities. the logic is as follows: archangel michael, and this monument was donated by empress catherine ii at the end of the 18th century to the city. accordingly, it is related to the russian empire and has no place in today’s ukraine, although for a moment archangel michael is a historical symbol of kiev. by chance or not?
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an internal external union with the devil could not but ultimately result in a struggle with god,
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we see the most terrible facts of the destruction of the church, it is impossible to watch without pain in the heart for that violence, for cruelty, and at the same time for the terrible hypocrisy with which the canonical orthodox church on the territory of ukraine is treated, and this is already a fight with god, so let them fight with...
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destroy, eradicate, raise a new generation that will hate russia , the orthodox church, that’s all the russians need, the orthodox faith, which will be able to fulfill any order that comes from the west. father, you are also a publicist and published a book, where you also wrote about the role of the patriarchate of constantinople in church schism in ukraine. today, after some time, how can we evaluate this role? this role is. destructive not only for the unity of the russian orthodox church and
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canonical orthodoxy in ukraine, on the territory of ukraine, it is destructive for the entire world orthodoxy, that is, for the entire universal orthodox church. by the way, we don’t often like to use the word universal orthodox church, although it is dogmatically correct, since it was usurped by the patriarchate of constantinople, but i think we shouldn’t give it away to him that which belongs to the truth. during the 20th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the patriarch of constantinople finally succumbed to the terrible temptation that at one time befell the western church.
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arrests of hierarchs, priests, believers, closing of churches, banning and actually burning of literature, that terrible stream of repression that goes to believers of the canonical orthodox church in ukraine, which is part of the russian orthodox church. in our program we have already discussed the order of the world russian people's council, where, in particular it says that russia and its people today are fulfilling the mission of holding and protecting.
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and support for god's plan for the world order, god's world order. the holder must also, until the end of human history , resist, restrain, stop any attempts by the forces of destruction, to plunge
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humanity into the chaos of lawlessness, to establish a worldwide dictatorship of anti-christians.
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russia liberated a huge number of orthodox peoples from oppression in the balkans, in the east, and christian peoples in general, russia stopped napoleon, russia stopped hitler, today russia, returning to its orthodox roots, to its traditional christian values, is again confronting the same thing. after all, for them , russia and the russian orthodox church are already a challenge in themselves. our existence is already a challenge that they cannot accept. the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe adopted a resolution demanding
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recognition that the russian orthodox church is an instrument of propaganda and allegedly has nothing to do with freedom of religion. can you answer to european officials: what is the russian orthodox church promoting that the west is so worried about? what worries them is that... we are committed to our faith, our complex worldview, our christian values, which have always been inherent in our people for centuries and millennia of christian civilization, they just decided to change, they decided to bring a new, so-called post-christian world, in this post-christian world...
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also, by the way, here is one very loud, if not wild, statement made in estonia, the minister of internal affairs of this country proposed to declare the russian church, well, a terrorist organization. a worthy answer was already given in our foreign ministry, and they suggested that the minister had obvious signs of mental illness, but still, how can one comment on this, what is behind the statement of official tallinn?
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then estonia has always been very close in spirit to fascism, there is the transformation of russians into non-citizens, the persecution of the russian language, support for the schism implanted in estonia by the patriarchate of constantinople, support the ideology of the ss troops, in which some estonians fought. estonia is an outpost of western totalitarianism, if the west is on the path to this totalitarianism, then...
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this is both, as for this specific situation in macedonia, it is also a reflection of the general tendency of the west, they are looking for russian spies everywhere, any person , having an opinion different from those who are ordered to think, is already a russian spy, and this applies, of course, especially to the support of true canonical orthodoxy, and the macedonian orthodox church, thank god...
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our active armed forces, pray for our patriarch, for our president, always remember that in our orthodox faith, in the gospel, which lies at the center of orthodoxy, there is never inconsolable sorrow, sorrow is always accompanied by hope eternal joy, holy week,
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calvary always follows... sunday, thank you very much for your answers, thank you.
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the russian army repelled 17 attacks in the su group.


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