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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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past conflict? no, these are also the sumgayit events, the baku events, and a lieutenant, a lieutenant, and then two chechen ones, syria, both chechen, yes, well, probably all the conflicts in the post-soviet space, you can’t name a republic, i served in the army for a long time , a lot, for the last 9 years, well, before the start of the special operation, before mobilization , he was in... pasi left the post of brigade commander for 9 years, in any case , the army is not from me, if anyone is offended, the army is not from me at that time refused, everyone gave positive characteristics at the level of both the command and the commanders of the district troops, so it turns out that you are the first division commander to be mobilized, it turns out like this. this means
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that we are at the control center, everything is displayed on video, now it is in real time, there are two more tvs further down that allow us to broadcast even more, that is, we will say this is the offensive zone of a division or the defense in foreign actions, that’s all we are observing, we are in defeat, what is the immediate task, the immediate task is to master the next an enemy stronghold in a western direction, that is, we are moving there. the jaeger brigade, well, they are also serious guys, of course they are already the same, but serious, we have now spoiled their nerves, before that there was a fifty- third brigade, it was brought to reorganization, it left, there are not enough of them left, they have some kind of tanks, which means the tanks are mostly in my direction to lie.
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i won’t have a t-64 of our type, well , it’s modernized, respectively, the neighbor on the right is seeing the appearance of abrams, i have bmps, yes, and bradley, and marder, everything is the same supposedly, what causes the most trouble is from their technology, from their technology, and by and large , there was nothing so supernatural, there was nothing like that, the subordination of the head of unmanned aircraft, unmanned aircraft... there are a lot of them now, wait, wait, i i’m probably hearing something wrong, how many, the usual phrase: there’s nothing, there’s a million storms, we’re empty, what’s going on, tell me in terms of personnel, how many officers, soldiers, sergeants you have on staff, which relate to your department, directly according to staff - 92 people, a thousand, wow, of which 64 are officers, the rest with...
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for reconnaissance at observation posts, quadcopters are day, night and plus quadcopters fpv drones for destruction. well done, he is engaged in 3d modeling and develops various parts of any volume of any format now. i’m developing
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it, i’m restoring the bobayga, well, you see here the fastenings are broken, all broken now , i’ll restore it all completely, we’ll assemble everything and send it to the other side to work, and you ’ll be the one to control it, we’ll do it all we’ll come up with remote controls, we’ll do everything, and this is what they planted, e format fpvidrons, only crolats like scouts, also here we have organized repairs - quadrocopters. different types, uh, hacking all programs, that is , we can, here’s a comrade engineer, the technology is gone, that is, you break everything, but we hack, we hack everything, we change it, we make sure that gps modules and other systems that can track damage are turned off , so to speak, this is damage to our combat comrades, and this is precisely the software part. here
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technical repairs are being carried out, here are two the trophy was literally brought the other day, guys, they imprisoned, yes, ukrainian, yes, one was imprisoned in general with... the second was a little hit by a coffin than and by buckshot, on my own behalf i would even like to thank the ukrainian army for the supply of drones, thank you very much, keep working they were walking around with flags with nazi symbols , now they are saying that we, well, they don’t have something like that there and so on, they literally brought it the other day - we’re waiting, the guys also knocked it down, that is, this is a fact, there’s more, they were better more drones repeatedly, with similar symbolism, development, development, the most important thing is that it is safe, when
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you connect the ring, it has a starting explosion with it, with us it goes, that is, with a special little drawer, it already falls out, that is, without this guard, yeah, and of course already in the air out and upon impact it already explodes, there is a fairly necessary fizharka here, because here the plastic shrinks and so on, so literally they are printed, then our comrades process them, assemble them, solder them, display them, and how many a day you have them, well, they're cool they work, that is, one reel of aisle is enough for about fifteen images from one, that is, they work for me 12 pieces, i print them. we are faced with the task of increasing the flight range of unmanned aerial vehicles with the help of technical literature , raising bonds that date back to the period of the ussr on reception and transmitting
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devices, we are making receiving transmitting devices for different frequencies, how many frequencies have we been able to pump, how far?
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this is a layout of the area, here we organize
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interaction before certain actions, the same layouts, but a little smaller, respectively, there are in the regiments, there they organize interaction up to... the non-leader of the assault group commander, that is, we ensure that, like every soldier, he knows his maneuver, that is, the military looks at the map in a to another, absolutely, and they see the war differently, always three-dimensionally, absolutely, absolutely, always highs, lows, of course, you need to understand if there is a dominant height here, if i send my tanks here and don’t cover this right flank with something these tanks won't exist, well since you have tanks, this means that you... is this how the officer corps is now? now the officers are studying, let's say junior level, a lot of
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military personnel have been appointed who have a higher education, are appointed to primary positions, are given officer ranks, and now they have to learn in combat. but the overall high level of education and life experience, yes, you can say so, yes, it is, well, i want to say, it is... maybe not for everyone, but a very large significant percentage has motivation, well, i have an assistant , the chief of kabla, in civilian life he was the director of a club in the village, but has a higher education, so he was an ordinary director of the club, everything else, now he’s about to arrive, he’s a lieutenant, in the village that’s well well, it’s great, they even have motivation. in this regard, that he comes, he went to the front to serve as soldiers, six months passed there, a year, it doesn’t
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matter, he came, but for his parents it’s like this, but for his neighbors in the village it’s like this, and if he also has a military award, that’s it , what percentage awarded divisions, and almost all of them, and more than once, deservedly, yes, in this regard, i, my personal opinion, if a person does not deserve it, i will not represent him. if he deserves it, he will be presented with a state award, his chest is covered in orders, enough, which is the most expensive, probably for courage, this is still for, this is still ninety, transnistria, in short, ninety three. gro i wish the hunter
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brought yours so exactly yes at home i worked with him at home worked yes on vacation he brought it from vacation what he picked up with what you work fraction kartic small fraction that is on a light one yes exactly once you’ve prepared it right away, what suits you better?
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well, be careful brother, okay, thank you for identifying an illiterate one from a good commander, what is the difference between a competent commander and a great commander? well, a great commander must have a gift. foresight, that should guide him, and well
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, i don’t know who dad, mom, god is, i don’t know who chooses this matter, but if a person has all these qualities there on a subcutaneous basis, on a genetic basis, and he then develops them in the course of his service, starting there from the commander of the divorce ending there, well , whoever he rises to, he improves himself, then yes, in computer science there are all... these innovations, yes, i understand that maybe this is not entirely clear to me , because i have a different school, everything else, but i understand that if i don’t do this, if i don’t understand it, i won’t use it, and give me anything, so i have to understand this, i let i don’t understand how many decibels there are and everything else, but then i realized that it had been found, you explain to me so that i can later i collected all this, put all the funds together and applied them correctly. judging by the way it flies from the other side, they feel a hunger for shells
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or something else, which means that in relation to shells it is felt that if before they shot at everything that moved, now they don’t, now they pick up, shoot, so, well they work competently, it’s clear, but such a quantity is not observed, and what’s more, this was only six months ago... much more. how long does a tank live in battle now? you can calculate not the average, but the general arithmetic, take the time, all the tanks, divided by losses by. the rest, everything else, no, again, one tank, crew, not a tank, crew, there are tankers who have been fighting since the first day, gained experience, and everything seems to be fine, i say, it all depends on, i don’t share on average, well, i don’t think it’s entirely correct, the tank’s survivability,
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it allows the crew to survive and complete a combat mission, it’s possible. even if you can come up with a tank with vertical take-off and it won’t work, but i have a modernized 622 that i received, how old is it, yes, but on them carry out their tasks, the personnel complete them quite successfully, what percentage of tanks return after they are knocked out, because they often say, that’s where the enemies rejoice, we burned so many tanks, you start talking, you understand that the majority of tanks,
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readiness personnel to carry out assigned tasks, if the personnel are not ready morally, psychologically, physically, no matter what you give, nothing will work out, we are in the village of ovdeevka, we carried out combat missions in the western on the outskirts of a populated area, thin, they destroyed the enemy in a forest belt, during the execution of the surrender they would have liberated about 3 km of territory from the enemy, an athlete, well , i do a little, in my free time, with weights, so exactly that you lift, barbell, squats, bench press, this powerlifting, that’s exactly what i achieved, a candidate for master of sports
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did it at one time, handsome, i still support it, the regime is as low as possible, 150 maximum result, perspective.
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in a forest belt a tank was spotted in a neighboring forest belt as a result of the ensuing battle destroyed an enemy tank, performed an anti-fire maneuver, noticed bradley, bradley was hit by fire in the same way, destroyed, and then returned to the original area, i think that the crew deserves to hang out for the award, they found someone else, you know, we saw this picture of the battle , the enemy began to launch a counterattack. the main forces were cut off, these two broke through and ran into, but they ran into, the tank completed its task, the crew completed its task, what tank, on what, eighty, t-80 bv, marriage and heroism shown in battles with the nazis, by decree of the president of the russian federation, you were awarded orders without a crew, so we congratulate everyone
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on state awards, the first award, that’s right, that’s clear. why did they kill two at once, they waited so long for the award, i think we need to be on the safe side, the crew is a fighting family, i look at them as tankers, they tank is on fire, they don’t abandon it, they extinguish it until the last minute, evacuate it, as i say, the struggle for girlhood ship, so we are fighting for the survivability of the tank, well done, they never abandon each other, they help, good luck guys further, most likely the end of the joint military operation, our victory and we will meet at home, and the crew has been working like this for a long time. well, yes, it’s been quite a while, that is , they’re not exactly the same, they’ve worked well together, we already understand each other, whoever noticed the tank, i noticed the mechanic, we understand that ours can’t be there.
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when they started to roll back, that is, bradley did not try to enter the battle, no, she immediately began to retreat, so we hit her, well, we released the clouds, turned around and went to the original area, and that is, you, we they covered themselves with smoke and left, and from whom did you get the bullshit, from one, no, from one, second in infantry, second in infantry, yes, but everything depended on you, they can think whatever they want about themselves. the mechanic still takes everyone out and brings them back, so everything is on him, the mechanics have a very big task of the crew in total, of course, everyone is important, you have been serving for a long time, the second
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year has already begun, that is, mobilized, no, volunteers, volunteers, exactly where from, buryatia , chelyabinsk, krasnoyarsk, we met here already, yes, of course, how the crew is selected, that’s who decides who it turns out that no one decides here. we sat and talked with my wife, as if, of course, she was against it, but in the end she agreed, it was, yes, it was, that is, everything is fine, of course,
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the wife has a card, of course, as without it, always, how much more money is there in the army , than i earned in civilian life, well, comparatively less, no, more, of course, i had enough for my civilian city. the needs are not so great, that is, just , well, yes, just to help, but you didn’t finish off your grandfather, we will finish off, also, family, children, i worked, well, as if i had enough money, i also went, there are a lot of friends, comrades, nephews here, but why will i be on the sidelines, i also decided, i ’ve been in the army since 2008, without a contract, yes, i have a break there, there was a break before mine, and then i realized, well, this break, has it started?
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they moved from house to house, there was special artillery, but very close, only a shooting battle, but how many people were holding this street, right here? that means they changed, well, in total, well, up to 30 people were here at one time, it would seem, quite a bit, yes, but here, too, we won’t have more than thirty, the whole war is broken into such small fragments, yes, ours were sitting here, and he was hammering at them here, that is, ours were sitting in the basement, and this tank was hammering at them, and the basement survived, the most interesting thing is, and people remained alive , yes, people remained alive, they then looked at him... you look from above, yes, everything seems to be destroyed, you’re driving like this, no, defend yourself, defend yourself, on the left side, for about three days, well, this is just the entrance we
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had a felling here from the forest for three days, it changed hands several times, this is the house, this is where they had their base checkpoint, he also crossed the volkin sound two or three times, well, here they had machine gunners sitting. one machine gunner of one uh group took fire on himself, distracted this checkpoint, well , let's call it that, the group walked around from the rear, and was attacked by a grenade launcher, there is a window right there, he went right there, then that is, the grenade launcher hit here, yes, yes, they came in from this side, they approached, from this side the assault group established a foothold about 100-150 meters away, a shooting battle began, they approached... well, right at point blank range from here they put me in here, then they dropped in, i was just working here with two group storm commanders, and the call sign is a cross, this is the 239th
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regiment and... an asian man, a cross, was walking along the ground, and there was another group, one group walked through a pipe somewhere there came out, there was a cross, and the cross went like this, the asian was just destroying this one, he came in from the back, but they remember the video when the 239th regiment puts a flag on the administration, this is just this, this is this. group, yes, at what point did you realize that the army, that you would go to serve in the army, yes, as long as i can remember, i always wanted to be someone to be some kind of military man, well , a sailor in childhood, there was someone, someone, someone, well
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, in the military, and this is... always the slorov school, no, dad didn’t let me in, he said , before you have time to put on your boots, what rank did your father rise to, midshipman, chief naval foreman, grandfather ivan mikhailovich, this is a worthy historical figure for me, he was the deputy commander of the cavalry regiment in the first cavalry, and semyon mikhailovich personally knew kliment efremovich forshilov , but the first world war did not come. the first one is gone, in the seventeenth they came to the reds, yes, that is, he didn’t immediately find himself in the red because of his age, yes, he was born in 900, and why did he stay in the army, because at some point it already seemed, well, i like it, i like it, but at the same time there must be a colossal inner confidence and motivation, yes, yes, that is, that is why you cannot fight if you do not believe
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that your... the cause is just, you will not win, you will not win.
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10:00 pm
we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
10:01 pm
the russian army fought back. 17 attacks in so. the center, west and south groups occupied more advantageous positions. formation of zelensky they lost about 1,200 more soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, a destroyed tank.


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