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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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what are they afraid of? thirdly, why not nato? well, if you want to fight with russia, and for this purpose the nato bloc was created, then why now, at such a crucial moment, is the bloc not in action? however, let’s take a closer look: there is also an interesting intonation here, it makes the topic commonplace, accustoms us to the idea that the problem can be solved, we just need to send it to the troops, and russia will not revive its empire, and further, nobility. motive, it turns out, an imbalance has arisen. in fact, sending european troops would be quite normal response to this type of conflict. the russian special operation has disrupted the regional balance of power and europe has a vital interest in correcting this imbalance. listen, wasn’t the regional balance of power disrupted by the bloody coup d’état of 2014, supported by the west, and the rise to power?
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wasn’t the regional balance of power disrupted by nato’s advance to the east and the bloc’s active military development of the territory of ukraine? wasn’t the regional balance of power disrupted by the unleashed war against the russians? russian in ukraine. this is how the imbalance was formed. then the authors, as if pinch themselves, ask the main question: how will putin respond to the entry of western troops into ukraine? the main question is: will russia really use nuclear weapons if european troops enter ukraine? but will russia really use nuclear weapons? but the authors immediately console us, how empty is it? sooner or later, european leaders must ignore putin's weaponization, as it is just propaganda. and then, again, russia must lose and will lose if the europeans introduce... moscow
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will have to face the prospect that european escalation risks making the conflict unwinnable for russia. it's still the same theme: russia must be defeated. this publication is fully in line with the bill peace through strength in the 20th century adopted by the house of representatives of the american congress. this is a broad canvas about the structure of international relations, where the united states was crushed. china and iran, and russia simply has no place left. there is no sovereign russia in this construction of the world and there are no interests of ours at all. and there is no space left for us. this is an absolutely stubborn position in which the united states places russia outside of any relations and leaves it without any rights. the bill, for example, provides a detailed legislative framework for confiscation.
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give an international precedent, legalize open robbery. the head of the european central bank, christina lagarthe, says that the confiscation of russian assets will violate the doctrine of the international rule of law and will lead to unpredictable consequences. position china is reported by the english-language global times. as the main beneficiary of the established international order, the united states undermines global supremacy. the chinese see to
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the root, the americans are tightening their attitude to the point of impossibility, and some in europe, in this context, are planning a direct military clash with russia in the ukrainian expanses. president of lithuania, nausėda. i welcome the idea of ​​direction.
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polish foreign minister sekorski, the presence of nato forces in ukraine is not unthinkable, now we are returning it.
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is growing that for russia this is already a question life of death, and in the west everyone repeats that their goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on us in ukraine, they will not agree to anything less, and if the plot really develops in this direction, then russia will have no choice but to use it, we will retreat there we can’t, for ourselves it will be a disaster of statehood. putin speaks about this directly. if we abandon these people today, then tomorrow our losses may increase many times over, and our children will have no
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future, because we will feel if we are insecure, we will become a third- or fourth-class country.
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general , i order the minister of defense, chief
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of staff, to transfer the deterrent forces of the russian army to a special regime of combat duty. there has been no end since then, russian nuclear. the triad, and these are strategic missile forces, strategic aviation and nuclear missile submarines, these are our deterrent forces, ready, from a military-technical point of view, we are of course ready, they are constantly in a state of combat readiness, this is the first, second and this is also a generally recognized thing, our triad, the nuclear triad, it is more...
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the number of warhead carriers, but you need to know about this, and those who need it, i repeat, experts, specialists, military, and they know this well. requires clarification: what, the united states will remain on the sidelines? obviously not. the usa is a key
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nato power. if nato countries send their troops into ukraine in order to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, then the very moment that putin is talking about will come he once said, why do we need peace if there is no russia in it? then everything from us will fly everywhere. sarmatians, and yars, avant-gardes. american decision-making centers, launchers on land and at sea are already in sight. france as a nuclear power will have to be disarmed instantly. the british isles will simply go under water. there are technologies for this. and we once talked about them. but it’s better not to let it come to that, and this is not
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propaganda. in general, in our program 10 years ago, in 2014, we probably said for the first time that guaranteed retribution inevitably. there is no need to drive russia into a corner. and russia is the only country in the world that is really capable of turning the united states into radioactive ash. then someone laughed, someone. shrugged it off, but today it is already clear to everyone that this is exactly the case, what kind of peace through force in the 21st century, this is how russia will use it, if forced, they will use it, next in line is a report from our subcorrespondent in europe, mikhail antonov. the royal cavalry ran away in london on wednesday. several horses threw off their riders and rushed around the city, knocking down pedestrians and crashing into into the car.
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and he and his conservative party do not have time before the next elections, which will sweep them away, but while he is in the saddle, he rode to poland on tuesday. if we don't support ukraine now, the costs will be much higher and we will put the uk defense industry on a war footing. britain will spend 2.5% of gdp on defense, a country where economic growth last year was 1% and price growth was 7.5.
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however, for complete harmony they
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lack something, namely berlin’s consent to supply taurus cruise missiles to ukraine. scholz continues to persist in his reluctance to send them to kiev, fearing escalation and public opinion, as well as remembering how the americans tricked him with a tank. in this regard, attempts to push through the chancellor intensified this week. on wednesday , sunok moved from poland to germany and praised scholz for his decision to transfer an air defense battery to ukraine. scholz accepted the praise, but still did not give in to persuasion. germany is ukraine's largest sponsor financially and also when it comes to arms supplies.
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moscow won’t hit berlin in response, that’s not provided for by international law. at the same time, it is strange that the same pistorius regularly demonstrates an understanding of the real balance of forces and capabilities in the ukrainian theater of military operations. the other day he said that the russian military-industrial complex produces more weapons than it spends during the svo. however, with no less regularity, a correct assessment of the potential leads him, and almost all of his western colleagues, to the incorrect conclusion that russia will certainly close the issue with ukraine.
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this put pressure on the situation. exists the real prospect is that ukraine will replenish its reserves much faster than we expected. ultimately, it will not be possible to defeat russia. the decline in the level of expectations regarding the durability of the kiev regime was reflected in the fact that the joy of unblocking aid from the united states within just one week has practically disappeared. the money is the last and will not allow the armed forces to aggravate the situation to the maximum and slow down the advance of the russian army. well, besides, polish president duda began to fuss again, actively inviting people. american nuclear weapons into polish territory, which caused irritation and jealousy in paris, where they generally would like to see their strategic arsenal as the exclusive guarantor of european security. we are the only nuclear power in the eu, but what makes us special is that we do not belong to nato's nuclear planning group. in our containment system we are completely autonomous. a deployment to poland
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would require discussion among the allies, as it would invalidate the nato-russia founding act. i'll mention it.
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probably won't sit down, but her chances of leading the list of the centrist people's party, which could prolong its tenure in office, is highly questionable, as are the own prospects of the centrists themselves, who
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are being pressured by the right. in france, a month and a half before the elections, the rating of the opposition national association marine lepin is 31.5% against 17 for the macron renaissance, that is, the french president is partly right: europe is mortal, but only the europe that it personifies is mortal. the current liberal elites, they are clinging to life with all their might before our eyes, degenerating into their own opposite. for the germans, things are heading straight towards banning an alternative for germany, an asset that the press openly calls russian-chinese spies. intimidation is a key tool to counter any political transformation. even the horsemen of the apocalypse can come in handy here. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, denis lesitsin and andrey putro, lead the week. germany. one
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french nuclear weapons. macron's statement says a lot: firstly, that the european union does not have neighborly relations with russia, but we have never been against it. secondly, we understand that neighborly relations with russia still need to be built. thirdly, macron now does not know what to do with french nuclear weapons and wants to adapt them somewhere. macron also added that the eu’s common defense strategy will make it possible to develop guarantees for...
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air defense - deep strikes, and the french army will become the most effective army in europe. that is, we correctly understand that macron again wants to create a pan-european army without nato. he already talked about this before. and if i'm not mistaken, chancellor. years passed, but no one took a step in this direction. let's see how the plot develops now. one thing is good, macron is thinking about neighborly relations with russia, but how this is combined with his own idea to send french troops to ukraine to help the banderaites is not very it's clear. it’s good that macron still plans to consult with his european partners. if
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so, then... it would be useful to invite two members of the dutch parliament to paris: thieri bode and pepijn van haowellengen. concerned about the risks of nuclear war, they sponsored a parliamentary request to the dutch government. it sounds like this. what do you think the consequences of a possible nuclear war with russia would be for the netherlands? what would be the consequences for the netherlands if russia used one of its most powerful nuclear weapons? for example, inflated. sarmat is one of the russian intercontinental ballistic missile systems, this strategic missile system can carry multiple warheads. defense against strategic nuclear missile systems is very complex. to clarify, it’s not that it’s complicated, but protection from russian strategic systems
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is not. perhaps this is what is called for the purity of relations, i wonder if macron will tell his european partners about this, who they plan to invite to paris for a meeting in the coming months? on wednesday, the president of the united states biden signed a law allocating more than $60 billion in aid to ukraine, but there is a catch: 80%


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