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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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defense against strategic nuclear missile systems is very complex. to clarify, it’s not that it’s complicated, but protection from russian strategic systems is impossible. this is what is called for the purity of relationships. i wonder if macron will tell his european partners about this, whom he plans to invite to paris for a meeting in the coming months? on wednesday, us president biden signed a law allocating more than $60 billion in aid to ukraine, but there is a catch: 80% of this money will be spent on us territory and end up in pockets american defense workers. the americans are happy with everything; ukraine is just a consumable material in the global battle. almost in a package with assistance to ukraine, the house of representatives also voted for the bill.
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we will have more details on this ahead, but while the united states is proposing a resolution in the un security council to ban nuclear weapons in space, we blocked it, because in general they are against any weapon in the universe, while the americans, by banning only nuclear weapons in space, again wanted to create unilateral advantages for themselves , did not work out. ours has details. it's hard to look for a russian threat in outer space, especially if it 's not there. there is panic in the united states; russia is placing nuclear weapons in space, violating the treaty that previously did not allow warriors to destroy the planet. no facts, no evidence, 3d graphics alone enter the brains of americans in a wide parabola. the us has new intelligence. a serious threat
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to national security, nuclear weapons in space, really, the same formula of fear, just a couple of new variables, i think this is a wake-up call for us, what russia is doing unprecedented, this is an incredibly dangerous and destabilizing initiative, in the event of an explosion , two things will happen: the first is the energy of a nuclear explosion, passing through the earth's atmosphere, it will be converted into an electromagnetic pulse, that is, essentially an electrical burst of energy, which will ultimately fry electrical devices. since 1967, there has been an international treaty on this topic, in which most un members participate, why else? the voting results are as follows:
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it is certainly not the united states that other states should read lectures about the dangers of using nuclear weapons. russia and china jointly proposed, and moscow and beijing are well aware of the corporation's test program. since 2010, the x-37 cosmoplane has already hit orbit seven times. the military nature of the x-37 mission in america. are hidden, but the
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missions for which the us air force uses the orbital aircraft are not disclosed. according to one version, it is a reconnaissance aircraft, according to another, it is a space interceptor for attacking foreign, for example, russian or chinese satellites. new the us space doctrine, developed under bush jr., in principle, allows for the extension of american sovereignty to outer space, and let the whole world be silent while they themselves are in it. we have only just begun to understand the catastrophic consequences of a nuclear explosion in space, how it could destroy thousands of satellites operated by countries and companies around the world, crippling the vital services of communications, science, meteorology, agriculture, trade and national security on which we all rely. dependent so today's veto makes me wonder why, if you follow the rules, you don't support a resolution that confirms them, what you can hide is puzzling.
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simple, but in the end we acted together and we achieved the desired result. everyone roughly guessed what methods were used to achieve the desired result, but after this publication in the new york times there was no doubt left, not wanting to go along the corridor that would inevitably end with a wall, zelensky delayed accepting the bloodthirsty
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law on mobilization, but in washington they insisted that in the morning people only get iron in the evening, and people first. while american officials have been trying to... for some time, to pull themselves out of the hole that we fell into due to the six-month delay while congress agreed on aid. it's been too long and the effects of the delay are being felt in ukraine, so perhaps russia will achieve additional tactical gains in the coming weeks. but
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this does not interfere with the strategic goals of the american military-industrial complex. hot on its heels, the pentagon spits out a package worth $1 billion. in poland it was collected in advance and kept in mind since '. 22 or 1991 in the usa after avdeevka, somehow they immediately stopped believing. kiev expectations, kiev problems, accustom readers to the new reality of the column on nbc, politics in the publication zakhil. and
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the chairman of the us joint chiefs of staff, who started out as an instructor on the f-16, completely avoids the question about ukraine with an anti-missile maneuver. is ukraine capable of winning? you see, the key is to make sure that ukraine can defend itself. unrestrained aggression leads to more aggression, which is why it is so important for us that ukraine is in a position where it can defend itself, and that this does not lead to a wider conflict. apparently, just in order to narrow the conflict zone, the ukrainian armed forces transferred atak ms missiles with an extended range of up to 300 km, and gave secrets back in march, about 100 pieces, at least twice. have already been used against targets in russian berdyansk and russian dzhankoy, but these american weapons are also invulnerable, like any other, of course, cannot be named. it is obvious that due to the transfer of atacoms to the ssu, the threat
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to the security of the russian federation , primarily crimea, including sevastopol, new regions of the russian federation, as well as other cities of our country, is intensifying or increasing. armed forces.
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with russian assets in the united states, which they also managed to put their paws on. the house of representatives approved the bill.
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think about how you are going to move to the next stages, negotiate if necessary. i sincerely believe that the administration biden has no plan. when they say, we will support ukraine as long as necessary, it means nothing. the person who didn't understand is mike johnson. he remained the speaker of congress, but from now on it will be johnson who will always be thrown under the bus, as at columbia university, where he ended up.
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the inhabitants of the tent city greeted johnson with whist as he descended the steps of the butler library. the cherished traditions of this university are now being undermined by radical and extremist ideologies. they aimed at the backs of the jews students in the united states. an increasing number are supporting terrorists. they persecute jewish students and ridicule them. for those who are located on the lawn with palestinian flags, johnson is a direct accomplice in the genocide of the palestinians, one of the
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packages proposed by the speaker to the republicans and signed by the democratic president, specifically on military assistance to israel. columbia students have specific demands; they want their almamator to stop any investments in companies that they believe profit from netanyahu's foreign policy. in the gas sector. the time for polite requests or requests to the us administration to stop this genocide has passed, the palestinians have been asking for justice for 100 years, and what it has given us is more genocide, and they are not going to leave. despite several ultimatums, the tent camp of columbia university students is still in place; police tape, as if a crime had happened here, was hung to keep them out. outsiders inside, but from inside pro-palestinian protests from here have already spread throughout america, from
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california to massachusetts, from texas to ohio. in scale, this is increasingly closer to the nationwide marches of the vietnam war, with police assaults and mass arrests. the hottest spot of the last few days is emory university in atlanta. the police used tear gas to disperse the students. but in these frames you can even hear shooting, rubber balls or bullets. plastic handcuffs were put on the detainees' hands. why are you doing this, explain to me, i just came to class i have a right to be here. at some point, stun guns were fired into the entrance. did you grab it? not only students, i am the head of the philosophy department, and this teacher was simply
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thrown to the ground, despite the fact that no one looked at the lady, american democracy, in the person of two coupes and a third in dark glasses with a rifle at an advantage, triumphed without looking at the television cameras. i'm a teacher, i'm a teacher. it was tough in texas. at the university of austin, the palestine solidarity committee demanded that students occupy the south lawn. the police had others plans: they line up in a chain and go... minutes later, there is a real massacre, rubber batons, protesters are trying to save themselves and their tents and build barricades, those who did not manage to escape are taken away, journalists are arrested, one cameraman almost had his head broken with a television camera . the rallies
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continued at the gates of the travis county jail, with those gathered demanding release.
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the article says that all of these protests are organized by soros-funded chapters of the student organization for justice in palestine, and some students clash with police, we tried. find out who is behind all this, because it is obvious that everything is coordinated, all the protesters have the same colored tents of clothes. these protests are very similar to the movement, among the protesters are not only students, i saw people over twenty being arrested, that is , they are definitely not college students, plus we see that this is happening at the same time all over the country, they all have identical
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posters, identical tents, obviously someone is pulling the strings and coordinating these protests. 4 years ago in the wake of protest. blm also wrote that they were using soros’s money, it turns out that the american-style color revolution has begun to devour its children, because the loser now is not the republicans, but the democratic president, it is from him, calling joe the genocidal, that the left-wing youth, who in the past the elections were mobilized by anger over the death of george floyd. i condemn anti-semitic protests, which is why i organized the program. to combat this, i also condemn those who do not understand what is happening to the palestinians. on no one has ever been able to sit on two chairs in the oval office. izra, the same helpless pilosi hands biden a stool, again scrambling on her favorite topic, they are no longer able to do it, she looks pathetic. it is in putin’s interests
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that you know who wins. and so i see some encouragement from the russians about what's going on.
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we are ready to move only forward, in no case backwards, you are ready for unity instead of division, for dignity instead.
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no, it’s not surprising at all, now everything is changing, it's trump's turn. do you want to give something to biden? fuck you, biden! biden has a chance to object to trump and his supporters officially, and to his face. that's why debates were invented, which he, however, avoided until the very end, but the press put pressure on him. i would tell you what i imagine your debate to be like with your opponent if you are going to have one. yes. i’ll be somewhere, i don’t know when exactly, but i’ll be happy to debate with him. they're both in york, let's do it, we'll turn
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this studio into a debate platform in half an hour. let's let's do it right now. on the one hand, the debate will definitely help joe biden avoid having to resort to a teleprompter. another 4 years, pause, but donald trump simply wiped the floor with the bidens like a mop, no offense to the mops . trump, by the way, is not against it. i just want to say that i invited biden to the debate, he can do it at any time, including tonight, i invited him to the courthouse that he caused us to be in, this is a well-coordinated attack on a political opponent, but here i am , i ready, if he wants, we can debate on monday, tuesday or wednesday. in fact, the dates of the presidential debates in the united states were approved by the commission, three rounds, starting from september 16, but trump himself does not know what lies ahead, until the supreme court decides. whether he has presidential immunity, manhattan justice in the case of payments to porn actress stormy daniels is trying with all its might to put him behind bars as soon as possible, and nara is
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not the worst option. democrats literally want him dead. benny thompson introduced bill to deprive trump secret service protection. that's how serious they are about the issue: they want president trump dead, they want to lock him in prison for the rest of his life to die there, they want to deprive him of his secret protection. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire to stand out, a desire
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addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it, the master plan was sharp and did not leave the slightest doubt about what they wanted to do to us, having exhausted all attempts to put their western colleagues on the table. sign something anti-hitler, we realized that we are alone, we must ensure our own safety, battle in the city is not chaos, battle in the city - this is the highest military art, and even psychological little things were thought out, so it was that this would be the very contour offensive, the very miracle that would save germany, i took aim and fired the first shot under the window, most of all they were afraid of running into a machine gun turn, our corps can no longer escape from it. the very
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south of berlin came out, i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, behind us there are space birds, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mom. what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, what do you want, the light is on ahead.
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on thursday in moscow, vladimir putin met with representatives of large russian businesses, the main message from the president to entrepreneurs is that the state is ready to be predictable and not change the rules of the game to suit the situation, but to review the results
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privatization. vladimir putin once again confirmed that recently law enforcement agencies have opened a number of cases to return some assets to state ownership. i'd like to check in.


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