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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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on thursday in moscow, vladimir putin met with representatives of large russian businesses. the president's main message to entrepreneurs is that the state is ready to be predictable and not change the rules of the game to suit the situation. and there will be no revision of the results of privatization.
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vladimir putin once again confirmed that recently law enforcement agencies have opened a number of cases to return some assets to state ownership. i would like to emphasize that we are not talking about a review of privatization, but about cases where actions or inactions owners of enterprises and property complexes cause direct damage to the country's security and national interests. and i'll add for explanation. pensions to owners , no formal grounds for entrapment are allowed, for example, if the asset was privatized in the early nineties in agreement only with the region, without the participation of the federal center, the government did not control, did not do what it should have done in accordance with the then regulatory framework, and means claims against the current owners assets are inappropriate, especially for those who work normally, successfully, solve...
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social issues help ensure national security, i would like to once again draw the attention of my colleagues in this room in law enforcement agencies, the seizure of a business is justified only in the situation that was only mentioned what i said. details of this and other events of the presidential week are on the zaruben telegram channel in the moscow, kremlin-putin program immediately after the news of the week. snippet right now. it was clear from the parked and approaching cars that a special event is taking place here; large businessmen were waiting for the president. president of the russian federation, vladimir. shokhin,
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who had seen the president backstage seconds earlier, apparently decided that putin would enter the scene from another country. finally, we started a dialogue. vladimir vladimirovich, your protocol said that i must speak from the floor. first of all.
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i can applaud, i can say why there was no applause, because the actions of law enforcement agencies continue, there was no applause, i hope that we will really develop the approach oh to whom i just said, let’s normalize this situation, almost half of the cabinet of ministers was invited here to develop common approaches on various issues, and marat, now marat will say a few words, and anton. and anton siluanov, marad khusnulin and andrei belousov presented themselves with documents and discussed the problematic issues raised. so far, the ministry of finance of love and i have not reached agreement on this issue, but we are getting closer very quickly. yes, anton, the president with the heads of the largest companies in constant dialogue, knows that one of the key problems for everyone now there are high interest rates on loans. just yesterday, the day before yesterday. once again
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, i am constantly in contact with the chairman of the central bank, i am sure that there will be changes, i really count on it, only stormy long applause, please do not consider it as... this is exactly what i said 5 minutes ago. the rsp congress, of course, became one of the most exciting events of the week. the economic impact is positive. it will be available to those companies, putin is sure, that care about their employees; this is all the more important when it's obvious what's ahead. shortage of
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qualified personnel. and it certainly cannot be covered mechanically through labor migration and abroad. this won't solve the problem. we need. other approaches, look, immediately at all the microphones there was a large line of people wanting to ask a question, as soon as the free microphone mode was turned on and it was said that anyone could come up and ask their question. some prepared for the moment so thoroughly that they even managed to laminate the texts of their questions. others counted on memory, but they were understandably excited and repeated their question. conversation on other topics, well, this kind of requires a lot of productivity, so we would here , vladimirovich, offer to look at it all together, not on a piece of paper, everything that was in our hearts was said, accordingly, expressing the position of the region, from putin’s heart they asked, if russian companies
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are prevented from working abroad, then why not prevent some foreign ones from working in russia; it is not always profitable to act according to the principle of teleon from ancient law. do that the same thing that they do to you, but to put it bluntly, we need to look at what is beneficial and not profitable for us, please, questions were asked a couple of times even by those who asked, and a year ago putin decided to give everyone a chance, another one of ours, they didn’t the colleagues are running out, so that the colleagues are already running out, the organizers even lowered the microphone to the floor, then raised it, it seems good if membership is required in the introductions. the star of the last congress, the one who spoke about the unified state exam topic, for some reason then spoke with these words. some are more fortunate, some have sons, yes, i have two daughters, well, i’m worried, take back your words, i’ll take it back immediately, no,
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they won’t let you home anymore, like what you said, someone was more lucky, i, i also have children, they apologized to their daughters. for the past year and to my wife, i apologized, yes, but vladimirovich said that she wouldn’t let me go home, but she let me go home, yes, everything is fine, everything is fine, but we are working on our son now, but i think everything will be fine, we last year we talked to you about the unified state examination, yes, and we will put a full stop on the unified state examination today, i now i’ll explain everything to me, the moderator of the meeting , alexander.
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jokes aside, but really, if this is the case, he loves the book, i’ll give it to him with pleasure, but the main thing, of course, is that the dialogue here is with big business power. on issues that concern millions of people, we will solve all problems if we listen to each other and work together, we have succeeded so far, i have no doubt for a second that we will achieve all the goals that we set for ourselves . on
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thursday speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko gave a long interview to the rionovosti agency, one of the questions concerned the reaction of the state and society to the recent terrorist attack in the moscow region-krasnogorsk, when proposals poured in from different sides to tighten the legislation up to the abolition of the moratorium on the death penalty. valentina matvienko's answer was unequivocal. there will be no tightening of the screws, ivanovna, after the terrorist attack in crocus city, i understand that a lot is based on emotions, but there is a desire to tighten russian legislation in a variety of areas, and in fact we are talking about creating more than such a tough state, we are talking about tightening the screws, how do you feel about this? well, first of all...
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next: the place of forced deportation, african rwanda. sergei zenin is the secret
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tomb of afghan rulers. what remains of the soviet quarter in kabul and why do afghans choose cricket? and in the uk this week there is an epic with the deportation of illegal migrants to africa. was continued, the bill allowing the deportation of refugees to rwanda finally received royal assent and officially became law. controversial idea originated in the government of boris johnson, and will start working under rish sunak. the first group of refugees has already been identified and will go away from foggy albion in a couple of months. they are followed, and then their fate will be the problem of the rwandan government.
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“we are ready, the system is working, flights will be carried out no matter what happens, and no foreign court will interfere with us, for the last 2 years.” basically, these are refugees trying to convince everyone from the middle east, asia and africa. the most popular route for them is ferrying across the channel. overloaded with people, but windy boats leave france towards england almost daily. british ministers say that if migrants know that they will be sent to rwanda, then there will be no reason for them
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to sail. on the day that the law allowing such deportation was passed in london, in the waters of the channel. five people drowned, the tragedy occurred off the french coast, instead a fight broke out in the rubber boat, three men, one woman and a seven-year-old girl fell overboard and drowned, remaining in the boat perceived this tragedy as just a delay in the journey. the 57 people in the boat remained on board, preferring not to be rescued, they managed to start the engine again and decided to continue towards great britain under the supervision of the navy. despite all the agreements and financial investments from britain, the french authorities do not need these people either. it happens that gendarmes pierce boats with a knife near the shore, but on the open sea they don’t even try to stop them. migrants are accepted later british border guards and deliver them to the english port of duvar. from this moment a long stage of proceedings begins.
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asylum cases are processed in britain not even for months, but for years. all this time, migrants, well... need to be housed and fed somewhere. after a series of scandals due to terrible conditions in temporary detention centers , migrants are sent to hotels. in the area of ​​london heathrow airport, some hotels are now completely occupied by such people. migrants are still arriving and the costs for them are only growing. their placement and content costs the british treasury £8 million a day. it turns out to be more than 2.5 billion per year. for hotel owners, these are very profitable contracts. in such places there is always a lot of security for outsiders, especially journalists, they are not welcome here, but the guests are happy, they are provided with everything they need, including three meals a day. the rooms have microwaves and have everything you need for a holiday. the only thing missing is a work permit, because if you stay in such a place for a long time, for example, several months or several
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years, then for many people it paralyzes their brains, they rely only on benefits. samina moved to england 2 years ago. she fled afghanistan and is now waiting for her fate to be decided, hoping that she will be lucky and not be sent to rwanda. it will be terrible, even humiliating, but what can you do? you have to accept things as they are. what are the options? they promise to send the first batch of migrants in 10-12 weeks. the british home office says only 150 will be sent human. according to auditors, the deportation of each of them would cost the treasury. at 1.800 thousand pounds sterlin. the cost of the project as a whole is already half a billion pounds, although not a single migrant has yet been sent. a hostel with the telling name nadezhda in the rwandan capital of kigali, built with english money, has been empty for 2 years. we have an entertainment area, a field for mini-football, basketball and volleyball.
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there are also smoking areas. rwandan authorities say they are ready to accept migrants at least tomorrow. people should remember that this partnership has existed for 2 years, and there is a budget for it to take care of migrants upon arrival in rwanda, there is money for their temporary residence, for paperwork, there is everything necessary to ensure their life in rwanda, everything is planned, there is money, everything is in place, there are no volunteers among migrants willing to go to rwanda yet, i am under great stress and only think about this rwanda, the un high commissioner for refugees said that the agreement between the uk and rwanda is contrary to international law. under this agreement, asylum seekers in the uk will be transferred to rwanda pending
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the determination of their applications to prevent asylum. the national asylum system in... will then be responsible for considering their need for international protection, people displaced to rwanda, even if granted refugee or humanitarian status, will remain in rwanda. this agreement offers an asylum model that undermines global solidarity and the existing international refugee protection system, it is incompatible with international refugee law. in london they say that deportations are necessary to stop the illegal traffic of people. the situation is that at the moment criminals are making decisions about asylum policy and immigration policy, they are not doing it for the greater good.
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agreements with countries such as batswana, costa rica and the ivory coast. james cleverley went to italy this week, there are the same problems, and even larger ones. in
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january, the italians entered into an agreement to send migrants to albania, where they are ready to receive 36,000 people annually. they will be kept in temporary accommodation centers while the italian authorities decide on their future fate. the agreement between italy and albania was also condemned by the un high commissioner. refugee affairs and numerous human rights organizations. they create double standards for asylum seekers who will be detained in these centers in albania, without no interest in ensuring that legislation complies with european and italian standards. there is no shortage of critics. french president emmanuel macron, speaking about the agreement between britain and rwanda, said that he did not understand how people could be deported to third countries unknown to them. we are creating a geopolitics of cynicism that imparts our values ​​and will lead to the creation of new dependencies, and which will turn out to be completely ineffective. a stone's throw from the university
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of sarbona, where macron spoke, police pulled out the emigrants who had settled on the banks of the seine from their tents. the olympics will be held in paris this summer, and such spectators are not needed here. this is another example of the social cleansing that occurs in paris before the olympic games. police. evacuate all the camps in paris because they want to see paris clean for the olympics and for tourists, they don't want to see paris as a city full of migrants and asylum seekers. according to un estimates , 270 thousand made their way to europe through the mediterranean sea alone last year. there are another 50,000 migrants this year, so an army of millions is being formed, people who are useless and ready for anything. the mayor of the port town of vemrök, where five migrants drowned this week while trying to cross.
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kabulul, almost 2 years after the shameful flight of the americans from there. close eyes. you can never determine what kind of city it is, in tehran, cairo, baghdad, islamabad, in kabul also, the sounds of car horns do not stop during the day, everyone honks for no reason,
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just out of habit, east, and you are used to driving as well as you can all this it’s not easy to resolve, but i don’t know how , but there’s nothing to do, it’s like this every day, the traffic police here have a lot of experience, they’ve been working in one place for 30-40 years, they haven’t been through it... they don’t know the rules, it’s always like that in kabul it was like they drive as they want, they don’t know the law at all, we help figure it out, otherwise the city will get stuck in traffic jams, in the city now you don’t fear for your life, although terrorist attacks in crowded places are still possible, but before in the middle of the day they could easy to poke. or
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hanged, the rest were sent to jail. someone else is hiding in the slums of the dirty market, but they will get to them too. we were here 3 years ago, there were problems with security, now we arrived in the city calmly, and i understand that this is thanks, including to you, you are doing a great job, how is the situation in general? thank you for your kind words, we were really able to restore order in kabul. afghanistan will live well. thank you, good luck, thank you. any firearm requires a permit. these guys have it. they are the city's security service. they noticed us a long time ago, they learned that russians, a conversation ensued. which one of these guys do you think is jealous of the other?
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1967, still working, this is kalashnikov, this is not american rubbish, this is good, which is better? of course he does, that is, you go and envy him, right?
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the city seems to have sighed with the departure of the coalition troops. 20 years of occupation of afghanistan have vanished like a bad dream. if they speak with gratitude about foreigners, it is only about the soviet ones who were here almost 40 years ago. the russians built all over afghanistan, did everything. the russians helped them it was not all the same not giving a damn about the people. they helped us a lot. these are the russians. the americans only bombed and killed. there was no benefit from them. russians. we were united. abdul vahit knows what he's talking about. he is a native of kabulul. i've seen a lot in my 65 years. i saw the war several times. it has only just ended for him. peace came to his area, beyond which he had never traveled. it may be joyless, shabby, but the world is still there. literally all russian journalists who come to kabul always tell about this microdistrict. it was built by soviet
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builders, soviet builders lived in it.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money.


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