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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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yes, good evening, the westerners are complaining, they say the russians are mocking us, we have announced another aid package, they are on poklonnaya hill. the museum of technology suits the germans especially, well, they were worried that there was a lot of german stuff left there, but i want to reassure them, reassure them, not only the germans, now abrams also went to pay respects, the brave fighters of the group of troops-center were evacuated from the special operation zone , destroyed american abrams tank, next stop - moscow, poklonnaya gora.
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this will simply make our answer even more painful, that is, along this ladder of escalation we have something to add, there is something to add, the west is ready for any escalation in order to preserve its hegemony, but it will end with the fact that there simply will be no west, no, the territory will remain, and i, for example, with great i watch with interest what is happening in germany and support absolute innovation, but why be surprised, once upon a time... pagan germany, then this is still , well, the territory of modern germany, when christianity took the place of paganism, now islam comes, when i see a gigantic crowd people demanding that the emirate of hamburg be there, then i can only say one thing, but what’s wrong with that.
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religious belief, when they come to a country that claims to be democratic, they have the right to expect that democracy will be manifested not only in swedish, where the burning of the koran is allowed, but in what muslims will be allowed to organize as their daily everyday life, so political life in accordance with one’s religious beliefs, by the way, this absolutely meets the requirements democracy, so germany. get ready, in
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america, by the way, now too, here we are somehow silent, but i, for example, demand the immediate release of all detained students, immediately. there are so many 800 people detained on college campuses who spoke out in support of palestine, why is the american police state suppressing the rights of the most progressive part of humanity to express their political views, these are not the same people who, when we had something outright throwing tantrums, screaming, performed every time by the way, for some reason the europeans are silent and do not condemn the americans for their extreme behavior.
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everything is the same, nothing changes. and, by the way, they held, also very interesting, they held a public prayer, yeah, where american students were taught how to perform prayer correctly. by the way, a very impressive sight. indeed, prayers, indeed all the students bowed. i have nothing against. i'm just wondering, are these people just one time, or do they really understand the greatness of islam?
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speaking objectively from a military-political position, when a planned counter-invasion, the only goal of which was not donetsk, not lugansk, they didn’t need all this, not access to the borders, it was all indifferent to them, for them the only thing that was important was to cut off the road to crimea to take crimea, that’s all when zelensky sprayed the conditions, couldn’t, they tell him, idiot, look what needs to be done, so they transfer attacks from... believes that he will force germany to transfer taurs, and we are advancing at the front, the leadership of our country pays special priority to those who are ensures success. started to act special personnel program, time for heroes,
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who are these people? these are soldiers and officers who showed real character, leadership, and high human qualities in a combat situation. i'm sure so. are also worthy, they will prove themselves in future work, in government, in the field of education, mentoring, in leading positions in all areas. this is not some company, i want this to be clear to everyone, this is just the environment, those people from which we must draw personnel, from which we must choose for future work, choose people, who are ready to serve russia and who are serving russia now, without sparing themselves. your health and life. the consolidation of russian society and support for our heroes is especially important when the enemy is gradually moving towards a new big war. nato expansion has already led to dramatic consequences for european security. the conflict in ukraine is just one element in
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the west’s far-reaching plans to inflict long-term defeat on us. after the collapse of the soviet union, the expansion of the north atlantic alliance to the east continues. although in the nineties we were promised that this would not happen, while at the same time six waves of nato expansion took place. the alliance troops have come very close to... we have neither geopolitical nor military interests to attack the state of the bloc, we
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simply protect our people in our historical territories, and have always made every effort to maintain strategic stability and the balance of power in the world. on the contrary, the united states, having first created it, is now purposefully prolonging the conflict in ukraine. the stakes are so high that washington has resorted to outright intimidation. beijing, neocolonial cliches prevent the white house from realizing that the century of china’s humiliation is long over, the modern celestial empire is not the country to which its place can be assigned. negotiations between sidinping and blinkin proved that it was not possible to rein in beijing. i do n't think there were even any negotiations with edin pina and blinkin. to be correct, the negotiations were at the level of foreign ministers, and the chairman would have said. out of his own kindness of classical chinese wisdom, i decided to look at this
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overseas guest, and so be it, i provided him an audience. i think this will be more accurate. in response to us attacks, the prc stated that nato is directly responsible for the ukrainian crisis. moreover, beijing called for the start of an international investigation into the nord stream terrorist attack and opposed unfounded accusations against trade relations with russia. not enough at this moment. incidental invasion, it seems to me that he is confusing the country and
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making claims to the wrong country, but listen, tell me, i understand correctly that in fact he should not have said russia’s invasion of ukraine, the israeli invasion, is unprecedentedly cruel, and we need to talk not about the fact that china is helping with weapons, china is not helping with weapons, but that america is providing weapons to kill 3,000 palestinians, which is not one of the goals of the tasks.
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china is a major supplier of machine tools, microelectronics and nitrocellulose, which are critical for the production of ammunition, rocket fuel and other dual-use goods that moscow is using to build up its defense industrial base, producing missiles, drones, tanks and other weapons. which president putin is using to invade a sovereign country, destroy its power grid and other civilian infrastructure, and kill innocent children, women and men. it will be difficult for russia to continue its offensive against ukraine without chinese support. feeding the russian
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defense industrial base threatens not only ukrainian but also european security. beijing is unable to improve relations with europe while continuing to support the biggest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. as we already china has been told for some time that ensuring transatlantic security is one of the key interests of the united states. during our discussion today, i made it clear that.
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they owe china, this crazy, boring little man, who lost the middle east, who lost russia forever, says, but he is a debtor to china, america is officially a debtor to china, china lent them money, they did not give it to china, and yet the debtor behaves so brazenly that i had to put him in his place head. china wang explained to blinkin who was boss. china has consistently expressed its concerns, we always urge respect for each other's core interests, and urge the united states not to interfere in china's internal affairs, not to restrain china's development, and not to cross china's red lines regarding sovereignty, security and development. translated from very
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polite chinese, i cannot explain what this means, but alexey. well, the translation is very simple, guys, you have hesitated with your claims, because pay attention to the difference in position, blinkin says that what china must ensure, this is a very direct quote, transatlantic security, china has something to do with it, and in general there is transatlantic security and china, china has never threatened it, it’s interesting that the united states chooses a whole series of accusations against china, which china does not has nothing to do with it at all. but look what ’s really happening, before blinky’s visit, as you know, a law was passed, or rather a decision, that chinese tiktok should, in fact, no matter what they say, be nationalized by the american aside, this is the first time, in my opinion, in the last history of decades, the last decades of us history, when this is happening, that is
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, think about the situation itself, there is a resource of a private chinese company. he works in the usa, no one has been able to prove that he violates us laws, absolutely no one, and although they tried it, it didn’t work, no one suggested, let’s switch, here you are, we allow you tiktok, and you allow american social networks in china , this didn’t happen, here comes a ban, a ban, that is, in fact, forced sale tiktok in the united states, and this is actually the most famous, the most successful. media resource of china outside of china, and china responded to this that guys, in fact, this is a chinese resource, we need our agency for regulating monopoly legislation, that is, the antimonopoly committee, to decide whether to sell it to you or not, and apparently , this is how we see the latest statement now, china is not going to do this, but this is just preparation for blinken’s visit,
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the second point, look before he arrived, blinken has repeatedly stated that the main issue is the question of ending any form of chinese assistance to russia, technological, financial, and so on. but china answered in advance that we will not discuss this issue, because we choose our own partners. and the difference in position is that china says, these are the words of xiding ping, that the world is big enough for both china and the united states to be there, and we want the united states to prosper, but we hope that the united states also wants china to prosper . china. china has a completely different position from the usa position, that is, the good attitude of the united states towards , as xidin ping said, this is fundamentally different, and this position, this is what blinky tried to do, you need to understand, i think that he understood in advance that the situation was lost, china would not agree to many demands, that were put forward, and there were
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two, two, two blocks of demands, one was russia and ukraine. china will split this situation, the second block is to stop subsidies to chinese industry for those machine tools and equipment that are then supplied to the usa, that is, to stop how they, like - the americans introduced the concept of excess excess industrial capacity, well, because american companies cannot compete with the chinese, in return, an excellent question, in return we will not announce sanctions and increased tariffs for almea. we will not seize your assets, which are yours, but you think that they are yours, because they are in dollars, and as the prime minister of russia shows, we will return whatever we want, well, actually this is called racketeering, this is this this. not even a negotiation process, it’s an attempt to force china to do what is unprofitable for china, and most importantly, what concerns exclusively the internal affairs of china, yes, the americans don’t
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like that china dates its industry, the auto industry, heavy industry, but that’s how the chinese economy works, what difference does it make, it will be born to china or not, that’s it, it’s not like that, it’s not like that, why not, why should china care what america likes or doesn’t like, the main thing is, what’s the americans’ business what ’s happening in china, that’s it. moreover, according to wto standards, they do all this; china does not violates wto norms, it is built like this, this is how the domestic industry is built, and as a matter of fact, these are the same machines, cars, but the americans supported their bush legs as best they could until they lost consciousness, so what? well, now here is a smart man, smarter, i apologize, than blinken, elon musk, came to china today or came to china yesterday, realizing that tesla sales have fallen sharply, because chinese cars are winning, what did he do, he is right there lowered prices.
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models there brought from germany from factories, but ours also had a victory there, there were zis, greens, in some toren suddenly we obviously turned the wrong way, here is the wrong door, as
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one of the famous musical classics says, the wrong door, but you can already choose the right door, here auruus is beautiful, but because you had to learn, it’s interesting that the chinese taught their own, that’s all the successes of china, that’s the truth. one must understand that the first initial technological success in china was thanks to the soviet union, it was soviet, soviet, soviet recycled technology, then american processed technology, well, now china is offering its own models, china is bad at inventing, but it brings everything to the limit of perfection, but it invents well, this is such a traditional opinion, but it does everything very well, now it is already starting to invent, well, 15 billion people , it’s absolutely right to find those who invent well, there is someone to choose from, but this is precisely what scares the united states, because the problem is that china is beginning to pose a real competition to the united states not even in the volume of its economy and not even in technologies. china shows that there is
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another development model, and it can be successful. and the united states cannot do anything against it except by slowing down this development model. and here the main question is precisely what china has repeatedly stated. and we must understand that every statement about china is thought through at the level. bureau, the permanent committee of the politburo, that is, any formulation is the result of a very long discussion, so when china declares that we stand there back to back with russia, this is not a figure of speech, and these are not allies relations, this is not a partnership, this is the idea of ​​mutual defense of mutual defense, as they say, the contour of space, this does not mean that china will protect our contour, no, no, here we are protecting our sector, which is in front of us, but china is covering our back, for sure just like us...
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all the negotiations that we are now conducting are afraid of china, this is true, but it is interesting that at different levels with china, we are trying to show china that there is no alternative, this is not a question of pressure, this is not a question of tiktok, it's not a question of cars, it's a question of what next time the pressure will start soon.
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psychologically counts on a long time horizon, because the united states exists less than everything, the entire history of the united states, less than the existence of one chinese dynasty, so the psychology of china tells us, why rush now, what to oppose the united states, but the president there will change, change, they look at blinkin and think, in november you will actually be there, what a man you are, who are you, in how many months will you be gone, but...
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that’s why china is in no hurry, but you have to understand, that or maybe they don’t believe us, there is such a thing, but here the question is different, well, from a historical perspective, but how should we believe, but no, no, the question is to whom should we, what are we talking about, no, the question is about putin no, they believe putin, and if we talk about russia to you, you yourself, you don’t believe yourself, that is the question, the question is serious, listen, who, well, stop, you should be doing this for a long time.
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is it just us who read blogs? no, the chinese also read russian blogs, there is a whole group there when they write that china will soon take over the far east, and in general it is necessary defend against it, chinese, where do you get this from? what for? so this is actually a repetition of what the western media write about russian-chinese relations. goering
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addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it. the ost master plan left no doubt about what they wanted to do with us. having exhausted all attempts to bring our western colleagues to the negotiating table and sign something anti-hitland, we realized that we are alone, we must ensure our own security. fight in the city is not chaos, fight in the city - this -
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i came here, we need to find moms, what kind of space pirates, well, they were already there when i met, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything. and it ’s time to act somehow, questions, proposals, objections, give something else, what you want, the light is ahead.


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