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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump a century into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, they were already there when i came here, we need to find moms, what meeting, maybe we can put the kids to bed and... now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow questions proposals objections what you want is the light of the future.
3:31 am
i remember how in the nineties, one very famous figure at that time almost went crazy, because he understood, opening modern russian newspapers at that moment, who paid for each one. materials could not understand who paid for the weather forecaster, the only thing i could not understand was who paid for the weather forecast, so when we talk about such blogs, we have competent authorities, you just need to carefully look at where these kizlyar knives came from, everything will become clear quickly, clearly and clearly, yes, but i think that it’s just - now it’s very important, yes, there are no complaints about kizlyar knives, we’re talking about advertising, yes, i think it’s very important now develop a concept of interaction with china years.
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no, no question, inflation must be fought, none of us are here, and i think tv viewers will not agree that inflation is a positive thing, but inflation is an economic category that exists along with other categories, so let's see, which was literally recently uttered by the head of the central bank, when on friday the discount rate was retained, in justifying the preservation of the discount rate at 16% per annum, it was said that high wages are the money supply that today, to unfortunately, she, well...
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there is enough money for a high salary, but this money supply will be opposed, unfortunately, by a limited supply of goods and services at old prices, so accordingly.
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that even inflation expectations are being reduced, then he says that investment business activity needs to be stimulated, well, how can it be stimulated at such an interest rate? then we are with you, he also says, our president, he says that it is necessary to promote the growth of satisfaction, or rather, of internal demand, well wait, this is actually the exact opposite of what the respected head of the central bank said literally on the same day, we’ll look further. a situation related to how it is necessary to satisfy this internal demand, through the domestic production of goods and services, by developing a competitive environment not administratively, but on the market, but how can the competitive environment of our manufacturer be compared with the competitive environment of chinese
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goods, if there are different interest rates on the loan, and incentives and support states of export products, in general there is a whole set there, and at the same time we have absolutely well... negative aspects in stimulating domestic demand, but due to the fact that our business is not able to compete even with chinese goods, accordingly, the president directly says that this needs to be changed, then he says that i even wrote down for myself that yes , we should write off 2/3 of budget loans to the regions, but what does this mean, that there is a clear understanding that this kind of debt of the regions before the state - this is an internal problem of the state, it can afford it, this is not a mixture of private business there. state interests, no, this state provided state loans through its own division, has the opportunity to write off these loans, it could have taken them there and repaid them in 100 years, and nothing would have happened for the economy, therefore, speaking of what the president said, this good news, this is a direct indication of how we should work, and
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the goal determines everything, and if we we consider them as internal interests, solved at the expense of internal resources, well , fulfilling internal ones, solving internal tasks, then this goal is correct, and if we direct the goal to solving other people's interests, then we will also have other people's, i apologize, resources, or rather, we will be other people's interests. .. in preferential lending, the question arises, what kind of world do you live in, and without these
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distortions, as you imagine, now to provide for our army, well, preferential lending, that is, in general, this person who says, preferential lending is a reaction to the fact that it is possible for military-industrial complex enterprises to bypass the conditions that are provided, but you and i must not forget that these conditions, after all, our divergence is a fundamental one. the fact that they see inflation in a large amount of money, but for some reason they forget the second side, but if a large number of goods and services are issued against this amount of money on conditions favorable to the country, that is, a low interest rate, minimal deposits, in the end guaranteed state order ensuring the implementation of neo-development there and so on further, a risky investment, because you have to somehow recoup it, then this is the answer to the question of how to defeat inflation, well, why are we always talking about the money supply without developing it. this is a systemic problem, because the central bank and everyone are representatives of a school
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that is based on a financial view of the economy, where, by and large , it is a bubble economy that does not have the slightest idea about the real economy, and the military economy is the economy of the real sector when the whole system is built completely differently relations between elements, now the central bank is talking about something, where every word says: you don’t have any war, you live in another world, you will stop doing all sorts of things here, disrupting the order, the order invented by foreign financial structures, he wants to say, well take it with your employees, but just for at least 5 minutes, but go to lugansk, go to donetsk, see how the country lives in general, to belgorod, to mariupol, to crimea for a short time, everything will become clear, in a moment, moreover, in a moment, everything illusions will go away. well i would i wanted, maybe i would disagree with you, but i can’t, because unfortunately,
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the forecasts you mentioned are also typical, look, we mentioned last time, the minister of economy gives a development forecast of 2.8 % of gdp this year, the central bank gave one and a half, 2 and a half, yes, suddenly the imf gives a forecast of 3.6, when our own officials sow pessimism, they are thereby trying to cool ours.
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svyatkova of that time. you know that you are not guilty of anything, but they are trying in every possible way to convince you otherwise. the investigator is made of she was tickling him again, that’s what he told him. absurd, absurd theater. neurosen can detect a person's face at 99.8. tsvetkov is that same person. an artificial intelligence error almost ruined the scientist’s fate. naturally, we wrote to the president. artificial intelligence has begun to be used in the investigation of crimes, especially in past years.
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you said about the lack of ideology, yes , we love lenin very much, but in fact, i’m not just talking about the chinese experience, but we are what i like, after all, we’ve been here for years 10, here is jemin jebao, we, our one party organ, have concluded an agreement, just few people read, but we translate many materials, for 10 years we have been translating every day, and like your
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party organ we house it in our printed organ,
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fascinated by this west, we gave it to them too here you are bmw, here you are renault, the plant, which means, well, they just didn’t manage to sell the gas, but it seems to me that you said it correctly, china is a debtor, a big debtor - the usa, on the contrary, america is, but it seems to me that this is it we often talk here, on other programs they talk about our seized money, and somehow all the time, and you heard the brilliant position of the central bank, like we have 300 billion, right? the usa is, we have been giving the example of iran for 10 or 15 years, we, i mean communists, well, you remember, we always said, well
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, what else do you need, well , we arrested, we arrested in afghanistan, we arrested in iran, i now i say when you think about the experience of china. the usa and the chinese understand perfectly well what they are faced with, they have more than a trillion, 200 billion trillion, they are great when we’re saying here, well, they won’t risk arresting you, handing them over, or rather, they won’t risk handing them over there, which means to ukraine, but what makes it easier for us, they illegally, i always say, illegally seized your money, they just stole it from the caran, well, for example, the chinese if now, the chinese, for example, would be fighting, for example,
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but, but, but you are right about the thousands of years of chinese, don’t they understand, do you think they don’t understand that today they came in connection with ukraine, let’s say, to raise they have an ultimatum, and tomorrow they will come with
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an ultimatum from the south china sea, from the eastern by sea, they understand all this perfectly well and do not fall for either carrots or sticks, they understand, but they are fishing, they once refused obama when he proposed a 1+1 alliance, they said, yes, you absolutely, therefore. i understand that these events are a strategy, back to back, so i understand alexey perfectly, but at the same time i do not accept this ideology that they are not our allies, today yes, internally they are already allies, they will be allies , this is a very, this is a very important issue, and you would like to be an ally of russia, so that they would be allies of russia, so you would like to be an ally of russia,
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khrushchev was terribly rude in china, leonid lich brought the matter to war, well, to a border conflict, wait a minute, boris nikolaevich did not understand at all what was happening, so he says, of course you guys yours are excellent. really putin, there are no questions for him, for your leader, when we consider it as a country, look, a generation of east germans, czechs, slovaks, bulgarians, poles, rums, iraqis, yemenites and so on, we betrayed them all, yes, and china says, well, wait, come on, you your yesterday's allies were really abandoned, abandoned, you didn't care, the millions of people who believed you.
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regarding this privatization that took place, well, time was lost there, but i would still like to know who the sage is who deprived us of all the mineral resources, who wrote the article in the constitution in such a way that it was all of the people, and now it’s all over , no, well, according to the constitution, it is still of the whole people, that’s another thing, it is of the whole people, but it is unclear in what way this nationality is manifested, absolutely right, it is all nations, until it was dragged out on top, on top they’ve already pulled everything out, pyotr petrovich, well...
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i’m talking to a turk with one turk and he says to me: this is what i want to bring up this detail right now here again, although it seems to be known about it everywhere, he says : listen, well, you attacked ukraine, so i ask him: listen, tell me, you attacked syria, and what was the goal of freeing those very turkomans who live turkomans, well , listen, listen to me when he says: you attacked who, listen, you attacked ukraine, when you tell him that you you free the russians,
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invest, rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is the russian industrial capable...
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what else will it hurt, they say, that you people know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website.
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traces of battles in full view. duty is a need and a right, the right to defend one’s homeland, for a week they were ironed and we fulfilled the agreement signed with them, what a week, theirs the fourteenth year, no, i mean, it was a week of exacerbation, which began,
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in my opinion, the date it began.


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