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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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what are we talking about, what are we talking about? that a certain chinese young man, a chinese, who came to germany about 15 years ago, and then he received a german passport, and he worked, worked, worked and eventually became an assistant to one of the representatives of the alternative for germany party, who was supposed to go today at the head of this faction for elections to the european parliament, suddenly there is such a spy scandal, three people who are accused of allegedly working in china, one of them... one of them is
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this chinese, and that means he’s coming here, that means system, the scheme is like this, which means, firstly, he worked for china, helping china make certain supplies or providing supplies that went from china to russia in order to participate in a military operation, from china to russia in order to participate in military operation in ukraine, it’s so long, intricate, but why do the germans do it, no, well, it’s interesting here, there’s no reason for it, it’s a fly that was swatted to show china. supplies from china to russia, why germany? germany doesn't need them at all. that's what i'm talking about. germany they are arresting germany, but no, why did they arrest? i understand, just the scheme of the accusation, i don’t understand what germany has to do with supplies from china, it’s not about the supplies, but the fact is that this person was engaged in espionage work, as they claim, meaning what you accused.
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that he allegedly contributed, i ’m just part of this accusation, but here the interesting thing is completely different, volodya, well , firstly, they found this young man a month before the elections, and secondly, he began working in the social democratic party, not in alternative party, 10 years ago, and for many years he worked for this party, and in fact he was involved in this party, he was never involved in the alternative, then he moved to the alternative party for germany, starting to work, among other things, supposedly for...
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scholz, scholz is silent, he doesn’t say anything, he actually got a beating by going to china, he didn’t achieve anything, what he wanted to achieve, so immediately after that this spy scandal arises, well, as far as this is concerned, it’s very briefly, one more question, which i cannot help but touch upon, i was strongly impressed by the crying girl on the pedestal who won the boxing championship in serbia, when suddenly it disappeared, the sound disappeared and did not sound. the russian anthem, and there, as i understand it, the audience in the hall sang, she sang herself, she cried herself, to be honest, it’s hard for me to believe that this happened by accident, although the serbian boxing federation has already apologized to russia for the fact that this happened, but in connection with this i have a question that is not entirely related to boxing, you know, once in at one time, when the soviet union announced a boycott of the olympics, it was absolutely real, everyone understood it. no one went, so
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answer me one question, if it’s possible, why a boycott of the olympics in france was not announced, you asked me, no, i ’m asking, i’m certainly not asking you, i ’m asking this question, we always talk about that russia must show, russia must respond, but it’s so simple, but if at one time the soviet union could afford to do this and nothing happened, then there was a whole socialist camp, today this camp does not exist, probably no one will follow russia, but maybe they will be against...
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there is just a comment, just the olympic committee and a bright manifestation of the komentern, they haven’t dealt with you all the time, we are still suffering, now advertisement, after that we will continue, your brother is there in the donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign is a passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him. from the very beginning of the special military operation of the russian guard, a structure capable of ensuring the safety of citizens appeared in a variety of directions. i visited the shebekinsky district of the belgorod region, where 116 separate special-
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purpose brigades are stationed. during the trip, i talked with military personnel and the regiment commander, colonel chermenov tsogoev. this is the first heavy brigade in the russian guard grouping. there is everything necessary for border protection; it has its own artillery, tanks, drones, everything is there. let's watch the movie and then go back to our studio.
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loy, lysho, we are working with a martirka in minuscule, really a martirka. by the way, we haven’t done this yet saw, the rollback is normal, restore the tip, beauty, pride, pride of our stick. this is our shebekino direction, protecting the state border, in cooperation with the ministry of defense we carry out this task, interaction is normal, and at the highest
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level, but you have been working with them for a long time, yes, we have been working closely for 22 years, we are defending a wide front, well, we are covering road directions. well, i look well equipped, but you are also the first unit that has heavy equipment, well now actually the leadership of the country and the leadership of the russian guard and in general the leadership of the district of our brigade command, in general, pay a lot of attention to equipment and equipment, we already had to fight here in this sector, in this sector, yes. groups tried to penetrate across the state border, but they didn’t succeed, because the defense here is stable, the border guards work normally, the ministry of defense, well, the russian guard in general,
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i had to shoot with a machine gun myself, well, not with a machine gun, while i’m managing the battle, but i think , if the commander is already shooting with a machine gun, that means i'm defending myself incorrectly. built, that is, with myself for confidence or against drones, well, yes, more against drones, now while we are hitting the enemy on distant approaches, there is a result every day, it’s normal, well, plus we shoot down about 15 drones every day for sure, there are problems with that no, the nature is so amazing, yes, well, yes, exactly, if not for the war on the resort. yes, well, the servicemen like it, in general the food is amazing, the conditions, they built bathhouses for themselves, everything, all the conditions are there, as if there were no problems, they are ready to carry out the task, this is the first brigade that
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received heavy equipment, artillery, yes, this is the first brigade, the brigade is called a special purpose brigade, there are no analogues to such a brigade. how easy it was to work with new equipment was previously experienced by all crews; all crews were trained by management. the russian guard made a decision ; instructors from the russian guard came to us and really trained the guys in tactical actions in medicine, in fire training, and in all areas they greatly improved their skills. is there enough bc? bc is there, everything is there, no problems. the calculations are ready, they show excellent results. with minimal adjustments, maybe one projectile, the rest hit
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the target, well, what is it like to work in such beauty, well, everything is fine, everyone is used to everything, yes, but here listen, it’s just a resort, well, they built everything themselves, they did everything with their own hands, well , the nature is good, the sand is pine, the weather today is really a little cloudy , it’s normal, the weather is normal. i hid the guns well at the line, the crew is ready, now the chief of artillery is conducting reconnaissance of the target, we mainly work on the emergency areas , there are hangars with equipment there, then on they were working in a convoy, hunting for a vampire, when the belgorod region was being shelled, they caught it, well, they hit it, they didn’t hit it, i can’t say for sure, because it’s blurry there, but they chased it normally. there he was, that is, he was accompanied, so as soon as he got up, they immediately started working on him, give me the settings,
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sight 1.154,154, at least 45-44, wow 45-44, load one shell. on points, how many years in the artillery is six months , six months, and well, how do you like
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it after the infantry, you know, as they say, the sweat of an artilleryman preserves the blood of the assault, it probably stormed before this, it was near nikolaev, what was heard here, now i got there, good. maybe even in the bc, which is what we’re talking about, but for such a sound to come, it’s three shells of inferno, all well done guys, get into cover, come on, come on, come on quickly, report how you get to ukry, and artillery who was who, also infantry? i wanted all the whims and served in strategic missiles, well, this was an emergency, and i
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served in the artillery for an emergency, and that is why you came home, well, you almost can’t forget, you can’t forget, although it was 20 years ago, that’s what 6 years, you look absolutely young, 38, i run often, yes, yes, i, i see, yes, yes, you are the eldest, yes, you are a tool, what do you do, strong enough, deputy? that is , it’s you who are strong with a short plug, but i ’m sending a shell, it’s hard, it’s a habit, you get used to everything, how did you get here, the national guard, sent under a contract, when six months ago, and before that, before that he worked in moscow, by whom? at a large factory, why did you decide to go serve, came home for the weekend, on vacation,
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received an offer, didn’t refuse, thought it was necessary, well, in september i’ll be 47, you you are considered the best score in the national guard, but we ourselves cannot imagine ourselves like that. come on, i don’t know, in my opinion, you always know within yourself, well , we know each other, we are confident in everyone, we know what to expect from everyone, your task, what the situation is, mine is to complete charges, charges.
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to understand how everything works. strelka is the confluence of two rivers, the volga and kotorosl. in yaroslavl we are the pearl of the golden ring. the yaroslavl region, taking into account its historical heritage, is different. natural landscapes proximity to moscow is one of the leaders in attracting tourists. at the same time, the region has enormous industrial potential. innovative manufacturing industries, as well as the pharmaceutical cluster, play an important role. we’ll tell you right now how the yaroslavl region is developing by introducing environmental, social and corporate management standards.
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the region's economy is growing, infrastructure is being updated, and there is support for social and industrial programs. sector, you said that here in the region no matter what project comes up, it will be a success in any case, that’s how it is, because the capital of the golden ring, why the capital, because four of the nine cities of the golden ring are located here in the yaroslavl region, these are yaroslavl, uglich, rostov-veliky and pereslav zalevsky. the number of overnight tourists has doubled, now from 1,400 in 2 years it has reached almost 3 million people, thanks to this tourists are also developing seriously. industry in the yaroslavl region, because it includes small businesses, souvenirs, restaurants, hotels, health care complexes, and much, much more. the yaroslavl region ranks seventh in the green ranking of regions, fourteenth place in terms of coverage of preschool education. 89% of children aged 1 to 6 years attend kindergartens, sections and clubs,
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even before school. fifth place in the ranking for achieving the un sustainable development goals. a recipe for... pharmacists, let's start with the erfarm plant, the company produces medicines that fight cancer cells using a new formula. clean air, let's see how the leader in environmental engineering, conder eco, works, what kind of equipment the company produces, how efficient it is. future access code we’ll tell you how the education system is changing using the example of school 21. we’ll end it beautifully, we’ll stop by koprino bay and the village of vyatskoye, and find out how tourism is developing. the yaroslavl region is one of the main russian centers for the development of the pharmaceutical industry. the largest company airfarm. it has several production sites in the region. the plant in yaroslavl, where we are located, started operating in 2013. 850 million units of products are produced here annually. plant of finished dosage forms and biotechnological substances, one of
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few places in russia where the production of monocolonal antibodies has been established. these are special molecules. which provide targeted cancer treatment, they are able to attach to antigens on the surface of malignant cells and activate antitumor immunity. they are quite difficult to produce; for this we have to use microorganisms that synthesize the drug. we work with living organisms, living organisms that we take care of during the entire intermediate production time, and we feed them, we care we follow them and replant the crop.
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there is also a special center where farmotral is being developed; it is quite developed in the region; there are new drugs. the pharmaceutical technology transfer center operates on the basis of the yaroslavl state pedagogical university named after ushinsky. located in the novoselki industrial park. the area of ​​the unique laboratory complex exceeds 8,500 km. to develop new dosage forms and drugs for treatment. the center has created 14 chemical and eight analytical laboratories, a technology development area production of solid dosage forms, lecture halls and conference rooms. on
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the one hand, our partners, pharmaceutical companies, constantly come to us with some new requests, with new ideas, with new technical specifications, on the other hand, our researchers come up with some of their own ideas that are embodied in... new products , into new pharmaceutical solutions. a significant share of the regional economy is accounted for by mechanical engineering and the chemical industry; the company’s priority is environmental safety. to reduce the impact on the environment, the company installs special equipment. condor eco is the leader in environmental engineering in the yaroslavl region. the company develops and produces dust and gas cleaning systems for industrial companies. are needed to clean
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process air gases from dust; if we compare them with previous developments, there are a number of advantages: reduction of emissions by up to 10 times, metal consumption by at least 20%, electricity consumption by up to 5 times. in addition, contre produces sleeves. in the sleeves the smallest particles of dust are retained, they settle, and are then dumped into a storage hopper, from where they are removed through the unloading system. the correlation, figuratively speaking, is that all our supplied equipment captures about several trainloads of dust per day. over the past 10 years, the company has produced more than 100 such bag electrostatic precipitators, including winning a tender to supply four for construction.
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rostov the great in yaroslavl, by the way, they did a huge amount of honest work worth 3 billion rubles, completed last year, we now have a completely different level of dishonest people, the education system is also on a completely different level. school 21 in yaroslavl officially opened in february of this year; it trains in-demand it professionals. specialists, anyone over 18 years of age can fill out an application for training, and admission does not depend on programming skills, work experience or diplomas. the yaroslavl campus has become part of
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sber's innovative educational project; there are four floors, each cluster has their name, they were chosen by voting by the residents of the region. the training is free, lasts from one and a half to 3 years, and approximately 500 specialists will be accepted per year. participants can build themselves. your own schedule of classes, the main principle is peer to peer, individual or collective work on projects without mentors, lectures, assessments. our young people have hard skills, so -called, that is , programming skills, many of them, yes, but it’s difficult for them to exchange experience in the real world with their counterparts there, and the older generation on the contrary, they do not have the skills, but they know how to communicate, obtain the necessary information, and in this collaboration of different ages this new unique - so to speak, synergy for... learning is born. more than 2,000 applications were received for the first training. only four out of ten people taking part in the qualifying intensive are residents of the yaroslavl
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region. in the future, they want to expand the campus and build a dormitory for students in plans to create a real digital hub. this is not the only step in education that we have we do, so serious. what else do you have? we recently, literally, again, a month and a half or two ago, won an advanced engineering school at the federal level. this is a project initiated by our president vladimir vladimovich putin and the rgatu has already won in rybensk, this is the rybensk state aviation technical university, not the first time, but the second time we managed to win, and we will make a serious cluster. another driver of the region’s development is the tourism industry. last year 9 million people visited the yaroslavl region, the figure increased by 16%. it takes into account both those who stayed overnight and those who did not. a four-star day tour opened here in october 2023. yaroslavskoe vzmurye resort
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hotel koprina plaza. it accommodates up to 250 and receives up to 100,000 visitors annually. in humans, new opportunities are a response to growing demand. the hotel building is part of the koprino bay park hotel, located on the shore of the rybinsk reservoir, in the yaroslavl seaside resort. the parkhotel has already built 42 cottages, which have everything necessary. bedrooms, kitchen, living room with fireplace and tv. on the territory there is a spa complex with a swimming pool and several types of saunas, a gym, a children's club, and restaurants.
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the project is of great importance for the development of domestic tourism. by 2027 , several more hotels, a water entertainment center and residential apartments will appear here. a very important project, because we were one of the first to finance a project under the state tourism program in russia, it allows us to receive preferential financing, and of course, this is a huge help for our tour operators. more one iconic place is the village of vyadskoye, located 40 km from yaroslavl. there are only 800 local residents here. and the tourist flow already exceeds 300,000 people per year. vyadskaya is a real historical city-museum in the open air. more than 50 architectural monuments are registered here. in 2015, the association of the most beautiful villages of russia awarded vyadskoye the status of the most beautiful rural settlement in the country. the association's headquarters is located here, and next door is the historical office of sberbank, which opened in march in
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ancient merchant. mansion, the interior was recreated from photographs of savings banks of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. the documents that you see behind are official documents from the museum of either the selovyatsk or yaroslavl branch of sberbank, in that hall, in the second hall we also have original exhibits, right down to the furniture, to adding machines there, the branch has become a kind of museum of banking, here you can see an antique bank clerk's suit, stationery, savings books, banknotes and other exhibits. so the yaroslavl region is developing by introducing standards of environmental, social and corporate governance, and we are moving on next time we will tell about the penza region.
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