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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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the task was received to break through the enemy’s defenses , a tank vehicle that could be heard from afar. “this is
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iron, he emitted it, mastered it, he used it in combat, after they opened fire, accordingly, the enemy brought out all his firing points, anti-tank weapons, grenade launchers were sent, the perception was that a hero is something like that, you know, with whom you just can’t talk, for now heroes are the same as us, there are different professions, so..." such a profession of defending the homeland is not for everyone to wear shoulder straps, summer weather in early may, what else abnormal heat brought with them by air currents from the sahara, will the warm trend continue for all the holidays, we will talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we will touch on: western aid simply does not... go to
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the front, for which logistics objects the kiev regime has strengthened strikes by the russian army, but if some examples of nato equipment are still lucky enough to get to the front line, they will have a unique chance to add to the military exhibition in kubinka or on poklonnaya gora. by the way, one of the last ones was brought to moscow leopard modifications. why is a captured tank especially interesting to the russian military? and the inhabitants of the earth were again incredibly lucky. the huge reserves of explosive energy emitted by the sun somehow miraculously almost missed our planet. how long will the star accumulate strength for a new blow? you are watching the main weather program. i'm vadim zavodchenkov. hello. may in european russia will begin with summer warmth. at the end of april , air masses broke into the region. from sugar,
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but along with the african heat they brought tons of sand. we’ll talk about dust storms in russia in our review of cataclysms, and then we’ll figure out whether nature has the strength to maintain the hot trend until victory day. red minerva reached russia, which is how greek meteorologists named a powerful sandstorm from the sahara in honor of the ancient roman goddess of wisdom and war. in athens, the cataclysm was the worst in the last 6 years. people suffering from asthma or other respiratory diseases could not leave the house. all surfaces were covered with a layer of sand. on in northern africa, for example, in libya, air traffic was disrupted by a dust storm. schools and government offices were closed in many cities. then african sand penetrated into the regions of our country. friends, good morning everyone. who knows what kind of sediment this was , the whole car was covered in some sort of katrishekh during the night. on
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thursday, the sky over belgorod ominously darkened and turned yellow, which was soon confirmed by the onset of rain. there is a high concentration of sand in the atmosphere. precipitation left dirty streaks on clothes, cars and windows houses. african dust covered at least a third of the central regions of european russia. a characteristic orange coating after rain was observed in the lipetsk, voronezh regions, and in the crimea and kuban. sand particles even reached moscow. interestingly, at the same time a dust storm was raging on the other side of the country. the whirlwind brought so many small dust particles to vladivostok that the place... residents were surprised, the sand literally creaked in their teeth, some noted that it became difficult to breathe. in the seaside, like on the russian plain, a place with air currents brought sand from the desert, only in this case we are not talking about the sahara, but about the gobe desert, which extends into the territory of mongolia and china. the release of such a volume
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of saharan dust and sand into the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere has not been observed since 2018, and you can appreciate the scale. wandering of field clouds over eurasia. even spacecraft recorded the cloudiness of the air. the characteristic plume that originated over the sahara crossed the mediterranean sea and already covered the balkans at the beginning of the week. then the cyclone caught millions of sandbirds in its circulation and carried them away on north. by wednesday, echoes of the african storm reached donbass and moldova. subsequently, the saharan fervor continued. spread further to the north, and the siberian anticyclone played a major role in this; thanks to this source , stable southern flows formed over the russian plain; by friday they carried the cloudy air all the way to the coast of the white sea. by the way, this is exactly
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the case when warming could be observed with the naked eye. the invasion of saharan dust brought more air from the subtropical zone, first. he warmed the south russia and, for example, sochi turned out to be even hotter than in cairo, and in general the area of ​​record heat covered a vast territory from the donbass and the don region to the kuban and from the horns of the north caucasus. but in the urals , one could only dream of the african heat this week. a few days before the beginning of may, winter returned to perem and yekaterinburg, and the cities were not just lightly dusted with snow. there were real snowdrifts on the roads. a snow epic has begun in the north-west of european russia. temporary on monday snow cover was observed in the cities of south karelia and the leningrad region, at the end of the working week it was the turn of the urals and
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the urals. it must be said that the snow here usually disappears by the middle of the second ten days of april. and at this time of year, winter reminds itself once every 3-5 years. if you believe it. statistics, after such late relapses of winter, nature usually implements warmer weather scenarios, for example, in such a situation in central russia, the average temperature in may june, in 70% of cases exceeds long-term values, but in july it is warm and cool almost equally likely. we will talk more about forecasts for may in the next program, but for now we are witnessing a weather trend. an anticyclone began to form on the russian plain, and this cloud pushed fields of frontal clouds to the south and east of european russia, so the weather in the region is expected to be quite contrasting on holidays. in the west it is mostly sunny, and
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arrays of rain clouds will stretch from the shores of the black sea to the spurs of the urals. but in moscow in the coming days the conditions for the development of rainwater there will be no clouds and nothing... prevents the sun from warming up the air well with the beginning of a new week in the megalopolis, as if in june during the day it’s +22 and only with the end of the holidays in the capital are showers possible, lowering the temperature degree. on other topics, the russian army will intensify attacks on the logistics of the kiev regime. this was announced by the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu at the meeting. collegium of the department, the goal is clear, it is necessary to make sure that the weapons with which the west is again trying to supply the armed forces of ukraine simply do not reach the front line. behind my colleague evgeniy teshkovets is observing the destruction of supply chains. evgeniy, what
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objects are now primarily in the sights of our military? vadim, first of all, this is the railway and large warehouses with equipment and ammunition. let's take a look at the map right away, approximately the middle. in april, the russian army purposefully hit the railway station; the dnepr-glavny, krivoy rok-glavny, pavlograd-1 railway stations, as well as the railway station, were destroyed with massive strikes. these objects form the dnieper railway node, the main logistics hub of the ukrainian nazis for the transfer of resources to the zaporozhye and donetsk direction. without the normal operation of this unit, the ukrainian armed forces militants may not particularly count on any western help. americans are also well aware of this. as soon as the states announced the allocation of further billions of dollars to the kiev regime, the ashs agency released an article. it says that military supplies. aid to ukraine may be delayed for 2-3 months, and will reach the front even later. the reason is
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logistical problems, and of course, total corruption in all echelons of ukrainian government. cnn published similar material. headline 60 billion dollars will not come to ukraine soon. at the same time, as american journalists say, most of the weapons from the new package have already been placed in warehouses in germany and poland, but from there they still need to be delivered to ukraine. and then transfer directly to the front. the american institute for the study of war warns that ukraine will likely continue to face ongoing shortages of artillery ammunition and missile defenses in coming weeks, which places a corresponding limitation on ukraine's ability to conduct effective defensive operations. in addition, the united states and europe also understand very well that russia will not sit idly by and quietly watch as the west once again pumps up the kiev situation. weapons, hence the massive attacks on logistics, including the recent destruction of
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railway facilities in the dnepropetrovsk region, and the bridges that are used in the ssu to transport equipment, personnel and ammunition to the front lines are also destroyed. one one of the last attacks hit the nikolaev armored plant, where foreign military equipment was being repaired, including german leopards. it is known that the plant has been operating since the beginning of autumn 2023. in three shifts and even started a canteen so as not to distract workers from work. the most interesting thing is that just the other day , western leopard tanks were brought in, so far according to unconfirmed rumors, challenger tanks. russian strikes on the ukrainian rear are highly accurate, well-coordinated and strategic in nature. a striking example - another arrival in odessa. ukrainian militants continue to set up equipment parking lots, hiding behind their own fellow citizens;
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there is no doubt that in these images it is the armored vehicles under the rubble. we have a large arsenal of opportunities to interrupt the logistics supply chains of the ukrainian army. well, firstly, these are quasi-ballistic missiles of the iskander m complex. they fly at a range of 500 km, it is impossible to intercept or shoot them down. these are cruise missiles of the same complex. calibers that can strike from surface ships, from submarines, these are x101 missiles, which can strike strategic bombers, tu-160, tu-95 ms, without even entering the air defense coverage area of ​​​​the ukrainian troops. and if some of the western weapons do end up on the front line, we know what fate awaits them. let's remember for example.
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we will continue to talk about the fate of nato equipment in ukraine, but for this we will move to moscow, to the capital on the eve of victory day ... they are bringing in trophies, knocked out and captured at the front, perhaps the most curious specimen, among all the delusional marders, is this one of the latest modifications of the german leopard, its version 2a6, why it may be of interest to our military engineers, and what exhibits will complement the new military exhibition on poklonnaya hill, you will find out in the story, in short, the german tank lies on mimikhailovka. such fuss, in short, the capture of the leopard 2 a6
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, the opportunity to study it, an event in importance comparable to the capture of the german tiger tank in the leningrad region in november 1942. russian fighters from the center group successfully removed the leopards from the combat zone . specialists planned and carried out an entire operation to evacuate a damaged combat vehicle. the evacuation team had to move the german tank from its place. tearing apart the tracks with an explosion, this is the best that we could capture in terms of armored vehicles, the leopard in this case is a vehicle at least from the 2000s, and not from the nineties and eighties. and therefore it is most interesting, i think, for us to study. leopard 2a6 is the most powerful modification of the leopard 2, the most modern of the tanks that were transferred by the west to the kiev regime. according to technical the characteristics of the 2 a6 are superior to both the american abrams tanks, which were supplied with greatly weakened fire and armor controls, and the british
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challenger 2, which were equipped with old thermal imaging sights. the russian military delivered the captured one. leopard in the repair department. now we will be directly involved in its restoration, that is , within two days, replacing the track belts, replacing individual electrical wiring elements will allow us to restore this tank within a short period of time it for further decision making by higher command. this leopard specimen is rare and valuable; our military engineers will probably carefully study the tank before it is sent to the exhibition in kubinka. an example of interest is multilayer. differs from russian guns, in addition, there will be a unique opportunity to fire at a modern nato tank at a training ground. there has not been a full-fledged shelling of enemy armor since soviet times. this is an opportunity to shoot, well, one might say, a current car, western, western school
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tank building, with our ammunition, that is , before that we only fired at some weight and size models. plates that imitated the armor of an abrams or a leopard, but it’s one thing when the armor is imitated, and another thing is the armor that actually exists. all week , damaged western equipment captured during the northern military district was brought to moscow in the victory park on poklonnaya hill. the russian ministry of defense is organizing an exhibition of captured weapons and military equipment. in total, the exhibition will feature more than thirty samples produced in twelve countries, including the usa, great britain, and germany. france, sweden, finland, australia and other countries. he is the european union, czech, polish. at the exhibition, in particular, you will be able to see the german tankleopard and marder infantry fighting vehicles, the american bradley bmp, and the french amx wheeled tank. the exhibition will be open from may 1st to may 31st. now let's talk about infections.
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head of rospotrebnadzor anna. popova warned of the increasing risk of invasion of new viruses. do not forget that in spring, along with nature, the most annoying bloodsuckers, ticks and mosquitoes, and they carry dangerous diseases. the problem was studied by tatyana belova. tanya, what threats did the chief sanitary doctor of russia talk about? vadim, the epidemiological situation in the world is turbulent. for example, in france, just on the eve of the summer olympic games... a record number of cases of dng fever being imported into the territory of the fifth republic. according to french health officials, france is facing an unprecedented situation. since january 1, almost 1,700 cases of the disease have been detected. last year for this in the same period there were only 131 cases, a more than tenfold increase. monitoring analysis
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of biological risks shows that threats to global biological security are growing and life shows that this is exactly the case. the epidemiological situation in the world is unstable; outbreaks of dangerous ebola and marbour fevers are intensifying and spreading to new territories. more than 3.5 million cases of dengue fever were reported last year. the number of cases of west nile fever is on the rise. the geography of cholera is expanding. high risk of new pathogenic influenza virus. to counter epidemic threats, our country has a federal sanitary shield project. it was created on behalf of the president and is already working. at the moment, all available pathogens are included in the electronic national catalog and the list is constantly being updated. we have digitized
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everything we have and will continue to do this until the end of the year. we will replenish up to... the most favorable conditions for them are temperatures from 18° and high humidity . residents of the moscow region are already reporting a large number of ticks in forests and parks areas. pests. hovering everywhere on tree branches in the grass. the first cases of tick bites were recorded among muscovites who visited forested areas of the capital region. an abnormally warm april may
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affect the early appearance of mosquitoes. in the off-season, high air temperatures accelerate the development of larvae. therefore, the first mosquitoes may appear in central russia even before the may holidays. according to statistics, about 10% of ticks are infected with the encephalitis virus, that is, every tenth tick is affected. and the most reliable way of protection against this disease - vaccination. this work needs to be carried out, expanded, the opportunities that have now emerged are much greater than the epidemic danger, the epidemiological significance, of course, must be assessed, this is the most important task in ensuring the protection of the population from biological threats. by the way, in russia, from tick-borne encephalitis. hectares of land in different regions of the country were subjected to acreage treatment ; finally, a current recommendation from
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rospotrebnadzor for the may holidays is to use repellents when being in nature cover your body securely with clothing; if you are bitten by a tick, consult a doctor immediately. and now our traditional section: weather, which we compile together with our colleagues from the ras institute of space research. the earth is once again amazingly lucky. the sun entered this week with huge reserves of explosive energy. even according to the most conservative estimates, this energy would be enough for three or four flares of the highest magnitude, and most importantly, the main centers of activity were located just opposite. earth, that is, in almost any scenario our the planet was supposed to plunge into a geomagnetic storm of incredible strength, but this did not happen, the sun managed
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to waste all the energy, indeed, i confirm that the sun passed according to the most favorable scenario, not even according to the peak, not according to the mix, but according to the scenario when all the energy went into medium -strength events; in a week we had a huge number of medium-sized flares, simply huge. more than 100 events, including 25 events of score m - this is the score preceding x, but there was not a single event of a higher score of score x. what now? what to expect from the holiday week? let us immediately note that the sun shows clear signs of degradation of flare activity. naturally, energy reserves are not endless. the main centers decrease in size and the frequency of flares decreases. therefore already. on monday-tuesday , solar activity will drop to its minimum levels, and at the same time the geomagnetic situation on earth will improve. the models show only a very small disturbance on tuesday, but
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in general you can’t even mention it, it’s so insignificant. it is important that the next week is painted in green tones, so, at least in the next 7 days, all weather-sensitive people can temporarily forget about the space weather factor. we expect a new surge in solar activity around may 12-13. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye. democracy, glasnost, in general , in one word, perestroika. we went to these guests, went out and talked in between. nevermind, but they tell us something that everyone is equal? the speed with which this restructuring took place showed that soviet society was, in principle, a capitalist society. democracy, that was.
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russian headquarters: is there something about you russians that europe doesn’t understand? gerit addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread and apples. sour cream, take it all, take it, the master plan left no doubt about what they wanted to do to us, having exhausted all attempts
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to bring their western colleagues to the negotiating table. to sign the anti-hitler agreement, we realized that we are one on one, we must ensure our own safety, a battle in the city is not chaos, a battle in the city is the highest military art, and even psychological little things were thought out, so it was that this would be the very counter-offensive, the very miracle that would save germany, i took aim and fired the first shot under the window, of course everyone was more afraid of rushing into the machine-gun fire, from it already without being saved, our corps...
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what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow questions, suggestions, objections, yes, what do you want, the light is on ahead.
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traces of battles in full view, yes. this is a need and a right, the right to defend one’s homeland.
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if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then take part in the national open championship.
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attack aircraft su-25


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