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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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now there are several urgent messages from the agency’s news feed: as a result of a clash in karachay-cherkessia , two police officers were killed, four law enforcement officers were injured, and here are a few more.
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reports, as a result of an attack on a traffic police squad that took place in korachaev cherkess, five attackers were killed, well, at the site of the attack on a police squad, improvised explosive devices were discovered, an explosives investigation team is working, if there are some details of what happened, i’ll show them to you now, intruders drove up in a model vaz car to a temporary post, threw an explosive device towards the police and opened fire, the police officers opened... return fire on the attackers, while an explosive device went off on one of the criminals, these are the details of the emergency, which are the messages that come literally at these moments. in the southern donetsk direction, tankers from the vostok group of forces destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the strikes were carried out with direct fire from a distance of about a thousand meters. fire was brought in from several positions at once. as a result of the crew t-80 tanks hit a strong point that was hindering the advance.
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serious combat experience, with a serious wound, suddenly they modestly ask, don’t say where you were, she will turn 85 this year, i didn’t tell her anything, i said that i went to yakutia on a business trip, of course, she doesn’t know, hello , hi hi! hello, during our conversation , pavel’s family enters the room, fresh from the plane from ufa, a father with many children, two daughters - yulia and taisti, three sons, matvey maxim and artemy, grandson misha, from the threshold a report on their military successes, tell me how you are doing at school, okay, i got an a in physics, why did i get a b in physics, in general, those 5 days that pavel didn’t get in touch, they don’t even remember how they survived.
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europeans will not go to die for donbass, but we are trying to help ukrainians stop dying for donbass. from the very beginning of this military conflict, europe promised that it would support kiev, and therefore must provide assistance to the ukrainian side until the end of hostilities . controversial statements about new supplies to kiev were made in the uk. local the minister of defense said: ukraine is about to receive a new batch of stormshadow missiles for work in crimea, but from italy, but there are no statements.
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bloc forces in europe said: the russians demonstrate an amazing ability to adapt both tactically and technologically. russia is on track to produce and modernize nearly 1,200 new tanks in one year, as well as 3 million artillery shells and missiles, three times more than the united states and more than all 32 nato countries combined. at the same time, kyiv will lower its does not plan requests. they said that ukraine is leading. negotiations with the united states to obtain from washington a promise of ten years of financial support, so as, apparently, never to get out of debt. alek komarov, lead. in europe they are again talking about sending troops to support the kiev regime. the main goal is explained as follows. the military operation to protect
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donbass has upset the balance of power on the continent and this needs to be corrected. the authors of the idea modestly remain silent about the long-term expansion of nato to russia’s borders, while they claim that they are afraid. the west has nothing, the kremlin's nuclear weapons will remain unused, whether the question was really studied by the auto-presenter of the vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov. nato troops should be sent to ukraine, and there is no need to be afraid of this. putin will not use nuclear weapons. this is the meaning of a rather lengthy article in the american publication foreign affairs in the april 22 issue. there are three signatures under it, two from.
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what are they afraid of, thirdly, why not nato, if you want to fight with russia, and for this purpose the nato bloc was created, then why is the bloc not now at such a crucial moment... the special operation disrupted the regional balance of power and europe has a vital interest in correcting this
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imbalance. listen, wasn’t the regional balance of power disrupted by the bloody coup d’etat of 2014, supported by the west, and the coming to power of bandera’s followers? wasn’t the regional balance of power disrupted by nato’s advance to the east and the bloc’s active military development of the territory of ukraine, perhaps the region?
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must be defeated, this publication is fully in line with what was adopted by the house of representatives of the american congress the bill peace through strength in the 20th century is a broad canvas about the structure of international relations, where the united states is putting pressure on china and iran, and russia simply has no place left. there is no sovereign russia in this construction of the world and there are no our interests at all. the united states places
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russia outside of any relations and leaves it without any rights. the bill, for example, provides a detailed legislative framework for the confiscation of russian assets that are currently frozen. let us remind you that russia has illegally frozen about 300 billion dollars of our savings placed in foreign. banks, of which only about 5 billion are in the usa, most of them in the european union, 260 billion, mainly in belgium about 200, but with their law the americans want to command others too, we can give an example to create an international precedent, legalize open robbery, the head of the european central bank christine lagarthe says confiscation of russian assets is...
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back to the main point: will russia use nuclear weapons if nato troops enter ukraine to defeat russia? that's what they are they want to break russia, and they don’t hide it.
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they don’t agree there, and if the plot really develops in this direction, then russia will have no choice but to use it, we cannot retreat there, for ourselves it will be a catastrophe of statehood, putin speaks about this directly, if we abandon these people, then tomorrow our losses may...
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increase many times over, and our children will not have a future, because we will feel insecure, we will be a third- or fourth-class country, no one will take us into account, if we ourselves we cannot protect ourselves, and the consequences could be catastrophic for russian statehood, that’s the answer. statehood, this is exactly the case that is mentioned in the decree signed by putin on the fundamentals of russian state policy , which was catastrophic for the russian federation in the field of nuclear deterrence from the twentieth year. article eighteen. the decision to use nuclear weapons is made by the president of the russian federation. point d of the same article. when
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the very existence of the state is threatened. and another very important nuance: we are not talking about tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield; in nato , the sleepy man sees us in ukraine using tactical nuclear weapons, contaminating territory that they, by and large , don’t care about, and then at least the grass won’t grow. they need the ukrainian conflict primarily as a source of long-term problems for russia, if so, then charge it.
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from a military-technical point of view, we are of course ready, they are constantly in a state of combat readiness, this is the first, second and this is also a generally recognized thing, our triad, the nuclear triad, it is more modern than any other triad, and only we have such triads, and
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the americans, in fact, and we have advanced much more here, here... it is more modern - all nuclear component in general in terms of carriers and charges, we have approximate parity, but ours is more modern, but everyone knows this, specialists know everything, but this does not mean that we should measure ourselves by the number of carriers of warheads, but you need to know about this, and those , who needs it, i repeat, experts, specialists, the military, this is well known, they are now setting the task of increasing this modernity, innovation, they have corresponding plans there, we also know about this, they are developing with... their components, we too, but this does not mean that , in my opinion, they are not ready to start this nuclear war tomorrow, well
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, they want to, well, why do that, we are ready, now the question that still requires clarification is that the united states will remain on the sidelines, obviously not, the united states is a key power nato, if nato countries send their troops into ukraine in order... to inflict on russia strategic defeat, then the very moment about which putin once said will come: why do we need peace if there is no russia in it? then everything from us will fly everywhere, sarmatians and yars, vanguards. american decision-making centers and launchers on land at sea are already in sight. france as a nuclear power will have to be instantly disarmed, the british isles will simply go
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under water, the technologies for this are available, and we once talked about them, but it’s better not to let it come to that, and this is not propaganda, in general we are our program 10 years ago in 2014. and russia is the only country in the world that is really capable of turning the united states into radioactive ash. then someone laughed, someone waved it off, but today it is already clear to everyone that this is exactly the case, what kind of peace through force in the 21st century, that’s what russia will use if. they will force it, they will use it, now let’s return to the attack on the traffic police patrol in karachay cherkissia , the first footage from the scene of the attack has appeared. the emergency
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occurred in a village in the north-east of karachaevsk. the bandits drove up to the policemen on duty in a model nine car and they immediately threw an explosive device at the security forces. then they started shooting from machine guns. the inspectors returned fire. at the same time, a homemade bomb exploded on one of the militants. as a result, five attackers were killed, two security forces were killed, and four more were hospitalized with injuries. emergency services are working at the scene, several explosive devices have been discovered, and a criminal case has been initiated. according to preliminary information, the militants were identified as those who took part in the attack on police officers a week ago in karachaevsk. in russia today congratulates volleyball legend and famous coach gennady shepulin on his 70th birthday. it is he. he gave the national team and his home club belogorye a unique winning style, with which he achieved triumph in many tournaments, the coach's account of medals
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at the olympics, world and european championships, as well as winning titles at the club level. danila makhalin will tell you about the path that shupulin took and what athletes say about him. at this point, given what you have done for russian volleyball, how much do you yourself... happy and satisfied with what happened during all this time? well, i’m really happy, fate has given me such a huge gift that it is impossible to erase either from me or from the history of the country. as it turned out, the gift was received not only by gennady shepulin himself, but also by volleyball fans throughout russia and beyond, having the opportunity to observe the truly great career of a coach and manager who consciously invested so much effort and energy into this profession. need to. to be a fan, you don’t have to know a thousand exercises, not i know, it’s not necessary, it means
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you have some kind of player’s career behind your back, you just need to be a fan of your business, for me gennady yakovlevich, he’s a fan, he was also a coach and the president of the club in one person, so he could sit in his own chair to watch volleyball. we young people always looked into his mouth, and indeed he is the smartest man, probably, and can motivate any person, so i treat him with great love, my family, my
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children. i could call him my volleyball dad, there is gennady yakovlevich, who, i would say, took a lot of risks, took responsibility from a beach volleyball player whom no one anywhere had ever known or seen, in six months he made the libero of the national team, twice in sydney and athena, gennady shipulin climbed onto the olympic pedestal with the national team , and his native club belogorye won with him at its head. everything that is possible, any club tournaments in russia and the world that generally exist from national cup championships to the champions league of the club world championship. this is the european champions league, when we beat meka in italy, won gold medals when the dalasport newspaper said that something needs to be done with volleyball, otherwise shipulin will trample our courts with dirty boots for a long time. let's go, so we're going to the
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world club championship, it's our first time there. belogorye teams participated and we managed to win thanks to the fact that gennady yakovich, he did not fly with the team at first, and the team, i , as the team captain, saw that they were a little relaxed, so when he arrived, he talked to everyone, excited everyone, got everyone in the mood, and thanks his arrival in brazil, we were able to win the club world championship, until 2018 shipulin was the president of belogorye, but left his post along with the end of sergei tetyukhin’s career, the whole stadium applauded them for a long time.
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goering addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it, the master plan, did not leave it. without the slightest doubt what they wanted to do to us, having exhausted all attempts to bring our western colleagues to the negotiating table and sign something against us, we realized that we are alone, we must ensure your safety. fighting in the city is not chaos, fighting in the city is the highest military art, and even psychological little things were thought out, the bet was that this would be the very contour offensive, the very miracle that would save germany,
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i took aim and the first shot... . i did it under the window, that’s all, they were afraid, of course, to run into a machine-gun fire, without being able to escape from it, our corps came out to the very south of berlin, i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump a century into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting us, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mom, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow questions , suggestions, objections, etc., whatever you want, the skeleton goes ahead.
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sports news on air, in the studio of alexander abramov. sasha in the russian football championship may change its leader today, we are waiting for details. roman zenit lost for the second time in a row the day before, if krasnodar their match wins today, then four rounds before the end of the championship, krasnodar will become the leader of the tournament. st. petersburg zenit lost the second match in a row. as part of the twenty-sixth round, sergei semak's team lost to dynamo moscow.


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