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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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which interfere with even entering the position, the whole difficulty is that entering the position, practicing getting out, welding barbecues on the armored vehicles, putting ribs on the armored vehicles, how can you fight these drones, protect yourself from them, how can you try to enter so you can be unnoticed, as always. forest plantations help out a lot, they save, that is, these drones can get tangled in the bushes, screws, fall, not detonate, if they detonate, it will be at a distance from you, every day the russian army is on the battle line contact moves forward and improves its positions, work is carried out at every line of defense and rear, and the goal of this work is one, victory. in karachay circassia
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, five militants who attacked a traffic police post were eliminated. two employees died. explosives were found at the crime scene. let's talk about the details of this raid. large-scale rallies were held in belis against the law on foreign agents. opponents of the law believe that it will hinder integration with the west. what do the defenders of this initiative say? in the tyumen region, the ministry of emergency situations is strengthening the group. rescuer some villages are being evacuated, what is the situation with floods in other regions of the country? the russian team was the best at the european boxing championships; in boxing in serbia, our athletes took home two dozen awards, some of whom won gold medals. and what is the role of a true commander in a combat zone ? special report by alexander sladkov about people who, while performing dangerous tasks, must save the lives of soldiers. in
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karachay-cherkessia, militants attacked a traffic police squad. in a village northeast of karachaevsk, vas the ninth arrived at the post models. the bandits immediately threw the explosive device, then began shooting from machine guns. the police officers returned fire. as a result, five attackers were killed. two police officers were killed and four more were hospitalized. emergency services are at the scene and several explosive devices have been found. a criminal case has been opened; according to preliminary information, the killed militants took part in an attack on police a week ago in approximately the same area in krachaevsk. almost 300 ukrainian drones were shot down in the skies over the dpr within a week. the ukrainian armed forces carry out targeted strikes on people. both military and civilian populations become targets of enemy drones in the northeast military district zone. in one of the attacks, platoon commander pavel samoilin was lucky to survive. he was abandoned on the battlefield. he was not abandoned by his comrades
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, who were seriously wounded and dragged out on a stretcher under shelling. our correspondent visited him in his hospital room. denis alekseev. actually, his birthday is april 26th according to his passport. now here's another date, also in april eighth. on this day, on the fifth day after being seriously wounded, pavel samoilin was found lying in the neutral zone, miraculously surviving an attack by ukrainian drones. on the first day when the attack occurred, me. i was shell-shocked and wounded in the arms and legs, i couldn’t move, the first injection was not right, i had to give myself after 3 hours, probably when the birds flew away, they thought i was dead, i couldn’t give myself any more help, they couldn’t apply a tourniquet to themselves, because my hands were absolutely useless, every day i thought and waited for the guys to come to the rescue, platoon commander pavel samoilin led his units on a mission, they had to take a line, report to their team and wait for reinforcements, they didn’t reach the point. there were quite
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a few drone strikes. since november, when pavel volunteered at the front, this was not the first time that an enemy kamikaze drone buzzed annoyingly in the air. here are stills from the recent one. go away, one of the drones then hit a medical aid car, they shot back at the second one, fell by the side of the road, scrolling through videos and photos in phone, we stop for a photo with my mother, a senior lieutenant in a platoon already with serious combat experience, with difficult ones. she will turn 85 this year, i didn’t tell her anything, i said that i went to yakutia on a business trip, of course, she doesn’t know, hello, hello, during our conversation pavel’s family enters the room, fresh from the plane from ufa, father of many children, two daughters, yulia and taisti, three sons.
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those 5 days that pavel did not get in touch, they don’t even remember how they experienced it, but they didn’t believe that he died, our fellow countryman from beshbulyak, voice call sign, he and a few other guys, they saw dad, they negotiated with him for an hour, because the enemy drones, they were on top, they didn’t let dad get out, an hour later they apparently caught some window and just they pulled him out on a stretcher.
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i also think that i will recover, i will definitely return to my boys, i will definitely return to my boys and we will continue to beat the enemy. denis alekseev, sergey velichko, ivan paevsky, lead. the anti-aircraft umbrella over ukraine is becoming more and more leaky. this statement was made by the former commander polish ground forces. according to the military man, due to the lack of air defense systems and missiles for them, ukraine is becoming too vulnerable. kiev will tell you what other difficulties it faces. ukrainians who left for europe do not want to return home, writes the british publication telegraph. and the tougher kiev acts, the more citizens hate the country’s leadership. people will not return, the longer the conflict goes on, the more similar laws are passed, the more people hate
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ukraine and its government. why should i return to ukraine, and for what? fight, because the government of the country regularly makes decisions.
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200 new tanks, and also produce 3 million artillery shells and missiles, that is, three times more than the united states, more than all 32 nato countries combined. at the same time , kiev does not plan to lower its requests; they said that ukraine is negotiating with the united states
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in order to obtain from washington a promise of ten years of financial support, so as, apparently, never to get out of debt. alika komarova, lead. in tbilisi, far away. parliament adopted the document in the first reading, the country's opposition president believes that the law will hinder georgia's integration into the eu. a year ago , discussion of the document had already caused mass unrest, and then it had to be withdrawn. well,
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now economic news, maria filippova joins us. masha, greetings, despite the holiday day off to the bridge. 1 ruble 97 kopecks, euro up to 98.11. then a correction followed, but overall the dynamics were positive. the stock market opened mixed. the moscow exchange index increased by 10%, the rts decreased by 2. the russian government extended the requirements for mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings. the measure will affect the largest exporters from a list of forty-three groups of companies operating in the fuel and energy industries. complex of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and forestry industries, grain farming. these
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companies must deposit into their russian bank accounts at least 80% of the foreign currency received from their export contracts. at the same time, the new resolution contains relaxations. the enrollment period has been increased from 90 to 120 days. the decision is considered in the cabinet will help maintain the stability of the exchange rate and the stability of the russian financial market. the central bank also thinks so and emphasizes it for themselves. this does not create any difficulties for the company, and if we look at how companies sell revenue before and after the introduction of mandatory sales, then it has practically not changed, in january and february they did not sell somewhere a little more than 90-91% of revenue, but if remove one-time factors there, these are the payment of dividends and conversions, this is 70, somewhere around 78%. approximately at the level that was in twenty-second, twenty-third.
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western banks remaining in russia paid four times more taxes in 2023 than before the start of the special military operation. the financial times draws attention to this. the total amount of revenue to the treasury exceeded 800 million euros with a total profit of over 3 billion. seven foreign banks remained operating in russia. the publication notes that more than half is taxable. payments last year were made in the austrian region. it should be noted that the european commission and the ec have a colossal there is political pressure on this bank, but it is in no hurry to leave russia. the yen dropped to a 34-year low against the dollar, and immediately broke through the 160 mark. this is the first time since the nineties. market participants believe that the bank of japan rate will remain at 1 for the foreseeable future. at the same time , the fed will not rush. easing monetary policy due to so -called sticky inflation. this is the main factor in favor of the dollar and against the yen. at
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the same time, all interventions by japanese humanitarian authorities remain verbal. experts they voiced different levels up to 160, but even after reaching it, the ministry of finance and the central bank of japan did nothing. however, the yen immediately rebounded and the market started talking about a possible intervention, which the authorities simply did not announce. former argentine president cristina kirchner. criticized current leader havir milei for his restrictive economic policies. she questioned the effectiveness of the so-called measures in their favor for the economy. the government recently announced that in record time reached a budget surplus. kirchner, using simple, understandable examples from households, explained how it was possible to draw such statistics. when i hear him, for example, rejoice at the government surplus in the first quarter and so on. similar, it turns out that you haven’t paid for energy, for public infrastructure, you haven’t paid
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what you should transfer to the regions, universities, it’s like being in your own home after not paying for electricity, gas, water , expenses, rent wages, housekeepers, nannies, say: “oh, i have a surplus, brother, you don’t have a surplus, that’s not true.” european manufacturers have called on the european union to further restrict steel imports from asia already imposed. in their opinion, the measures are not enough, because the european market is not showing any signs of recovery. local companies complain asia's supply is hurting some eu plants as steel demand and prices weaken. and again they have china to blame. while the rest of the world was reducing production, china was increasing it. how as a result, in march, exports from there grew by a quarter year on year, which was the highest figure since 2016. at the end of the exchange rate , the dollar today is 91 rubles.77. euro 98 rubles and 2 kopecks. that's all i have. happy birthday,
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dertaverine renival, helps with spasms in stomach, we trust renival, we choose renival. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel, everything will go as booked, with cashback and bonuses. start the path to your dream with sber, open a free account for business and join the loyalty program , thank you, receive 10% cashback bonuses for purchases. sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions. sberbusiness. and again to the first topic of the issue: an attack on a traffic police post in korochaevo-cherkessia. two policemen were killed, four more were hospitalized, five militants were killed by return fire. and we have just received a comment from the investigative
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committee. the investigative department for the city of karachaevsk of the regional investigative department for the karachay-cherkess republic. a criminal case has been opened on the grounds of encroachment on the lives of police officers, as well as illegal storage and carrying of weapons and ammunition. in a criminal case, investigators and criminologists from the investigation department carried out a visit to the scene of the incident, it is inspected, and items that have evidentiary value in the criminal case are confiscated. in the tyumen region , the group of rescuers is being increased; this region is currently experiencing the most intense situation with floods. it is complicated by heavy rains and stormy winds. the level of the ishim river in the obatsk area has already dropped from. 12 m has broken the historical maximum, water is rising near the village of vikulova, almost 600 people have been evacuated, the flood is receding in the orenburg region, the consequences are being eliminated in the region, houses will be connected to electricity and gas supply, they are putting things in order in the surrounding areas, carrying out sanitary treatment, the water is receding and in the kurgan region, where about a thousand residential
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buildings remain flooded, in the coming days the level in the tamol river is expected to drop below the dangerous level, in just one day the number of residential buildings flooded... decreased by 760 buildings. two police officers in transbaikalia will be presented with state awards for saving a child. a schoolboy was almost swept away by a stormy current on a broken ice floe. the emergency on the river could have ended in tragedy if not for lightning-fast reaction, dedication and ingenuity . nadezhda sosnina will continue. today the unda is calm in its flow, but just recently the spring meltwater carried ice. rapidly sweeping away everything in its path. it was at such a moment that the boys decided to shorten their path and cross the river. one of the teenagers fell on a broken ice floe.
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skill and creativity, the current was very strong, it turns out that we held nikolai grigorievich by the shoulders, by the hands, so that we would not be carried away, since the weather was very cold, and there was a lot of ice in this river; with my height of meter 90, the water was above my chest. so, holding on to each other, the police managed to get close to the ill-fated ice floe, the river splits into two channels, there is an island between them, they whitewashed the first channel, ran across the island, the boy was, as it were...
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presented with state awards to nikolai dimov and alexei rakovsky. nadezhda sosnina, andrey legkov, vesti. the russian team is the best at the european boxing championships. the tournament took place in serbia and our athletes fought under the national flag, and during the award ceremony the national anthem sounded. including this one.
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it was he who gave the national team and his home club belogorye a unique winning style, with which he achieved triumph in many tournaments, winning medals at the olympics, championships, world and european championships, as well as winning titles at the club level. and the path that shipulin went through and what the athletes he raised say about him will be told by danilo makhalin. at this point, considering what you have done for russian volleyball, how... happy and are you happy with what has happened over all this time? well, i’m really happy, fate has given me such a huge gift that it is impossible to erase either from
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me or from the history of the country. as it turned out, the gift was received not only by gennady shipulin himself, but also by volleyball fans throughout russia and beyond, having the opportunity to observe the truly great career of a coach and manager who consciously invested so much effort and energy into this profession. must be. it’s not necessary to know a thousand exercises, i don’t know, it’s not necessary, that means some to have a player’s career behind you, you just need to be a fan of your business, for me gennady yakovlevich, he is a fan, he was the coach and the president of the club in one person, so he could sit in his chair and watch volleyball.
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i saw in six months making the libero of the national team twice in sydney and athena. gennady shipulin climbed onto the olympic pedestal with the national team, and his home club belogorye
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, with him at the helm, won everything. that it is possible, any club tournaments in russia and the world that generally exist from national cup championships to the club champions league world championship. this is the european champions league, when we beat meku in italy, won gold medals, when the newspaper said that something needs to be done with volleyball, otherwise shipulin will trample our grounds with dirty boots for a long time, let's go, that means we are at the world club championship , this is our first time participating there. belogorye team and we managed to win thanks to the fact that gennady yakovich, he did not fly from the team at first, and the team, i, as the team captain , saw that they were a little relaxed, so when he arrived, he talked to everyone, everyone excited, invigorated, and thanks to his arrival in brazil, we were able to win the world cup, until 2018 shipulin was the president of belogorye, but left his post with the end of sergei tetyukhin’s career, the whole stadium gave them a standing ovation for a long time. we were
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strong, we are still strong, we have such great players, we have such potential, we have such a younger generation, we have such a federation, in the end nikolai platonovich patrushev is with us, and well, everything is going on the right path, and this journey is just beginning, daniel makhalin, artyom grigoryan, semyon shabchenko, elena finoshina, karen melikyan, news, we’ll interrupt now. and then we will talk about the role of commanders during combat operations, it is on them that not only the success of this or that operation depends, but also at what cost each task will be achieved, how to achieve these goals, how to achieve them and at the same time preserve life as much as possible and the health of the soldiers, kambrik and the battalion commander told alexander sladkov about this, we’ll watch a special report in a couple of minutes.
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the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, she’s alive, we don’t need names, don’t bother her, or what, don’t trosh, not yours, well, you, little hand, god's light, to the machine gun, what to do? shoot call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin, no, call sign my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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the donetsk section of the front is the most active in the zone. conducting svo. several settlements are being liberated at once. this is solidar, direction of kleshcheevka and chasopye. vitaly tor from the nevtsky volunteer brigade of the ministry of defense, a former sailor, businessman, pmc employee, rocker and biker, and now a tanker. second decade of war. i'm long didn't think twice, that is.


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