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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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intelligence will continue legal broadcasting on the russia 24 tv channel. that’s all for us, follow the legal news in telegram channels, an honest detective will lead the duty department, see you, in karachay circassia they are finding out everything. they launched an attack on a traffic police squad. the emergency occurred in a village northeast of karachaevsk. a vaz of the ninth model drove up to the policemen on duty. the bandit threw an explosive device and then began shooting from machine guns. details from bulat shakiev. an armed raid on the outskirts of karachaevsk occurred that night at approximately 23:20. sounds gunshots were heard throughout the valley. these are law enforcement officers
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firing back at bandits at a traffic police post in the village of mara ayagy; five attackers themselves drove up in a nine, threw an explosive device and opened fire. the battle was deadly, unfortunately, on both sides, all the raiders were eliminated on the spot, these were all local residents, ruslan and akhmat elkanovy, kazbek dzhezaev, ruslan semenov and vladimir overyanov. in the investigative department for the city of karachaevsk, the regional investigative department for karachay-cherkess republic, a criminal case has been opened on the fact. encroachments on the lives of police officers, as well as illegal possession and carrying of weapons and ammunition . in a criminal case, investigators and criminologists of the investigation department have visited the scene of the incident, inspected it, and seized items that have evidentiary value in the criminal case. according to some reports, they already did something similar at the end of april and shot a police patrol squad. thirty-six-year-old police lieutenant murat was killed kalakhanov and twenty-six-year-old sergeant roman gushchin. then they managed to escape. this time
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they were not allowed to do this, but at a great cost, according to the ministry of internal affairs, as a result of the clash , two seconded police officers from the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the kurgan region were killed, two employees of the traffic police, traffic police, the ministry of internal affairs of the karachaevo cherkess republic, as well as seconded employees of the russian guard were injured . investigative authorities continue to work at the scene. according to the latest data, more were found in the militants' arsenal several improvised explosive devices. the investigation into the raid continues. radaev, andrey chastyakov, news. the russian military evacuated the first american abrams tank, which was knocked out in the avdeevsky direction of a special military operation. the repair unit soldiers completed the task in two stages: first they checked the area for mines and other explosive objects, and then they transported the armored vehicles to the desired area. now everyone can see the tank at an exhibition on poklonnaya hill in moscow. in addition to abrams, there are marder and bradley infantry fighting vehicles, as well as the leopard tank. in tbilis, long after
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midnight, a large-scale protest against the law on foreign agents ended. again there were clashes with the police and arrests; after the march along rustavele avenue, demonstrators tried to make their way to the stage near the parliament building; it was installed for today’s rally of supporters of the ruling party; law enforcement officers had to use it.
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rains and stormy winds, the level of the ishim river in the obatsk area has already crossed the 12 m mark and hit a historical maximum, water is also rising near the village of vikulova, almost 6,000 have been evacuated people, in the orenburg region the flood is receding, the consequences are being eliminated in the region, houses are connected to electricity and gas supplies, the surrounding areas are being cleaned up, sanitization is being carried out, the water is receding and in the kurgan region, where about a thousand residential buildings remain flooded, a decline is expected in the coming days the level in the tobol river is lower. marks, in just one day the number of residential buildings flooded by floods decreased by 760 buildings. the russian team performed in a dominant style at the european boxing championships. the tournament took place in serbia and our athletes fought under the national flag, and our anthem sounded during the award ceremony. this motivation helped me win two dozen awards, most of them gold. report by stas redikultsev. russia knocked out europe. in nine of the thirteen finals
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of the old world championship, our boxers methodically beat out gold from their opponents. the russians, who missed the previous tournament due to political intrigues in belgrade, seem to be getting revenge for what was unfair. simple, especially in boxing athletes from russia and belarus perform without restrictions. the russian boxing team triumphantly performs at the european championships in the capital of serbia in belgrade. the russian anthem is the most popular music at this tournament. the russian boxing team is a country in miniature. all different sizes, nationalities and styles. but as one, standing on the pedestal, they sing gin. how could i not win, not hold this medal for my relatives, for my family, for the girl, alyonka, hello, here for everyone, for the country, for ours, here is the flag, here is the gold medal, everything is in place, everything is as it should be, just like it must be a very good team, i am very
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grateful to all the boxers, all the personal coaching staff who took part, the tone for the performance is set by the lightest boxers in the weight category up to 48 kg, ours. khudayan is inferior in height to his rival from armenia, but faster and more accurate, an unconditional victory and friendly hugs after the gong on the face of the miniature hercules , each fight is imprinted with a fresh scar. i don’t show it, but inside everything is burning, everything is boiling, i’m very happy, because it took a long time to get to this point, if i had lost, i probably wouldn’t have asked. the fight against the bulgarian boxer shunkov begins with a powerful blow, the judge counts the knockdown, and the russian shows the gesture of oleg znork's name. what did this gesture mean at the time?
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before leaving here, my wife told me: go get yours, she said, there will be sparring, then, she is also a boxer, so i tried not to let her down. sharabuddin otaev, gabil mamedov and muslim gadzhi magomedov also left belgrade with gold medals, although their opponents in the final did not compete due to injuries. ocem, of course, out of five heels, because we have very a lot of gold medals, and the guys also took prizes. for two teams, we have 11 gold and eight silver, one bronze, but that’s well... it’s just very cool. the russian boxing team is the best in the old world. eight gold medals, one silver and one bronze, three more gold and seven silver awards to the women's team. historical triumph of russian boxing in europe. one hundred among kultsev, ivan lavrikov and karen melikyan, news from belgrade, serbia.
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artificial intelligence error, neural network i saw a scientist hydrologist from the yaroslavl region, alexander tsvetkov.
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he was charged with four murders twenty years ago and sent to jail. it would seem that there was evidence; it was impossible to compare the sketch of the alleged criminal and the portrait of the scientist and rendered a verdict. this is the same person, but with an accuracy of 55%, almost a hydrologist. spent a year behind bars, all this time he fought for his good name, and in the end he was freed.
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how an artificial intelligence error almost ruined the fate of a scientist, who really committed brutal murders of which alexander tsvetkov was accused, and what plans does the hydrologist make for the future now? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. “creating an identikit of a criminal is a complex procedure; the russian ministry of internal affairs’ center employs professionals who, based on the descriptions of eyewitnesses, can create an accurate portrait of a lawbreaker. in recent years, they have been helpful.” artificial intelligence has arrived.
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december 4, 2023 - this is footage of the broadcast of a meeting of the council for the development of civil society and human rights, which annually conducted by the president. today, artificial intelligence has begun to be used in the investigation of crimes, especially of past years, which leads to present tragedies. only a few of us, let me say, can remember where we were 20-25 years ago, for example, i can’t remember, and to prove that they were exactly there at that moment, even if they remembered, is impossible, simply impossible, but even those
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who may have turned out to be powerless in the face of artificial intelligence, and i’ll give an example of this specifically to a scientist: tsvetkova and artificial intelligence revealed that the identikit of the woman killer, compiled in 2003, that is, 20 years ago , coincides 55% with him, he was detained at the airport after the expedition, and the most interesting thing is that he had everything documented precisely because he a scientific hydrologist, with him in those days when the murders were committed in moscow were professors, doctors of science, including the director of the institute of the russian academy of sciences, they are surprised, they say how the investigation does not believe us, we say, here we show photographs ..
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what a complex topic and the field of big data it is . it works very, very effectively in many areas; if there are any failures, we need to analyze them and draw appropriate conclusions. employees of the general prosecutor's office of russia thoroughly analyzed tsvetkov's case and within a few days he was sent to the moskvarets district. capital changed the preventive measure for the scientist, here is a video recording of that very meeting: tsvetkov is taken out of the glass box and he is already free, i will hug my wife, children, a stone from my soul, tsvetkov will remain in the status of an accused for several more months, and then the case will be closed before
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the research assistant will officially apologize to the moscow prosecutor's office, but about everything... first things first. alexander and marina tsvetkovaya have been married for 20 years, have lived their entire lives in the quiet village of borok, in the yaroslavl region, and are both researchers. the hydrologist noticed a young attractive girl during a scientific conference, which he himself organized at
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the local institute of inland waters biology. the marriage produced three daughters. on the anniversary year for the family, 2023, the couple was separated. marina remained in the apartment, and alexander went to the pre-trial detention center. the scientist was accused of brutal murders twenty years ago. after his release, our film crew went to baroque. the tsvetkov family pondered for a long time whether to communicate with journalists or not, this is galina, remember, i was filming when you were released from the courtroom, but you don’t remember anymore, you probably weren’t before that, well, not before that, of course, but i remember in as a result of long negotiations, alexander and marina met with our film crew, hopelessness, yes,
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absolutely hopelessness, complete hopelessness. he and his colleagues explored local bodies of water, as soon as the plane landed at the capital's damodedov airport , people in uniform climbed on board, law enforcement officers in fact... the scientific hydrologist was handcuffed and taken out of the cabin. tsvetkov was first taken to the local police department, where his fingerprints were taken , and then he was brought to the investigative
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committee, where he was charged. well, this is a completely stupid situation, because well , you know that you are not guilty of anything, but they are trying in every possible way, which means, to convince you otherwise, and this...
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things, here i am, well, as if i were completely confidence that now they will quickly figure it out, we will live together with him, share cabins, in order to understand this confusing story, let's go back 20 years. on august 2, 2002, a fifty-four-year-old resident of the small village of gorodishche. as
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a result, one of the friends attacked the owner of the house and stabbed him several times, he died to hide traces of the crime, his drinking companions dismembered the body of the unfortunate man, and burned the house. local old-timers remember this terrible story. killed, waited, i think there was a fire too, that is, the house set on fire, young man, you know, well, if it’s a murder, then it’s supposed to be set on fire, just a week later on august 10, 2002 , unknown persons dealt with a pensioner in a house on kolomenskoye highway in moscow, and then with two women, a mother and daughter in an apartment ...
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they addressed him by the nickname chuvash, but alyosha could not give his last name or place of residence. i only remembered that they often met on the square of three train stations in
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moscow, where they drank alcohol together and chose the next victim. criminal aleshin they sent him to criminologists, who, based on the description of the detainee, drew up an approximate portrait of the forger, and sent out an identikit. the entire police department, then artificial intelligence came into play, we didn’t have to wait long, in february 2023 the facial recognition system worked, one of the passengers at the krasnoyarsk airport turned out to be very similar to an identikit, smart cameras were found. matches with the portrait of the alleged killer, the neural network established a similarity of 55%,
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we can imagine how in 20 years in principle. a person changes, that is, this is generally a very strange coincidence, but 55% is, you see, not even 90, there are 8, only 55, half, i don’t, i think that, probably, take any person and he is 55% will be similar to someone, we are not lawyers, and of course, we cannot evaluate the actions of the investigators who decided to put the person under arrest, but this is not only a matter of the neural network, because in addition to artificial intelligence... people also gave evidence against the scientist , this person was identified by us, and by three witnesses, later by four, and the fourth is his accomplice, about whom there was a conversation earlier, this person was confidently identified by these persons, and it was as if the investigation
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had decided to arrest him. and in aleshin’s testimony a more specific description of the counterfeiter appeared: tall,
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brown eyed had a strong build and special features. on the fingers there are tattoos in the form of an ancient kelian pattern. alexander tsvetkov, green-eyed and short in stature, hardly fit these parameters, but despite the obvious inconsistencies, the investigators had a purely heartfelt recognition of the scientist’s deed. the editors have documents at their disposal confirming this fact. all this. it seems to be written on behalf of tsvetkov, at the bottom there is a signature similar to the signature of a hydrologist, but the text contains a huge number of grammatical errors, which does not look very much like a scientist. around august 2002, i arrived in the city of moscow from the village of borok, i don’t remember on what transport, i headed to the city center, where i met
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a young man, the name yes... i didn’t know the man until yesterday, that is, until february 16 2023, when between us there was a confrontation was held in a criminal case, his name is andrey aleshin, i approached him, greeted him, after which he invited me to go with him to his friend’s place for a drink, i agreed, as far as i remember, andrey and i went to his friend’s house for train, got out to the station and headed on foot to a private house, the address of which i cannot tell you, because i don’t remember along the way... currently, i don’t remember well how the owner of the house introduced himself to me, but andrei addressed him by name or slava , or semyon. further the three of us began drinking alcohol at the table in the kitchen. the text below
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provides eerie details. crimes, for ethical reasons, we can only cite a few of them. we consumed a large amount of alcohol, it’s difficult to explain exactly what, but all three of us were in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication. at one point i left the house, when i returned, in the kitchen, where i, andrei and the owner of the house were drinking alcohol, i saw that there was a fight between them. cause they're rigging me unknown. i saw aleshina. andrey inflicted beatings with his own hands on the abdomen of the owner of the house. next, the owner of the house fell to the floor, if i’m not mistaken, his back, after which andrey aleshin, bending over him, continued to strike him multiple times with his fists in the area of ​​the torso, chest and abdomen with considerable force. after that , andrey aleshin grabbed from the table a kitchen knife with a wooden handle, the blade length was about 15-17 cm.


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