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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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the text provides terrible details of the crimes; for poetic reasons, we can only cite a few of them. we consumed a large amount of alcohol, it’s difficult to explain exactly what, but all three of us were in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication. at one point i left the house, when i returned, in the kitchen, where i, andrei and the owner of the house were drinking alcohol, i saw that there was a fight between them. the reason for their fraud. and unknown to me, i saw how andrei aleshin inflicted beatings with his own hands on the abdomen of the owner of the house, then the owner of the house fell to the floor, if i’m not mistaken, his back, after which andrei aleshin, bending over him, continued to strike him multiple times with the fists of his hands in the area of ​​the torso, chest and abdomen with considerable force. after that, andrei aleshin grabbed a kitchen knife with a wooden handle, the length of the blade about 15-17 cm, from the table, with which he struck at least five blows to the torso area of ​​the owner of the house. as far as i remember,
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the owner of the house tried to offer slight resistance to andrey, but was significantly inferior to the latter in physical strength, and after after inflicting live blows on him, he completely lost the ability to resist. next, andrey aleshin asked me to help him place the owner of the house in the crucible of a wood-burning stove. then andrey and i made a fire in the house by setting fire to the wood that was lying on the floor at the entrance to it. here's a description of the next episode. we are talking about the murder of two women in an apartment on yaroslavskoye highway. walking along the corridor of the apartment, the younger owner of the apartment and i saw how andrey aleshin was strangling the older owner of the apartment with an object that looked like a belt in the kitchen. the younger owner of the apartment screamed, then grabbed a kitchen knife from the kitchen table and struck the last blow in the neck area, after which she fell to the floor, there was a lot of blood. after that we s'. we started looking for money and
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valuables in the apartment, finding money and gold jewelry in a closet in the large room , we stole them, and then left the apartment. further in the program: how did the security forces obtain the confession of alexander tsvetkov? tsvetkov signed the paper, which, however, was dictated to him by his cellmates back in the air force, about what is all this time?
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russia 24.
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if you believe the documents that are at the disposal of our editorial office, tsvetkov immediately after his arrest gave
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a confession, answered the investigator’s questions , spoke in detail about his participation in crimes and allegedly even signed the protocols. why he did this, one can only guess. our colleague eva merkachev has her own opinion about the first investigative actions. tsvetkov signed the paper, which, however, was dictated to him by his cellmates back in the air force. these were, apparently, difficult people, they ordinary prisoners, because, as he said, they put terrible pressure on him, they scared him, they said that terrible things would happen to his family, to his wife, in general, in the end they told him what was necessary. to write, and he wrote under their dictation, and then, of course, when his lawyer came, he refused all this, there was pressure at that time, but what a story there was, the investigator was absolutely sure that he could accuse tsvetkova and make him out of she was tickling him again, that’s what he told him. and
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the next day, after spending the night in the air force, already at in the presence of a lawyer, tsvetkov gave new testimony and renounced his previous words. in the end, it's a matter. hydrologist tsvitkov became public knowledge, this story received publicity primarily thanks to alexander’s relatives, his wife, sister and mother. we turned to the president for protection, because seeing the hopelessness and powerlessness in protecting sasha, we naturally wrote to the president, although i said that it was not his prerogative, but he would forward it to bastrykin, who would entrust it to a person, yes, well... a professional. sister alexandra tsvetkova in the recent past, investigator of the ministry of internal affairs. during her career, she has solved dozens of criminal cases. by a fateful coincidence, on the day of her brother’s arrest, she was invited to an award ceremony. in general, when they reported that on that day i was awarded two,
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by the way, two medals, but one was the 60th anniversary of the investigative bodies in the ministry of internal affairs, the second, this is an award from moscow for patriotic education. youth, when they called me, moscow, my father died near kharkov, my legs could not carry me, they insulted the honor of my family, my father, my last name used to be he was awarded the medal of the patriotic war, a medal for courage, his name is included in this very thing in moscow, in this very temple, which is buried in worship, the mother remained. at the house of the deceased, the war was left alone with three children, alexander tsvetkov’s colleagues also did not believe that he was a cold-blooded killer, in the small village of borok everyone was always in sight,
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many knew alexander for almost a quarter of a century, but most importantly, the hydrologist’s colleagues had irrefutable proof. so many more years of these expeditions have passed, that they were all mixed up in my head, but thank god, miraculously these orders were preserved, and naturally, so to speak, many moments were remembered, it was a whole program for the study of small rivers, well, first of all, i was with
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him these days, you know, it’s just that we were together all the time, naturally, because the specifics of our work are such that we are three or four researchers there, there are five, how many of us are on the expedition, we work on a standard river section, for example, a kilometer section of a river, and we we examine it, we do plants, uh, someone catches fish, collects parasites, catches plankton and invertebrates, so we basically have everything in each other’s field of view all the time. journalist eva merkacheva also studied tsvetkov’s business trip schedule. when the murders were committed, tsvetkov was on expeditions, he had a 100% alibi, and many, many other things that absolutely refuted his participation, and this probably angered the investigator so much that he tried to put moral pressure on him in every possible way. and get a confession from tsvetkov about what he did, the investigator, in in particular, he was told that
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today they have 16 old corpses that fit around this time and that all these corpses will definitely be imputed to tsvetkov. meanwhile, residents of the yaroslavl village of borok were shocked by the news from moscow. and tsvetkov’s colleagues well remembered how, after returning from... the expedition, tsvetkov was preparing for an international conference, spending days and nights at work. he was one of the main members of the organizing committee, he was involved in the layout of conference materials, he answered all questions regarding the accommodation of conference participants in the hotel, it took a lot of time and outside.
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well, you need to use the transfer, that is, it’s a very long, long process, because if you go on a business trip, then they give you a car, if you want to get somewhere from the barge on your own, this is a problem, even now by plane, we don’t have planes, we have and there wasn't. but all these seemingly compelling arguments failed to convince the investigation. employees of the investigative committee, operatives of the ministry of internal affairs, continued to look for evidence incriminating alexander tsvitkov, or were already thinking through their own alibi. from the outside - the criminal investigation officers handled the case as competently as possible, investigated it, and worked out all the versions.
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of the four murders, alexander tsvitkov could have faced the most severe punishment, life imprisonment. testimony against him was given by one of the participants in the attacks, andrei aleshin, and also by artificial intelligence, which recognized him as the same killer, although only 55%. and it is unknown how the story of the confrontation between the investigation and the public would have ended if not for the meeting.
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immediately without his instructions they began to figure it out in this story, i realized that this story is the purest, in the sense that there is absolutely no politics behind it, that is, this is an ordinary scientist, simple, but there was none.
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show the same peaks, but for some reason before, that is, this is supposedly a genetic anomaly, why didn’t it appear earlier on the same ecg? it’s not clear at all, hop, it’s functioning, these are these peaks, and so,
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how did you manage to return to your normal life now, if you can call it that, of course? there is no normal life after everything that happened, not yet, that is, not yet resolved health problems, won’t have the same job, because i’m saying, i said earlier that i actively went on expeditions, and at home very, let’s say, i was rarely there for 2-3 months a year, now here we are now the expedition will be with the employees of krasnoyarsk, and again to krasnoyarsk. here they are coming, i collect my things for them and send them along with them, you yourself, of course, will not be on the expedition, you didn’t show up, no, tsvetkov is sure that someday the investigation will find out the name of the real killer, were there moments of despair, when complete hopeless
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despair set in, there were, of course, all these courts again... every time you go to court and think, well, that’s it, now the judge will sort it out, they’ll let me go home, change the preventive measure, let’s say it’s home arrest, something else, because well, everyone understands that the person is not guilty, well, it turns out, what happened is what happened, that’s all, i think that the race is to solve these crimes. term, this, well, on the one hand, of course, is correct, on the other hand, by what methods this is done, completely wrong, it is impossible to deny that
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neural networks are becoming an integral part of the lives of ordinary citizens and employees. law enforcement. now security forces are increasingly using advanced technologies to identify alleged criminals as soon as possible. artificial intelligence helps analyze information about a suspect’s appearance using data from witnesses and cctv cameras. the neural network breaks a person’s face into anthropometric marks and then compares them accordingly. there may be a different number of them, maybe according to different parameters, then she creates the face in 3d format, because as a rule , a 2d image is loaded into the neural network, she must, as it were , make it three-dimensional, and then, through numerous analytical actions , she gives the probability, and again regarding
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probability, but according to statistics, a person’s face from the right angle, in the right light , is not... the network can determine 99.8, but the gender is 97.5, that is, quite a lot of research has been carried out, here is the similarity with all ideal conditions, it is almost 100%, if we take the neural networks that operate now, which help law enforcement agencies there, then 55% similarity is a fairly high result, you need... the fact that a person changes over the years, changes in many ways, only there is no need to rely 100% on an identikit, because this will not be a guarantee. this portrait plays a purely
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auxiliary role, that there is a person of this type, and the crime was committed by a person similar to this identikit, one cannot at the moment be completely trusted artificial intelligence, especially with...
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by great, i mean with investigators, but nevertheless this does not mean that you can detain a person and send him to an investigative detention center, just because
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artificial intelligence showed, and even then showed only 55%, the probability that this is the person who could commit this crime, uh-huh, well, listen, well, let's proceed from the fact that artificial intelligence is, first of all, our assistant, you and i are convinced that this is the norm, here is a person trying mitigate his punishment, and he will not it doesn’t matter who they point to, even if
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the identikit matched 50%, but they presented a photograph, yes, it’s him, the investigator for some reason believes zek’s testimony, rather than the academy of sciences there, why did you give a confession? it’s a good question, because apparently this is how this system functions in our country, it’s impossible to achieve recognition in an honest way, but by bringing in the right people, please, here you go, well, i wrote to marina, i say, take it as a long expedition, calm down, take it as long expedition, everything will work out, everything is back to normal. alexander tsvetkov is now free, the criminal case against him
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has been closed, andrei aleshin, who admitted to a series of murders, is awaiting trial, investigators have a long, serious job ahead of them, they need to find out who it was, aleshin’s counterfeiter. this is how we saw the case of the scientist hydrologist alexander tsvetkov. this was our investigation from moscow and the yaroslavl region. conclusions of the case. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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period. positively participated in the shelling of a police detachment a week ago, this was reported by the republican investigative committee. as a result of the attack on april 29 , two employees were killed and several others were injured. families of law enforcement officers will be provided with everything they need help. details from bulat shakiev. an armed raid on the outskirts of karachaevsk occurred that night at approximately 23:20, the sounds of gunfire were heard throughout the valley.


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