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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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in civilian life, what did they choose in peaceful life? we're working on a graphic novel on math milk, on the left leg, yes, then we'll work on the right leg, yeah, every step is like a small but very important victory, his personal one, as well as...
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learning to stand and walk, every day for a few minutes, an hour, and so gradually increasing the time, now, as if easily at 6:30 in the morning, i get up, get dressed, and until 60 to 7 pm i kind of take off my prostheses only in the evening so that my legs can rest, and so at night, to sleep, there was a moment, my family and i went south to rest, i didn’t take off my prosthesis for a whole day, well, the truth is under tired. of course it's good, but nothing terrible. sable, that’s his call sign, he says, that is focused on maximizing recovery. from the very first day he began to recover, he exercises regularly, without sparing himself. this attitude is ideal for returning to a full life, according to rehabilitation experts. anastasia mironova teaches walking with
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prostheses. and first with support in the bars, with independent support, yes, then we transfer the person with support. on crutches we gradually make it more difficult, yes, we turn the crutches over, leave one cane, and teach us to overcome all the obstacles that we encounter in everyday life. she is a specialist with higher education in field of adaptive physical education, understands how difficult it is for her students. push yourself forward with the back of your thigh, watch your pelvis. try not to command too much. he cites statistics: when moving on a hip prosthesis, it is not necessary to expend 40% more energy than a person usually expends, and when amputating one hip, the effort almost doubles. like leonid, this is
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generally the most difficult amputation, yes, a paired amputation of the hips, it spends 200% more energy than you and i. yes, that is to climb four steps is not difficult for us, but leonid does this with great energy consumption, and his muscle corset must be ready for this, thanks to hard training, leonid now not only walks well, but also runs, and recently began to master special prosthetics, i just understood. as if it’s real, it’s accessible, it can be mastered easily, so in the gym i learned to run as if in a straight line, yes, i had to fall a few times, but it’s okay, i wouldn’t live without it some classes don’t work, and after a couple of days i have such a jingle in my head at 3:00 in the morning
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i woke up, i don’t want to sleep, i think, damn it, i want to run, that’s right in my head, i was sleeping, i think i’ll run, i got up, put on my prosthesis , went out around my town around my house for about an hour and a half, maybe, with stops, and ran, well, almost 5 km. says he has a dream this year to take part in a sports marathon dedicated to victory day, the event will take place in the first days of may in sochi, there are three races, and 1945, well, the year is 1945, well, practically 2 km, 9 km and 78 km, well, it’s like an anniversary and 78 years, well, i say, nine is a lot, for 78 i’m generally silent. i think this is generally unrealistic, and maybe real, but from 1945, please, yes, i say, okay, i’m ready to get back on
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my feet, return to my normal life after being seriously wounded, the participants of the svo are helped by the rehabilitation program, let’s walk together, it launched as part of a large complex project, the integration sector, which is being implemented by the popular front, the presidential grants fund and non-profit organizations, psychologists will work with guys, they advise. so-called negative, after which we get a cast like this, after which we
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pour plaster into it, remove it, get a positive, now we process it, this is the lower leg, the leg, the knee joint, and this part of the stump, a prosthetist technician, works in the workshop on the basis of research and production.
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since the twenty-second year, explains doctor igor shpachinsky, they have also been involved with svo participants. during this time, they have helped hundreds of those who turned to them return to normal life, all over russia within the framework of of the integration sector project , about 600 people are undergoing rehabilitation, most of whom are already provided with prosthetics, clarifies ivan beryukov. we work with almost all leading prosthetic and orthopedic centers in the country, in many regions, including moscow. a large number of guys in rostov due to simply geographical proximity.
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at the end of april , 25 people from the dpr, lpr, and zaporozhye arrived at this rostov center, as part of the rehabilitation program let's walk together. some were direct participants in a special military operation, others were also injured before... the beginning of the is from the fourteenth year, some people were previously given civilian licenses during shelling, air raids, someone stepped on a mine, and they are united by the fact that, unfortunately, now we need help in parterizing, her name is vera ivanovna, and for front-line friends just faith, this is the call sign, she is from the city of gorlovka, donetsk people's republic, she remembers how 10 years ago, after the notorious events on the maidan. cool, and in fact, in one day the life of the entire donbass changed. we saw on tv that
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a revolution had taken place in ukraine. and kyiv declared donbass, well, as a target, that is, planes flew at us and began to bomb planes, hailstones, and mortars. they just beat me in an elderly neighborhood. we have started a war against a peaceful one. population in donbass, i decided to immediately join the militia, because one day our schools closed, people began to run away, some joined the militia. vera served in the artillery since 2014, defended the donbass, in february 2015 she was wounded and eventually had to have her leg amputated; after treatment and prosthetics she returned to duty. and fulfilled the same, the same tasks, only no longer on the battlefield, but, well, let’s say, in the building, yes, well, that is, i
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had sedentary work and then did the same thing, only it was no longer on the field . however, after some time, due to health reasons, she left the army for civilian life, gave birth to a son, says that she recently received a call from the popular front and was offered to replace the old prosthesis with a new, more modern, improved one under the rehabilitation program for participants of the northern military district, she agreed, and now she has arrived to rostov-on-don for consultation with doctors. further plans for making the sleeve, fitting, learning to walk. again, because this is a new knee module, i will need to learn to walk again on it, well , that is, we still have enough work ahead, i volunteered, i myself came to the military registration and enlistment office in the twenty-second year, i went to the owl, fought for
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2 months, then received combat in general shrapnel wounds 120. the mortar hit me, the wound came to the side, there ’s even a small hole here, but it hit the lower back, it turned out to be an unprotected place, i was wearing a bulletproof vest, my side was not protected, immediately after wounds, says vitaly khafizov, it seemed to him that his mind had lost both legs, suddenly stopped feeling them, but his colleagues reassured him, his limbs were in place, he was quickly evacuated from the battlefield, already in the hospital it turned out that his spine was damaged, he was pulled out in belgorod, a city hospital, operated on, pulled out, and then to moscow, here in moscow vishnevsky hospital was in moscow, rehabilitated, now he is undergoing a recovery course under the program of returning from the northern military district at the samara regional clinical hospital
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of war veterans, exercise therapy, magnets and massage, well more healing time. physical education, well , got back on his feet, at least on a walker, because he was completely lying down, couldn’t do anything, well, i’ve been practically lying down for a year and a half now, his goal is to move from complex elbow crutches to using a cane, for this vitaly is ready to work out for days , but unfortunately it doesn’t work that way, the recovery process is gradual, doctors say. here a whole group is engaged in a special military operation. and since august last year we have opened a modern inpatient medical department rehabilitation for patients with damage to the central nervous system, a twenty-bed department, where the so-called complex multidisciplinary team of medical workers is concentrated, the equipment that allows rehabilitation to be carried out at a new
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level, pray for the quality that the soldiers who are returning from the special zone. .. a military operation to a peaceful life, and their relatives may also require rehabilitation, they thought in samara back in the twenty-second year. in the end there was a professional comprehensive program has been developed, which is implemented on the basis of medical and other specialized institutions. a special return center was opened on the basis of the hospital for war veterans, which coordinates the provision of medical care, drug provision, and sanatorium and resort provision by medical organizations in the samara region. among those undergoing treatment and rehabilitation is vladimir voronin. in the spring of twenty-two, he signed up as a volunteer, but was sent to the northern military district zone they did not agree immediately. the military registration and enlistment office announced that due to my age i was not suitable for
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a soldier or anything, he came a second, third time. left it there, filled out an application or an application, i don’t remember, now, i filled out something, and finally, after some time, his dream came true. vladimir was assigned to a visa officer in the specialty indicated on his military id; he served for several months, but in the end his health seriously failed. he tore off his back, in any case, even one way or another, he was already tightening himself with belts, body armor, they distilled the equipment, everything. all this was successful, well , the doctors there were already starting to inject me with painkillers, at first i thought, well, everything will heal, well, maybe two or three ribs were broken, i don’t remember now, maybe... fractures, maybe there were cracks, for a long time, of course, my back didn’t released, during the next rotation he remained in civilian life to receive treatment, but at first he did not
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apply for a specialized return program, did not go because of what, because he understood that it was much more difficult for the guys who were left without arms, without legs, who something else, well, the program started working, they have already called me at home, come, asked, interviewed me, the medical treatment and rehabilitation program, the project of helping svo participants is not limited to their relatives, in the samara region a specialized return center has been operating for more than a year, which accepts requests related to psychological support, social guarantees, employment and other. based on the results of the work of the special return center, our program received more than 2,700 requests that were. directed to carry them out, in the center over 350 direct
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requests were registered that came from veterans, participants in a special military operation, directly through telephone channels, via the internet, as well as in personal communication. rastislav pavlov from yakutsk, recalling his experience of participating in the svo return home, says that for some time he recovered morally, as if getting used to his former life again. there is some period of acclimatization, i know, well , guys who. re-entered, for example, a voluntary unit, that is, you did not you can immediately return to civilian life from the war and as if nothing had happened, as if you were just there on a business trip, you’re still on
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the water a little bit, you’re constantly tense, and when you come to a peaceful city, you don’t feel comfortable for a while you can, well, live in the same rhythm as you lived before, his story is not like others, in the twenty-second year a sought-after director and leader from... or problems, i solve them, war is also just a solution to a problem, you made a decision , you went to war as soon as i realized that -
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the enemy wants to test us with fear, at that moment i decided to go, it was last fall, i signed up as a volunteer, but before that i thoroughly prepared, strengthened my physical fitness, worked on general endurance, mastered first aid skills and learned special... combat techniques, i have regarded my body as well as my brain as a tool that will allow me to more effectively, say, carry out my tasks and survive, since i began in the fall of last year, well, decided to go, i began to prepare, to train, to fulfill the combined arms standards there, and somehow, after several months of intensive training, i collected it.
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i don’t know, says the son, and he tells me, mom, i have to go through this too, we have a grandmother, she’s such a bit of a schmuck, and grandma foresees that this will happen to all of us, when mom asked if everything would be alright okay, grandma everything will be fine, and this had an impact, my mother let me go more or less easily, but at the same time i had to say that i would generally be there in... there was nothing in the safe zone will happen and it didn’t quite work out that way, of course, since rostislav did not serve in military
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service, he was identified by the privates. but he soon proved in battle that he was capable of more and was promoted to squad leader. however, in fact, he doesn’t like to talk about military operations; he more readily recalls the life of a soldier. in the summer, for example, we strengthened our positions, dug trenches, surveying, that is, you do very hard work and in the summer it was very hot, about 40°. therefore, someday you will be wearing a helmet. you can't dig it up, you we have to undress, that is, you you undress, you dig, you risk getting under fire or being hit by a comics drone, so yes, this is a compromise between safety, mobility, either moving quickly, or being more naked, he also says that he took a laptop with him from home during short hours of rest continued to work, to be engaged in the creative affairs of his studio, we then had a big... project,
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before i left, i started it , i finished it already alone, while in training, and uh, being already at war, i somehow- then he still controlled the moments and gave tasks there or something already ruled the future in the war, it was funny, that is, i worked as a designer at that time, i was literally there in a trench almost, rare news from the front home, everything was in order, it seemed to his relatives that days of waiting... merged into one continuous infinity, full of anxiety, six months later he returned alive and well, asked for home- cooked food and a hot shower, i wanted, i desperately wanted - a steak, any kind of steak, some kind of re-buy, i wanted a banal burger and my mother’s cabbage rolls, so these things, and also the shower is the simplest toilet, you can only wash yourself on ldpe and steel ladle. and at night i sleep,
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i don’t sleep, i’m already waiting for a call, the phone is constantly lying next to me, i hear, tryn-tryn, oh, 3:00 in the morning, my son returned, talking, oh, what a joy, what a joy, these are moments like this, of course, well, all this will stay with me, you will never forget this, i am very glad that he returned alive and unharmed before... and for many months at the front, rostislav dreamed of returning to work at the studio as soon as possible, he has two large film projects in production , we are working on a graphic novel based on milk, in the future i i want to do an animated film too,
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working on a full-length one.
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russian units liberated the village of semenovka in the dpr. our troops continue to occupy more.


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