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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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call centers, but there is one point that outweighs even all military purposes, even if there were laser weapons, this point, which i will now name, it outweighs all such military topics, this is the broadcast of an endless telethon, this is the supply of internet to kharkov mobile phones through which they watch all this nonsense that is being poured into their brains, while this brain burner... is working, ukrainian propaganda is moving, the ukrainian army is working, there is even someone signing up for the ukrainian troops, this brain burner needs to be demolished. one way or another, detox from the zombie telethon is a pleasant and useful bonus, especially since even the west, loyal to kiev, should not object in this case, because the state debt of the united states included the notorious unified news in the report on human rights violations by the ukrainian authorities, saying that such a broadcasting format is contrary to the principles free access to'.
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information and limits alternative points of view, so now that the owners have expressed dissatisfaction, it seems like they can close the shop, but of course they will find other ways to produce ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia-24 tv channel. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church,
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the lord is divine among his saints, let's see what happens next, stand by, who are they, the new ones, this is a passenger with me , reporter, director, i came for my brother, i am the battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam i, why adam and not adam, chechen, i, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you can sing somehow, i shave, i’m alive. we don’t need wine, it’s not a trifle,
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or what, it’s not a trifle, it’s not yours, well, you, chamomile, light of god, komen to the machine gun, there is something to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebin, no , my brother's call sign, you remain a passenger, that's for sure. dear friends, i suggest you watch it.
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reruns of episodes of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them, yes, i myself did not think that i would become a driver, a friend called me to sign up. it’s free, there are orders, it’s a decent amount of money, at first i thought it wouldn’t last long, i didn’t have time to look back, it’s already the third year, passengers thank me, i’m doing a good job, it turns out, if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it’s mine, that's it, dad, the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro, happy birthday, megamarket, you're welcome. only on
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mykomarket’s birthday, moisturizing cream with aloe sisderma for only 1,690 rubles. egoist means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have yours. real football is taking your toll, one of my friends is getting ready for a new party, why isn’t anything ready, the costumes need to be more modest, did you just enter the wrong door, dad, honey, you have online classes, we’re out of internet,
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and so are the minutes , and dad will now activate the megafamily service and share his minutes and gigabytes, combine up to three numbers for free and receive bonus gigabytes.
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continue our release, four policemen, injured as a result of an armed attack. according to the traffic police patrol of krachai of circassia , he is in intensive care. doctors assess their condition as stable and serious. the raid took place last night and five of the attackers were killed. two law enforcement officers were killed during the shootout. the authorities promised to provide all necessary assistance to their families. bulat shakiev has details. an armed raid on the outskirts of karachaevsk occurred that night at approximately 23:20. the sounds of gunfire could be heard throughout the valley. these are law enforcement officers are shooting back from bandits at a traffic police post in the village of mara ayagy, five attackers themselves drove up in a nine, threw an explosive device and opened fire, the battle was deadly, unfortunately on both sides, all
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the raiders were eliminated on the spot, these are all local residents, by the department in the city of karachaevsk . and twenty-six-year-old sergeant roman gushchin, then they managed to escape, this time they were not allowed to do this, but at a great cost, according to the ministry of internal affairs, as a result of the clash , two seconded police officers from the russian ministry of internal affairs in the kurgan region were killed, two traffic police officers, traffic police officers, the ministry of internal affairs of the pokarachaevo cherkess republic, as
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well as a seconded employee of the russian guard were injured. investigative authorities are currently continuing to work at the scene. according to the latest data , several more were found in the militants' arsenal. 12 m hit a historical maximum, due to the flood, 14 settlements were cut off from the mainland, the federal highway near the village of obatskoye was under threat of flooding, embankments and slopes of the road are now being strengthened around the clock to prevent water overflow. behind ksenia usoltseva is monitoring the situation. the road connecting the eastern and western parts of the country on a section in the tyumen region literally. stiffened. on the tyumen-omsk federal highway, near the village of obatskoye, a huge amount of passenger and freight
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transport has accumulated, according to the traffic police, a total of almost 60 km on both sides. the thing is that reverse traffic has been organized in the populated area itself, and the travel time has increased by several hours. a line of cars goes beyond the horizon, truck drivers in hours-long traffic jams fall asleep right on the steering wheel. nature rebels, so it's normal. they are traveling in transit through the whole country, here is maxim shanturov, a botchanian, his house is also at risk, after work he will go to strengthen a dam, i’m going to obatsky to buy grain, there are still almost 20 km to obatsky, i don’t know when i’ll arrive, how much longer the journey will be for you , i think for a long time, i don’t know, for three or four hours exactly, the cause of the congestion depends on the elements on the section of the highway within the borders of the village of obatskoe continuously, work is underway around the clock to strengthen the hydraulic structure. full flood that came to obat district a few days ago, continues to test the strength of the structure.
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the water level in the ishim river at the gauging station in the village of obatskaya again reaches its historical maximum. the latest data is 12 m 17 cm. the water is already higher than the road surface, as road workers say, the dam is fulfilling its function. the main task is to promptly detect, fill these embankments, and strengthen the slopes with a film of a large number of meshes. bags, i want to say that this work involves employees of the ministry of emergency situations, who work around the clock in the most very difficult conditions. in the obat district itself, the situation is tense; more than 1,300 residents have already left houses where water may enter. 14 settlements are cut off from the mainland; boat crossings are in operation. according to the regional information center in the tyumen region, intensive water growth continues in three districts at once, obatsky, uporovsky and vikulovsky, it is recommended to move it. children, people with limited mobility, the sick, people to safe places. the region is preparing to meet large amounts of water on the tabol river;
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the wave is coming from the neighboring kurgan region. behind 24 hours the water there remains at 30-40 cm, now the level is already above 7.5 m. the flood situation remains tense. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, alexander lezhnin, vesti tyumen. depardia was released from the police station after hours of questioning in connection with the harassment case. said the actor’s lawyer and added that depordia categorically denies the accusation against him. the lawsuits relate to two incidents that reportedly occurred during filming in 2014 and 2021. we’ll find out more from our european correspondent anastasia popova. gerard de pardey does not admit his guilt; moreover, he believes that this is noise, the purpose of which is to arrange for him to be lynched in the press. the seventy-five-year-old actor came to the station himself, researching the procedure. he was detained for interrogation. the new charges brought against him relate to
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the filming of the film green shutters in 2021. a fifty-three-year-old woman, a film set designer, says that the actor caught her in the corridor, pressed her against the wall, began to pester her, touching her in all possible places, said various vulgarities, and held her so tightly that he could tear her out from his hands, according to the victim , only the film crew could, who forced the deporti to apologize, but the actor did not remain in debt throughout... the entire filming process, diporde, according to her, insulted her and called her a lady of easy virtue. the second incident occurred on the set during the filming of the film the magician and the siamese 10 years ago in 2014. we are talking about a twenty-four-year-old assistant who wished to remain anonymous, but the charges are about the same: harassment, molestation. he is accused of sexually assaulting a vulnerable person by someone abusing the power of their position. for this you can face up to 7 years. prison and a fine of 100,000 euros. however, the actor already has a whole stack of such cases. he has already been
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under investigation since december 2020. accused of raping actress charlotte arnold. the actor himself explains this by saying that he refused to sing with her. and so the woman decided to take revenge on him, although dipordi assures that everything intimate between them happened by mutual consent. finally i want to tell you the truth. i have never, never offended you in my life women. offending a woman is the same as hitting her. own mother in the stomach. one day a woman came to my house and walked lightly up to my room of her own free will. now she says she was raped there. there were other offended women, an actress. yes, she also filed a complaint against him for sexual assault during the filming of a film in 2007, but the application was rejected by the paris prosecutor's office due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. in spain, journalist and writer ruth baza filed a complaint against najira deparde. who accuses him of rape in '95. gerardi pardi is known for his not always unambiguous behavior, but
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at the same time many of his colleagues came to the defense of the legend of french cinema, stood up for the actor and the president of france, etc. many entrepreneurs have already received money from a considerable business fund, now it’s your turn, alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country, the best stories will receive the money, tell us about your business on, happy birthday to the megamarket. only on your birthday megamarket new balance sneakers with discounts up to 50%. 7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, because heptral is active from the first week of use, the liver is tired - it’s time for heptral. in rikla pharmacies. star combo from may 6 to
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one of the central roads in the capital of uganda , kampala, there is brisk trade along it; here you can buy, it seems, everything, fruits. clothes, a live bird, you don’t even have to get out of the car for this. such markets are everywhere here, it is very convenient for kampala motorists who are always stuck in traffic jams, the main thing is to comply. hygiene, because the equatorial climate, hot with high humidity, is an ideal incubator for infections. timur, we are coming, hello, so that outbreaks of infection
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cease to be a threat to the african continent, russia is sharing its technologies. the first russian mobile laboratory for testing for dangerous diseases was delivered to uganda. these are already working in almost a dozen countries in asia and africa, and the effect is obvious, says the head of rospotrebnadzor. this august will mark 10 years since the first delivery such a laboratory in guinea, over these 10 years in guinea, using our mobile technologies and pit surveillance technologies, managed to correct the ebola fever epidemic, the yellow fever outbreak, the hori outbreak, the cholera outbreak in guinea, and we do all this together with our friends. two modules are based on kamaz vehicles. which means they can cover long distances off-road. this is especially important because, for example, the last ebola outbreak in uganda was in a remote area on the border with the democratic republic of the congo. this is true
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called a sanitary passage, it is through this that epidemiologists will enter the laboratory. here they will leave their clothes, change into work clothes, put on personal protective equipment. there is also a shower here; you will need to use it upon leaving. and let's move on. the mirror is not here for beauty, but to check how tightly the protective clothing fits. the doors here are designed in such a way that during real work it will not be possible to open two at the same time. only one at a time. about vladimir putin announced that such a laboratory would be transferred to uganda at the russia-africa summit in the summer. in february of this year , a delegation from our rospotrebnadzor, led by its head, mrs., visited you. popova, she ’s here at our conference table. in accordance with the agreements reached then on expanding cooperation in
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the sanitary and epidemiological field, here we are transferring to uganda the latest mobile laboratory based on our kamaz vehicle, with a capacity of up to 3,500 studies per day per day. any infections, including especially dangerous ones. and this was highly anticipated here. in africa, it's like a weapon of mass destruction, says peter alupote alupote, a professor at uganda's busetema university. in the past, we have already seen situations where, instead of helping to fight epidemics, most countries left africa alone with them, and diseases continued to kill african people. we must work together through africa-russia initiatives to ensure that no infection can ever again become a weapon to infect africa. this year we have quite a lot of different fruits have been produced , this is the avocado, alloplotnikova has been in uganda for 8 years, formerly a doctor, now
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an entrepreneur, supplies russian medicines to the ugandan market, says here they are glad that russia has paid attention to africa, because investors are welcome here. the government of uganda is taking very big steps for this; the fact is that a special agency has been created, called investatorite. which helps to open a company, helps to carry out legal transactions, it issues land, land is issued for 50 years to the company free of charge, plus all the equipment that the company imports here is not subject to taxes. local business opportunities have already been appreciated by investors from china, japan, and india. uganda along with seven other countries, including such large ones as kenya. tanzania, the democratic republic of the congo, is part of the east african community, and this is a common market, a population of about 300 million people, inexpensive hired labor, but there is also
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an advantage that is not expressed in numbers. those who have lived and worked in uganda for a long time note that the locals are unusually they are hardworking, and indeed, here you only need to go outside to feel it. work doesn’t stop, it seems, not even for a minute, even on weekends, everyone is in a hurry, everyone is going about their business, everyone is busy with something. our president of uganda at the summit in july in st. petersburg announced that we really need russian investors, including in oil production, in the oil refinery that will be built here, the uganda-tanzania oil pipeline is now being built, we have found large reserves oil, so we have big ones. there is where to grow and the tourism market, it is not for nothing that uganda is called the pearl of africa. uganda is not only about local markets, which are very busy, but not always safe for tourists. this is also
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japan, patients from all over the country receive tests here twice a week, and during an epidemic every day, but hours are spent on the road, every minute counts, a russian laboratory can be quickly deployed in any remote source of infection, the laboratory is deployed very quickly, it takes 1 -2 hours from the moment of her arrival at the installation the right points until it can begin accepting samples and...
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africa has relied on the support of partners in the united states and other countries, but now is the time to develop internal capabilities, run its own affairs and learn from your experience from other african countries to better respond to epidemic threats.
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which are of scientific interest are of interest for practical healthcare, and this demonstrates the previously announced principle of russia to african problems, an african solution.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about today's main unit of the central group of troops for the past. 24 hours repelled 10 counterattacks in the ssu. ukrainian losses amount to up to 370 people - this is according to the ministry of defense. well, russian troops, following novobakhmutovskaya, today liberated the village of semyonovka in the dpr. as a result of active actions, a unit of the group of troops-center liberated the village of semyonovka. they improved the tactical situation and inflicted defeat with the formation of a foreign legion.
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sixty-eighth infantry. mechanized brigades, 109 territorial defense brigade armed forces of ukraine in the areas of novoalleksandrovka, arkhangelsk, tarasovka and zavetny. in ukraine. canceled human rights, kiev submitted to the council of europe an application for a partial derogation from compliance with the european convention for the protection of rights and freedoms.


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