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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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my interpretation, my vision - of the heroic epic, there are some intersections with vergun boter, naturally, in general, the co-creation of ayunsky, the action takes place in an alternative reality, and the film is animated, it is based on the lanhoman of yusky, rostislav said that since the main character of his films participates in battles, then it will help in his work... the experience he gained while participating in the northern military district, now he knows exactly how real battles take place. to the question: is he thinking about an artistic painting on the theme of a special military operation? says: the time is not yet, now the most important thing is victory, and the rest will come later. this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. first, the latest data from the ministry of defense on the progress of the svo. a group of russian troops
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in the center defeated units of the ukrainian armed forces and mercenaries of the foreign legion in the donetsk republic. 10 counterattacks were repelled, the enemy lost 370 people. our troops completely liberated another settlement - the village of semyonovka. subdivision of a group of troops-center as a result of active operations liberated the village of semyonovka. they improved the tactical situation and inflicted defeat with the formation of a foreign legion. mechanized brigades, 109 territorial defense brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of novo-alexandrovka, arkhangelsk, tarasovka and zavetny. the russian military evacuated the first american abrams tank to the rear; it was shot down in the avdea direction, in the avdea direction. in the near future this trophy will be presented at an exhibition on poklonnaya hill. the ministry of defense reported this. before evacuation did the sappers check to see if there was a camp nearby? mines or
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explosives. after they were convinced that there was no danger, the car was taken to the rear. the tank will be displayed on poklonnaya hill, along with other captured equipment: bradleys, mardors and leopards. human rights have actually been abolished in ukraine. kiev has submitted an application to the council of europe for a partial derogation from compliance with the european convention for the protection of rights and freedoms. they explained it as martial law. media experts do not rule out that this is all. in order to mobilize as much as possible citizens for military action against russia. evgenia petrukhina found out what kind of prohibitions they want to implement. hiding behind martial law, kiev is depriving ukrainians of their rights. now square does not intentionally adhere to the human rights convention. and now the european council is informing that kiev will partially deviate from the main document of the council of europe. ukraine is going, for example, to take away the property of its citizens in favor of the state, or to establish.
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special regime for entry and exit from the country, even in the document contains a provision banning meetings and rallies, well, it went to those who are registered with the military, they won’t even be able to move from apartment to apartment, the ban on changing their place of residence, such is democracy and european integration, absolutely most of the basic rules of this convention, yes they will be freely violated by ukraine, now you have no private property, no right to... assembly, that is, at the same time, with everything, it means that ukraine is talking in every possible way about going to the european union. well, to put it mildly, it's raises big questions. ukraine needs to temporarily withdraw from the human rights convention , first of all, in order to fully implement the bill on tightening mobilization, so to speak, to fulfill the conditions of western suppliers. they are on the front of arms, ukraine is cannon fodder. it’s interesting how this initiative with the exit from...
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with washington on a program of military, financial and other support for 10 years ahead, however, these plans were not commented on today by anthony blinken, who is now in aryad at the world economic forum. in which ukraine will be strong economically and then democratically. the european union will open accession negotiations with ukraine. but will the american economy bear such a burden, aid to ukraine for 10 years? this is not a burden to bear. what about the burden of foreign partners? even the american billionaire david
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sachs could not restrain himself here, who believes that such measures will only prolong the conflict. elon musk reacted with outrage. this is madness, an eternal war in which ukraine is losing ground day after day. understand? cannot hold the front, zelensky once again he wants to hide behind nato, when stoltenberg arrives in kiev, he immediately imposes himself on the alliance, and he, in turn, of course, promises as soon as possible. we are working hard to ensure that ukraine becomes a member of our alliance, but its entry requires the consent of all 32 nato countries. we are not talking about consensus or a majority of votes; what is needed is a unanimous decision. i don't think this condition will be met. summit in washington, which means ukraine will still have to fight, sort of like itself, using western equipment of foreign mercenaries, the issue of air defense will have to be somehow resolved. the polish generals are more metaphorical than ever, they say that the anti-aircraft umbrella over ukraine is becoming more and more full of holes, which means that with 61
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billion in aid from the united states, there is no way to stop, because soon ukraine may run out of weapons again, and the equipment will go away as trophies to moscow. anna morning chase, evgenia zemtsova. news. in korachay-cherkessia, police officers wounded after an armed attack are in serious condition. two connected to evl devices. this was reported by the ministry of health of the republic. let me remind you that the night before 5:00 the militants threw an explosive device towards the traffic police squad and opened fire. two employees died and the authorities of the kurgan region, where they themselves are from, will pay a million rubles each to their families. all. the attackers were eliminated on the spot. details of the armed attack from bulad shakiev. an armed raid on the outskirts of karachaevsk occurred that night at approximately 23:20. the sounds of gunfire could be heard throughout the valley. these are the employees
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law enforcement agencies are shooting back at bandits at a traffic police post in the village of mora-ayagi, five intruders. they drove up in a nine, threw an explosive device and opened fire. the battle was deadly, unfortunately, on both sides, all the raiders were eliminated on the spot, these were all local residents, ruslan and akhmat elkanovy, kazbek dzhezaev, ruslan semenov and vladimir averyanov. the investigative department for the city of karachaevsk of the regional investigative department for karachay-cherkessia has opened a criminal case on the fact of an attempt on life police officers, as well as illegal possession and carrying of weapons and ammunition. in a criminal case by forensic investigators. according to some reports, they had already done something similar at the end of april, they shot a police patrol squad, killing thirty-six-year-old police lieutenant murat kalakhanov and twenty-six-year-old sergeant roman gushchin.
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then they managed to escape, this time they were not allowed to do so, but at a great cost. according to the ministry of internal affairs , two seconded police officers from the russian ministry of internal affairs were killed as a result of the clash. kurgan region two employees of the traffic police, the traffic police, the ministry of internal affairs of karachaevo of the cherkess republic, as well as a seconded employee of the russian guard were injured. investigative authorities continue to work at the scene. according to the latest data, several more improvised explosive devices were found in the militants' arsenal. the investigation into the raid continues. balchakiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chastyakov, news. participants in the islamist rally demanded that germany be turned into a caliphate. took place in hamburg, and completely legally. more than a thousand people gathered, personnel, which you are about to see are being discussed by literally the whole country. the bundestag not only approved the action, but even insisted
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that the islamists be given the opportunity to publicly express all their demands. the largest parties, the social democrats and the greens, spoke in favor, so calls for restrictions were openly heard at the rally. the islamist action was condemned by both the head of the german eud and chancellor olaf schulz. in paris, the police brutally dispersed a pro-palestinian rally in the courtyard of sarbona, students set up tents there, this is an action against the war in gas chanted freedom for palestine. as can be seen in the footage, the police did not stand on ceremony with the students in order to liquidate the camp; they rudely pulled the participants of the sit-in rally out of...
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the georgian academy of the ministry of internal affairs, when he moved to work in odessa, became the head of the ukrainian national police, went so wild that he even threw a bottle at a political opponent, when he remembered her service in kiev. for indecent behavior, eight opposition deputies were taken out of the hall, several more left the meeting themselves, but... the hysterical attacks continued in the corridors authorities, no hearings are of no interest
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to the georgian dream, this is now not a georgian, but a russian dream, they have no goal of discussing the law, they have no answers to your questions, they kicked me out of the hall, started demagoguery, in fact, the law on foreign agents in georgia is quite lenient , if compared with the united states, it is intended to streamline the activities of organizations that are funded from abroad if they receive more than 20% from there or the media.
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korubeshvili. in the same way, she opposed direct flights with russia, which the government managed to resume
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country, and now promises to veto if the law on foreign agents is nevertheless adopted on the second attempt. the first failed last spring, precisely because of opposition protests supported by the head of state. zurabishvili is the conductor of precisely these interests, european, american, georgian, and it is not surprising that she acts as she orders. and the state debt, first of all, or maybe secondarily, the french government, whose citizen she is, so here’s what to point out for her.
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which is often called blisi district for decided to hold a protest in the vake region, the rich people. apparently, western sponsors did not skimp on provocations. boris ivanin and anna nikolaesh, lead. the trial of juraar depordia for harassment will take place in october this year. french media reported this with reference to the paris prosecutor's office. earlier today, the actor was released from the police station after many hours of interrogation by...
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no comment, no need to ask me any questions, you know very well that a lawyer cannot speak at the investigation stage. however, the essence of the accusations is clear: lawsuits have been filed again by offended women. they accuse him of harassment, which they experienced during two filming sessions, one in 2014 while filming jean-pierre mocky's the magic twins, and another in 2021 during the filming of jacques bicker's green shutters. why it was necessary to wait 10 years is unclear. assistant. who was 24 years old at the time, says that she was psychologically traumatized by depardio’s behavior, his vulgar remarks, his advances, then he let loose, she believes, so now he must answer for sexual violence against a vulnerable person and abuse of power, for this, according to french laws, the actor is threatened with up to 7 years in prison, the second charge from
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the fifty-three-year-old production designer of the film green shutters of the twenty-first year. according to her, depordya brutally pinned her in the corridor, touched her and made obscene proposals. then the team allegedly forced the actor to apologize, but throughout the filming, he, according to the woman, called her a whore. it is unclear whether there were any witnesses to this scene. let's be clear, this is a detention, its possible legal consequences are unlikely will jeopardize the actor’s career, because it had already reached a dead end after the film green shutters. we talked about this in 2022 . tv channel.
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from many incomprehensible third parties , the film industry, it’s all empty, because it costs nothing. the actor himself calls this a media lynching and revenge of offended ladies. take, for example, the rape case of charlotte arnold in her twenties. the first time a woman came to me and lightly walked up to my bedroom of her own free will,
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now she says that she was raped there. she returned there a second time. there was no coercion, no violence, no resistance between us. he knew how to hypnotize the public with his lifestyle and jokes on the verge of decency, but so far in france he has not been prosecuted for this, in life on the set an actor can be different, in the world of cinema they understand this, about fifty colleagues came out in defense of depardi, demanding not cancel the legend of french cinema, among them...
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king. burger king. i greet you, dear ones! tv viewers of the russia 24 channel on our author's program besagon tv. today we'll talk about scary things an event that excited the whole world, and which happened on january 7th of this year. this is the story of the shooting - as edited by charlie hebdo. but before we talk about this, i would like to remind you. a small fragment from our besagon, which was called, who is running from the ship, or scared yazha naked.
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what were they talking about, please look, this is a crucifix, instead of the face of jesus christ, booty, i just want to remind you, remind you, the order of lenin, banter, banter, you can, please, banter as much as you want, just don’t touch something that is sacred for someone, but are you really waiting for... by the way, russian orthodox people, very patient, turned into martyrs who simply killed those who burned the koran, only burned it, the person who drew a caricature of i couldn’t leave the house of the prophet muhammad, i couldn’t leave for several years, because i was afraid that he and he would be killed, that’s the problem, fearlessness, no, it’s not fearlessness, it’s not a principle, it’s... everything is for
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sale, it was december 27, literally 2 weeks later what happened happened, here an amazing feeling arose, very exciting, very polar, i would say... on the one hand, of course, it’s terrible when people with machine guns break into the editorial office and kill other people, and this is impossible to justify, on the other hand, if you look into further, the question arises, why is this happening, and what is happening? can
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excite people so that they take up arms, here it seems to me that the most important question of our day is the question of changing the vector of life in the world, this is a question of double, triple standards, this is a question dropouts. the main from the unimportant, the important from the unimportant, why is it called a tragedy, and the other thing is that no less a tragedy, and maybe even a greater one, at least in terms of the number of victims, seems to be passed by, it is not heard, it is not spoken about, but before we talk about charlebda's magazine, i
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want to... just remind you a little literally of her history of this magazine. the story is that charlie hebdo was born after its predecessor, the satirical magazine lepdo-harakiri, was closed in 1970 by a special order from the french minister of the interior for insulting the memory of the recently deceased general.
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reprinted the pictures for which french comedians were shot, under the motto freedom first, the european press cannot kill words together. have you seen these pictures? for example, i put one up there. this is an anal work, like the holy trinity. this is how french freedom of speech fighters portrayed god the father, god the son and god the holy spirit. here is this picture: a caricature of muslim shrines that is no less obscene, we will fight for such freedom of speech to the last drop of blood, right? the second, the most difficult thing, of these guys, is that now the progressive part of humanity is diligently molding martyrs for the truth.


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