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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

11:30 pm
pratsa is the most vile reaction possible. first, the european press unanimously reprinted the pictures for which the french comedians were shot. the motto will not kill freedom of speech. have you seen these pictures? for example, i put one up there. this is an anal work, like a holy trinity. this is how french freedom of speech fighters portrayed god.
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turn on your brain: humanity has its own wild beast inside, religious intolerance, religious fanaticism, religious fascism, finally, let’s not evaluate, just we state that it exists, has always been, and most likely, will always be. what should a reasonable person do in this case? try not to wake up this beast, after all, they once lived for thousands of years. people nearby, praying to different gods, with varying degrees of success, but still lived, then some good-looking fellow appears, who begins to poke the beast’s den with a stick, wake up, tease, enrage the beast, and the young fellow himself is on the safe side, like him thinks at a distance from the beast, and even under personal protection, i am reasonable, cynical and completely irreligious.
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for some reason everyone diligently calls these anal jokers journalists, may i ask, why? journalist does not mean magazine. magazines can be pornographic, but pornographers and their models are not journalists at all. didn't you know that? then i’ll explain: journalists are the ones who run around with cameras under bullets in iraq. in syria, in libya, egypt,
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somalia, in ukraine, and finally, it happens, they die. by the way, do you know how many real journalists died last year? according to the world journalism corporation, 128 human. so, progressive humanity came out to demonstrate. it demanded an investigation.
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what happens next? then there is a huge consolidation of an unprecedented number of people around this story, millions of people gather and take it. a poster, large or small, where it says, i am charlie, they are marching along with politicians, a huge number of leaders and top officials of other states, marching through paris in other cities too, but some kind of inconsistency arises here...
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at least for me i think for many others, i will read about it, okay, we are against killing journalists, but it turns out that we are mixing into one glass our fight against terror, the opportunity to insult a shrine for a huge number of people, insult their religious feeling, insult what is for them is fundamental in their lives, but let’s still separate the wheat from the chaff. one should not be confused with the other, because it turns out that if i say that i am against murder, i at the same time immediately, automatically say that i am in favor of allowing was to insult the shrine of a person belonging to a different nationality and
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professing a different religion, this is fraud, this is wrong, this is dishonest, surprising in... i mean, the observation is very sincere and such, i would say, painful for the writer evgeniy greshkovets, this is what he writes: to me it was disgusting to see how the mediocre artist françois allande could hardly hide his joy at what happened; he behaved on january 11 like...
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his address to the nation looked like a meaningless election speech. islamists both within the country and abroad outside, for the weakness and incompetence of the special services, brain decay and discord in french society,
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a huge amount, so to speak, of indignation, and how can one talk about this, about this terrible tragedy, yes, of course, i repeat the tragedy, but if you don’t look into it , if we take everything in one bottle, i personally don’t want to be among those who hold a poster of charlie, i don’t want to justify for myself the right to be rude and...
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solidarity in criminal rudeness, to unite people around permissiveness, to gather them around themselves in order to together, having collected saliva, spit in the faces of those people for whom this prophet is a shrine, for whom they are ready to give their lives, that’s what about this.
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world, which was not unleashed by us, here khodorkovsky, having returned from his shushinsky, and having crossed his finnish border on his thin ice, from his, again, armored car, for some reason calls the media, caricatures, yes, draw a caricature , dear man himself , on caliph omar, or on the prophet mohammed, may he enlarge it to a poster, yes... go to kazan, or to ufa, or to ingushetia, walk around the center there and come
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back, it’s a joke, why are you calling journalists under the knife, and by the way, call navalny and kasparov with you, and we will rejoice, we will rejoice not about your pain reflexes, but about the fact that evil itself he destroys himself with his stupidity, our local prophet of liberalism, showed how to spoil his face. many people already knew what was under the democratic veil, but many who did not know should think twice about it. there is nothing sacred for a resident of the plastic world except surplus value. they only love mother and children inertia and more in words, if they love at all, their laughter is not gogle. healing, and demonic against shrines and below the belt. russia, a country
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where islam is one of the traditional religions. whether you like it or not, it is so. the duty of love and mutual respect obliges a russian to understand islam at least a little, and under no circumstances giggle at it with the depraved laughter of atheists. believe me, christians, a thoughtful acquaintance with islam will not harm your faith. even ordinary inquisitiveness obliges us to find out the fundamental basis of this neighboring religion and respect the people who profess it. fasting is known to them as it is to us. they have the concept of prayer and almsgiving. they are waiting for the last judgment. they hope for entry into eternity, already in this brief summary, they are much more
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understandable to us than atheists, satanists, mockingbirds. i have always said that without changing our religious beliefs, we must respect the faith of our neighbor. behind the wall lives a religious jew who strictly observes the sabbath; do not play loud music on saturday and do not drill into the wall. you have religious peace neighbor believe me, god will bless you for this. muslim neighbor. during his fast, the month of ramadan, do not eat in front of him and do not heat the barbecue in the common courtyard, so that the smells are carried everywhere. respect a person's strict abstinence and do not tempt him. for this little you will find a friend in him, and on a day of trouble - a helper. otherwise you will do it. you will get what those who scoff at someone else’s faith usually get because
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they don’t have their own, these are the normal rules of behavior and existence of people professing different faiths, but living side by side on a cramped piece of land. how simple, how simple this is... self-preservation, this is mutual penetration without forcing someone to believe in your god, but this is an opportunity, and most likely the only opportunity, to balance different religions, different traditions, different cultures, without exterminating each other and without exposing ourselves. .. under the knife of the person you insulted. after all, this is a very interesting thing. ilyin once
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said that you must live for what you can die for. as it is brilliantly simply said, you must live for what you can die for. these people profess islam. they live for what they can die for, they believe in it, they die, and millions of other people consider them martyrs and go to demonstrations.
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one follows from the other, as for me, the main event was the reaction of civilized countries to the massacre in odessa, for the first time we saw how the massacre of civilians in a european country was met with such cold indifference, the west simply turned a blind eye to it, it happened in my opinion this is a real disaster.
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it seems to me that this is the clearest example of how selectively the world treats what is happening, how selectively, this is ours, this is freedom of speech, we defend it.
11:50 pm
there are no white and black ones, human life is given by god, it is holy, and this should be appreciated regardless of where it is about... in paris or in odessa, all the best to you, until we meet again,
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they are for one, there is a classic, which... what are you waiting for, you are a metaphor, i am an example, i adapt, i change, i develop, and so on for 110. million years, and what are you waiting for? change and change. tochka, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. for constipation , slakilen can help in the morning, is available in
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11:55 pm
why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, also what, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, look into his head, look in the app or on website. democracy, glasnost, in general , perestroika in one word. we went to these guests, went out and talked in between. never mind, what are you telling us, that everyone is equal. the speed with which this restructuring took place showed that soviet society was, in principle, a capitalist society. democracy was a sign that this is freedom, this is liberalism.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest.
11:59 pm
12:00 am
this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. at the beginning, the latest data from the ministry of defense, on the progress of the svo, grouping the russian troops center was defeated by a unit of the ukrainian armed forces, a mercenary of the foreign legion in the donetsk republic. 10 counterattacks were repelled, the enemy lost 370 people. our troops completely liberated another populated area.


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