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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about today’s main unit of the central group of troops, over the past 24 hours they repelled 10 counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian losses amount to up to 370 people - this is according to the ministry of defense. well, the russians, following novobakhmutovskaya, today liberated the village of semenovka in the dpr.
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as a result of active actions, a unit of the group of troops-center liberated the village of semyonovka, improved the tactical situation, and defeated the formations of the foreign legion. 68th infantry, 23rd 115 mechanized brigades, 109 territorial defense brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of novoalleksandrovka, arkhangelsk, tarasovka and zavetny. the russian military evacuated the first american tank to thiel. abrams, it was shot down in the vdeevsky direction; in the near future this trophy will be presented at the patriot exhibition on poklonnaya hill. this was reported to the ministry of defense. before evacuating, sappers checked to see if there were any mines or explosives near the tank. after they were convinced that there was no danger, the car was taken to the rear. the tank will be displayed on poklonnaya hill along with other captured equipment, german leopards and merder and breda infantry fighting vehicles. well. kiev
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has submitted to the council of europe an application for a partial derogation from compliance with the european convention for the protection of rights and freedoms. explained by martial law. experts and the media do not rule out that all this is in order to mobilize as many citizens as possible for military action against russia. evgeniy petrukhin found out exactly what kind of bans they want to introduce. hiding behind martial law, kiev is depriving ukrainians of their rights. now independent. deliberately adhere to convention on human rights, the european council informs that kiev will partially deviate from the main document of the council of europe. ukraine is going, for example, to take away the property of its citizens in favor of the state, or is establishing a special regime for entry and exit from the country. the document also includes a provision banning meetings and rallies, and that’s what happened to those who are registered with the military; they won’t even be able to move from apartment to apartment; they won’t be able to change their place of residence, such a democrat.
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it cannot even be on the agenda. really zelensky expects to play the long game given such and such front-line failures in the ssu? while his soldiers, as syrsky says, have moved, and in fact retreated in several directions at once, zelensky is negotiating with washington on a program of military, financial and other support for the 10 years ahead. true, these plans were not commented on today by anthony blinken, who is currently in aryad at the world economic forum. no word on ten years of support. independent,
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us secretary of state, if he supported zelensky, it was rather morally. aggression russia turned out to be a strategic collapse for her; she had to make the enormous efforts that we talked about. trying to circumvent sanctions' export controls, but it has reoriented its economy in a way that is not sustainable. this may work in the short term, but it is not sustainable in the long term. you can see a future in which ukraine is strong economically and then democratically. the european union will open accession negotiations with ukraine. will such time be enough to help ukraine by 10 years, american economy? it’s not your own burden, but the burden of foreigners. how about partners? even the american billionaire david sachs could not restrain himself here, who believes that such measures will only prolong the conflict, elon musk reacted with indignation, this is madness, an eternal war, in which ukraine is losing ground day after day, he understands that he cannot hold the front, zelensky is once again
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since he wants to hide behind nato, when stoltengu arrives in kiev, he immediately imposes himself on the alliance, and he, in turn, of course, promises as soon as possible. above so that ukraine becomes a member of our alliance, but its entry requires the consent of all 32 nato countries. we are not talking about consensus or a majority of votes; what is needed is a unanimous decision. i don’t think that this condition will be met by the summit in washington. this means that ukraine will still have to fight, sort of like itself, using western equipment of foreign mercenaries. we will have to somehow resolve the issue with air defense. here are the polish generals as metaphorical as ever. they say it's anti-aircraft. umbrella over ukraine billions of aid from the us, no way is becoming more and more full of holes, which means we can’t stop at 61, because soon ukraine may run out of weapons again, and the equipment will go as trophies to moscow. evgenia petrukhina anna pogonina, evgenia zemtsova.
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news. in karachay-cherkessia, police officers wounded after an armed attack are in serious condition. two are connected to ventilators, the ministry of health reported. these are law enforcement officers shooting back at bandits at a traffic police post in the village of mora-ayagi, five intruders they themselves drove up on a nine, threw an explosive device and opened fire. the battle was
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deadly, unfortunately, on both sides, all the raiders were eliminated on the spot, these were all local residents, ruslan and akhmat elkanovy, kazbek dzhezaev, ruslan semyonov and vladimir averyanov. investigative departments. in the city of karachaevsk, the regional investigative department for the karachay-cherkess republic opened a criminal case on the fact of encroachment on the lives of police officers, as well as illegal guarding and carrying of weapons and ammunition him. in a criminal case, forensic investigators from the investigation department visited the scene of the incident, inspected it, and confiscated items that had evidentiary value in the criminal case. according to some reports, they already did something similar at the end of april and shot a police patrol squad. a thirty-six-year-old lieutenant was killed. police murat kalakhanov and twenty-six-year-old sergeant roman gushchin, then they managed to escape, this time they were not allowed to do this, but at a great cost. according to the ministry of internal affairs, as a result of the clash two seconded police officers from the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the kurgan region were killed, two employees of the traffic police, the state traffic safety inspectorate,
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the ministry of internal affairs of pokarachaev of the cherkess republic, as well as a seconded employee of the russian guard were injured. investigative authorities are currently continuing to work at the scene. according to the latest data , the militants had in their arsenal... the social democrats and the greens insisted that the islamists be given the opportunity to publicly state their demands, so at a rally in hamburg there were open calls to limit women’s rights, to ban same-sex relationships and sever ties with israel. the police did not intervene, explaining
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that calls for the creation of a new religious state, the caliphate, on german territory are not a criminal offense. then, however, the head of the german ministry of internal affairs, the chancellor himself, condemned the islamist rally in hamburg. the students set up tents there, this is an action against the war in gaza, and chanted freedom for palestine. as can be seen in the footage, the police did not stand on ceremony with the students; in order to liquidate the camp, they pulled the participants of the sitting meeting out of the tents; this action was preceded by student protest outside the paris institute of political studies calling on president macron to achieve a ceasefire in gaza. student protests swept across us universities, students. pitched tents on the campuses of madison, new york and cambridge, where the massachusetts
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institute of technology is located. gerring addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it. the ost master plan left no doubt about what they wanted to do with us. having exhausted all attempts to bring western colleagues to the negotiating table and sign something. pain in the city is not chaos, fighting in the city is the highest military art, and even psychological little things were thought out, the bet was that this would be the very contour offensive, the very miracle that would save germany, i took aim and fired the first shot under window, more than they were afraid of course to run into a machine-gun burst, no longer escaping from it, our corps came out on its own.
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it is not the church of christ. ptssu has nothing to do with religion. alone for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see. what will happen next, democracy, in
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general, in a word, perestroika, these guests came in, came out and said to me, wow, what are you telling us, that everyone is equal, the speed with which this reorganization took place showed that the soviet society in principle was a capitalist society, democracy, it was a sign that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember a lot. this scale of russia, there is something about you russians that europe does not understand.
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the main intelligence directorate boasts of imaginary drone strikes on military infrastructure in the russian rear, although instead of the promised million modern drones , the kiev regime literally launches flying garbage into the sky and takes credit for other people's innovative developments. we'll tell you more about everything right now. so, the department of the professional terrorist budanov continues to celebrate colossal successes, which, according to zheftoblakite media, was achieved at the airfield near morozovsk, rostov region, at the parking lot of our long-range aircraft in the yeisk-krasnodar region. fake launchers claim that drones managed to damage almost one and a half dozen modern russian missile carriers and will irrevocably destroy six heavy bombers, in general... the success of the victory is, without exaggeration, amazing, but
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satellite images very quickly dotted all the points; upon closer examination, nothing was found on them , even remotely similar traces of an attack. the enemy acts in principle, as he should act in the conditions of an information war in the conditions of an information operation, it is necessary, as soon as you abandoned the narrative, you must immediately confirm it with something, a bright attempt by the ukrainian tsypso to turn off critical... thinking in people again , try to impose your narrative, try to show your painted picture of the world , try to immediately celebrate the victory, because well, it depends on how you report and proving your effectiveness depends , among other things, on... the benefits from the west that ukraine is now receiving. this content that we are now distributing in the form of proofs, of course, unfortunately, will not reach the ukrainian target audience, because we are blocked there, and it would seem that once the propagandists were disgraced, they should have restrained their ardor, but they soon came exactly the same rake, reporting the arrival of a drone at
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the container over-the-horizon radar station in the mordovian city of kavy. the pilot can be shot down, well, what happens, they say 144 pillars, well, that is, it’s important to understand, this is a huge extent, this drone here is not some kind of bowling ball that flies in like a domino and knocks everything down, it’s it doesn’t work like that, especially since this ukrainian drone didn’t even fly anywhere, it was shot down on approach, it
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was eliminated, then it was a victory, they reported with what, well, it was drawn somewhere in photoshop. the pictures said that this is our victory. by the way, about mythical power ukrainian unmanned aircraft is a reason to remember how the junta, through the mouth of its head of government shmygal, threatened to acquire as many as a million modern drones in the coming months, and some especially zealous people, for example, the deputy minister of some kind of strategic development, also multiplied these fantastic numbers by two . among other things, they were going to establish serial production of leleko reconnaissance uavs, stitched for... coordination with rszzo hymers or high-precision strike furies, which were supposed to become a little bit of a quiet death for russian soldiers at the negotiating table. well, finally, the result of outstanding production feats in the zaporozhye region is the interception of a unique aircraft from a sewer pipe made of golna sticks and a homemade sewerage plywood tank
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, a fuel tank made of five rubles. whether anything can be effective, but a stick, a sharpened stick can have any effectiveness, whatever, the question is that military products that are produced industrially go through a certain testing, running-in, they have the expected effectiveness, but in case the production of something like this from scraps of sticks, yes, well, that is, it’s like a lottery, you won’t be lucky, and in the case when... these products carry explosives, you may be unlucky even before the start, yes, it can lead to problems for the creators themselves, which , by the way, often happens, in short, it clearly doesn’t look like a nato-style wunderkind, but in a sense, bandera’s ingenuity must be given credit to who else could have thought of building a structure from the contents of a garbage dump; the basis of the fuselage was a piece of
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sewer pipe with a diameter of about 110 mm, the body, wings and plumage were cut out of plywood and then covered. vinyl film, as for the tanks, they are replaced by four five-liter plastic water bottles, therefore, the fuel supply of a homemade fake is, well, plus or minus 20 liters, which is enough for a flight of 50 to 100 km. the wheel was probably made from the wheels of a garden wheelbarrow, and the whole thing was put on with ordinary glue. but the engine, apparently a factory one, with a volume of 170 cc, like some motorcycle models , compared to other components, is quite expensive, almost $1.00, but on the rest... we saved a lot, but the question is where did the nine-figure sums, collected from donations on paper to the last penny, and invested in the creation of uavs go? ukrainians have recently become more alert and have learned to use social engineering methods to extort money, they are trying to play on a patriotic note, they are trying to prove that we can resist, we have technology, that we are ready to produce millions of drones, just
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give us money , these are the millions that citizens of ukraine are thrown away in order to supposedly help their own army, for production they, of course, end up in the wallets of scammers, they do not end up in any production, ukraine does not have the resource to produce millions, not not tens, not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of drones, there is simply no such production capacity, no, no technology, so those drones that russian troops shoot down, they are literally assembled on their knees, this is handicraft production, these are single productions, this a piece of goods, and talk about millions is, of course, fake. however, they steal not only money, but also other people’s ideas, a vivid example of the post-popular in certain circles telegram channel all-seeing eye, whose authors hastened to call the prototype of a compact model the brainchild of ukrainian engineers. boats firing missiles and torpedoes, but in reality the emirati company cronos systems is working on the minisubmarine project, which means it has nothing to do with it; moreover, even the photograph of
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an assembly shop supposedly opened in ukraine turned out to be fake. the original looks like this, and its geolocation is in the american state of texas, at the lokit martin plant, where it produces f-35 fighters. this boat was developed by our russian man, living in the glorious city of igeisk, who then left... and works in the united arab emirates and showed this boat there, well, at least some ukrainian created all this, there is some native of sumy, kharkov , odessa, kiev, i don’t know, although they are also not ukrainian cities, well, maybe from lvov it would be, such a person, no, this is our russian person, so they talk about how russia is a dying country, a gas station, repeating, by the way, other people’s narratives, this too... or the americans, they can’t even come up with anything of their own, here the first frame that they give out, they themselves end up on a young man from baumanka, who has
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serious training, a serious education, this boat that bhu created, these are russian brains, and it would be okay if we were talking about an isolated episode, but no, there is a whole trend, in particular, it has made a lot of noise visit of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky and the minister defense of umerov to a demonstration site in the forest, where they drove, among other things... an armored vehicle with some combat modules, as claimed to be an independent ukrainian development, but a couple of days later the media of the south african republic drew attention to the situation, which easily identified the mbom b6 car, created specifically in ur, and how he got into square deserves a separate discussion. this is a demo version that was delivered to the northern military district on the territory of ukraine, as there is potential for potential contracts, but cooperation does not
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count ukrainian resources and one might think that the 61 billion dollars allocated by the us congress will go entirely to zelensky’s needs, and someone is already happy about the prospects of a new counter-offensive, much more successful than the summer ones, but in fairness , individual propagandists nevertheless studied the original american law and discovered it. that almost 50 billion of the above amount will be taken by the pentagon to restore weapons stocks, while ukraine will receive weapons worth 1.5 billion, and about 8 billion more will be given to it in the form of
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a loan, that is, not at all free of charge, the entire technological chain, all the money actually remains within the united states, that is, if the united states says that it is allocating for help and there are 60 billion, this means that at least, at least 30 billion will end up in wallets. and those who make the decision of the head of the military-industrial complex, another 15 billion will end up on all sorts of intermediaries who participate in the technological process of production of tvcs, of course zelensky will get crumbs in the form of some kickbacks, in the form of some kind of feeder so that the ukrainians supposedly see that such a civilized west is helping independent ukraine in order to fight the barbarians from russia. yes. already by tradition in kharkov, where there is a howl of local gouleiters from the attacks of our troops on supposedly peaceful infrastructure, there are the usual tales about the s-300 missiles, which they say have been converted from anti-aircraft to
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strike, and complaints about some attempts by the russians to literally sow panic and a feeling of inevitable catastrophe, in general everything is presented like this, that the only goal of attacks is to intimidate the civilian population, but sometimes the truth finds its way to a wide audience, you just need to be able to carefully notice the details, for example, a characteristic video from there are absolutely clearly sounds of secondary detonation there, that is, it is either an ammunition depot, a warehouse, possibly with some kind of equipment, spare parts, something like that, well, which is another of the many, many dozens that monthly... fall under such russian attacks, it is interesting that when the ukrainian side, there are representatives of kiev, yes, for the whole the world is complaining about shortages. air defense, they complain
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specifically about the combat impact of the russian army, yes, that reserves, warehouses with equipment, ammunition are being knocked out, they need to be protected, and please give air defense. and when we are talking about such internal propaganda, then all the arrivals , of course, fall on peaceful targets. thus, when engaged in refuting misinformation, it is important not only to watch, but to listen, especially when visual content is strictly blocked.
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x59 with a three-hundred-kilogram high-explosive cumulative part, it is essentially cut into the tower like a giant knife and at the same time disabled a lot of equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. according to information from open sources , communication amplifiers for air defense were located on the tower, without which it is much more difficult for operators of missile systems to exchange information; accordingly, anti-aircraft missile systems will have to be located close to each other, which means they will cover a smaller area, in addition to the tallest structure ... kharkov was attached to repeaters for drones sent to russian cities, this is not to mention the cellular network infrastructure necessary for the uninterrupted operation of fraudulent call centers, but there is one point that outweighs even all military purposes, even if there were laser weapons there, this point, which i will now name, it outweighs everything such military topics, this is the broadcast of an endless telethon, this is the delivery... this is to
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kharkov mobile phones, through which they watch all this nonsense that is being poured into their brains, while this brain burner is working, ukrainian propaganda is moving, the ukrainian army is working, there is even someone signing up for the ukrainian troops, this brain burner needs to be demolished, one way or another, the detox from the zombie telethon is a pleasant and useful bonus, especially since even the west, loyal to kiev, should not object in this case, because the state department of the united states ... introduced the notorious single news into the report on human rights violations by the ukrainian authorities, saying that such a broadcast format contradicts the principle of free access to information and limits alternative points of view, so now that the owners they expressed dissatisfaction, they seem to be able to close down the shop, but of course they will find other ways to produce ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia 24 tv channel.
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