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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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i welcome you, dear tv viewers, to the russia 24 channel on our original besagon tv program. today we will talk about a terrible event that alarmed the whole world, which occurred on january 7 of this year. this is the story of the shooting as edited by charlie. but
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before we talk about this, i would like to remind you of a small fragment from our besagon, which was called, who is running from the ship, or they scared the yazh with their bare butt, i just want to remind you, remind you, what was discussed there, look, this is a crucifixion , instead of a face jesus christ, order of lenin. step, step, you can, please, joke as much as you want, don’t touch only what is sacred for someone, but are you really waiting for russian orthodox people, who are very patient, to turn into martyrs who simply killed those who burned the koran.
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where what happened happened, an amazing feeling arose, very exciting, very polarized, i would say so, on the one hand, of course, it’s terrible when people with machine guns break into the editorial office and kill others.
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people, and this is impossible to justify, on the other hand, if you look further, the question arises, why is this happening, and what can excite people so much that they take up arms, here it seems to me that our most important question today... today, this is a question of changing the vector of life in the world, this is a question of double, triple standards, this is a question of sifting out the main thing from the unimportant, the important from the unimportant, why is this called a tragedy? and the other thing is that it is no less a tragedy,
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and maybe even more, at least according to the number of victims seems to be ignored, this is not heard, this is not spoken about, but before we talk about charlie’s magazine, i just want to remind you a little literally of her history of this magazine, the story is like this.
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so, yuri alekseev. the day passed with the shooting of the editorial office of a french humor magazine by muslim militants. the civilized world is off the scale, that the saddest thing to undertake is the most disgusting reaction possible. first, the european press unanimously reprinted the pictures for which the french comedians were shot. the motto is freedom you can't kill words. have you seen these pictures? for example, i put one up there. this anal work is like a saint.
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they were almost canonized. people, turn on your brain. humanity has its own wild beast inside, religious intolerance, religious fanaticism, religious fascism, finally. we will not evaluate, we will simply state that it exists, has always been, and most likely, will always be. what should a reasonable person do in this case? try. don’t wake up this beast, after all, they once lived for thousands of years people nearby, praying to different gods, with varying degrees of success, but still lived, then some good fellow appears, who begins to poke the beast’s den with a stick, wake up, tease,
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enrage the beast, and the young fellow himself is in a safe, like he thinks at a distance from the beast, and even under personal guard. i am a reasonable, cynical and completely irreligious person, but i have my own pain points, if someone tries to vandalize my mother’s grave, i will also have bloody boys dancing in my eyes, at this moment i shouldn’t give in hands, a kalashnikov assault rifle, any of us can be turned into a beast, if you try, i read: excerpts from these papers, because there are a lot of them, for some reason everyone diligently calls these anal jokers journalists, may i ask, why? journalist does not mean magazine, magazines can be pornographic, and pornographers and their
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models are not journalists at all, didn’t you know that, then i’ll explain, journalists. these are the ones who run around with cameras under bullets in iraq, syria, libya, egypt, somalia, ukraine, and finally, sometimes they die. by the way, ah do you know how many real journalists died last year? according to the world journalism corporation, 128 people. and what? progressive humanity.
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what happens next? then there is a huge consolidation of an unprecedented number of people around this story. millions of people gather, pick up a poster, large or small, where it says, i am charlie, go along with politicians, a huge number of leaders and top officials of other states
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march through paris in other cities too, well, does something arise here? inconsistency, according to at least for me, i think for many others, i will read about it, okay, we are against... we still separate the wheat from the chaff, we should not
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confuse one with the other, because it turns out that if i say that i am against murders, i at the same time, immediately, automatically say, i am for the fact that it is possible to insult the shrine of a person belonging to a different nationality and professing a different religion, this is fraud, this is wrong. he behaved on january 11 like a birthday boy, like
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a freelance actor who was unexpectedly given a magnificent benefit performance, he suddenly had a chance to be in the spotlight, an opportunity to play a new role, he periodically even forgot to depict grief, when he did, he did it poorly, his appeal... to the nation looked like a meaningless election speech, consisting of slogans and appeals without the slightest attempt to understand what had happened , admit your mistakes and direct guilt, for incompetent leadership, flirting with islamists both within the country and abroad, for the weakness and incompetence of the special services, for the mess in the brain.
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but here is solidarity, solidarity in criminal rudeness, to unite people around permissiveness, to gather them around themselves, so that together, having collected saliva, they spit in the faces of those people for whom this prophet is a shrine, for whom ... they are not ready to give their lives, that’s what about this writes
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, doesn’t write, this is a sermon, this is a sermon about the squire andrei tkachev, i also read in fragments, khodorkovsky acts like a bolshevik during she, in general, fighters for a bright and liberal paradise, are completely pure bolsheviks, although no one withdraws so many dividends from communist... horrors, like them, for other people 's money and under command in english, they are trying to excite the masses, and beat russia in the gut on takeoff, like...
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russia, a country where islam is one of the traditional religions, do you want whether this is true or not, it is true, the duty of love and mutual respect obliges a russian to understand islam at least a little and under no circumstances. giggle at him with the depraved laughter of atheists. believe me, christians, your faith; a thoughtful acquaintance with islam will not harm you. even ordinary inquisitiveness obliges us to learn the fundamental basis of this neighboring religion and respect
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the people who profess it. they know the concept of fasting as we do. they have battle and alms, they are waiting for the last judgment, they hope for entry into eternity, already in this brief summary, they are much closer to us than atheists, satanists, mockingbirds. i have always said that without changing our religious beliefs, we must respect the faith of our neighbor. behind the wall lives a religious jew who strictly observes the sabbath. turn it on on saturday music loudly and don’t drill into the wall, your neighbor has religious peace, believe me, god will bless you for this. a muslim neighbor, during his fast of the month of ramadan, do not eat in front of him and do not heat the barbecue in the common courtyard so that the smells are carried everywhere, respect
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the person’s strict abstinence and do not tempt him, for this you will find little friend in him. on the day of trouble of the helper, otherwise if you act differently, you will receive what those who scoff at someone else’s faith usually receive due to the lack of their own. these are normal rules of behavior and existence of people professing different faiths, but living side by side on a cramped piece of land. how simple. how simple it is, this is self-preservation, this is mutual penetration without forcing someone to believe in your god, but this is an opportunity, and most likely the only opportunity, to balance different religions,
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different traditions, different cultures. these people who profess islam, they live for what they can die for, they believe in it, they die.
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you were insulted, everything is upside down, today democracy is an opportunity to insult and not get anything for it, but it doesn’t work out like that,
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suddenly, unexpectedly, machine gun fire are heard in the morning in the beautiful city of paris. i want to read one more thing to you, it was written by olga tukhanina much earlier than these events took place.
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this shock, when in a peaceful city people who came out to peacefully protest are burned and then finished off with sticks while recording from smartphones and video cameras, will remain with us for a decade. much worse things could happen next, but the beginning was made in odessa. everyone is subject to jurisdiction here, the entire western politician who provoked and financed it. coup d'etat in ukraine, everything media leaders whose publications brushed aside odessa like an annoying fly. all those who
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looked at the photograph of the dead woman, determining whether she was pregnant or not, found out that dostoevsky was right. the western world, having abandoned christianity in the new millennium, has almost completely shown. there is no god, everything is permitted, it seems to me that this is the clearest example of how selectively the world treats what is happening, how selectively, these are ours, this...
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which lead to the fact that we cease to understand, and most importantly, to be responsible for what is happening, we don’t hear, we don’t see, we don’t want to talk when it’s not beneficial for us, it was unprofitable for the world to see odessa, and it was beneficial to see what happened in paris, this is probably the worst thing, this is the lesson. which it seems to me that everyone should understand today, there are no black and white people, human life, given by god,
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is holy. and this should be appreciated regardless of where it happens, in paris or odessa. all the best to you, see you again.
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"investment rating, economy, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you want reached, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is
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russia ready to change?" " evolution occurs in any structure, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist in the recent past, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary policeman psychologist, you killed me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she ’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, it’s going to hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into your head, take a look in his head, look in the application or on the website, the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety
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starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today.


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