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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main unit of the central group of troops for the past 24 hours, repelled 10 counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces, ukrainian losses amounted to 370 people, this is according to the ministry of defense. well,
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the russians, following novobakhmutovskaya, today liberated the village of semenovka in the dpr. as a result of active actions, a unit of the group of troops-center liberated the village of semyonovka. they improved the tactical situation and inflicted defeat with the formation of a foreign legion. 68th infantry, 23rd 115 mechanized brigades, 109 territorial defense brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the novo alexandra areas. arkhangelsk, tarasovka and zavetny. the russian military was evacuated to thiel. the first american abrams tank. he was shot down in the vdeevsky direction. in the near future, this trophy will be presented at the patriot exhibition on poklonnaya hill. this was reported to the ministry of defense. before evacuating, sappers checked to see if there were any mines or explosives near the tank. after they were convinced that there was no danger, the car was taken to the rear. the tank will be displayed on poklonnaya hill along with...
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kiev has submitted an application to the council of europe for a partial derogation from compliance with the european convention for the protection of rights and freedoms. explained by martial law, experts and the media do not rule out that all this is in order to mobilize as many citizens as possible for military action against russia. these are the kind of bans they want to introduce. recognized evgeny petrukhin. hiding behind martial law, kiev is depriving ukrainians of their rights. now square does not intentionally adhere to the human rights convention. and now the european council informs that the kiev mule will partially deviate from the main document of the council of europe. ukraine is going, for example, to take away the property of its citizens in favor of the state, or, now, it is establishing a special regime for entry and exit from the country. the document also includes a provision on the ban on meetings and rallies, and what remains is for those
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who are registered with the military, they will not even be able to move from apartment to apartment, a ban on changing their place of residence, such is democracy and european integration, absolutely the majority of the basic rules of this convention , and they will be freely violated by ukraine, now you have no private property, no right to assembly, that is , despite everything, this means ukraine. says in every possible way that it is going to the european union, well, to put it mildly, this raises big questions; ukraine needs to partially withdraw from the human rights convention, first of all , in order to fully implement the bill on tightening mobilization, so to speak, to fulfill the conditions of western suppliers , they are on the front of arms, ukraine is cannon fodder. it’s interesting how i looked at this initiative with withdrawal from the convention for example, the head of eu diplomacy, jose borel, who has not yet commented on this, or rage.
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russia's aggression has been a strategic failure for it, it has had to make the enormous effort that we talked about in trying to get around sanctions' export controls, but it has reoriented its economy in a way that is not sustainable. this may work in the short term, but it is not sustainable in the long term. you can see a future in which ukraine will be strong economically, and then democratically. the european union will open with ukraine. will the american economy carry such a burden to help ukraine for 10 years? it’s not like you can bear your own burden, but what about the burden of foreign partners? even the american billionaire david sachs could not restrain himself here, who believes that such measures will only prolong the conflict. elon musk reacted with outrage. this is madness, an eternal war, in
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which ukraine is losing ground day after day, you understand that it cannot hold the front, zelensky once again wants to hide behind the back of nato, which arrived in kyiv-stoltonbe. foreign mercenaries, we will have to somehow resolve the issue with air defense, but polish generals are more metaphorical than ever, they say that the anti-aircraft umbrella over ukraine is becoming more and more full of holes, which means that with 61 billion in aid from the united states, well, we can’t stop, because soon in time
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, ukraine may run out of weapons again, and the equipment will go as trophies to moscow. evgenia petrukhina, anna pogonina and evgenia zemtsova. news. let's see to.
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deputies work in the regions, more about providers’ access to apartment buildings, laws aimed at supporting the soldiers of the northern military district, the development of tourism, about this and more, see our program. increasing
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the birth rate, supporting families with children, comprehensive development of rural areas, the key topics of the meeting of the council of legislators, which was held in st. petersburg this week. these and other development guidelines. in the coming years , set in the president's message to the federal assembly, to solve large-scale problems, all branches of government unite and work as one team. about the dialogue that took place on the platform of the council of legislators, the exchange of experience, broadcasts of problems affecting the regions. report by my colleague, alexander shavirin. it is no coincidence that the meeting of the council of legislators is held in the tauride palace; it is here that the history of russian parliamentarism originates. april 27, 1906.
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time for heroes asked political parties to actively nominate and support its participants during election campaigns at all levels. this is not some company. i want this to be clear to everyone. this is simply the environment, those people from which we must draw personnel, and from which we must choose for future work, choose people. who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, not sparing themselves, their
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health and life. the head of state noted that a number of parliamentarians’ initiatives were reflected in the message to the federal assembly, and the implementation of everything planned will require joint work. according to the president, the priority should be given to saving the people, the well-being of russian families , and strengthening the sovereignty of our country. when adopting budgets and key laws, everyone needs to act. in a single logic, with understanding the general objectives of the country, it is necessary to use the tools of parliamentary control to achieve the maximum target effect from each decision of the invested funds. vladimir putin also called for special attention to be paid to issues of interethnic harmony and civil peace, as well as to increase efforts through parliamentary diplomacy. today it is extremely important to form a parliamentary dimension of brix, said the head of the relevant state duma committee.
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promotes the tenth anniversary of the brix parliamentary forum, which will be hosted by the north in july capital. support for families is one of the central topics today: a large family with many children should become the norm, the philosophy of social life, the guideline of the entire state strategy. these are the words of the president, spoken by him during his address to the federal assembly. vladimir putin also set goals to achieve, in the next 6 years, a sustainable birth rate and at the same time reduce poverty. how to get interested?
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family policy, key on the agenda of the state duma. as a matter of priority , deputies will consider the bill on extending until 2030, programs to help large families pay off mortgages. this task was set by the president. vyacheslav volodin also noted that in russia it is necessary to officially determine the ministry in charge of family policy. when we talk about a responsible minister, with a last name, first name, patronymic, we must have. understanding that this person , together with his ministry, will purposefully achieve the implementation of the tasks
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set by the president in the field of demographic policy. the speaker of the state duma proposed studying issues of supporting families in by region. we are talking about kindergartens and extended day schools providing children with the most necessary things. when we talk about family policy, all these topics must be built into a single logic, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. our family today turns out to be, on the one hand, cared for by many, but on the other hand, like a family nanny, a child without an eye. demographic issues will be the subject of large parliamentary hearings. the family protection committee is currently preparing for them. its chairman nina ostanina noted that the most effective support measure remains maternal capital. the parliamentarian proposed expanding this. since the president signed a decree on large families, and a large family
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is considered to be raising three or more children, it would be quite logical to extend the maternity capital to the third child for subsequent children, then this would serve as a motivation for our families to have large families. the president issued a decree on measures of social support for large families at the beginning of the year. this is a comprehensive document that establishes unified status of large families. basic state guarantees, but in 3 months only 17 regional parliaments brought their legislation in accordance with the decree, noted chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. rest.
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called for special attention to be paid to the issue of staffing hospitals with pediatricians in the regions. the speaker of the state duma noted that many families come to deputies with complaints about the quality of care for children and the lack of necessary doctors in small towns. according to the chairman, in many district in hospitals, new equipment has been sitting in storage for years due to a lack of specialists. this is
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the main question. they go to the hospital to see a doctor, to school they go to see a teacher. therefore the walls. they may be new, but there won’t be a teacher there, there won’t be a doctor there, the equipment will be great, there will be no one to work on it. during the council meeting, parliamentarians also discussed the problems of integrated development of rural areas and heard a report from the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev. deputies noted the effectiveness of this format of work. today we saw how yes two the chambers together, plus ministers and the deputy prime minister, discussed a very important topic for us.
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there is the most correct signal on how to act to change the legislation. over 2 days , more than 10 meetings of specialized commissions were held at the council of legislators, and more than twenty agreements were signed between regional legislative bodies. meetings with parliamentarians at the federal level are reflected in work in the region. the territories of donbass and novorossiya, which are actively included in the unified legal field of russia, especially need support today. the state duma is in constant dialogue with local deputies, said the chairman of the people’s council of the dpr artyom zhoga. thanks to the support of both the state duma and legislative assemblies of other regions, based on their experience, we
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work, we gain knowledge, we gain experience in the legislative activities of the russian federation. almost 140 laws have already been adopted in the donetsk people's republic, which are aimed at integration into the legal field, into the economic field and social field of the russian federation. state council deputies share their integration experience with colleagues republic of crimea. the main difficulty was that the laws of ukraine are oriented towards western standards, but with the support of the state duma, crimea and sevastopol almost completely changed the regulatory framework. people had no passports, no payments, no pensions. it wasn’t, everything was someone else’s property issues, land issues, from the first minute to the last she was involved without the state duma, not a single law was adopted, so the participation of the leaders of the duma at different stages was always very, very important. at a meeting of the commission on issues of national security and anti-corruption, parliamentarians discussed improving
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the support system for soldiers participating in the air defense forces, as well as new measures to combat abuse of power and interference. the parliamentarian emphasized that when attracting new employees to production, one should not forget about preserving existing labor resources, introducing so-called industrial medicine, which...
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saves on labor resources, why? because if your people get sick three times less in a year due to these events, you won’t it is necessary to maintain additional staff in order to ensure the process of shift work. decisions made by the council of legislators are sent to the president, the chambers of the federal assembly, the government, relevant ministries and regional authorities. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, andrey tarasov, maxim koul, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. in russia they can launch a special agricultural hectare program similar to the far eastern one. the proposal was made by state duma vice speaker irina yarovaya at the meeting presidium. the program implies a package of state support measures for the development of land and conducting farming activities on it. you can start with several subjects in an experimental
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mode, noted irina yarovaya. moreover, there is successful regional experience, for example, in the ivanovo region, since 2020 , agricultural land has been provided free of charge for personal subsidiary plots and farming for up to 6 years. the agro-industrial complex is the main breadwinner of the population, the head of the relevant committee emphasized. and should be under close scrutiny attention of the state. unfortunately, we have lost 260 million hectares of economically important land in recent years. today, a large number of our lands are over-cultivated, swamped, desertification processes are taking place on 50 million hectares, that is, we are talking about land degradation. the president set the task of increasing export volumes by one and a half times by 1.25 - raising the total volume, therefore, without
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additional introduction, improvement of technology, development of science, investment of military-industrial complex funds, these tasks are quite ambitious, it is difficult to solve. tourism - another topic that was raised by the presidium of the council of legislators. vice speaker of the state duma irina yarovaeva. took the initiative to legally define the concept of family tourism and organize organized travel routes for families with children. alexander shavirin found out the details of the proposal. you proposed to legislate the concept of family tourism and create routes just so that our russian families can travel around the country with their children. this is what it is, please tell us, the president of our country was the decade of childhood was announced in 2017, and this is the current year.
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shift according to excursion programs, but it is very important that the road to travel is not a difficult task for families, a completely
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organized history, when you can get basic services, where you can change a baby, and where you can have a high chair for food in the public catering system, that is these are seemingly very simple, but by adjusting these things and giving recommended routes, where it is guaranteed... there is all the infrastructure focused on the holidays of families with children of different ages, we will see greater interest from families and at the same time we will see how much this will give impetus to the overall development of tourism, the accommodation system for families with many children, this is also a separate issue that requires additional solutions. on behalf of the president, a large tourism industry program will be implemented in russia with a large amount of funding. this is 400 billion and for the prudent, intelligent use of these funds it would be absolutely correct for the ministry of economic development, in interaction with the regions,
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determined not just... but such definitions are instructions from the government. the state duma has already adopted more than a hundred laws aimed at supporting svo fighters. this was announced by vyacheslav volodin during a meeting with the head of the state fund for supporting participants in the special operation, defenders of the fatherland , anna tseveleva. they discussed issues of legislative support for assistance to fighters, as well as members of their families. as the chairman of the state duma noted, dialogue between deputies
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and... assistance to people, you see that there are gaps in how the fund, which directly provides legislation, of course, it is very important that you make proposals to us and identify those problems that require solutions, of course... we will do everything to ensure that our legislation is more adapted to solving the problems that you are dealing with, this will increase effectiveness of assistance. during the meeting, anna tseveleva spoke about the proposal to expand the list of technical rehabilitation means, adding manually controlled cars to it. more than 400 people could benefit from this measure svo participants who
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found themselves after being wounded. to make a car as a technical means of rehabilitation and it will be issued exclusively for medical reasons, when no other opportunities will allow a person to be socialized, this is an important point, that is, it is not... even a gift from the state, it is precisely the need for a person to socialized. the corresponding amendments to the legislation will be prepared by the committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs, instructions given by vyacheslav volodin. according to him, deputies in will consider the proposed changes as a priority. in the second part of our program , see: deputies work in their constituencies, what issues do they
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solve? more than a million rubles. for the illegal sale of vapes, fines will increase, providers enter houses according to new rules, is this better for residents?
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