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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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the parliamentary hour is on air. we continue: 15 million rubles, this could be the maximum penalty for violating the rules for the sale of vapes; the state duma intends to increase penalties for the illegal sale of electronic cigarettes to minors, up to the closure of stores. parliamentary control showed that not all sellers comply with the restrictions imposed by law, yana dobrovolskaya was convinced of this. strawberries, raspberries, cherries, coffee and even cookies. we are talking about the tastes of electronic smoking. devices.
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sweet smoke often attracts youth, because it does not have a pungent smell, like tobacco. this means that it is easier to hide a bad habit, for example, from parents. a case of poisoning occurs almost every month, some resulting in death. to protect the health of the younger generation, a year ago the state duma adopted a law tightening the rules for the circulation of electronic smoking devices. it's direct. pre-sale of vapes to minors, their advertising, open displays and demonstrations. children need to be saved, because everyone has bad habits. with these devices, in this case it’s the children’s health, the teachers are all saying unequivocally, but let’s do something, because they take away these vapes when they start smoking in class or during recess, but do the sellers comply with the new standards, raids have been organized for parliamentary control in almost everyone.
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regions of the country , representatives of the youth parliament of the state duma also took to the streets of moscow with a web control campaign. sixteen-year-old alexandra goes to one of the points in the city to buy an electronic cigarette. let's have a cola then... that's right, here it’s pink lemonade, i saw it, i ’m sorry, yes, a small consultation, payment and goods in the hands of a schoolgirl, everything is simple, and they didn’t even ask for a passport, the store faces a fine for violation of up to 300,000 rubles. just a couple of minutes ago you sold a vape to a minor. do you know about the requirements of anti-tobacco legislation regarding the ban on sales to minors, and also look, you have an open display here, why don’t you close them? well, i just thought so. yours, what again? read the product, read the product? and the girl asked you show the product? the seller answered reluctantly, but still admitted guilt and put the products out of sight and into the shadows. and there are many such cases of violations, activists say. one thing is clear, the law is not written to everyone. we checked more than 850 points in 64
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regions of our country, and found violations in more than half. the results are sad, this is unacceptable, and we believe that... it’s easier to pay a fine, because for violators, compared to the potential profit, the penalties are small. on store shelves today there are appliances for every taste and color, different shapes and sizes, over the past few years, vapes and electrons and cigarettes have become very popular among russians, among smokers there is an opinion that they are less
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harmful than regular cigarettes, but in reality everything is different. vaping means oncology, cardiovascular diseases, mutation of dna cells - this is a proven fact today.
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it is obvious that the current enforcement measures are not enough; more effective punishment must be introduced for irresponsible entrepreneurs, this opinion was expressed by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin in his telegram channel. a proposal to suspend the operation of a retail outlet for violations and significantly increase fines. according to the head of the state duma committee on youth policy, arma metelev, amendments to the legislation have already been prepared. this is a ban on the sale of vapes in pavilions; vapes should only be sold in stores, supermarkets, where they will be checked, among other things, for compliance with the labeling. secondly, if a violation of the law has been identified, then it is necessary to introduce
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the right to stop the operation of the point at a few months. we are now proposing to increase fines for individuals for distribution by 10 times. vapes for minors, that is, we now have up to 60 thousand rubles, and we propose to make 600,000 rubles. sport can become an ally in this fight against bad habits, deputies believe. it is important to create conditions and attract young people to training. this alternative can be active recreation, playing sports, this is both more exciting and more useful. therefore, we need to put even more effort into development of mass sports to ensure it is accessible. the state duma continues to work to limit the sale of electronic smoking devices, enticing odors, chewing gum or sweets that vapes smell of, deception, a sweet blow to the health of the younger generation. yana
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dobrovolskaya, nikita kharayskin, yulia borodina, anna melikyan, lana tyan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. deputies. this week they worked in their constituencies : saratov, omsk, oryol, penza regions, the republic of tatarstan, krasnoyarsk, stavropol territories, moscow, only a small part territories visited by politics. maria burkova will talk about questions from the regions and answers to them. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin worked in his constituency in the saratov region. public hearings were held there on the implementation of the second stage of development of the space explorers park. 3 years ago, on the sixtieth anniversary of the first manned flight into space, at the landing site. as part of the first stage, a memorial complex was created for yuri gagarin. as part of the second, it was proposed
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to build an educational space park directions, create a rocket science laboratory, a cosmonaut training center for the captain of the future, a drone factory, an immersive cinema and much more. work will begin this year. we are obliged to do everything on our part to preserve the memory of the first cosmonaut. yes, there is a memorial complex, but is it right? the younger generation showed interest, which is why, as part of the implementation of the project for the development of the park of space patrons, the second stage was proposed to make it educational. duma communists on this this week we celebrated the 154th anniversary of the birth of vladimir lenin. the leader of the faction, gennady zyuganov, laid flowers at the mausalum. afterwards he answered questions from journalists, we are now helping the guys who are
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fighting modern nazism and fascism in ukraine, liberating it from sru officers, american nato. yesterday i watched the shaky president of the united states squeeze out 60 billion dollars for the war, so we will give you weapons, and you slavs, kill each other, because it is difficult to offer our peoples more meanness. will pierce all of humanity, they are doomed to defeat, we will win. the leader of the russian duma, sergei mironov, took part in the conference "current problems of russian-mongolian cooperation." public figures, experts and scientists discussed the security problems of friendly states, as well as prospects for the development of relations in the face of growing sanctions pressure. of course, we are interested in mongolia becoming an important participant in the processes. the formation of a multipolar world at the global and regional level, we see in this is the most important guarantee of security,
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sovereignty and sustainable development of the country. i believe that as an important step in this direction, it is necessary to raise mongolia’s status in the sco from observers to full membership. the all-russian reception of citizens was held by the leader of the liberal democrats faction, leonid slutsky. last november, he created a project where deputies, senators, regional coordinators and activists. countries, hundreds and thousands of people now come to us, then we consider these issues, decide, i personally call those who are not quite treats people correctly, and we will increase governors, people to solve problems in all regions and officials of various calibers, who in our opinion have not fully fulfilled their responsibilities to the people. work with people, in addition to voice
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signals, you must be present visually, you must show that here i am, i am your friend, i have help for you, deputy from the krasnoyarsk territory, yuri shvidkin, together with doctors , told students how to provide first aid medical assistance, similar events take place in educational institutions labor collectives of krasnoyarsk. as part of this project, medical workers show how to stop bleeding, perform artificial respiration or give an anesthetic injection, and teach how to save lives. i think that the guys are approaching this issue with full responsibility; in the end , this will be refracted within to the automaticity of actions when necessary, god grant that of course we don’t have such needs. somewhere out of enlightenment, olga kazakova visited a temporary detention center for children from belgorod region. the guys were accommodated in
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a separate building of the sanatorium. students are taken to the local school for classes. the children admitted that they missed the academic format of studying. due to constant shelling in my small homeland , i had to study remotely. at school we have kind teachers, and they teach the material well. my grades have gone up a lot. i finally began to understand topics that were previously difficult for me. excellent living conditions, many interesting events, you need to understand that in the conditions in which they find themselves today schools in the belgorod region, which have gone into retirement due to the fact that the ukrainian regime is shelling...
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just to say thank you very much, dear parents, for bringing your children here, because it’s so important to put things in order, let’s go to work. in kazan, tatyana larionova initiated a joint meeting of the association of women deputies of tatarstan and the arkhangelsk region. representatives of the two regions discussed pressing social issues and signed a cooperation agreement. the point is that there are challenges.
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deputy oksana fadina keeps control a program for the overhaul of schools in the omsk region. she visited four educational institutions that began a two-year capital renovation cycle this year. the entire structure of almost every school has already come to a deplorable state, and moreover, on the verge of security issues, so the people’s program allowed us in a very timely manner with the help of the federal budget and, of course, co-financing from regional and local budgets. start this large-scale restructuring. state of educational olga pilipenko, a deputy from the oryol region, also checked the institutions. one of the purposes of the working visit was to check the security systems. the first point is kindergarten number five in the regional center. it is currently awaiting major repairs. the deputy assessed the work
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of fire safety systems and security equipment in the institution in order to understand whether to include their modernization in the renovation project. we need a lot, because our kindergarten was built in 1978, we have a lot of students, 342 people are enough, the roof needs repairs, a number of places leak it leaks a lot, our basement is in very good condition, pipes, communications, of course we would like to do everything in a new, modern way, but this object has been waiting for renovation for more than 60 years, the mezen lyceum will undergo a major overhaul, work has begun. the contractor must hand over the facility by the end of the year, the amount of work is large, they are insulating the facade and rebuilding the roof, replacing all communications, floors and walls, light, fire alarm, and catering unit, gym, we agreed that in july we
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will come and take a look , at what pace next will work, now we've gone through and looked.
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nina ostanina also met with the leadership of the penza regional oncology center, where they discussed the level of staffing and the annual medical examination of the population. maria burkova, anna melikyan, yulia borodina, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. it will become easier for providers to get into apartment buildings. telecom operators are now on an equal footing. the law was adopted by the state duma and signed by the president, what is the document about, what rights do... who and how will control the rules of placement equipment in the entrances and what kind of liability is provided for violations. chairman of the state duma committee on... politics, information technology and communications alexander khenshtein told us about everything in detail in an interview. a significant number of our citizens were deprived of the opportunity to independently choose their operator. current
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legislation establishes that in order to allow operator access to a house , a general meeting of owners is required, 2/3 of the votes, which in practice are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to collect, as a result of which the managers companies on behalf of people allowed operators into homes, and then things arose.
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the implementation of this global task is hampered, now with the adoption of the law, with its signing by the president, these problems, we very much hope, will become a thing of the past, because the law will solve two most important problems, the first, what i said, free access of the operator and the right of everyone a citizen can independently choose the provider he wants in terms of price and quality of services. the second most important task is to restore order in houses. what are your rights now? among citizens, how freely can they? sign agreements with wireline operators , an absolutely free citizen can now enter into an agreement with any operator he wants, but this
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does not automatically entail operators entering the house, in order for the operator to enter the house, it is necessary to develop a project, it is necessary that there were technical possibilities for placement, well , conditionally, there are already four telecom operators in the house and the entrance simply physically does not allow placing the equipment of the fifth, the rules interactions. establish a clear, phased, step-by-step procedure, for this the operator must draw up and develop a project, and all this in detail in the multi-page rules of interaction between the operator and the management body of the apartment building is written down in a document approved by the government of the russian federation. after the rules of interaction are approved by the government, within another 12 months, operators will be required to either dismantle their equipment. if they leave the house, and if they stay in it, then bring it into compliance with established all-russian requirements and standards. if someone removes his wires and
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carabs tomorrow, he will be obliged to repair what he leaves behind. and this is a direct rule of law that now obliges operators to do this. and in case of violation of fire safety rules and requirements, and sanitary ones. epidemiological and the like in practice, what will it look like for owners if operators do not comply with these requirements, there is a right contact the supervisory authorities, you have the right to go to court; by virtue of a direct rule of law, the operator will be obliged to compensate for this established damage. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air.
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your brother is there in donbass, in short, you need to go there. call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him. goering
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addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it. the master plan left no doubt about what they wanted with to do by us? having exhausted all attempts to bring our western colleagues to the negotiating table and sign something, the anti-government movement.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump a century into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mothers, such a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow questions, suggestions, objections, but there’s nothing else that you want, let's go 100 years ahead.
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