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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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turned out to be stronger 25:22. subsequently , everything turned out surprisingly simple for dynamo, especially in the score: 25-16 and 25:18, for them this is already the seventh championship, and they won the previous six in the past decades, without yet having the akbars hockey element in their official name. lokomotiv has not missed the finals for the sixth season in a row, but during this time it was able to win only twice. in the quarterfinals, the russian's opponent will be the second racket of the world, janik siner. daniil medvedev also reached the fourth round, he did not without difficulty, but still managed to defeat sebastian corday. the first set went to the american 7:5, the second set was also a bitter struggle and reached a tiebreak, where medvedev was stronger 7:6. that's it in the third set. medvedev will argue with the representative
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of kazakhstan alexander bublik. in the women's part of the tournament , russian mira andreeva managed to make it to the quarterfinals. previously, on her birthday, she defeated italian yasmina paalina in two sets 76-6-4. as a result, for her first semi-final in her career, andreeva will compete with the second world racket. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia.
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is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe , how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? occurs in any structure evolution? in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. “ kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, even when it’s going to hurt, they say that people know how to look straight into their heads, it’s a metaphor, look in his head, look in the application or on the website.
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a cold front is moving towards moscow, it will bring rain in some regions of the european part of the country. it will snow completely, where winter will return when ninastya gets to the capital, ksenia levitskaya will tell. clouds are gathering again over the russian plain. warm sunshine seemed to return to the region earlier this week, but it didn't last long. where will thunderstorms begin today, and where will it snow, when nastya doesn’t get to... this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and centraphobe. i'm ksenia levitskaya. hello. most of this week on the russian plain will be spent in bad weather conditions. last year was remembered for the rains, typical for the off-season, and rather cool weather. but by monday it had improved almost everywhere. from the southern to northern seas the sun was shining and the air was warming up well. in moscow the thermometer showed about +20°. in st. petersburg +22. the highest
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figure since the beginning of the month, in kaliningrad it was almost +25, in the surrounding forests mushroom pickers are already found near osinoviki, usually they appear one and a half to 2 months later. nikolay, this is a shock, look, you saw, look, the end of april, the same +25 were in orenburg. work continues in the southern urals to eliminate the consequences of flooding caused by high water. unfortunately, such weather conditions, especially during the may holidays, are a danger factor from the point of view of landscape fires. the day before, for example, there were fires. liquidated by a rescuer on the volga on the banks of the niva. this is how the kurgalsky nature reserve caught fire in the kingesep area. the fire spread to 5,000 m2. well, if we look for the positive in the imminent change in weather, then at least the level of fire danger on the russian plain will decrease. as i already said, on
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temperatures in the region dropped last week. this was due to the invasion of cold air, which eventually led to the formation of a solar system over european russia. anticyclone. today he will be able to maintain clear weather in the western, central regions of the country, as well as on the volga. however, the high pressure center is already being pushed by atmospheric fronts. one will stretch across southern latitudes, local thunderstorms are possible here, the second will cover the russian north. moreover, pay attention, in the arkhangelsk region, karelia and the republic of koma, in some places it’s not even snow charges are excluded. the fact is that arctic air is beginning to make its way into the anticyclone area. because of this, for example, in the polar urals this afternoon it will not be above zero. in the volga region, the temperature will drop below +15°, and the twenty-degree warmth will remain, except in the black sea region, in the caucasus in the western regions of russia. over the course of the week, the arctic
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invasion will gradually develop and the entire east of the region will be in a zone of cool, rainy weather. thermometer readings here will either get closer or return within range climate norm. clouds will cover southern russia, and the anticyclone will retain power only in the center in the north-west and the black earth region. the krasnodar region will be one of the first to face bad weather. the day before it was +25 in krasnodar, but today there will be a thunderstorm in the city and the air will only warm up to +21. rain and strong winds are expected. the precipitation will end on thursday but will return by the weekend. thermometers show +22-24. in moscow today it will still be warm tomorrow, +19. 21, but from thursday the temperature will first return to normal +14, and then drop to the lowest value since the middle of the month, in friday only +11, colder temperatures will be accompanied by rain. that's all for me, goodbye.
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now advertising, then we will talk about the massive bombing of cities in eastern europe at the end of the second world war, us aircraft dealt powerful blows to the serbian bilgrad and the bulgarian sofia. more than 6 thousand civilians were killed, but not a single major german military installation was destroyed. why did the americans carry out these air raids, will the world in the palm of your hand explain? sber
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in april 1944 , planes of the us air force, allies of the ussr in the anti-hitler coalition, appeared in nibe yugoslavia and bulgaria. the civilians of belgrade and sofia did not expect to be bombed, but on april 1 bombs fell on belgrade. in april, the us air force again launched a massive attack on belgrade, and on april 17 , carpet bombing practically razed the centers of the capitals of yugoslavia and bulgaria to the ground. at the head of bomber aviation in both great britain and the united states there were people who were directly called butchers.
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well, practically in terms of the number of victims there was no less than from the nuclear bombing of hiroshima. the red army saved europe from such a scenario, but first things first. the main purpose of bombing cities in eastern europe was that already, according to the agreements of the tehran conference, it was clear where the border between the zones of responsibility of the soviet union, post-war, yes, would be. and areas of responsibility in the allies of the anti-hitler coalition, therefore the americans and the british, in principle
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they began bombing eastern europe on a massive scale, starting at the end of 1943, 1944, 1945. the united states of america understood perfectly well how they could win, unfortunately, yes, it’s very scary to say, this is how they could win this war. just psychological pressure, as you understand, the united states of america entered the war very late, when they realized that the scales had tipped. aside, towards the soviet union, to indicate their position, to show taxpayers where they actually went this money, yes, which was allocated by the same united states of america to support the soviet union. in fact, back in 1943, oil companies
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affiliated with the united states of america supplied fuel and lubricants.
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hundreds of prisoners were imprisoned in concentration camps, maternity hospitals were destroyed, women in labor and newborn babies died, and in one maternity hospital alone , nine mothers of their babies died. according to various estimates, about 2 thousand civilians were killed in belgrade, and about a thousand people were injured of varying degrees of severity. on easter people, like families, were at church services, some were already at home, so...
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the boys were shot, because they were serbs, because they were in conquered territory. the americans, in fact, worked hand in hand with the fascists in belgrade, destroying the cultural heritage of the serbian people, yes, because the fascists destroyed the public library of serbia and burned 350 thousand manuscripts, and the americans also destroyed museums and libraries during their bombings. russia paid great attention to the balkans starting from the 18th century, in the 19th century as part of russian-turkish war of 1877-78, russia was indeed able to almost completely liberate the balkans from the turkish yoke, moreover, it helped to form independence for many states. russia has invested
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so much effort for many reasons. secondly, we considered the serbs a fraternal people, and we still consider the serbs a fraternal people, this is very important for russia. the balkans as a logistics center that allows russia to exit from the mediterranean directly to the ocean is also very important for us, and of course the countries the western world understood perfectly well that for us serbia, that for us the balkans, hit precisely those zones that were very important for the soviet union, for russia, for russia today. what was the need for the bombing of the city of sofia, the capital of bulgaria, which did not have industrial enterprises for military purposes, in which there were no large military contingents, and in general the bulgarian army, in principle, during the second world war behaved quite passively and some active then actions on the second fronts
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world war it did not manifest itself in any way, but however, when the idea... this is only official data, and many died in fires, so it was difficult to identify the bodies, the exact figure is very difficult
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to establish, and there is still no historical center in sofia and belgrade, many buildings are destroyed and cannot be restored. let us emphasize that the bombing of the air force, the usa and great britain did not make the path of the red army any easier. the most interesting thing is that the historical center of the city was destroyed, the city was bombed twice, kensberg was about 189 bombers hit, but at the same time, not a single one of the military forts of kenesberg was touched, and kenesberg, that means, when ours had already taken this city. in 1945, my father was a participant in this, this operation, we had to bite in this way, and we lost several tens of thousands of soldiers before we took
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these forts, but the usa had much worse plans when the manhattan project was actively carried out , the plan to create a nuclear bomb, was not certain. which of which of the axis powers will collapse first. the americans were not confident that germany would surrender in may of 1945. therefore, the first plans for atomic bombings, judging by these documents, concerned germany. in 1944 , these nuclear bombings of germany were already planned, the dates were determined, this is important. keep in mind, i don’t know why this topic is not discussed here, the timing was determined with the offensive of the red army, just imagine if the red army
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had slowed down the pace of this offensive, if, say, it would not have been in may forty fifth years, and the bomb was tested in july, and let’s say, germany’s surrender was in september, the americans would not have stopped, they would have planned to do it. blow, when the soviet army approached the borders of eastern europe, carpet bombing of all these capitals of large cities by eastern europe began, that is, this was the goal set to intimidate the soviet union. these bombings were aimed in the same way as the bombings of yerasim and nagasaki, these were acts of intimidation of the soviet union, so that the soviet union would understand with what force it will encounter in the future.
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during the war years, great britain and the united states increased their fleet of strategic bombers, great britain had about 1,600, and the united states of america increased it to 2,080 units, that is, this is a huge mass, one document is interesting. that means it’s called thunder, this document was presented by churchel in 1944 to roosevelt, this document
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stipulated what was necessary in order to influence the german people psychologically, it was necessary, which means massive bombing of cities, these could be cities at least 2000 people who lived in order to intimidate and for psychological influence on the german people. it’s interesting, then, the reaction of roosevelt, well, whom he presents to us as a peacemaker, as a man who was not as aggressive as his partner, churchill, yes, that means he writes about what i understand, he says, in order to influence on the german people, not on nazism, on the german people, we need to castrate this people so that in the future they...
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both during the liberation of belgrade and during liberation of sofia, bulgaria as a whole, the soviet soldier did a lot to ensure that these countries regained their independence. today, very few people remember that the soviet union helped european countries regain their independence. today they talk so much about european sovereignty, that sovereignty, sovereign countries are very important. but these european countries sat under the influence of the germans for 4 years, for 4 years, no one talked about sovereignty, the most terrible concentration camps were located on the territory of these countries, and the heads of these countries they could not close the concentration camps, the soviet union, the soviet soldier returned sovereignty to the countries of eastern europe , and today it would be nice to remember this, but today it does not fit into
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that political agenda. which is being declared today, but we at least must remember this, remember and talk about this to our children, because indeed our country made a very large contribution to the victory, including the victory of the second world war and the restoration of countries after the second world war. are you not changing at all? did you miss me, baby? the fate of the milky way planet and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies is in our hands, 100 years from now.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, separate completely from moscow, an assembly has been created, which is the church of christ... the ocu has nothing to do with religion, only for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there are monasteries around inside there is a spiritual battle going on. the united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen
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next. stand, who are they, newbies, this is with me, passenger, reporter, director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, white rose, you can, i can, you can sing somehow, i shave, i’m alive, we don’t need names, it’s not a trinket, or what, not a trinket, not yours, well, you little rumka, little light. homer has something for a machine gun do commander shoot call sign passenger call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebin no call sign my brother you remain a passenger that’s for sure.
7:00 am
in the area bordering the belgorod region , the bmp-3 crew destroyed the fortified positions of ukrainian terrorist formations, reconnaissance officers using drones discovered the location of the nationalists and the crew of enemy drones, the coordinates were immediately transferred to the motorized rifle crew of the combat crew.


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