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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. we continue the release: a new generation drone has been developed in novosibirsk; it is controlled using a neural network that is capable of processing any information. for example, a copter can determine a person’s location, which means that a flying robot will become an indispensable assistant for emergency services. the drone will reduce search time in a situation where minutes are counting. read more, anastasia putintseva. robots that drive on the ground, well,
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that's boring, it's better to fly. flight altitude 500 m and above up to 50 km, range, can hover in the air for an hour and a half without recharging, looks like an ordinary drone, carbon body, four propellers, almost all parts are printed on a 3d printer, hours counted, control mechanisms from marketplace shelves, superpower, copter the neural network and the program for the drone robot were developed by novosibirsk it specialists. flying robot. that’s what this copter is called, the fact is that its heart is a small computer with a neural network that can be trained to search for any objects, while setting the necessary parameters, well for example, to find me in an open field, he will cope with this in a matter of minutes, which is what happens, 30 seconds, and a drone over my head is a trifle for a robot, he can handle much more difficult tasks, to find an object, a person, a car, not even a photo necessarily, it is enough to describe the object, the search begins.
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the search process is autonomous, the flying robot shoots video itself, processes it itself, the camera has a clear resolution of 90 frames per second, it is impossible not to fall into the drone’s field of view, it allows you to solve image processing problems in real life time, which allows him to track the sinking surface, that is, what he is flying on, calculate the displacement and speed relative to this surface, and , accordingly, he knows where he flew at the starting point, information from the copter, if necessary, will immediately go to the operator’s monitor via a special communication channel, the search target can at any time, the smart drone will not go astray, even if it loses the gps signal. using a neuron network, he can determine either the location from satellite imagery, or he can determine his movement through the camera, or it can be tied to the terrain and hover, well, this is all a function of a neural network that processes the camera image and issues control to the flight controller. any equipment from a thermometer to a radiation sensor can be taken on board a drone. a neural network is capable of processing any information and solving any problem. tasks by reducing
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the time and effort of employees of various services, the ministry of emergency situations, the military, the police, for example, in searching for people, where time is sometimes counted by minutes. anastasia putintseva, evgeny chuzhevsky, lead novosibirsk. at khabarovsk border guards river navigation started. patrol ships and boats went on duty at sea and usur. they will patrol the waters on the russian-chinese border, and together with colleagues from the people's republic of china. i saw how the crews were seen off on their first trip after a long winter. anna leonova. a native of solnechnaya anapa has been standing at the helm of a ship on the easternmost borders of the country for three years now. evgeniy, a graduate of the coast guard institute of the fsb of russia, is proud that it is his crew that is on combat watch on the russian-chinese border, where it has been calm for a long time, including thanks to his team. violations have decreased significantly. this, of course, is facilitated by the neighboring state; they pay great attention in this direction. we do not
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relax our attention for a second when protecting the borders, because the border is the border of the russian federation, sacred and inviolable. under the pores, completely ready for a trip to... typhoons, khabarovsk, patrol boats, underwent complete technical re-equipment over the winter in anticipation of serving. this year the conditions are ideal for the beginning of river border navigation. the usuri cupids do not show their stern disposition, the water level in the river meets all standards, so 7 feet under the keel and the patrol ships go on their first combat duty. comrade lieutenant general. the personnel of the detachment were formed on the occasion of the first exit. and the navigation starts. divinely, strictly in compliance with all traditions, a pig was given to each detachment - this is from the border cooks, and a blessing is required from the regimental priest. lord have mercy. erei anthony himself served navy, so for him such support from the coast guard is doubly exciting.
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everyone needs the support of the church, and the army needs it even more, because the burden on them, which is physical, psychological, and spiritual, is immeasurably greater than the burden on each of us. the ships are moving, china is in full view, the neighbors are also officially on duty, which will end when the ice floes float down the river. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. sber is introducing
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this is the last photograph of adolf hitler made during life. on april 30, 1945, he was photographed on the threshold of a bunker in the reich courtyard from the chancellery in berlin. on april 30, 1945 , zhukov called stalin and said that hitler had committed suicide, that the burnt body was on...
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we have irrefutable evidence that the corpse in the courtyard of the chancellery was hitler, because günsche, one of the assistants.
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that in germany there was quite a strong opposition to the hitler regime, but can you imagine when part of the ruling elite saw that a madman was pulling the country towards catastrophe, they say, but what do we have to do with it, why should we follow you? germany had to be saved, they thought, cherchel, for example, is also a great intriguer and a person who, in general, well, he was of such a detective genre, he was not only a politician, but he was such a competent intelligence officer from his inner conviction, i would say, he believed throughout the war that this coup would take place, hitler would be removed and
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pro-western forces would come to power, the pre-war pro-western forces, the weimar ones... and above all montague norman, montague norman - this was the head of the central bank, the english bank, he was a very influential figure, not in england, even in the western world as a whole, what would have happened if - a western government had come to power, which would have tried to make peace with the western allies and turn, churchill wanted this,
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and how else to explain the famous operation that was unthinkable according to the plan. on july 1 , 1945, it was planned to launch a surprise attack on the red army by anglo-american troops with the participation of the german divisions that had surrendered on the western front, but not disarmed. this idea he was born during the war, the meaning was that a coup was taking place, the war was ending on the western front, all the troops were moving to... the eastern front, an unthinkable operation, was, as it were, a continuation of this failed diplomatic option with the end of the war on the western front. it was originally planned to hold two trials of nazi criminals in nuremberg, but only one took place. the second
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nuremberg was not even our initiative, judging by the documents, at first... this task was set by the british, why? because anglo-german antagonism in europe, it is so constant, the british, apparently, at some stage still wanted, well , if not to finish off germany, then at least to remove competitors from business, because the discussion was ongoing. at the pozdam conference in july-august 1945, when there was talk about the trial of war criminals, and stalin said, well, he said, at least someone needs to be put in the dock, even if it’s a rump. truman laughed it off and said i don’t like all of them. united states and england,
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starting from the twenty-fourth year they were already preparing. germany for a future war with the soviet union. there are the following statistics: from 1924 to 1929, the united states invested $2.5 billion in the german economy, and england one and a half billion dollars, which at today’s exchange rate is more than $1 trillion. this is a gigantic amount of investment that made it possible. year to bring german industry to second place in europe, overtaking england. the united states of america also supplied chemicals to germany. elements helped them very seriously weapons, they were very seriously helped with the help of cars, because automobile production also ended up in the united
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states of america, also ended up in germany, and of course, when we talk about the united states of america, there is such a well-known phrase, yes, we will support both others so that they exhaust each other, so yes, the united states of america, on the one hand , helped the soviet union within the framework of allied relations. on the other hand , the united states of america also supported germany, counting on and supporting them in so that germany directs its main blow precisely against the soviet union. until the opening of the second front, american oil companies continued to supply fuel and flammable lubricants to germany.
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that business was not particularly politicized, the main goal of american business remained making a profit, and how they made it, with whom they traded, this was absolutely not of interest to them, which indicates that, in principle, the business had a value base, and the philosophy of entrepreneurship itself, the philosophy itself pragmatism, it led to the fact that ... performances were actually carried out , no matter what, no matter what goods were traded, starting from press water, in short, ending with oil, which means that all this was aimed
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at strengthening the defense capability and combat capability of the armed forces of germany and its satellites. germany was supported not only by the states, germany was also supported by european countries, and how we can prove this, we can simply look at the international agreements, treaties that were concluded between the fascists. the german submarine fleet began to develop very actively, subsequently great britain will declare that the german submarine fleet is causing great damage to great britain, because you
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yourself helped with your maritime agreements to expand the capabilities of the german fleet. ford was on friendly terms with adolf hitler when, in fact, the second front was opened, hitler appreciated it. his help, all the enterprises that were on german territory, they were not nationalized, they also continued to work for the war, and the money went to america, which is interesting, ford not only had the production of cars, ford had a very wide polypropylene production, because he was also involved in the production of cas, production, and everything he did. and ford was awarded by nazi germany, including the iron eagle. he received a portrait of ford that hung in adolf hitler's office. in 1926, one of the american
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senators said that the credit for reviving german industry rests solely with the united states of america. it was a congressional hearing. and it’s still a very difficult moment, because when. when germany is already beginning to occupy european countries and place concentration camps on the territory of european countries, because there were european companies that began to make money from the concentration camps that germany created, and there are brands that got the opportunity to expand, increase their potential, and this was very painful we need to understand now, but this is really the case in many countries.
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in the history of this united states of america the state does not have such an example of repentance, there is no example of repentance. they stated that they supposedly regret what they did to the indians. but in fact today, given how seriously the destroyed indian tribes were destroyed, today they do not receive any serious compensation, they do not receive additional rights and so on, no, you see, the americans destroyed two japanese cities, jeroshimo on kosaki, this the only country in the world that dropped atomic bombs, no remorse. no,
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on the contrary, in the schools of the united states of america , the great feats of victory of the united states of america are taught because they punished japan for its militaristic policies. i don’t think we will ever see any repentance again, because the united states of america is an excellent pr team. they carry out their information policy very competently; they always show positively even their loss. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally she came. spring
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is warm, sunny, bright, exhibition russia blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military captured a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces and
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deployed motorized rifles. the front line after drones and artillery had fired at enemy fortifications. attack aircraft receive the most accurate information about where they are every second from drone operators. ski units.


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