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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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i am russian, chechen, oseten, vashti, dorgin, kazakh, bashkir, another detachment of volunteer special forces has left the chechen republic from the chechen republic akhmat, what tasks are facing...
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large-scale actions are underway in georgia, both for the law on foreign agents and and against. the pro-western opposition calls the initiative pro-russian, but what are the protesters really trying to achieve? tucker carlson published an interview with the philosopher alexander dugin, with a man whose ideas the west is afraid of and whose works are banned, what was the conversation about? so far in some regions eliminate the consequences. floods in the tyumen region are preparing for their peak, what is the situation there, are people and the ministry of emergency situations ready for the arrival of big water? dipardieu, the french harvey weinstein, the famous actor was first arrested and then released, and now he will be tried for harassment, what exactly is the russian citizen suspected of? from the chechen republic zone.
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a new detachment of volunteer special forces, akhmat, was sent to a special military operation. before this, the military personnel underwent comprehensive training, they were trained instructors with real combat experience, they taught everything you need to know and be able to do at the level of literal reflexes to defeat the enemy. artur mustaev saw how classes were going on. i am russian. chechen, asetin, asetin, dargin, kazakh, bashkir. and also tatars, altaians, karelians, volunteers arrived from all over russia. before being sent to the north military district zone, volunteers undergo intensive training on the basis of the russian special forces university named after vladimir putin, and military instructors who have received international training work with them.
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we train each volunteer so that he can effectively provide assistance to himself and his comrade. over the course of 11 years , the special forces university has turned into a real forge of professional fighters. the day before, the son of the head of chechnya, adam kadyrov, was appointed curator of the military training center. not only volunteers, but also elite special forces undergo training at the russian university of special forces.
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he often comes and asks the head of the university about what, if, what is needed to resolve these issues immediately, the mood positive, we would quickly get to our friends in the trenches, they are already waiting for us long-awaitedly, so comrades, take part, join our ranks, the volunteer special forces detachment akhmat is escorted to the front line by the head of the regional headquarters of the northern military district and the head of the law enforcement agencies of the republic. first of all, as we always say, this is a brother. support,
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support each other, you have chosen the path of a real warrior. at the beginning of the special military operation , more than 17 thousand volunteers were trained in the chechen republic, thanks. for support the regional public fund provides all fighters with modern ammunition, equipment and food who wish to join the ranks of the akhmat special forces; the regional authorities also cover travel expenses. artur mustaev, zelimkhan buntyshev and aslan loluev, conduct the chechen republic. the specter of mobilization in ukraine has reached schoolgirls. a video has appeared online showing high school students being taught how to move with weapons and throw grenades. the instructors also explained to them the tactics of group actions, judging. according to the recording , it still seems like a game to the girls, but anything is possible will change in the near future: nato weapons are being brought into the country, in order to justify the new expenses of the west, the kiev regime will have to at least portray something similar to attacks, and for this the troops need replenishment. now ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices are taking away men, but
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it is possible that soon the same fate will befall women. rallies are being held in tbilis on the law on foreign agents, the day before. the scandalous document, which the opposition calls pro-russian, was considered by the legal committee of parliament. discussions accompanied by large-scale actions, both for and against. supporters of the ruling party gathered near the walls of parliament and expressed their support. opponents rallied in the next block. boris ivanin will tell you about the heated debates in the hall outside. to the beat of the drums from the building of the tbilisi philharmonic, supporters of the ruling georgian dream party are moving towards parliament to express.
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got so angry that she even threw a bottle at a political opponent when he remembered her service in kiev. for indecent behavior eight opposition deputies were taken out of the hall, several more left the meeting themselves, but continued their hysterical attacks in the corridors
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of power. no hearings are of no interest to the georgian dream; this is now not a georgian, but a russian dream. they have no purpose to discuss the law. there are several dozen of them, very active and quite numerous, constantly supplied and financed by various kinds of foreign structures, american, european, all mobilized today, very active and striving in all sorts of ways
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prevent the adoption of this law, because then you will have to somehow disclose the sources of your income. and this is very unpleasant for many, including their sponsors , it is unpleasant, first of all for their sponsors, because these are all definitely protests, they are fueled by these sponsors, the mass protests that the opposition staged a day earlier in the center of tbelis quickly escalated into riots and clashes with the police, bottles, other objects, several the provocateurs were detained, the president of georgia is adding fuel to the fire of confrontation with... from rubishvili appeals on social networks, however, she diligently does not notice the clashes, in her eyes the opposition is just dancing near parliament. acting from under the gun is zarubeshvili’s favorite tactic. in the same way, she opposed direct flights with
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russia, which the government of the country managed to resume, and now promises to veto if the law on foreign agents is nevertheless adopted at the second attempt. the first one last spring failed, precisely because of.
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the yemeni houthis attacked two american destroyers this night, a military representative of the movement said. according to him, the strikes were carried out using drones. in addition, the houthis claimed responsibility for two more attacks on commercial ships. one of the aircraft - one of the aircraft - violated the ban on passage to the palestinian port. the second ship was identified by the houthis as israeli. the hamas leadership received an offer to release thirty-three hostages in exchange. for a ceasefire, reports cnn channel citing its sources. according to their information
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, a temporary truce is initially expected, and at the second stage work on permanent stability in the region. meanwhile, tsahal reported the death of two soldiers in the central part of the gaza strip. the palestinian ministry of health announced at least thirty-four deaths as a result of night shelling of the enclave. hundreds of american students are arrested during a protest in support of palestine. rallies are taking place in more than twenty states. university campuses in richmond state police dispersed protesters using tear gas. the nbc television channel claims that the leadership of columbia university has announced its readiness to expel students from the university if they do not stop participating in rallies. tucker carlson published an interview with alexander dugin. the video appeared on the journalist’s social networks. carlson called his interlocutor the most famous political philosopher in russia and emphasized: “his ideas are so dangerous that the ukrainian government killed before.”
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which occurred in 2021. according to during the filming, the actor repeatedly showed
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inappropriate attentions to two women. let me remind you that gerard de pardieu has starred in more than two hundred films during his career, and is also a holder of the legion of honor. even french president emmanuel macron stood up for the actor. now to the topic of flood. in the tyumen region they are preparing for its peak, the level of the ishimu river, the village of obatskaya rose by a meter in a day. now it is at... the level of 12.5 m, and this is significantly higher than critical values, 14 are cut off from roads villages, the evacuation of residents began, rescuers organized boat crossings, in the amur region the level of the zeya and amur rivers is rising, now it is 3 m higher than normal. the kurgan region has begun to eliminate the consequences of the spring flood. the tobol is retreating, overnight the river level in the kurgan area dropped by almost 20 cm. now a short advertisement, and then news. economy, start the path to your dream with
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magnet. zhivinka candies 299. magnet - price, what do you need! a credit card is beneficial in any situation. interest free period of 120 days starts every month, service notifications are free forever. that is why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. hurry up! sale of avito. hammer drill for 559 rub. now economic news, maria filippova joins us. mash, greetings. they say that they are introducing more and more restrictive packages. meanwhile, in the united states they are extending the license of russian banks to carry out transactions, and in conditions of sanctions. how to understand this, what
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we are talking about. georgy, greetings, we are talking about energy and now i will tell you in more detail. sanctions with sanctions, and oil and gas on schedule. the us treasury has extended permission for energy-related transactions with russian banks. the license was supposed to expire on may 1, the new date is november 1 of this year. the authorization list still includes all the largest structures, including sberbank, vtb, web and even the russian central bank. by the way, in this case the term energy includes production, transportation, liquefaction of oil and gas, as well as the production of other energy sources, including coal, renewable uranium. the white house, meanwhile, is exploring the possibility of banning the import of enriched uranium from russia. bloomberg reports this, citing sources. representatives of the national security council, the ministry of energy and a number of other relevant departments are working on the issue. their attention comes as work on the initiative stalled in the us congress in december. in december, the house
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of representatives passed a bill to ban supplies of this metal from russia, but the senate did not support it. according to the us department of energy, our country supplies the states with almost a quarter of all enriched uranium, which brings in about a billion dollars a year. the white house believes that dependence on russian sources creates a risk for the us economy. and at the meeting of the seven in turin , the abandonment of russian lng is being discussed, this was stated by the minister of environment and energy security of italy. on the one hand, the official noted that the results of the discussions could be announced soon, with another. stressed that there is no final decision on belgium’s request to block the import of russian lng. previously, similar initiatives were voiced by germany and sweden. the phase-out of lng from russia is considered within the 14th package.
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russian volumes should be sold further, and the turkish gas hub is probably the most promising for pipeline gas. and just like that, turkey reduced lng imports in february, but at the same time increased purchases of pipeline gas. in particular, total lng supplies dropped below 1.700 million cubic meters, which is 42% less than a year earlier. imports of pipeline gas increased by 17%, exceeding 3.600 million cubic meters. and here the lion's share fell on... gazprom from russia turkey received more than 2 billion 600 million cubic meters, which is a third more than a year earlier. total deliveries of russian fuel are close to record levels. sanctions against
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russia cannot hinder its economy, the head of the treasury committee of the british house of commons admitted this in an interview with the financial times. the restrictions do not cope with the assigned tasks and the longer they act, the more ways appear to bypass them, the deputy said. also international. the monetary fund predicts that this year the russian economy will become one of the strongest in the world. the us economy will not be able to operate at full capacity for long. this statement was made by the managing director of the international monetary fund during a speech at the eu budget conference. the imf forecast states that the united states' gdp will grow by 2.7% this year. however, in 2025 a slowdown to 1.9 is expected. besides, previously warned the united states that its budget deficit was fueling inflation and posed a significant risk to the global economy. the fund estimates that next year the us budget deficit could exceed
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7% of gdp. this ratio is more than three times higher than in other developed economies. the social network tiktok may be blocked on the territory of the european union, the head of the european commission ursula fondeen stated this, reports politics: in brussels, unlike the united states, they decided to act. not so clumsy, they decided to find fault with the system cash rewards in one of the services for completing various tasks, for example, for the number of views, videos or for regularly visiting the platform. officials presented all this as a concern for users, saying that the incentive to spend more time in applications could develop their addiction. and in good faith, ursula funder also recalled that the european commission became the first in the world to prohibit its employees from installing tiktok on work phones. completion. exchange rates dollar today are 91 rubles, 77 kopecks, euros are 98 rubles. 2 kopecks on my that's all. a credit card is beneficial in any
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wait another 3 minutes. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church and separate completely from moscow,
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an assembly has been created. let's see what happens next, stand there, who are they, the new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, you can sing a white rose, i can, you can sing something, brusley, she’s alive, we don’t need names, she’s not worth it, or what, not a trosh, not
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yours, you, daisy, light of god, homer to the bullet gun, there is something to do, commander, what to do, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign to rebin, no, this is my brother’s name, you stay a passenger, that's for sure. next, our broadcast will continue with the documentary project democratization of peoples, like this one
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the process is taking place in russia right now. let's watch the first episode.


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