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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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next, our broadcast will continue with the documentary project democratization of peoples. this process
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is taking place in russia right now, we are watching the first episode of the first part of the “undecided union” project. based on the priority of universal human interests, the soviet union and allied socialist countries are directing their efforts to weaken the military threat, the unilateral reduction of armed forces initiated by the soviet state. the transfer of part
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of defense production to civilian needs was approved in support of the soviet people by the world community and leaders many states.
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tseleynik, first secretary kustanayevsky, that ’s when they announced a break, and bam this barodin comes out, and brezhnev follows him to solemnly celebrate may 1, the day of brotherhood and military unity of the working people of all countries, a spring holiday, a holiday. labor and
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peace, which he cares about this borodin, says, why are you sleeping all the time, sleeping in these ours at all meetings, he says lazy, and that you are tired of everything already the same disgusting, listen, when we are all rings, when we will redo something, he says, yes me too i’m tired of it myself, it’s all disgusting, but everything is so connected, we’ll take it now, it’s all starting, it’s going to start destroying, so maybe someone will come after us. will take on this matter , for example, i joined the komsomol very late, only in the tenth grade, because i was ideologically against it, it seemed to me that the komsomol no longer works, it’s all so bad, it’s like such a complete lie so to speak, window dressing, but my decision was influenced by my dad, who said how wonderful, wonderful, ideologically he was a charged man, the absolute heir of the soviet union, the more time passed, when i didn’t want to join the komsaval, he said to me: “are you wrong?”
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if you don’t like something in the organization, if you think that it doesn’t work, but you agree with its meaning and content, you should join and try to change it, imagine what an amazing, beautiful, naive charm it is. and so it was, by the way, many people thought so. the floor for the report is given to the secretary general of the central committee communist party of the soviet union, mikhail sergeevich gorbachev. the decision on a new economic policy is also permeated with the deepest revolutionary dialectics, a truthful analysis should help us solve our current problems, democratization, legality, openness, overcoming bureaucracy, in a word , the urgent problems of perestroika, it was
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a reorganization of society as a whole, in principle , the speed with which this reorganization took place , showed that soviet society was, in principle, a capitalist society, which expected these changes, which would accept...
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this is the adoption of western values, the fact is that the word democratization was understood by this, it seems to me, by the majority of people, some kind of provision of any privileges that were not available to citizens of the soviet union,
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i mean private business, conducting private business, traveling abroad...
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now everyone, right and left, right and left, right up to the leaders of openly anti-socialist forces, are hiding behind democratic slogans; with such discord, people often do not they know who to follow, who to believe, which god to pray to. but as for how everything was destroyed, well, i was a party member.
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the institute seemed to disband, this was actually a heavy blow for me, because i still believe that the country needs the party. of course, the party elite was just an arrogant bourgeoisie, this was no non-soviet person, they had their own individual brick houses with absolutely fucking awesomeness.
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nevermind, that is, as if we didn’t have something like this, we never saw anything like this, and we understood that there is a crowbar on the tables. we say, we work, that’s what we get, and there we
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say, we work, we earn 200-300 rubles, up there he says he gets 5 rubles, and we feed them, who feeds them, why feed them, what are they doing, they’re sorting out paper, and we work around the clock, well, i tell him that you soon agreed that it’s against the soviets. under the naked plant, how it works, that this metal plant, built in
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order to produce products and profits , dates back to the state, is called planned unprofitable, when i realized that the miners, which provide coal, i thought they bring profit to the country, they date back to when i realized that bread dates back to how much does a loaf of bread cost in a store, but 30 kopecks at that time ? and for the state farm workers in the village , its cost was 6 rubles, can you imagine, 30 kopecks 6 rubles, how could such a state stay afloat at all, just when i knew it all, everything is a deception, a re-count, all these five-year growth figures, and not myth, i knew that such a state would definitely collapse, they say, it’s not a big deal to our village, perestroika hasn’t reached it yet,
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we can handle any perestroika, if the party orders, i’ll fly into space, perestroika, perestroika, drags on year after year, the perestroikaists will leave, but the mess will remain,
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people’s deputy of russia, he was nominated by the chairmen of the supreme council, remember, it was the ninetieth year, may, suddenly a man appeared who began to tell the truth, a man from the partyocracy, a man who knows the inside out of this whole thing, first-hand, just like that, i, as they say, came out of this skin myself, people began to just take a closer look at him, and they voted for the first time against, the second time... against, and i flew to prague, from prague to go to the border with poland, i met there, i met with adam michnik, maybe you remember, adam michnik, yes, but he knew everything when we were sitting , and i say that yeltsin will not be elected, because we have only 30% of democrats there,
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he told me about them, wait, there is such work going on there that they should elect, but i have... a terrible thing, but i before that, i gave an interview in prague that yeltsen would not be removed because - so-and-so, so-and-so, so-and-so, so-and-so, i flew to moscow, met, she says, why don’t you trust me, i say why, so i was given your interview, you say they won’t elect me, and even yeltsin was elected, but it turns out they talked to the director’s corps, they involved chubais and said that directors will receive half during privatization, half. ownership of enterprises, but then you will push all your workers to vote for yeltsin, and so it was. i was only an opposition politician at the time when the soviet union collapsed. and i remember
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a great feeling of freedom among the people, but many of things.
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honestly, i don’t know, i don’t understand this word, i honestly don’t understand, the further it goes, the more incomprehensible, the more incomprehensible, this word is this term, democracy, that this is a separate film that needs to be made, democracy, what is it?
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completely copy all western principles, russia has its own tradition, its own culture, its own civilization, it can accept some values ​​and principles of the west. but it does not at all have to be equal to the west in absolutely everything, for me democracy lies in something completely different, there is
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chernyaev’s recollection of the meeting when they met in malta, they signed something there with gorbachev, so chernyaev is absolutely enthusiastic, well, grupachov’s assistant, absolutely enthusiastically writes that at a joint dinner... and there is no russia of the 16th century, he has no idea about the big game, about confrontation between the global anglo-saxon world and russian civilization
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throughout the 19th century, he has nothing at all, but in his mind there is some kind of unfinished soviet rage, the great beautiful west, where there are supermarkets with carts, big beautiful cars. nobody in america was going to to help neither the soviet union when it weakened, not truly, speaking, both new and new russia, let me remind you of a well-known fact: july 9, mikhail sergeevich was first invited to a meeting of the g7 in london, in fact, he was going to take an exam, he had to convince the leaders of the seven that he...
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we approached this as if at that time it seemed to us that this was right, we now live well and for some reason you understand, even when you remember, we went and actually went , we went to moscow to buy doctor’s sausage, so we bought several there sticks of doctor's sausage and drove there back to sernur, and wrote to gorbachev, when the concept, i wrote him this about how all this should be done, there was no need... to break everything, the more, the more, which means you probably , you don’t know that the miners had nothing,
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there was nothing, that means...
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i, i’m an honest person, i ’m becoming very naive, everything at once, the war has begun, guys, man, i believe in everything good, good, you you know, with what fear, with what fear it all began, i was afraid, i was afraid for my son, i was afraid for myself, for our whole the city was afraid, guys, i might burst into tears, so listen, you know what ’s happening here now, right now i’m sowing for a minute in the square, this is called self-criticism, guys, you feel what kind of disgusting thing is happening here, i have no words, people believed, many worked honestly, but with communism this is a complex issue, this thing is not sufficiently defined, but the fact that socialism in some form, that is, a society
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without... i still believe that this is a progressive society and correct and that, that we have lost precisely this factor, that too tragedy, in russia, of course, you can say now that the ussr, the destruction of atlantis, it’s a fucking thing that was invented from the point of view, well, from the point of view of ideology, i don’t know anymore, well, probably, only the jews, who 40 for years we walked, as if to say, looking for an inhabited land, well, perhaps, and... we are the second, 70 years of the soviet union, the fervent faith of the country, the realization of the ideal, human, and we started with this, the twenties, so we built the institute of the brain , they studied old age, they wanted to build a new person, a new people, in this sense, of course, wildly arrogant too, they argued with god, but, probably, they got a blow, as if,
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because it’s incredible, the construction of the same, which means the tower of babel, relatively speaking, a confusion of languages, because well, it’s too arrogant. four cylinders in line with a turbocharger, 215
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horsepower, cat's reserve. 1.0 km, increased cross-country ability, climbable 60°, company, nine people, and everyone here is yours, join yours. near the border of the belgorod region , the russian military destroyed an important facility in ssu, fighters destroyed positions where ukrainian attack drone operators were located, thereby managing to protect civilians from new air attacks, a task successfully completed by the bmp crew. igor pikhanov with details. the b-3 crew is moving to...
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work; scouts discovered fortified ukrainian positions near the border of the belgorod region


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