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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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i think that the destruction of television was one of the steps in the demoralization of society as a whole, firstly, when there is no information, yes, you don’t even know what to do, you don’t know what to do, and you live in constant fear that today it’s a television center, and tomorrow it’s your home, yes, naturally, this may push you to take some steps. actions, and moreover, it must
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be said that it is possible that the revolution that followed, it also followed for a reason, because these wounds that were inflicted on people psychologically, and physically even, they then played together, we could have observed some other transition to power if people had such a need, but there really was a bulldozer revolution, partly supported by external forces , partly created from within, because people really...
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have everything to control, although we were under gunpoint, most likely they would fire, milan and i said that we would stay, we constantly joked, there was no fear. milan then said, don’t worry, if you are killed, in memory of you they will hang a beautiful memorial plaque on television building, but i was never awarded a plaque, and now i can talk to my colleague bozhidar.
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economics through specific stories. we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear, clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how
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to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, at any time? structure is evolving?
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slavana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, another moment and the machine operator would have had access to the money, there was a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the counting went on for seconds. dictate your card number so that we can transfer the money to a secure account, i call the bank and hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be to get money out of you, hang up without talking, what is missing for construction is easy to find on sale avito, hurry up to buy goods for construction with discounts of up to 60%. remains.
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the perfection of taste. they messed it up, just like me.
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the unity of the alliance is obvious, it is stronger than ever before. i thank all the leaders of the countries, my alliance allies, for their loyalty and resilience. there are a lot of people in my village.
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“this is my son’s cap, i kept his entire military uniform, even his boots, this is a symbol of the troops in which my son served, he was a signalman, this is his little laboratory.” molecular damage to the liver and bone marrow, here is the entire first part of
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the medical history of my boy, luka was a volunteer, he completed a training course. after which he was sent to milan to the luchetti barracks, and from there to kosovo. of course, after returning from kosovo, he would like to live the same way i lived, to create a family, honest, hard-working, decent, but it didn’t work out, death didn’t allow it, americans. uranium is a byproduct of the nuclear energy production process and its disposal
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is expensive; it is very convenient to create bombs from the waste.
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having thus polluted the entire danube, animals, mushrooms, crops grown in sarajevo, i apologize, in the territory of the former yugoslavia, during the bombing, it is unknown how much of this was spread around the world, i bought a pack of cigarettes in sarajevo, which was contaminated. and serbs and albanians in kosovo and metohija into the civilian population that remained there, the situation is catastrophic, there are a lot of people with cancer there. 15 tons of combined uranium were dropped on kosovo and metohija, this is what nato admitted, this is a level of radiation that is 100 times higher than the radiation in jeroshima and nagasaki.
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this was not a military target, from a military point of view it was not justified, here under the przhar hill there is przharska street, nicknamed the street of death, many residents of this street died, but now there are patients who are being treated for cancer and other serious diseases, these are the consequences of poisoning united uranium, you doctor had many patients.
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in some exceptional cases , radiation exposure can threaten people directly in the affected area by inhaling radioactive dust from the explosion of a depleted uranium projectile, but this is more of an individual health issue than a large-scale radiation crisis. nato, according to various estimates, killed about 2,500 people, tens of thousands of houses.
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this stand presents the results of the operation that i performed. from above, patients after the bombing of serbia and montenegro 1999
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of the year. uranium plutonium. here are the first two patients - reservists. one from paracin, the second from chupriya. both were located on the territory of kosovo and metohija. both have identical facial skin carcinomas. moreover, they are not relatives, they are the same age, they have different professions, but both of them have completely identical carcinomas.
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i didn’t believe that they would dare to bomb the headquarters of a media company, television in the center of europe, not because they didn’t have the courage, it was just not profitable for them, their public would see it, it wouldn’t be possible hide this crime, and this crime was even admitted by bill clinton, in an interview with an american journalist, the very next day, the journalist asked, are you sorry that you
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bombed the journalist? i would have done, and i definitely would not have been happy, without some small personal happiness, what kind of life, emptiness, as if you had never lived, i was happy even in prison, happier than my persecutors, i survived in prison, i spent 10 years there, those who tried me said that it was not their will, but the demand of nato, i was convicted for spread milosevic's propaganda, this is a shame for serbia and this is a tragedy for me. but
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for serbia this is an unprecedented shame, which it will one day have to wash off from its face, this is the spit that our traitors to nato inflicted on serbia and the serbian people, one day it will have to be washed away.
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today is 40 days since the tragedy in crocus city hall, since the very morning people have been going to the spontaneous memorial in krasnogorsk near moscow, they are bringing flowers, toys and candles, portraits of the victims there. a memorial service was held for the victims of the terrorist attack, the service was conducted by the archbishop odentsovo krasnogorsk foma. on march 22 , terrorists burst into crocus city hall and they opened fire.


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