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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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our broadcast will continue with a special report by alexander rogatkin: the severity of weightlessness, you will learn about the soviet intercosmos program. dear comrades, today the soviet spacecraft soyuz tm3 departs.
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joint flights with representatives of socialist countries had almost ended, but it was necessary to politically support the government of the syrian arab republic. a delegation from the soviet union arrived and selected four people from the best syrian pilots. i was one of them. then we flew to the soviet union and there, already during training, they chose two of them, and i flew alone. the flight into space was preceded by months of training together with the understudy. and now the vast experience accumulated by the star city instructors in all climatic zones of the country is being passed on to future syrian cosmonauts. the analysis will come later, but the divers have already assessed the actions of munir habib and muhammad faris and presented these lilies. do these flowers grow in your country? unfortunately, we don't have it. we need these training or not? of course, as your
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proverb will say, seeing once is better than hearing 100 times, such training is very important, important, because without such training, we will not imagine how one can rescue from the water through a vortaliot. muhammad faris was not an allawi, like most representatives of the government of the syrian arab republic and the baaz party. allegedly this played a decisive role to emphasize. national unity. on july 22 , 1987, on the soyuz tm-3 ship, he went to the mir station, together with soviet cosmonauts viktorenko and aleksandrov, almost immediately began to complain about his health. space food in tubes could not replace traditional arab shawarma and falafel for him. his general physical condition was simply somewhat difficult in the sense that... for
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some time, for several days, one might say, he felt discomfort - inside himself. the space program for the first syrian cosmonaut was not particularly difficult; it was necessary to photograph the territory of syria and the historical ruins of palmyra on the gderovsky mkf6 camera. the camera operates in six spectral zones and has high resolution. space photographs.
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our leader at the time. in recent years, the hero of the soviet union and the first syrian cosmonaut mohamed faris has harshly criticized the russian authorities for supporting president bashar al-assad with a portrait of his father, whom hafis al-assad, faris flew into space. i would like to thank all my compatriots. first of all, our leader, president hafez al-assad.
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but it didn’t help, he stayed to his own opinion and left for his istanbul, here he is a hero of the soviet union, well , there’s no escape, he is also a hero of the syrian republic, but i don’t know how the syrian government treats him, i’m saying how we will continue to communicate with faris, they say, yes
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, communicate in the same way, that is, we have no contraindications, in principle , it is impossible to say whether he is an enemy, not an enemy, a friend, or who he is, we docked at the space station, and i remember every moment of my flight, as there are moments i dream that i am still in orbit and flying in zero gravity.
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the best of the best were sent into soviet space from the socialist countries; usually these were active military pilots with excellent health and high intelligence. i was the first pilot to shoot down a b-52 over hanoi. shooting down a b-52 is a very difficult task for vietnamese air defense forces, but this is our vietnamese military art, which is a combination of old fighting traditions. the b-52 crash showed that we know how to fight and are determined to win. the american flying fortress was shot down for about twenty seconds during
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the so-called christmas bombings of '72. the vietnamese pilot was able to approach the group of american aircraft. fire two heat-seeking missiles from a distance of 2 km. after explosions on board the strategic bomber, the fighter turned sharply to the left and returned to the airfield.
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america, the soviet union provided us with enormous support. we flew into space immediately after the war with help in the war, thanks to which the vietnamese people won victory, but now we are flying into space together, clearly demonstrating the great friendship and solidarity of our two peoples in a new era, although this flight has a small scientific one.
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he also conducted an experiment, atypical for a military pilot, to grow the azola aquatic fern in zero gravity. and the experiment was precisely to investigate how it behaves in space, whether it will also reproduce, and whether, in space, these algae grown in space can be used for nutrition; fate was favorable to the first vietnamese cosmonaut. in his homeland he is still loved and celebrated as a loon. by tradition, like everyone else soviet cosmonauts, fantoine, returning from
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orbit, became a hero of the soviet union. in the vietnamese army, he always held senior command positions, rose to the rank of lieutenant general, was the head of the defense industry of vietnam, and with the change in the country's economic course, he became the chairman of a military commercial bank, now a retired astronaut, babysits his grandchildren and writes memoirs. the first afghan cosmonaut ahad momad, who managed to fly on soyuz tm6 to the mir station, was popular with the pro-soviet najila government, the umujahideen. in that the president of afghanistan, hamid karzai, confessed to him in a decent meeting. i wrote all this down because i was doing this watering. not for himself, but for all afghans. well done, this is great
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work. the first thing he said was, while you were flying into space, we were in jihad. but even in jihad we rejoiced and were proud of your flight. bbc journalists made a big documentary about hahad mohmand, even before the taliban captured him. this was a huge responsibility on behalf of afghanistan and the afghan people. i went into space as an afghan, as their representative, i felt it. they filmed for a long time in moscow, ahad walked through those places that are still dear to his heart. when gagarin flew into space, i was a little boy living in a village. he flew to afghanistan and said in his speech that he would come. day, soon an afghan would go into space, if then someone
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had told me that i would become the first afghan in space, i would not have believed it, because at that time it was impossible, in the star city where ahad trained for several months, he met with his crew commander, cosmonaut vladimir lyakhov. okay, my bastard, dear, come on, dear, i haven’t seen you for a thousand years, yes. when the training of the afghan cosmonaut was in full swing, gorbachev decided to withdraw troops from afghanistan; it was necessary to send ahad into space earlier than the latter. a soviet soldier will cross the bridge of friendship through the zamudarya. on august 29, 1988, ahad momant went into space, and 5 months later his country fell into the abyss. in the midst
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civil war, akhat moment received from gorbachev. the star tried to fly to moscow, but he was never given a visa. yeltsin's russia no longer needed its own heroes of the soviet union, let alone afghan ones. and ahad emigrated to germany, where he often recalled how cosmos did not want to let him go to earth. due to problems with the engines, the crew risked remaining in orbit forever. lyakhov, him.
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ahat mohmand into orbit, in his native afghanistan, sharia law was introduced and women's beauty salons were closed. for many years ahad destined to remain the first and only afghan astronaut. the idea of ​​joint space exploration together with friendly countries arose back in the mid -sixties, when it became clear that the soviet union had no problem with all scientific research. we will use these devices together for research; eight of all the socialist countries agreed on these conditions; four countries refused for various reasons. first
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there was a joint satellite program, orbiters that... in the seventy-sixth year, a member of the intercosmos satellite program was invited to take part in manned flights of astronauts and the czech vladimir remyak was the first to launch from baikanur. 16 years and 11 months after yuri gagarin’s flight, the first international
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crew under the intercosmos program launched. remember how moscow welcomed yuri gagari? czechoslovakia welcomes its first cosmonaut vladimir remik. he made the flight together with alexey guborev. mid-eighties , the soviet union began to move towards manned flight attract capitalist countries by demonstrating friendship and openness in the name of peaceful space exploration. so an austrian, an englishman, a japanese and a representative of friendly india visited orbit. when we went to the store, this was 1982, before perestroika, there were huge lines for everything; our wives, standing at the end of the line and dressed in national clothes, sari, came up and said: “please, go forward.”
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ordinary people treated us as the most beloved nation and me. it seems we have raj kapoor to thank for this, his films the songs found such a good response in the hearts of the soviet people. together with his backup , rake sharma, they were already in baikanur and watched the start of the next alliance with vladimir tetov and gennady strikalov on board. the next ship was supposed to fly. crew with a representative of india, but the unexpected happens, instead of the roar of engines there is silence, instead of a fiery plume there is a flame of fire, instead of a two-hundred-ton rocket...
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this launch ended in disaster, but it was an opportunity to see that the emergency ejection system was working. we professional test pilots. such things should not incapacitate us; accidents and incidents are an ordinary part of the job. and in 1980, the first representative of the african race, cuban tamaya mendes arnalda, went into space. he preceded african-american astronaut guyon bluford by 3 years. because of the russians. prejudices that still prevailed in the states in the early eighties, the black space explorer was not allowed into orbit for 5 years. cuban arnalda tamai mendez and yuri
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romanenko launched into orbit on september 18 1980 in space, cosmonaut from the gdr zygmunt jn worked with a unique german-developed camera that could photograph the earth in six different spectra. we photographed the earth's surface using the mkf-6 camera. mkf6 was installed on salute 6, to which a german cosmonaut arrived and worked with this assembly chamber of our station, that is, this is one of the experiments that turned out to be very expensive, because we still have no analogues, this is the mkf6 apparatus. a special photo compartment contains a multi-zone photo camera. raft of joint efforts soviet and german scientists. it was manufactured at the national enterprise carls zeiss and jena in the gdr. six photographic lenses simultaneously
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photograph the planet. they see the earth differently, through their own filter. and these six photographic views in different parts of the visible and infrared ranges of the spectrum will create a generalized spectral image of the earth's surface. after the collapse of the soviet union and the warsaw bloc, all colors of the political spectrum went into disarray, and the gdr camera only impartially recorded how the berlin wall was collapsing. new authorities they tried to erase their cosmonauts from history, as if there was no space at all, joint flights into orbit are harmful communist propaganda. the only polish cosmonaut, general miroslav germaszewski, who at that time was the deputy commander of the rocket forces,
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was dismissed from the army by mail and wanted to deprive him of all awards, but germaszewski did not break in spite of his opponents, he looked proudly into the sky, at night you look deep into space, this is no longer aesthetic. here in the photo is our neighbor without a head, it was cut off upa punitive forces, and my parents managed to escape from the village, i was one and a half years old at the time, my mother later told me that
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bandera’s men shot at her, she fell and dropped me somewhere in a field, but my father then found and warmed me up, i barely survived, the cosmonaut's father, then bandera's men finally found and finished off, and burned the village to the ground, in that massacre almost 20 of miroslav's relatives died, land from their native ashes... tishevsky even took it with him into orbit. this is my relic. the mongolian cosmonaut, gurakcha zhukder damedin, was forced to personally rescue the descent vehicle on which he returned from orbit to earth. the capsule was almost sent to the landfill, along with the collapsed socialist system. from 1981 until the early nineties, the descent module was stored in the cultural center of transport workers; the building used to be called that. in the nineties
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with the transition.
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study together and work with wonderful people, every time i visit star city, i remember those times, star city is home not only for me, but also for my family. my son came to star city when he was 3 months old and returned when he was 3 years old, mongols and russians are connected by warm memories and friendship. during the 13 years of
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the intercosmos program, representatives of seventeen states visited orbit; for most of them , this was the first and only opportunity to send their citizen into space. until now, our loss is somehow even unconscious until the end, i don’t know, relatives, acquaintances of the victims and simply caring people bring flowers and wreaths to the natural disaster memorial to the croc of city hall, today is 40 days since the monstrous terrorist attack. an interview
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with the most famous political philosopher in russia was published by american journalist tucker carlson, which was discussed with alexander dugin. they intensively erase their own past from their memory. ukrainian communal workers began demolishing the monument in honor of the pereislav rada. this is not the first attempt at dismantling, but it seems that now the historical monument is being liquidated. roofs are being torn off houses and debris is being lifted into the air in irkutsk. a dust storm raged, wind speed reached 28 m/s. flowers, candles, toys and photographs of those whose lives were cut short on march 22. today, on the fortieth day after the terrorist attack , hundreds of people came to city hall to remember the victims and take part in the memorial service. about a tragedy that, after time, never ceases to be common to all of us. anastasia panko. exactly 40 days
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