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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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victims and simply caring people bring flowers and wreaths to the spontaneous memorial at the city hall, 40 days have passed since the monstrous terrorist attack. an interview with the most famous political philosopher in russia was published by american journalist tucker carlson, which was discussed with alexander dugin. they intensively erase their own past from their memory. ukrainian utility workers began demolishing the monument in honor of the pereislav rada. this is no longer the case. the first attempt at dismantling, but it seems that now the historical monument is being liquidated. ripping roofs off houses, throwing debris into the air in irkutsk, a dust storm raged, wind speed reached 28 m/s. flowers, candles, toys and photographs of those whose lives were cut short on march 22. today, on the fortieth day after the terrorist attack, hundreds came to krok city hall. people to remember the dead and
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take part in a memorial service about a tragedy that, after time, never ceases to be common to all of us. anastasia panko. exactly 40 days ago, a terrible terrorist attack took place in kroku satiholi. since the very morning, people have been bringing flowers, toys, photographs of people here; a memorial service for the dead has already been held here. today to the building relatives of the dead, injured, those who were at crocus that day, who came to the concert but managed to escape, come to crocus. and, of course, a lot. residents of moscow and the moscow region, because this is a common, great tragedy for all residents of the country. the souls of the dead, innocent people, fly to heaven, and today we are here to support and say, we will never forget this. the fact that this tragedy happened during the days of great lent, during these days the church prayed and prays for the repose of the deceased who died tragically. this
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there is evidence that life lives on, and it doesn’t matter whether our friends were there or not, they’re just our people. on march 22 , a picnic group was supposed to perform in crocus, but at about 8 pm, several armed people burst into the concert hall before the start of the performance. before that, they managed to enter the building, shoot the guards standing at the entrance, after which they blocked the doors and opened fire on the unarmed people in the hall, then the auditorium was set on fire, 145 people died. that day, five of whom were children, another 551 people were injured, here friends died, people very close to us, a couple, these are people so dear to us, our loss is still somehow even unconscious to the end, i don’t know if we can come to terms with this, according to orthodox tradition it is believed that it is the fortieth day, the soul of a person leaves the earth forever, but now they are invisible here.
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they see that we are grieving, we remember and will always remember, but there is no forgiveness for these non-humans, well, we carried this tragedy through our hearts, our family and children, today, when i told my daughter that we are going to the place today the death of innocent people, my daughter said, i’m going with you, this is important for us, the terrorist attack in crocus was a big and terrible tragedy for the whole country, it instantly united all the inhabitants of russia, people helped the victims. to the families of those who died that evening on march 22 , taxi drivers, and simply caring drivers , helped people leave here, many people that same evening, at night, went to the hospital to donate blood, volunteers, students, doctors came to the hospitals where they brought the victims, they offered their help, a huge number of muscovites and residents from the very first hours after the tragedy in crocus, the moscow region responded to the general grief, went to donate blood, in just 3 days , the country's donor centers received more than 24,000 donors, prepared 10 thousand... liters of blood and almost
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2.0 liters of plasma. there were enough blood supplies and people were told about this from the very beginning, but they still came, they still donated it, because they wanted to somehow help the victims. this tragedy is the common grief of the entire country. anastasia ponko and sergey zanen, vladimir pavlov, khasya oslonyan. news. russian troops occupied more advantageous positions in two directions and improved the tactical position in the area of ​​novobakhmutovka and ocheretin. this was reported to the ministry of defense. most. a unit of the southern group of troops improved the situation along the front line, inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment, the thirty-ninety-third mechanized, the eightieth, the ninety -second air assault, the forty-sixth airborne brigade, the 241st territorial defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, in the areas of the settlements of rozdolovka, zaelyanskaya, krasnogorovka and kleshcheevka. enemy losses amounted to 400.
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the vostok group of troops is gradually capturing the positions of the ukrainian armed forces under ugledar. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in the southern donetsk direction, assault groups of the fifth army from the primorsky territory operate. stormtroopers advance to the line of combat contact after thorough artillery preparation. they are supported by attack drones and tank crews. report from the front line by eduard punigov. the t-80 bv tank of the fifth army from primorye is in a combat position, the crew quickly overhauls the equipment, adjusts the target coordinates and opens fire again. objective control means
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confirm the hit. according to aerial reconnaissance, an enemy stronghold that was hindering the advance of infantry in the southern donetsk direction was destroyed. tankers almost always use. the so-called rolling tactics, that is, the crew takes a combat position, fires a short series of shots, for a maximum of 2-3 minutes, and immediately after that leaves the position, because anything can fly in in response. tankers are on duty near the front line around the clock, they usually work in pairs, insure and cover each other. sometimes two machines can work on one goal, and sometimes there are two goals at once, one works on one goal, the other on another, in different ways, depending on the goal. two cars are waiting for us at once, well , in a reserve area, but we shoot back, roll back, if the next command comes, the next one arrives, they continue working. the tanks are constantly being returned fire, but even in the event of hits, the armor reliably protects the soldiers. the main danger kamikaze drones represent tanks,
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so the crews weld these nets, they are also called barbecues, and besides , there may be danger on the ground, so they install mine trawls like this in front. this tank holds up repeatedly. a driver mechanic with the call sign karas came from kemerovo, served a year in the army and decided to sign a contract. i wanted to sign a contract, i came, ended up in the tanks, i chose it myself, or well, yes, i myself wanted to be a mechanic, a driver, why? i don't know, i kind of, i
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i like to operate all this equipment and turn the nuts. tankers are on duty along the entire front line, quickly changing positions to provide fire support to infantry units. we work direct fire. the distance is a kilometer 700 m, well , as close as we can get, so we work it out, release the house curtain and retreat, what are the main targets now, oporniks, manpower, dugouts, t-80 bv - one of the main attack vehicles of the vostok group, the crews are always in full combat readiness, there are already hundreds of tankers hit targets. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead. south donetsk direction. ukraine continues to fight those who cannot respond. kiev municipal services began dismantling the monument in honor of the pereislav rada, located under the arch of friendship of peoples. the city administration reported this. the arch of friendship of peoples was installed in kiev in 1982 in honor of
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the transition in 1654 of the zaporozhye cossacks to the citizenship of the russian tsar. let me remind you that the pereislav rada is a meeting of representatives of the zaporozhye cossacks in led by hetman bohdan khmelnitsky, which occurred in the middle of the 16th century. at it , a decision was publicly made to unite the territory of the zaporozhye army with the russian kingdom, secured by an oath of allegiance to the tsar. the demolition of the people's friendship arch was already discussed in 2015-17, but then it was decided to preserve it due to the high cost of dismantling work. in march of this year , the ukrainian authorities again returned to the issue of dismantling the arch; it was recognized as an object that does not have the status of a monument. between kyiv and brussels is negotiating the transfer of citizens of military age to ukraine. this was stated by the minister of defense of poland. according to him, for greater efficiency it is important to make this decision at the pan-european level. in square square itself, meanwhile,
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the arbitrariness of the military commissars does not stop. ekaterina shamaeva will tell you how ukrainians are trying to save themselves from total mobilization. they closed down our people, the axle of the car stood like dogs. they shut down our people, yes, and they are going to do this, this is a violation of rights, this is a violation of people’s rights, stinks of drunkenness, marvel, beat off the man to these residents in the lvov region, apparently... it was not possible to complain about assault from drunken employees of the shopping center, women are being collected by the police, will they be helped there, given the course of the ukrainian authorities towards strict mobilization, the big question is that they are already facing the realities of life in the square even children, i came in after the service, i came in after the service to buy groceries, i’m just walking calmly with a basket next to me, then the child says in such a voice, the military registration and enlistment office, i turn around and look, he’s about eight years old, he furrowed his eyebrows and left, in shocked, and these schoolgirls, it seems, have not yet realized what they are being prepared for.
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videos are being published on social networks of high school students being taught to move with weapons and throw grenades. in real combat conditions , representatives of the fair sex are also increasingly attracted to the ssu. the commander of one of the clans announced the creation of a female uav unit. after all, ukrainian troops are experiencing an acute shortage of personnel. of course, men use every opportunity to escape abroad. in kyiv. but trying to tighten the noose around our necks the ukrainian elite does not
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leave draft dodgers abroad. the cabinet of ministers submitted to the rada a bill that would facilitate the international search for suspects, and in the current conditions, escaped men of military age may fall under this category. the document also allows you to gain simplified access to their belongings and documents in the territory of another state. quite in the spirit of the decision to renounce fundamental human rights and freedoms, about which kiev notified the soviets. europe. however, the west is only too happy to help the ukrainian authorities tighten the screws, including driving those who escaped back to the front. we could probably look for some ways to make sure that a person has fulfilled his mobilization obligation or is exempt from it when we consider the issue of extending a temporary residence permit. but we need to work not only with the ukrainian authorities, but also more widely, because now the eu has so-called temporary protection for ukrainians. statistics show the scale of the hunt for ukrainian men. countries bordering the square. in slovakia over the past 4 months, illegal migration from
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ukraine grew by 82%. and those who remain live in constant fear, notes the economist magazine. using the example of the young people's company in odessa, the publication tells how, one after another, potential conscripts are fleeing abroad. it was a shock when the first young man in the group left the country, but then the second left and clients began to disappear as the fear of being sent to the front line grew. at the end of 2023, the owner of the bar fled abroad with a medical certificate stating that he had diabetes. but the deal with conditions, western weapons in exchange for ukrainian manpower have already been concluded, which means that the machine of total mobilization cannot be stopped. moreover, nato countries are actively spurring this process. the white house reported on arms supplies within the approved tranche. another package of military aid was announced in germany. it will include, in particular, the marder infantry fighting vehicle with ammunition and shells for leopard-2 tanks, and canada will send 50 armored personnel carriers to ukraine and allocate more than
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$9 million for the purchase of ammunition, although the equipment will have to wait in the summer the first 10 armored personnel carriers will only reach europe. ekaterina shamaeva, evgenia zemtsova, lead. now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us. sber presents a loan with cashback. 2%, so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, get a loan from save and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with savings. star combo
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the election race to donald trump. cnn commentators draw this conclusion based on data from recent opinion polls. if the election were held today, the current head of the white house would receive 43% of the vote. his predecessor 49. moreover, biden’s popularity, as journalists note, continues to decline. the new york-post newspaper, in turn, cites the results of gelop's study. it says biden's job approval rating is lower than any other president in the last 70 years, at less than 39%, nearly three points worse than george h. w. bush, who still held that dismal record. tucker carlson published an interview with alexander dugin. an american journalist considers him the most famous political philosopher in russia. interview lasts more than 20 minutes, and its main themes are liberalism and russophobia. with details
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anton potkovenko. why does the us view russia as an enemy? in february of this year, and then there was this conversation, the recording of which was posted by an american tv presenter just now, actually we spoke without a camera, we just had a conversation that we did not intend to record, it was just interesting to meet you, but you said something very interesting, we had a couple of cameras nearby, we installed them, and my question to you next, what do you think is happening in the english language now?
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there were only two kinds of collective identities that could be freed from, gender identity, and this led to transgender people. to lgbt, new forms of sexual identification, individualism, so gender became something optional, these were necessary elements
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of the implementation and vector of this liberal ideology, and the last step, which has not yet been fully realized, is liberation from human identity, to be human or not to be human, and this has the name transhumanism, posthumanism. singularity, artificial intelligence, that is, first liberation from the state, then from family, then from one’s own gender and finally, the last station, says dugin, to be free from being a person at all, what you describe is clearly happening, and this is terrible, but this is not the definition of liberalism that is in my head when i describe to myself what we call classical liberals in the usa, what 's the difference? very interesting question, i think that the problem is that there are two definitions of liberalism, there is old liberalism,
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classical liberalism and new liberalism, classical liberalism was in favor of democracy, and democracy in the sense of the power of the majority, now we are no longer talking about the rules of the majority, about the rules of the minority minorities, now they are promoting to you the idea of ​​liberating yourself from individual... or the terminator, russia is completely different, that’s why the anglo-saxons are furious, traditional values, state sovereignty, that’s what putin is preserving, all of this
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western neoliberals are in trouble, he is the type of leader of a political leader who defends traditional values, observers from the progressive western camp, i think they understood this from the very beginning of his reign, they understood... this is absolutely correct, absolutely correct, that’s why this hatred , it is not accidental, it is not some kind of accident, someone with nuclear weapons who strongly defends traditional values, then the end will come for you, just 20 minutes of interview, western russophobia looks as unnaturally hopeless as the rest a fatal curve in the development of the anglo-saxon world, tucker gave dugin the western platform and yet...
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