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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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holidays in russia are gaining popularity, travel around the country is becoming more accessible, more comfortable and safer, thanks to the national project for tourism and the hospitality industry. we will tell you what kind of support a business can receive from the state under this national project in 5 minutes in the program instructions. tourism and the hospitality industry is primarily the development of tourism infrastructure. they are developing with the support of the national project. new resorts, hotels and sanatoriums are being built and renovated, glamping and camping sites are appearing, and, of course, business is actively involved in all this, and the state creates favorable conditions for it. the russian tourism corporation is implementing more than 100 investment projects to create tourism infrastructure throughout our country, from the kaliningrad region to the far east and kamchatka. the total investment portfolio exceeds 500 billion rubles. today we suggest that businesses use government support measures. help with financing is one of them. the most
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important points: entrepreneurs across the country can receive preferential loans for construction or reconstruction of tourist facilities. these are multifunctional hotel complexes, water and amusement parks, infrastructure for ski resorts, sanatoriums, and hotels. the category of the hotel or inn must be at least three stars. room capacity from 120 rooms, both for hotels and multifunctional complexes. preferential loans are issued for a period of up to 12 years at an interest rate of 30% of the current key rate of the bank of russia plus 3%. conditions, the interest rate will be 7.8% per annum, this allows you to almost double the return on investment in every investment project related to the development of tourism infrastructure. please note that the project must be highly developed, that is, documents for the land have been drawn up and a business plan has been developed. if.
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you have everything ready, you can contact an authorized bank, they evaluate the reliability and financial stability of the borrowers, if the bank is ready to approve the loan, it transmits the information to government agencies. the final decision is made by the government tourism commission. funds can not only be borrowed from a bank, the state can provide additional subsidies, for example, for the construction of modular hotels. what is the mechanism here? the business must invest at least 50% of the cost. project, then the rest of the amount will be invested by the state, while for one room in a modular hotel state aid will amount to no more than one and a half million rubles. preference will be given to projects based on already operating hotels with at least 50 rooms. high chances of subsidies in special economic zones of tourist and recreational type. what do you need to do to get it? first, contact the local administration to find out all the conditions, then develop it. project
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of the future hotel, indicate where it will be located and other characteristics, and of course, how much is planned to be invested in construction and what subsidy is needed, then you need to draw up an estimate taking into account force majeure , and finally submit an application and a package of documents if the project has already been implemented and you want to compensate part of costs, you will need documents on finances invested in construction, each region has its own deadlines submission of applications and additional criteria, for the development of your... project you can also receive a regional subsidy, funds can be allocated for the development of the beach and laying out the route, for the purchase of equipment and holding events that increase the tourist attractiveness of the region, the creation of a tourist code for the city, for construction modular accommodation facilities and berths. to receive a subsidy, you need to contact your local administration, they will tell you how to apply. another significant support measure is public-private. business invests
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its own funds in tourism infrastructure projects, and the state invests its own. the investor from the state is the russian federation tourism corporation. in addition to material support, the corporation. tourism of the russian federation will help in reducing administrative barriers, marketing the project, attracting additional investments , interaction with government agencies and much more. if you want to cooperate with a corporation, first you need to register on the online platform for investors fill out the investment questionnaire. after its assessment, it will be possible to sign an agreement of intent to jointly develop a master plan and implement the project. today, any entrepreneur can go to... the tourism information portal of the russian federation, get acquainted with existing investment lots and finance the development of tourism infrastructure, or leave a request for support of their own project. the corporation's experts will promptly contact everyone who left an application, help in creating a questionnaire, and creating the necessary
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documentation and applications for additional financing, if necessary. let us repeat the most important thing: under the national project, tourism and the hospitality industry can... receive financial support, these are preferential loans for the construction or reconstruction of tourist facilities, as well as subsidies for the creation of prefabricated modular accommodation facilities for their own projects in the field of tourism. in addition, a business can attract co-financing from the russian tourism corporation within the framework of a public-private partnership. remained questions, if you want to know more about business support measures in priority areas for the country, ask in our telegram channel. we'll talk to the commissioners. departments will tell you everything in the next issue of the instructions. it's time for economic news. the energy ministers of the seven countries agreed to continue working to stop importing russian gas. this was stated in a statement by the heads of the ministry following the meeting in turin. in specifics, however, there are at least no
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dates, no volumes, or even a separate mention of russian lng, which the european union continues to purchase. its phased out is being considered as part of the fourteenth european sanctions package, which is currently underway. in the preliminary preparation stage, although experts consider this idea to be a failure, as in the case of oil, russian lng will simply change routes and will still end up in europe. most likely, liquid natural gas will remain, despite the sanctions that europe is trying to impose against russian oil and gas companies, europe will still not be able to refuse this gas, intermediaries will simply appear there, which will buy russian volumes and sell further, well... equally meaningless statements in the g7 communication on the russian nuclear sector, dependence on it must be reduced, attempts at diversification by countries that use russian reactors are welcomed, but
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again there are no specifics. meanwhile, the white house is studying the possibility of banning the import of enriched uranium from russia, bloomberg reports , citing... sources. representatives of the council of the national security, the ministry of energy and a number of other relevant departments. their attention is due to the fact that the us congress' work on the initiative has stalled. in december, the house of representatives passed a bill banning the supply of this metal from russia, but the senate did not support it. according to the us department of energy, our country supplies the states with almost a quarter of all enriched uranium, which brings in about a billion dollars a year. sanctions. sanctions, and oil and gas, as scheduled, the us treasury extended energy-related permits transactions with russian banks. the license was supposed to expire on may 1, the new date is november 1 of this year. the permitting list still includes all the largest structures, including sberbank, vtb, web and even
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the russian central bank. by the way, in this case the term energy includes the production, transportation, liquefaction of oil and gas, as well as the production of other energy sources. including coal, uranium and renewable sources. western insurance companies have recognized the price ceiling for russian oil as ineffective, saying that it does not work, says a statement published on the website of the british parliament on behalf of the international group of shipowners' mutual insurance clubs. it controls up to 90% of the global marine insurance market, however, according to its own information. the group admitted the obvious: because of the ceiling, the ships went into parallel trade, after it... shipowners stopped insuring about 800 tankers at the london club. in europe , dependence on russian fertilizers is growing, the financial times writes about this, citing the head of one of the largest companies in this market. transnational corporations. russian fertilizers are a new gas for europe,
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the top manager said. this is confirmed by official statistics. according to eurostat, the european union imported twice as much fertilizer from russia in june 2023 compared to the previous year. year. previously, the european union independently produced chemical fertilizers, receiving russian pipeline gas, but now production volumes have, for obvious reasons , decreased significantly. as a result, brussels achieved its stated goal of reduction. gas consumption, but at the expense deindustrialization of europe. many energy-intensive industries have closed, and in some cases the blow has been dealt to gas chemistry and other industries, so industrial demand for gas remains weak. this resulted in a decrease in gas prices at the beginning of this year to $270 per thousand cubic meters, but somewhere at the end of april gas prices began to rise, this is due to geopolitical factors with... the situation in the middle east against the backdrop of the arab-israeli conflict. world prices for cocoa beans
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have reached their lowest level since the end of march, falling below $9.00 per ton. and from the peak values ​​they have already collapsed by 25%. and this is despite expert forecasts that the rising price trend will continue due to difficulties with shipping in the red sea and drought in west africa. and the international cocoa organization promised in january that the two-year shortage of this raw material in the world will continue. year. let me remind you that in february the stock price of a ton of cocoa for the first time since 1977 rose to $5,000; the week before last it set a historical maximum, almost reaching 12,000. completion of exchange rates, the dollar today is 91 rubles 77 kopecks, the euro is 98 rubles. 2 kopecks i have everything about economics. a new inpatient department of the ophthalmological hospital was opened in yakutsk, it is equipped
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with modern domestic equipment, it can accommodate 40 patients at the same time, the hospital also received another mobile medical complex, thanks to which medical care will be available to residents of rural areas. report by vitaly prokopyev. even more people will be able to see the world in all its colors. the hospital opened a new inpatient department, the wards have comfortable functional beds and necessary equipment, hundreds of patients are treated here every day. thank you very much to the doctors, we have great doctors here, everyone praises us, everyone comes here, there are so many regions, we have so many yakutsk is big, as they say, and yakutia is even bigger, here you can see the location of the hospital, the exact location is indicated here, instead of outdated printed plans of the building modern digital. this monitor displays all the necessary information, using the electronic administrator you can find out the doctors’ schedule and make an appointment,
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science technology does not stand still, development is taking place, a new generation of the same equipment appears, and all this equipment immediately appears in our hands, so, as you can see, we have opened a new department, which is where we are now, and also it is equipped very well; during the construction and renovation of the building, every detail was taken into account in order to create the best for its specialists. working conditions, even the sinks here are sensory, firstly, that is, the water comes from straining the hands, and an apron that covers it from splashing, this happens according to all the rules of sampin. the yakut ophthalmological hospital also received another mobile medical complex so that doctors could restore vision to those who cannot get to the city on their own. this mobile ophthalmological complex will very soon set off on its first voyages inside. the latest technology so that doctors can not only diagnose, but also
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treat patients, very soon residents of central yakutia will be able to receive the necessary medical care, such as laser operations, similar experience already since 2022, yakut ophthalmologists have helped hundreds of residents of remote villages with cataracts and glaucoma, we have received a mobile complex or new advanced equipment for our department, and our personnel are being retrained, a basic one has been opened. department of ophthalmology of the north-eastern federal university, and of course, this together provides a systematic approach to the implementation of the tasks that the president of our country, vladimir vladimirovich putin, sets for the healthcare industry. the creation of a second hospital allows doctors carry out more planned operations; modern methods of work help patients recover faster. vitaly prokopyev, sergey zaborovsky, leading yakutia.
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and financed by very serious financial circles in western countries. on january 15 , 1920, the commander of american forces in germany, general henry allen, wrote in his diary: germany is the state most capable of successfully repelling bolshevism. the expansion of germany at the expense of russia for a long time would distract the germans to the east and thereby reduce tension in their relationship. with western europe. the working class in the 19th century in european countries began to fight for their rights. this was not beneficial for the elite. and the elite was, the elite was interested in developing military potential, in fact, in drawing this same working class into the most difficult, absolutely, most difficult military conditions, during which
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it was the working class that perished, that is, the contradictions that existed within the country , were redirected to the external sector. the working class gained nothing from this, so yes, indeed, the fight against communism, the fight against the idea of ​​equality, it began in europe, not for life, not for death. in such an economic situation, a conflict arose between those who worked and those who managed, therefore in business circles, big business, krupp, kison, flick and many, many others are well known. siemens, somewhere this pan-european idea arose, it was like this in italy, the idea of ​​strong power, that is, in order to follow the path of development, you need, you needed strong political power, because firstly, the communist party was very strong, that is, the idea of ​​a man with a saber, as they say, the idea of ​​a strong personality
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who could squeeze the country in the interests of big capital, big... captains of industry, as they said, it was in the air, and not hitler, well, someone else could have come, there was a choice of whom to choose from, strasser was there, there were other personalities who could well lay claim to the role of dictator. it is interesting that germany’s plans were generally well known long before the start of world war ii war. in 1915, such a scientific concept arose.
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war in the united states of america, due to the fact that the americans became the main creditors of the european powers, american banks acquired enormous power during the first world war, because great britain, which
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was the first financial power in the world and the richest country in terms of gdp in beginning. in the twenties, this championship gave way to the united states of america, this period of american peaceful for the time being, until the time of the invasion of germany through the weakening, first of all , of reparations for it, this was facilitated by both the dawes plan and the young plan or, more correctly, credit. in fact, well, at least a third of world production was american production, if before the first world war the united states owed europe 6 billion dollars, then by
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the end of the first world war europe already owed the united states about 11 billion. an interesting point emerges: the united states america made the most money during the first world war entered at a moment when everyone was already weakened and offered. problems precisely after the first world war, because before that, that means, the same policy that munroe, which determined the foreign policy strategy for america
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, america for the americans, it assumed that america would not interfere in the affairs of european powers, but after the first world war this policy, it has changed dramatically, so yes, indeed the united states of america has received very great opportunities to form revenge. and during the second preparations for world war ii, they had finances, they had political opportunities, they had allies who played on their side, and this really gave the united states of america the opportunity to develop a new player. on the eve of world war ii , us corporations and banks, according to official data alone, invested about $800 million in the industry and financial system of hitler's germany. the americans, therefore, were buying.
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in germany it was primarily the croup, the croup, the one that created the big bertha, which with distances. roosevelt acted in accordance with
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american business, that is, there seems to be a law that prohibits trade with germany at the state level, but this law made it possible for american private companies to sell strategic materials, including military materials to germany and... spanish troops also took part in the war against russia and the soviet union, but here it should be noted that most likely roosevelt
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acted under pressure from private lobbying organizations. business organizations of the united states of america, including the largest standard oil, which was engaged in the sale of oil and petroleum products. spain's tanker fleet operated almost exclusively. for the needs of the wehrmacht, supplying it with american black gold. even in the first months of 1944, germany was re-exporting 4,800 tons of oil from spain every month. this loser, it gave american business the opportunity to trade not only with members of the anti-hitler coalition, but with the opposite side. thus , the americans repeated. own way, which they went through during the first world war, that is, to get rich in the war, to get rich by trading with all sides, because
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america did not enter the first world war for a long time. supplied thousands of aircraft engines and licenses for reich aviation to american companies for their production. during this period, the americans actively began selling patents for the production of various goods, including
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military ones. opel and volkswagen, which means they worked according to american patterns and were, so to speak, produced cars in germany, and then opel and volkswagen, it must be said that these were military-industrial corporations that produced military equipment, they also. used the latest american technology, which they actively supplied to germany in the twenties and thirties. in 1943 , the german subsidiary of general motors developed and began producing engines for the messeride 262, the first jet fighter of the luftwaffe. the americans do not open these archives, which would shed light on their, which means,
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cooperation with... the countries of hitler's coalitions, only, as they say, these american scales, when there is inter-party struggle and elections, during this period, it means that the opposition throws out these documents from time to time, and sheds light on the actions of individuals or personalities whose activities are connected with this or that party, yes, and so... on a national scale, the americans hide these facts to this day, they go very hard to publish these documents, which would shed light on what actually existed, we see in general, an example of a unique japan, how many years have passed since the bombing, as
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if saki, and society is very tolerant of this, they do not consider the americans to be villains, reformatting in two generations can be done quite easily, in fact, the task of the russian federation, yes, let’s say, there is diplomacy of the russian federation, some of its structures that work with information, well, let’s say, in the field of information wars there. this is not to be silenced.
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terrorist attack is 40 days old today. interview with the most famous political philosopher of russia published by american journalist tucker carlson, which was discussed with alexander dugin. they intensively erase their own past from their memory. ukrainian utility workers began demolishing monuments in honor of the pereislav rada. this is not the first attempt at dismantling, but it seems that now the historical monument is being liquidated. ripping roofs off houses, throwing
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debris into the air. a dust storm raged in irkutsk. wind speed reaches 28 m/s.


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