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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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cossack corps, we have more than 5.00 cossack classes, there are 119 thousand boys and girls in the cossack youth union, this is tomorrow’s pride of russia, because you and i live in such a cossack region. i want to congratulate you all on this holiday, wish you to be cossacks not only on stage and sing cossack songs, but to be truly cossacks in life, an example to follow, the pride of your own... very soon our country will celebrate a great holiday, victory day. this holoconcert is also dedicated to the 79th anniversary. thanks to the organizers competition at the all-russian state university of justice , all-russian stars join the growing artists on stage. nadezhda babkina, sergei bezrukov, soso pavleashvili, together with the guys who came to the competition from all over the country. they sing the words of a song about a great victory, more familiar to every generation, a song that...
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battle in the city is not chaos, battle in the city is the highest military art, and even psychological little things were thought out, there was a stake. this will be the very
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counter-offensive, the very miracle that will save germany, took aim and i fired the first shot under the window, so everyone was afraid of course to burst into machine-gun fire, there was no escape from it, our corps left the very south of berlin, i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, 24, 2124, here such a situation, and now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well , they were already there when i came here, we need to find mom, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time i wish i could fix everything, and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, right?
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what do you want? skeleton to that forward. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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we have with honduras, with papa new guinea.
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but still, the character of the two peoples has a lot in common: emotionality, talent, but truth and optionality and disorganization, at the same time patriotism bordering on xenophobia, and even in some way messianism.
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it is very difficult to overestimate the polish influence on the culture of russia; poland was essentially from the second half of the 15th century until the beginning of the 14th century. becomes the gate through which the culture of western europe penetrates into russia, and, as a rule, in polish processing, it penetrated into... changing concepts and relationships everywhere, pressing equally strongly on the state order, on everyday social life, bringing new political ideas, civil demands, forms of community life, new areas of knowledge, remaking the costume, mores, habits and beliefs, reshaping the appearance and rebuilding the spiritual makeup of the russian person, this is not me saying, this is written by the historian klyuchevsky,
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kiev light regiment accursed, son of vladimir krasno solnyshko , quarreling with his brother yaroslav the wise, turned for help to his wife’s father, the brave polish king bolislav i, preparing for battle, standing on both sides of the bukh river, polish and russian troops argued for a long time shouting across the river, but what interests us in this story is not the content.
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but still, the most important difference between the two countries was that russia adopted the eastern version of christianity, and poland - the western, roman one, which entailed fundamentally far -reaching consequences. catholicism contributed to the development in poland of latin-language culture, scholasticism, universities, as well as knighthood, burghers, city government, and guilds. the cities themselves as centers of craft and trade. forced this country fit into the latin or
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catholic civilization. observing at the same time, the economic and cultural growth of the russian lands was practically the same, including the growth of cities, which was interrupted in 1237 by the invasion of the mongols. thus, since the 13th century , the development paths of the two countries have diverged.
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the principality of lithuania, and russia until the 15th century communicated with poland through lithuania, which separated it from poland. but in 1462 , ivan ii occupied the moscow throne. grand duke of vladimir and moscow, sovereign of all russia, who received the nickname “gatherer of the russian land.” was final liberation has been achieved. country from ardyn dependence, a code of law and a set of laws were adopted, the current coat of arms
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of russia, a double-headed eagle, was adopted, the current moscow kremlin and the assumption cathedral were built, and under him the rise of russia began. from that time on, the russian state became a significant force in eastern europe and began to squeeze its neighbors, and how? in place of scattered feudal ones. principalities, a new major power in eastern europe emerged, perceiving itself as a revival of kievan rus, but the mechanisms his formations were qualitatively different. than in poland. in poland, the land of secular feudal lords was exempt from most state taxes. in russia, all classes, even boyars and nobles, from youth to old age, were obliged to serve the sovereign. not only their estate, but also vodchina could have been taken away from them. they could be subjected to corporal punishment.
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since the end of the 15th century, the honorary title for boyars has been the tsar's slave. appeal serf. reflected in many ways the powerless status of even the highest russian feudal lords and radically distinguished them from the position of european feudal lords with their rights and ideas about freedoms. but from the beginning of the 15th century, the lithuanian state, increasingly squeezed by the grand duchy of moscow, which was expanding its borders, had to resort to military assistance from poland. in 1500
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he defeated him, but then was forced to enter into the twenty-five-year livonian war with his dependent neighbors, sweden, lithuania and poland. at the first stage of the war, russian troops achieved significant success, conquering narva, derbt and a number of other cities. the polish king sikismund i informed the western monarchs, that the muscovites are not christians, but
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cruel barbarians belonging to asia and who have agreed with the turks and tatars, to destroy. christian world, similar messages are heard from there to this day. in contrast to the autocratic, servant state, in poland already in the 16th century there was a democracy of the gentry, in fact a kind of feudal republic with elected kings. thus, in early modern times the two were predominantly adjacent. slavic countries represented polar versions of political regimes in europe. in in 1563, polotsk was taken by the russian army, but it was not possible to develop the success, since in 1564 the russian army was defeated in the battle of the communicants. in russia, aprichnina was introduced soon after. the second half of
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ivan the terrible's reign was marked by a streak of failure. in 1572, sigizmun died on august 2, the king of poland and the vyalyky prince of the grand duchy of lithuania. in poland you have to choose a king. whom to elect? each deputy of the sejm had the right of liberum veto or the right of free prohibition. if at least one deputy if he agreed with the resolution of the sejm, it
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was not accepted; the right was expressed in the deputy’s cry: “i won’t allow it! nobility.” russia lost all its conquests, as well as lands on the border with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth and
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coastal baltic cities. in 1524 , ivan the terrible dies, leaving behind a complex memory, but this memory includes reforms of the military service and the judicial system. and so that the evil neighbor opposes the prosperity of the moscow state,
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strangles our state with a trade noose, but otherwise the evil enemy, you boyars, will destroy our prosperity the livonians resisting me are worse than the germans, the livonians of the russian state. in 1586, stefan baturia suffered a sudden death and a year after his death, ivan the terrible died. the radzevils, a revered
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family in the grand duchy of lithuania, with interests in russia, nominate the son of ivan the terrible, tsar fyodor ioanovich, to the polish throne. but he did not want to change orthodoxy; the poles chose a swede. after the death of tsar fedor ancha. in 1598, the zemsky sobor elected boris gadunov as successor to the throne, by modern standards - liberals. and this is where it began active penetration of progressive western ideas into russia. godunov reformed the judicial system and allowed the building of lutheran churches in russia. boris's kingdom was busy. with the beginning of the rapprochement between russia and the west, there was no sovereign in russia before who would favor foreigners as much as getunov. he began to invite
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foreigners to serve. merchants, doctors, industrialists, military men, and scientists traveled to moscow. they received positions, good salaries, land with peasants. european culture penetrated into russian everyday life. it seemed clothing, housing, social ceremonies.
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with the muta and ruin of rus'.
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polish-lithuanian commonwealth of smolensk.
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on may 16-17, 1606, a detachment of conspirators entered moscow, occupied all the gates and completely isolated the kremlin. already dmitry i was killed, the poles who were next to them in moscow were partly killed, partly taken into custody and sent to cities. and so in 1606, on may 19, on red square, with a huge crowd. the people were asked to elect whom to rule? vasily ivanovich shuisky? but another contender appears from poland russian throne, new impostor, luzhe dmitry ii. he was joined by a significant number of polish rakashans, rebels who had lost the uprising against the polish king segismund ii. in 1607, dmitry ii
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launched an attack on moscow. after the death of dmitry i, marina mniszek was spared her life and sent back to poland, but marina secretly married the impostor of the lie dmitry ii, recognizing him as her husband. the russian tsar vasily shulsky did not have enough strength to fight the impostor, and he was forced to invite the swedes to russia, which caused great discontent in society. on july 19,
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he did not come to moscow, meanwhile, the king of poland , segismund, laid claim to all of russia and sent detachments of poles to occupy the cities, it was a fun time, but this is what united all the russian people in a difficult moment. and let's start with the situation in ulanu, where because of.


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