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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today. the total area of ​​the fire in ulanu-d reached 3.m, this was reported by the ministry of emergency situations. the cause of the fire was a hurricane wind. initially, dry grass caught fire in the fields around the city, but then the fire quickly spread to the private sector. there is an evacuation going on and rescuers are working. now our correspondent bolzhinima dambaeva is in direct contact.
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but the main danger was precisely that in the vicinity of the uhlans from yesterday they were harvesting the grass and somewhere they remained sparks and with a strong wind they just spread to outbuildings on... a fire started in three areas, fences, fences, a bathhouse burned down, but the relevant services reacted quickly and did not allow the fire to spread, here in the microdistrict, here it is prepared for people, fortunately somehow it wasn't useful.
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the prosecutor's office of the republic of bryatiye, in connection with fires in the city of ulanu and the suburbs, organized an inspection of the legislation on emergency situations. during the inspection, the causes of the fires will be established, the guilt of the persons involved will be established. fires, if there are grounds , prosecutorial response measures will be taken. it is worth noting that
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the neighbors were very... aware of where the fires started, they were the first to come to the rescue, that’s what the neighbor said, and the area where the bathhouse burned down. under control here in the temporary accommodation center, i saw a representative of the city administration, the deputy mayor, committee chairmen, the situation is under control, fire extinguishing is now underway
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, colleagues, yes, thank you, our correspondent was more attentive in direct communication with buryatia bolzhinima dambaev, well, according to weather forecasters, the storm wind in buryatia will soon subside, this is how the leading specialist of the fobys center, vadim zavodchenkov, commented on the situation. tomorrow, the baikal region, like the rest of siberia, will be at the mercy of cold arctic air, that is , temperature contrasts will disappear, in fact , there will be no conditions for the development of squally winds, we predict fairly calm weather, with winds up to... while the temperature regime it will be 6-8° colder than the climate should be at this time of year, at night, even in some places frosts down to -3° are possible; in the daytime, the thermometers will not rise above +7-12°. in the following days,
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starting from the work week, that is, from thursday to friday, the region will again receive sick people. we will return to the buryat firefighters, but now to other news: today , on the fortieth day after the terrorist attack , a memorial service for the victims was held in the city hall area, hundreds of people gathered for the memorial service, carried flowers, lit candles, that tragedy became common to
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everyone, a huge number of people did not left in country, donated blood for the victims, collected funds for the families of those who had lost loved ones, and today many took part in a common prayer, the terrorist attack... in crocus on march 22 claimed the lives of 145 people, more than 500 were injured then. russian troops occupied more advantageous positions in two directions and improved the tactical position in the area of ​​novo-bakhmutovka and ocheretin. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the most active combat operations were carried out by units of the southern group of forces, which inflicted a significant defeat on the mtr. division of the southern group of forces improved the situation. along the front line, they inflicted fire on manpower and equipment, the thirty-ninety-third mechanized, the eightieth, the ninety -second air assault, the forty-sixth airborne brigades, the 241st territorial defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of rozdolovka, zaleznyanskaya, krasnogorovka and kleshcheevka. enemy losses
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amounted to up to 440 military personnel, two tanks, an armored combat vehicle, two cars, a 155mm m-198 howitzer, and a 122mm howitzer. 30 and station electronic intelligence. the vostok grouping of troops is gradually seizing positions in isu near ugledar. the ministry of defense reported this. in the southern donetsk direction , assault groups of the fifth army from the primorsky territory operate. the attack aircraft advance to the line of combat contact after a thorough artillery barrage. they are supported by attack drones and tank crews. with a report from the front line by eduard punigov. in a combat position is a t-80 bv tank of the fifth army from primorye. the crew quickly restrains the equipment and corrects the coordinates target opens fire again.
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objective control means confirm the hit. according to aerial reconnaissance , an enemy stronghold that was hindering the advance of infantry in the southern donetsk direction was destroyed. tankers almost always use the so-called rolling tactics, that is , the crew takes a combat position, fires a short series of shots, for everything, for a maximum of 2-3 minutes, immediately after that... leaves the position, because everything can fly in response, anything. tankers are on duty near the front line around the clock. usually they work in pairs, insure and cover each other. sometimes two machines can work on the same goal, and sometimes there are two goals at once. one works for one purpose, the other for another. differently. depending on the goal, on the tasks. there are two cars waiting for us at once, well, in a spare area. yes, we shoot back, roll back, if the next command arrives, the next one arrives and continues working. the tanks are constantly being returned fire, but even in the event of hits, the armor reliably protects
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the soldiers. the main danger to tanks is kamikaze drones, so the crews they weld these kind of nets, they are also called barbecues, well, besides, danger can lurk on the ground, so these mine trawls are installed in front. this tank repeatedly withstood direct hits, but the vehicle never received serious damage and continues to operate flawlessly on the front line. somehow we stood in the waiting area. and the tank had to be camouflaged, the polka began to work, began to fly in, well, they ran to the dugout, the tank was cut by shrapnel, of course, well, everything was in order, what did you feel at that moment, what did you experience? fear, but no one rubbed off on our crew, the driver mechanic with the call sign crucian carp came from kemerovo, served a year in the army and decided to sign a contract, i wanted to sign a contract, everything came, ended up in...
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t-80 bv - one of the main attack vehicles of the vostok group, the crews are always in full combat readiness, the tank crews have already hit hundreds of targets. eduard punegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. one person died in the village of nikolaev darina, kursk region, due to a fire that broke out. after reset incendiary ammunition to ukrainian drones, governor
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roman starovoyd announced this. earlier, he reported about the shelling of the village of kozino, where two women came under fire, one died on the spot, the second was sent to the regional hospital. with grass also reminded that two more village residents were wounded during shelling this morning. negotiations are underway between kiev and brussels on the transfer of citizens of military age to ukraine, the minister of defense announced this. apparently, these residents of the lviv region failed to recapture the man.
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complaining about assault from drunk employees of the shopping mall, women are being collected by the police, will they be helped there, given the course of the ukrainian authorities towards strict mobilization, a big question, even children are already faced with the realities of life in square, i came in after service, i came in after service to buy groceries, just i’m walking calmly with a basket next to me and then the child says in that voice the military registration and enlistment office. i turn around and look, he’s about eight years old, he furrowed his eyebrows and walked away in shock. and these schoolgirls, it seems, have not yet realized what they are being prepared for. in social networks publish videos of high school students being taught to move with weapons and throw grenades. in real combat conditions , representatives of the fair sex are also increasingly attracted to the ssu. the commander of one of the clans announced the creation of a female uav unit. after all, ukrainian troops are experiencing an acute shortage of personnel. of course, they are men. any opportunity to escape abroad.
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advertisements are increasingly appearing in kiev chat rooms seeking women with many children or women with disabilities to get married obtain the right to leave the country legally. due to the impossibility of taking revenge on those who escaped, the political strategists in power are fighting in hysterics. don’t even think about having a baby because of all this, you’re getting so pregnant that you’ll just want to give birth, come to ukraine, they’ll fertilize you here, then you’ll go to warsaw. facilitates the international search for suspects, and in the current conditions escaped men of military age may fall under this category. the document also allows you to get simplified access to their things and documents on the territory of another state, quite in the spirit decision to renounce fundamental human rights and freedoms, which kiev notified the council of europe. however, the west is only too happy
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to help the ukrainian authorities tighten the screws, including by driving those who escaped back to the front. we could probably look for some ways to make sure that a person has fulfilled his mobilization obligation or is released from it when we consider the issue of extending a temporary residence permit, but we need to work not only with the ukrainian authorities, but also more widely, because the eu now has a so-called temporary protection for ukrainians. the scale of the hunt for ukrainian men is evidenced by the statistics of countries bordering the square. in slovakia, illegal migration from ukraine has increased by 82% over the past 4 months. and those who remain live in constant fear, notes the economist. using the example of the “young people in odessa” company, the publication tells how, one after another , potential conscripts flee abroad. it was a shock when the first young man from the group left the country, but then the second left, clients began to disappear as fear grew be sent to the front line. at the end of
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2023, the owner of the bar fled abroad with a medical certificate stating that he had diabetes. but the deal is subject to western conditions. weapons in exchange for ukrainian manpower have already been concluded, which means that the machine of total mobilization cannot be stopped, especially since nato countries are actively spurring this process. the white house reported on arms supplies within the approved tranche. another package of military aid was announced in germany. it will include, in particular, marder infantry fighting vehicles with ammunition and shells for leopard-2 tanks. and canada will send 50 armored personnel carriers to ukraine and allocate more than $9 million for the purchase of ammunition. true, the equipment will have to wait; in the summer , the first 10 armored personnel carriers will only reach europe. ekaterina shamaeva, evgenia zemtsova, vesti. let's return to the situation in landn. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the area of ​​the fire in the city has grown to 10.2 m. the fire has already engulfed 20 houses and outbuildings . the spread of fire is facilitated by squally wind gusts of up to 20 m/s in places. 28
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even. more than 70 fires are currently being extinguished.
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still, not all the results of the work have been summed up, well , according to the existing forecasts and favorable conditions, today we had a reserve put into operation in a timely manner and , accordingly, thanks to this, we were able to quickly localize and eliminate fires in two points at the third point , now we are working here on the fourth number of the strength of means sufficiently succeeded in stopping the spread of fire production.
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why does the united states view russia as an enemy and what are the reasons for the self-destructive policies of the west? the conversation with alexander dugin was recorded during tucker carlson’s famous trip to moscow for an interview with vladimir putin in february of this year, and after that there was this conversation, a recording of which the american tv presenter posted just now. actually , we talked without a camera, we just had a conversation that... we weren’t going to record, it was just interesting to meet you, but you said something very interesting, we had a couple of cameras nearby, we set them up, and my question to you is this: what do you think is happening in english-speaking countries right now? tucker emphasizes that dugin's books are banned in america by the biden administration. he talked about this back when he worked at fox news. why the ban? because dugin explains very clearly how exactly the current western society came to gay pride parades and the nullification of gender identity, he knows where it all began. it all started in the anglo-saxon world with the protestant reform. liberalism, in my understanding, is a historical, cultural, political, and also philosophical
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process of liberating individuals from any type of collective identity. and after that there was a revolt against the nation-state as a collective identity in favor of a purely civil society. after the fall of the soviet union, liberalism was everywhere. putin’s brains, why are they so frightened by the analysis of the evolution of western thinking? there were only two kinds of collective identities that could be freed from, gender identity, and this led to transgender to lgbt, new forms of sexual identification individualism. these were necessary elements of implementation and therefore gender became something so optional, vector of this liberal ideology. and
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the last step, which has not yet been fully realized, is liberation from human identity, to be human or not to be human. and there is a name for this: transhumanism, posthumanism, singularity, artificial intelligence, that is, first liberation from the state.
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this is the politics of the anglo-saxon world, its real history, the ending of which is already written in the language of hollywood. i don't know of a single film in the west that would show the return of traditional lives, prosperity, families with many children. but everything that is shown there is all quite black, either a matrix, or artificial intelligence, or something, or a terminator. but russia is completely different, that’s why the anglo-saxons are annoying. traditional values, state sovereignty, then preserving what putin is doing, all this is in the throat of western neoliberals, he is the type of leader, a political leader
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who defends traditional values, observers from the progressive western camp, i think they understood this from the very beginning of his reign , they understood it absolutely correct, absolutely correct, therefore this hatred, it is not...
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by decision of the ministry of culture it was given the status of an international patriotic film forum dedicated to the celebration of victory day , and today, on the eve of may 9, the all-russian movement of victory volunteers launched the traditional action of a gift to a veteran. evgenia petrukhina will tell you more. hello, hello, we have come to congratulate you on your main holiday. it was the victory volunteers who came with congratulations to semyon yakovlevich lyulk, a participant in the great patriotic war. he got to the front in 1943. joined the volunteers when he was 17, defended moscow, liberated prague, vienna, we had only just managed to dig in when the german command landed troops on us to strengthen the capital vienna, he was liquidated, we were already there, they didn’t think there was anyone there, and we were already there, on april 13 we liberated the capital vienna, we are our 301st regiment, congratulate you on the upcoming
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victory day, give... gifts, and also review these black and white photographs with the veteran, they are like pages of life, life already after the war. today we gave the start of our traditional favorite event, a gift to a veteran, we are doing this together, the united russia party and victory volunteers. the party buys gifts for every front-line soldier, we take care of our front-line soldiers, not only on may 9, not just one day a year, we do this constantly, systematically. yes, to flowers. thank you very much, from the volunteers to ivan letkin, the victory volunteers come from all regions of our country with victory. ivan petrovich, as he himself says, will carefully keep this card close to his heart. he went to the front in the forty-fourth, was a gunner 45 millimeter gun, was wounded, then another, then served in reconnaissance, and more than once worked behind enemy lines. i celebrated victory day near riga. and today, veteran lytkin first of all says thanks to those who are at the front
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now. i thank those who are defending russia today. what is most important for a person, especially for a soldier, is faith, the power of our state. a fifteen-year-old boy, he went through the siege of leningrad, fought for stalingrad, and after the war, in order to get into the makarov higher naval school in leningrad, he wrote a letter personally to stalin, worked on the nuclear icebreakers lenin and arktika. for the defense of stalingrad, a medal, yeah, this is the most valuable thing, i ended up in the 321st ee division, which arrived from siberia, so they accepted me almost at the front, and i was a student at the beginning, they write every word thoughtfully, these letters to veterans the great
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patriotic war will be sent today. each envelope contains warm lines from victory volunteers from the voronezh region. but here they are visiting nikolai nikolaevich borisov. during the war, the tank crew commander knocked out 10 enemy combat vehicles. i personally knocked out 10 tanks. he lost five of his own throughout the war. here. the first award is the order of the red star for three destroyed tanks.
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a colonel of tank forces, he stormed berlin in 1945, and today he could easily become the subject of a documentary film. the proper cinema festival started today in moscow at the victory museum. this year the festival acquired international status. we have a competitive program for the festival in ten nominations. naturally, we will announce the winners on may 10 at the closing of the festival. we have animated films, both feature and documentary
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if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly take part in... the national open championship of creative competencies artmas.


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