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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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well before the start of the fire , a reserve was organized, collecting a reserve of personnel for free assignment during service time due to the fact that a forecast had been received there. in addition, fires occurred simultaneously almost throughout the city and the city; at about 21.30 minutes a fire occurred in the city of ulanud. at the same time, then also there was a fire. and also in the city of lanuda, where certain forces and resources were concentrated, but thanks to the well-coordinated work , the fire was extinguished there. and while extinguishing one of the fires, a message was received that
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she miraculously remained alive after being hit by a slate, in general, now the situation has returned to normal, the wind has already subsided, it is flowing, and we will monitor the development of the situation, colleagues, yes, thank you, we are monitoring together with you, our correspondent, close to dombayev, was in direct contact here in buryat, we continue to monitor this the fire situation in the suburbs of the capital of the republic, ulan od. already in the coming ones.
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with wind up to 7-12 m/s, while the temperature will be 6-8° colder than expected at this time of year according to the climate, at night even in some places frosts down to -3° are possible, in the daytime the thermometer columns will not rise above + 7-12°. in the following days, starting from the working week, that is, from thursday, friday will return to the region again. warmer air masses will begin to arrive, while the threat of local frosts will remain, but daytime temperatures will already be within the climate framework in the afternoon to +14-17°. at the same time , we do not
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predict any excessive number of landings, so the fire danger will remain at a high level, the only thing is that the wind will not spread the flames, that is, it will be... easier to fight, a strong wind is raging in the neighboring, buryatia irkutsk region , several cities, including irkutsk, were covered by a powerful dust storm. wind gusts reach 28 m/s. the creatures are torn off by satellite dishes and mosquito nets. the wind raised the air not only dust, but and garbage. no casualties have been reported yet; the assault warning was announced in advance. according to weather forecasters, a cyclone came to the region from the north of krasnoyarsk. region, the ministry of emergency situations recommended, if possible, not to go outside, remove things from balconies, tightly closing the windows. in tbilis, there is another protest against the bill on anti-agents, fights have already begun, special forces pushed back
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the rally participants and occupied the territory at the entrance to parliament. police used pepper spray against protesters. doctors provide assistance to the victims. let me remind you, this afternoon georgian deputies have begun considering the law on foreign agents in the second reading, and parliament plans to vote for it in the second reading tomorrow, wednesday. in several directions of the special operation at once, the russian military took up more advantageous positions within 24 hours. groupings of troops center and east destroyed about 250 militants of the ukrainian armed forces, the ministry of defense reported. in addition, the department was told about the work of the southern group. the fighters dealt the greatest blow to the manpower of the kiev regime in the area of ​​four settlements of the dpr, about 450 were destroyed military of the armed forces of ukraine. the enemy also lost equipment. including western production. a unit of the southern group of troops
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improved the situation along the front line, inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment of the thirty-ninety-third mechanized, eighty-ninety-second air assault, forty-sixth airborne brigades, 241 territorial defense brigade in iisu in the areas of the settlements of rozdolovka, zaleznyanskaya, krasnogorovka and kleshcheevka. enemy losses amounted to 440 military personnel, two tanks, a combat armored vehicle, two vehicles. two ukrainian aircraft-type drones were shot down today over the belgorod region, the ministry of defense reported. the first drone was destroyed by air defense around noon, the second - 2 hours later. in addition, the russian military managed to destroy the positions of drone operators of the ukrainian armed forces on the border with the belgorod region. igor with details. the crew of the bmp-3 is moving forward
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for combat work; the scouts discovered fortified positions of the ukrainian military near the border of the belgorod region, where the crew of enemy fpv drones, our soldiers have been hunting for them for several days. they are afraid to cross the border, they are trying to attack us with drones and drones. modern armed conflicts have shown that attack drones are dangerous weapons, therefore... russian fighters. an infantry fighting vehicle hits such an enemy with one of its main tasks with a hundred-millimeter cannon. the peculiarity of the projectile is that it is practically inaudible when fired, so it is more difficult for militants to determine where the fire is coming from. with an accurate strike, the fighters destroy enemy positions. with in the air, the work of the bmp crew is corrected by aerial reconnaissance officers. hit, hit, hit, hit, no. hit, let's get two fugitives there, the crew also hits the enemy with a standard thirty-millimeter automatic cannon,
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its shells are capable of piercing the armor of a tank, the fighters of the unit of the state border covering group are equipped with modern weapons and destroy the enemy even on the approaches to our borders. as a result of the operation, ukrainian attack aircraft and enemy drone operators were neutralized; it took no more than half an hour. the bmp goes to camouflaged positions. drone, open fire. in addition, the bmp-3 is equipped with an anti-drone platform and
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a mobile electronic warfare station. it creates a dome around the car and prevents enemy drones from approaching it. powerful rap stations protect populated areas of the belgorod region. the armed forces cannot change the situation at the front, so the enemy attacks civilians. this ukrainian kamikaze drone was landed in the graevronsky urban district. here, these drones were previously perceived as toys, now. how a means of destroying people, there was a cumulative fragmentation charge, air defense units are also protecting the sky, they destroy enemy drones every day, russian fighters have created a reliable multi-layered line of defense. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. one person died in the village of nikolaev darien, kursk region, due to a fire that started after the release of incendiary ammunition. by ukrainian drones, governor roman strovoit reported this, earlier he reported about the shelling
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village of kozino, two women came under fire there, one died on the spot, the second was sent to the regional hospital. starovoit also recalled that two more village residents were wounded during the shelling this morning. ukraine continues to fight those who cannot respond. kiev municipal services began dismantling the monument in honor of pereyaslavl. the city administration reported this. the arch of friendship of peoples was installed in kiev in 1982 in honor of the transition in 1650 of the fourth zaporizhian cossacks to the citizenship of the russian tsar. let me remind you that pereyaslavskaya rada is a meeting of representatives of the zaporozhye cossacks led by hetman bohdan khmelnytsky, which took place in the middle of the 16th century. at it , a decision was publicly made to unite the territory of the zaporozhye army with the russian kingdom, secured by an oath of allegiance to the tsar. the demolition
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of the people's friendship arch was already discussed in 2015-17 , however. then it was decided to keep it due to the high cost of dismantling work. in march of this year, the ukrainian authorities again returned to the issue of dismantling the arch. it was recognized as an object without status monument. tucker carlson published an interview with alexander dugin. an american journalist considers him the most famous political philosopher in russia. the interview lasts more than 20 minutes, and its main topics were liberalism and phobia with details by anton potkovenko. why does the united states view russia as an enemy and what are the reasons for the self-destructive policies of the west. the conversation with alexander dugin was recorded during tucker carlson’s famous trip to moscow for an interview with vladimir putin in february of this year, and after that there was this conversation, a recording of which the american tv presenter posted just now. actually , we talked without a camera, we just had
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a conversation that we didn’t intend to record, it was just interesting to meet you, but you said something very interesting and we had a couple nearby. cameras, we installed them, and my question to you is this: what do you think is happening now in english-speaking countries? tucker emphasizes that dugin’s books are banned in america by the biden administration. he talked about this back when he worked at fox news. and why ban? because dugin explains very clearly how exactly the current western society came to gay pride parades and the nullification of gender identity, he knows where it all began. it all started in the anglo-saxon world with the protestant reform. liberalism, in my understanding, is... such a historical, cultural political, as well as philosophical process of liberation of individuals from any kind of collective identity, and after that there was a rebellion against the nation-state as a collective identity in favor of a purely civil society, after the fall of the soviet union, liberalism was everywhere.
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alexander dugin speaks english, it is clear for which audience. in the western press , the russian academic philosopher dugin, as he... was introduced by carlson, is called putin's brains, why are they so frightened by the analysis of the evolution of western thinking, there were only two types of collective identity from which one could free oneself, this is gender identity, and this led to transgender people, to lgbt people, new forms of sexual identification of individualism, therefore gender became something so optional, these were necessary... elements of the implementation and vector of this liberal ideology. and the last step, which has not yet been fully realized, is liberation from human identity, to be human or not to be human. and there is a name for this: transhumanism, posthumanism, singularity, artificial intelligence, that is, first liberation from the state, then from the family,
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then from one’s own gender, finally, the last station, says dugin, to be free from... being at all human, what you describe is clearly happening, and it’s terrible, but this is not the definition of liberalism that is in my head when i describe to myself what we call classical liberals in the usa, what is the difference, a very interesting question , i think the problem is that there are two definitions of liberalism, there is old liberalism, liberalism and new liberalism, classical liberalism was in favor of democracy, and democracy in the sense of the power of the majority, now we are no longer talking about the rules of the majority, about minority rules minorities, now you are being promoted to the idea of ​​liberating yourself from individuality and going further in this direction. this is not just
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a philosophical concept, it is the politics of the anglo-saxon world, its real history, the ending of which has already been written in the language of hollywood. i don’t know a single film in the west that would show the return of traditional lives, prosperity, family, with many children, but everything that is shown there is all quite black, either the matrix, or artificial intelligence, or something, or terminator, that's russia at all another, that’s why the anglo-saxons are angry, traditional values, the sovereignty of the state, what putin is trying to preserve, all this with the western... he is the type of leader, a political leader who defends traditional values, observers from the progressive western camp. i think that they understood this from the very beginning of his reign, they understood it absolutely correctly, absolutely correctly, so this hatred is not
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accidental, it is all very serious, it is metaphysics, if your main task, the main goal is to destroy traditional values and someone with nuclear weapons who strongly defends traditional values, then you will be finished. tucker gave dugin the western stand and the view counter is gaining momentum. anton tokovenko, lead. this is metaphysics. in krasnodar, the winners of a children's song singing competition were awarded. a solemn ceremony and a concert dedicated to victory day. this is the third time the creative competition has been held in kuban.
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generation, they sang them 100 years ago, 200, 300, more, they sang, and we sing them today, and those who come after us will also sing them, huge words of gratitude to the investigative committee, the ministry of justice of russia for the initiative to create and implement festivals, this is important, the audience does not shut up, they sing along with the artists, because they sound truly folk songs that preserve not only the original culture of the cossacks.
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is rich in talents, you, our dear guys, are true patriots, the region has become a traditional platform where the final
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of the competition takes place, the region highly values ​​the traditions and culture of its ancestors. thousands of people join the ranks of the kuban cossack army every year. on today , the kuban cossack army is deployed on the territory of the region and two neighboring entities, which numbers. 57 cossacks, who have committed themselves to public service, pay special attention in the region to the upbringing and education of young people, they know and appreciate their roots, the interest in their culture among very young kuban residents is fueled by a real system of continuous cossack education, they are beginning to be introduced to the way of life and traditions from kindergarten, then the school and university pick up the baton, there were cossacks everywhere, there will be, on kuban is like... when we have seven cossack cadet corps, we have more than 5,000 cossack classes, in the cossack youth union there are 119,000
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boys and girls, this is the utmost pride of russia, because you and i live in such a cossack region. i want to congratulate you all on this holiday, wish you to be cossacks not only on stage and sing cossack songs, but to be truly cossacks in life, an example to follow, the pride of your families, your surnames, clans. very soon our country will celebrate a great holiday, victory day, and this year is also dedicated to the 79th anniversary. holoconcert, thanks to the organizers. course at the all-russian state university of justice on stage, the rising artists are joined by all-russian stars, nadezhda babkina, sergei bezrukov, soso pavliashvili, together with the guys who came to the competition from all over the country, they perform and more familiar to every generation the words of the song about the great victory, songs, which unites everyone regardless of ranks and titles. victory day, victory day. inna nikishina, ivan
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