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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. a large fire in buryatia in the suburb of ulanode was localized to an area of ​​10,000 m2. residential buildings and outbuildings in the private sector are burning. the cause of the fire could have been a broken power line, the head of the republic, alexey tsidenov, announced this in his telegram channel. and the spread of the fire was facilitated by dry grass and hurricane winds of more than 30 m/s. for the situation on the spot. our correspondent, bolzhenima dambaev, is following, he is now in direct contact with us. bolzhenima, i greet you once again. so, tell me, what is the situation at this moment? yes, colleagues, good evening, good night, it’s already late at night, and last night a strong wind blew, closer to 9 o’clock in the evening, which will soon blow us into a hurricane, and this hurricane.
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wires of different polarities began to short-circuit, because of this, sparks fell and fires could happen in places in the city, now i am in a derekrichnik, this happened here the largest fire, now it is being extinguished, and here on an area of ​​​​about 10,000 km, and meters, the fire occurred on...
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“we arrived, everything was already burning, it was burning strongly, yes, yes, it was burning strongly, in general, there could be danger, yes, even our house, all the sparks were flying around the fence, before it was everywhere, it was terrible, but we wouldn’t wish it on anyone, of course, these were our injured neighbors, but of course, we will help as much as we can, now the bodies of inquiry are working,
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the investigative committee, including including the prosecutor's office, this is what the deputy prosecutor's office said. in connection with fires in the city of ulanu and the suburbs, a review of legislation on emergency situations was organized. during the inspection, the causes of fires will be established, and the guilt of persons in fires will be established if there are grounds. prosecutor's response measures will be taken, yes, the head of the republic alekseynov personally monitored the fires, controlled the situation, he also noted that local residents are fighting the fires, let's listen, today you are in a difficult situation and as a result,
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control is now being carried out simply, so that precipitation from simpler, the fire did not destroy and did not renew on the site, in the east, where we are now, 21 buildings burned down, mostly residential country houses, none here yet, one, also there were no casualties, no people, this is a country house area, the fifth the situation will be more clarified.
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points here now we are working on the fourth number, there is enough force to stop the fire, we managed to stop the spread of the fire, we carried out extinguishing, reconnaissance, there were no preliminary casualties, the installation is under control, yes, we continue to monitor the situation, now the wind has died down a little, but gusts are felt, there is a very light rain, but colleagues... is this the situation now? yes, thank you, our correspondent, bezhenima dambaev, was in direct communication from buryatia, we continue to monitor the situation with a large fire in the suburbs of the capital of the republic, ulanod. in the coming hours, the weather in åland may
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change, the wind will subside and this will help extinguish the fire. this is the forecast the weather forecasters give. already tomorrow the baikal region. how the rest of siberia will be at the mercy of the cold arctic air, that is, temperature contrasts will disappear, in fact , there will be no conditions for the development of squally winds, we predict fairly calm weather with winds of up to 7-12 m/s, while the temperature regime will be 6-8° colder than the climate should be at this time of year , at night up to... in some places frosts down to -3° are possible, during the daytime the thermometers will not rise above +7-12°. in the following days, starting from the work week, that is, from thursday to friday, warmer
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air masses will again begin to enter the region, with the threat of local frosts will continue, but daytime temperatures will already be within the climate range from noon to plus. 14-17°, while we do not predict any excessive amount of precipitation, so the fire danger will remain at a high level, the only thing is that the wind will not spread the flames, that is, it will be easier to fight it. a strong wind is raging in the neighboring izburyat region of the irkutsk region; several cities, including irkutsk itself, were covered by a powerful dust storm. gusts. winds reach 28 m/s, the creatures blow off satellite dishes and mosquito nets, the wind raised the air, not only dust, but also debris. no casualties have been reported yet; the storm warning was announced in advance; according to weather forecasters, a cyclone came to the region from the north of the krasnoyarsk territory. the ministry of emergency situations recommended
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, if possible, not to go outside, to remove things from balconies and close the windows tightly. another protest against this in tbilisi. brawls have already begun, special forces pushed the protesters away from the entrance to parliament and occupied the territory. the police used pepper spray and water cannon on them. doctors are providing assistance to the victims, as local media reported, among them and georgian mp anna tsitlidze. let me remind you that this afternoon georgian deputies began considering the law on new agents in the second reading and plan to vote for it.
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in the areas of four settlements of the dpr , about 4-50 military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. the enemy also lost equipment, including. western production unit of the southern group of troops improved the situation along the front line, inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment of the thirty-ninety-third mechanized, eightieth, ninety the second air assault brigade, the forty-sixth airmobile brigade, the 241st territorial defense brigade in the isu in the areas of the settlements of rozdolovka, zaleznyanskaya, krasnogorovka and kleshcheevka. enemy losses amounted to up to 440 military personnel, two tanks, an armored combat vehicle, two cars, a d-30 howitzer and an electronic
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reconnaissance station. assault groups of the fifth army from the primorye territory are working in the southern donetsk direction. the military advances to the line of combat contact only after thorough artillery preparation. they are supported our attack drones and tanks. the situation is at the forefront, it will tell about it. also in his eduard punigov. in a combat position is a t-80 bv tank of the fifth army from primorye. the crew quickly restrains the equipment, corrects the target coordinates and opens fire again. objective control means confirm the hit. according to aerial reconnaissance , an enemy stronghold was destroyed. which interfered with the advance of infantry in the southern donetsk direction. tankers almost always use
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the so-called rolling tactics, that is, the crew takes a combat position, makes a short series of shots, for everything, for a maximum of 2-3 minutes, immediately after that he leaves the position, because anything can fly in response. tankers are on duty near the front line around the clock. they usually work in pairs, insure and cover each other. it happens that two machines can work for the same purpose. and there are two targets at once, one works on one target, the other on another, in different ways, depending on the goal, on the tasks, we have two cars waiting at once, well, in a reserve area, but we shoot back, roll back, if the next team arrives, the next one arrives, and they continue working. the tanks are constantly being returned fire, but even in the event of hits, the armor reliably protects the soldiers. the main danger to tanks is kamikaze drones, so the crews weld these nets, they are also called barbecues. well, besides, danger can lurk on the ground, so mine trawls like these are installed in front. this
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tank repeatedly withstood direct hits, but the vehicle never received serious damage and continued to function without failure. works on the front line. once we stood in the waiting area, and the tank had to be camouflaged, the polish woman began to work, began to fly in, well, they ran to the dugout, the tank was cut by shrapnel, of course, well, everything was in order. what did you feel at that moment, what did you experience? fear, but no one rubbed off on our crew. a driver mechanic with the call sign karas came from kemerovo, served a year in the army and decided to sign a contract. i wanted to sign a contract, that’s it, i arrived, found myself in the tanks, did the talking myself, or well, yes, i myself wanted to be a mechanic, a driver, why? don't know, i, how i would like to control all this equipment, nuts, tankers are on duty along all of them. the front lines quickly change positions to provide fire support to infantry units. we work with direct
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fire, at a distance of 700 meters, well , as close as we can get, so we work it out, release the house curtain and retreat. what are your main goals now? props, manpower, lindages. the t-80 bv is one of the main attack vehicles of the vostok group. is always in full combat readiness ; tankers have already killed hundreds goals. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. and in kiev , the gift and friendship of peoples began dismantling the monument in honor of the islav rada. the city administration noted that the process may take several days, due to the massiveness of the structure. by the way, it consists of about twenty elements. the arch of friendship of peoples was installed in kiev in...
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the zaporozhye cossacks became the subjects of the russian tsar. let me remind you that the pereislav rada is a meeting of representatives of the zaporozhye cossacks in headed by hetman bohdan khmelnytsky. the events took place in the middle of the 16th century. then the decision was made to unite the zaporozhye army with the russian kingdom. the demolition of the people's friendship arch was already discussed in 2015 and march 17. since this year, the ukrainian authorities have returned to this issue again. the geography of pro-palestinian student protests in the united states is rapidly expanding. unrest is already taking place in 16 states, protests from the east coast to the pacific. masked rioters broke into the campus of columbia university in manhattan and destroyed hamilton hall central building. the university administration has already threatened participants with expulsion. in los angeles , the middle east conflict has divided
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ucla students into two camps . it came to a showdown with fists and electric shockers. on in washington. us lloyd osin, during his speech at the event, they began accusing officials of supporting genocide in the gas sector. but in the meantime, white house secretary of state anthony blinken, in an attempt to resolve the conflict, is making his next tour of the middle east. east. our own us correspondent, valentin bogdanov, knows the successful policy of the biden administration in the region and how this can affect the outcome of the presidential elections. anthony blinken and henry kissinger are like walking from washington to the gas sector, but the current us secretary of state also decided to try shuttle diplomacy. at the end of the trip there will be israel, while the head of the state department flew to jordan. well, the sir riyadh tour has begun, so as not to sit down twice, at the world
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economic forum, a collective meeting with heads of the ministry of foreign affairs of the middle eastern countries, as well as the general. hamas is currently facing an extremely generous offer from israel, at this moment the only thing standing between the residents of gaza and a ceasefire is hamas, they must make a decision, they must make it quickly. according to cnn, the israeli proposal consists of two stages, here are the details and sequence of steps. the first phase involves the release of 20 to 33 hostages over several weeks in exchange for a pause and the release of palestinian prisoners. the second stage is what sources call the restoration of sustainable calm, during which the remaining hostages, captured israeli soldiers and hostage bodies will be exchanged for more palestinian prisoners. in israel’s view, this is apparently a carrot;
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the equipment that is accumulating in the rafah area on the eve of a ground operation on the border with egypt is, of course, a stick; the tanks seem to be standing still.
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means that netanyahu will be immediately arrested, but this will make it much more difficult for him to travel to europe and other countries, who recognize the jurisdiction of moose, because in theory they can detain him there. congress is threatening retaliatory measures, with speaker mike johnson leading the way with a written statement. if the biden administration does not resist, muus will be able to create unprecedented powers to issue arrest warrants for american political leaders, american diplomats, and american military personnel. biden administration. must immediately and unequivocally demand that the us retreat, and the us must use all available tools to prevent such abomination. pro-israeli congressmen use the same word to describe the pro-palestinian protests that have engulfed the campuses of american universities; every day there are new reports from the next front of the cultural war. the wave of protests is nowhere near
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subsiding, 20 campuses across america are already seething, the toughest thing the day before was in texas, at the university of austin, the police first pulled protesters out of the crowd by the legs, and then, swaddled in plastic handcuffs , carried them out bound. total arrests took place in 16 states. clashes with the police are not the only thing. young people at the colombian university, where it all began, teachers, wearing orange vests, formed a human chain, protecting the entrance to the so -called gas solidarity camp, the chamber. in liberal new york, the police once again prefer not to get involved with troublemakers at any cost to themselves, but after the expiration of the next ultimatum
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, the first troublemakers began to be suspended from work, this only fueled their ardor. they are going to storm hamilton hall, the last time this happens this happened here back in 1968. they protested against the vietnam war and racial segregation. 56 years later, on the heads of the protesters there are keffiyeh scarves, they are also called arafat, and they are worn by women, although among the arabs they are an item of men’s clothing, but the participants in the performance do not delve into the details, so a banner was hung on hamilton hall with the inscription intifada, because this is not much armed struggle against israel, and what does it have to do with it...
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now they put biden on the fence. the wall street journal is trying to measure its width. biden is caught between american national interests at a time of global crisis and the demands of a significant part of his political coalition ahead of the election. failure to stabilize the situation in the region could lead to an inflationary surge in gasoline prices, in the long term seriously weakening washington's position in the confrontation with powers seeking to overthrow the american order around the world. at home, us failures in the middle east. they threaten to split the democratic party itself, which has always relied on the minority. first the call has already been made in the key swing state of michigan, where there are many
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immigrants from arab countries. the movement with the self-explanatory name “let’s abandon biden” almost derailed the primaries there. we can't keep killing people for our money and make us stupid enough to elect biden a second time. supposedly we will forget about it. this is an insult to me as a voter. there are 300,000 muslim voters in michigan. 4 years ago, biden beat trump. there are only 154 ballots in this state. but on the issue of gases, these 300 are in complete agreement. alarming for current president of the united states. the participation of robert kennady jr. in the presidential race further confuses the electoral cards for joe biden. in their three-way confrontation , donald trump is outperforming. the main rival is already by 6%, in two-way, by five. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and denis sokolov, news from new york. in different regions of our country
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, victory volunteers came to visit veterans of the great patriotic war. on the eve of may 9, activists brought gifts to the defenders of the fatherland. well, they in turn said thanks to the military who are on the line of contact right now. the gift to the veteran will tell you more about how the campaign works. evgenia petrukhina, hello, hello, we came to congratulate you on the main holiday, it was the victory volunteers who came with congratulations to semyon yakovlevich lyulk, a participant in the great patriotic war. he went to the front in 1943, volunteered when he was 17, defended moscow, liberated prague and vienna. we had only just dug in when the germans attacked us. command to strengthen the capital of vienna, a landing force landed, it was liquidated. on april 13, we liberated the capital vienna, we, our
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301st regiment, congratulate you on the upcoming victory day, give gifts, and also review these black and white photographs with the veteran, they are like pages of life, life after the war. today we have launched our traditional favorite campaign , a gift to a veteran, we are doing it together, a party. united russia and victory volunteers. the party buys gifts for each front-line soldier. we take care of our frontline workers not only 9 may, not just one day a year. we do this constantly, systematically. here's a hero. to ivan letkin, the victory volunteers are coming with flowers. thank you very much from the victory volunteers from all regions of our country. ivan petrovich, as he himself says, will carefully keep this card close to his heart. he went to the front in the forty- fourth, as a captain.
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i thank those who defend russia today that the main thing for a person, especially for a soldier, is faith, the power of our state. as a fifteen-year-old boy, he went through the siege of leningrad, fought for stalingrad, and after the war, in order to get into the makarov higher naval school in leningrad, i wrote a letter personally to stalin, worked for... a division that arrived from siberia, so i was accepted almost at the front, and after all, i was a student at the beginning , they thoughtfully write
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every word, these letters to the veterans of the great... but here they are visiting nikolai nikolaevich borisov, during the war the tank crew commander knocked out 10 enemy combat vehicles. i personally knocked out 10 tanks, lost five of mine throughout the war, this is my first award, this is an order red star for three shot down. for anatolyakov from the tyumen region, the victory volunteer prepared an entire concert of songs from the war years, which anatoly matveevich himself performs today no worse than the artists. there are so many medals on his jacket that it seems there is no room left. during the war he was wounded three times. grigory razuman shares the victory. we came to the baltic, this...
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colonel of tank forces, he stormed berlin in 1945, and today he could well become the hero of a documentary film. the festival of proper cinema started today in moscow in victory museum. this year the festival acquired international status; we have a competition program in the festival in ten nominations. naturally, we will announce the winners on may 10 at the closing of the festival. we have animated films and... may alenova everything that is missing for construction can be easily found on avito sales. hurry up to buy construction supplies with discounts of up to 60%.
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