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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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the lack of freedom of russia, the despotism of power and the slavish obedience of the muscovites, their lower culture, however, it can be noted that the entire 16th century, the then moscow liberals wanted rapprochement with poland, in architecture, especially in moscow, a wonderful patterned style inspired by the polish baroque, southern russia, ukraine
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was familiar with latin, was fluent in polish, and under it an eternal peace with poland that was beneficial for russia was concluded. king jan ii. sobieski assigned all acquisitions to russia forever kiev and coastal ukraine. costs also say that such a phenomenon as higher education, theater, opera also came to moscow from the territory of poland, in particular in moscow. in 1624
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, the slavic-greek-latin academy was opened, following the example of the university of krakow, which already existed at that time in poland. under the influence of polish architects , a new architectural style, the naryshkin baroque, was established in the moscow state. starting from the end of the 16th century, serious changes occurred in the russian upper class costume, especially for men, and finally went out of fashion. tatar caftan. it is replaced by the polish zupan and kontush. a huge number of polonisms settled in the office work and language of the upper strata of society, and the baroque style was established in literature. the first westerners who appeared in our country already in the 17th century were largely polynophiles. the russian diplomat order nashchekin dreamed of a dynastic union of russia and poland under the rule of the moscow tsar. and his son, but from the end of the 16th
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century, due to the extreme weakness and instability of kroev’s power in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, remember, i will not allow it, and also devastating wars, the balance of power between the two countries was rapidly changing in favor of russia, the reforms of peter i renewed and strengthened the russian state, while the polish-lithuanian commonwealth due to the abuses of the gentry. became almost incapable and entered a phase of prolonged decline and decay. peter made his headquarters and, frankly, his companion, augustus the strong, a polish eagle. after peter, the attitude towards poland changed a lot. poland's channel for communication with the west is no longer needed. after peter, we have direct access to europe, and russia could dictate your terms to poland. under anna ianovna. augustus ii became king of poland.
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after the death of augustus ii. catherine ii sent troops to warsaw. after which her lover stanislav poniatowski was elected king. catherine’s attitude towards the poles is reflected in the rescript to ambassador yakov sivers. due to the inconstancy and flightiness of the entire people, due to their proven malice and hatred towards ours, and especially due to the fact expressed in them...
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forced the polish deputies to equalize the rights with orthodox catholics, without having their own constitution, russia took on the role guarantor of the polish constitution, which... turned the polish-lithuanian commonwealth de facto into a protectorate of russia; dissatisfied with these innovations, the gentry united in 1768 into the so-called lordly confederation and openly opposed russia. the confederates gathered 5,000 people and occupied the zamosc fortress, which was defeated by alexander vasilyovich tsuororov.
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austria and prussia, shouting for a piece of us , are forcing russia to divide poland between them. in 1795, after the third partition, poland lost its independence by one and a half century. that is, now it is part of the russian empire. this status turned out to be very
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painful for poland and its national consciousness. we often underestimate the severity and... loss of national independence for the poles, but something was not entirely bad: a representative of the highest polish aristocracy, adam czartarijski, became a friend and heir to the russian throne of alexander. alexander promised his friend to restore poland when he became king. alexander became tsar in 1800, and pan adam became russian foreign minister empires. the napoleonic wars begin.
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that you do not feel what you want to assure me of. i know that most of you, if things were restored, would be ready to do again what they did during the revolution. choose, do you want to be with europe, which is perishing in the storms of revolution, or enjoy the world together with russia?
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choose. but don’t forget that i built a fortress in warsaw, and there are cannons there. and yet since the early 1960s. in the kingdom of poland another uprising began in 1863, the uprising was again suppressed, in the same time...
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despite the cold relations between the polish and soviet states, the ranks of the bolsheviks
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included many prominent figures of polish gentry origin. his successor vyacheslav minzhinsky, marshal konstantin rakosovsky and others. poland took part in the czyslawki section. september 21, 1938 polish. gave the czechs an ultimatum to return the cieszyn region to them, but on september 17, 1939, 2 and a half weeks after germany’s attack on poland, the soviet government sent troops to the territory of western ukraine, that is, to poland. the note from the soviet government indicated that by this point the polish state and government had practically ceased. exist and, accordingly , all agreements ceased to apply. during
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the war, about 22 thousand polish officers were shot. subsequently, the executions were called the katyn execution. the poles attribute the execution to the nkvd. many in russia believe that the germans did this in occupied territory. the topic of the katyn massacre remains one of the most painful historical.
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istic polish people's republic, which later became a member of the warsaw
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pact. at the initiative of the ussr, poland included vast territories in the west that previously belonged to germany. pomerania, selesia, and the southern part of east prussia. instead of the published germans, these lands were inhabited by ethnic poles. thus, there was a shift of polish territory to the west. during the formation of the pro-soviet government , terrorist activities of the regional army took place. this time is captured widely on our screens in a film directed by vaida. ash and diamond. there was cultural exchange between both countries. poland was for us,
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as in the 17th century, a conductor of western ideas of western influence. examples of polish culture,
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poland has become a leader in the demolition of soviet monuments. in may 2023, kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov said that poland is a country hostile to russia, and not just an unfriendly state. according to an international survey conducted in june 22, only 2% of poles have a positive opinion refers to russia.
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about the three partitions of poland, and look, anything can happen. with this, i want to say goodbye to you, all the best, goodbye.
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the rosla farm. the most serious situation is now in the suburb of ulanode, where a large fire in the private sector continues to be extinguished. by this minute, open burning on an area of ​​10,000 m2 has been eliminated. no one was injured; 17 country houses burned down. this is the largest of three fire spots in the surrounding area.
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where we are today, 21 buildings have burned down, mostly country houses, there are no residents here yet, one is alive, there are no casualties either, there are no people, this is an out-of-state area, there will be a more detailed situation, this means houses without permanent residence. we are working on number four, there are enough resources, we managed to stop the spread of the fire, extinguishing and reconnaissance were carried out, there were no preliminary casualties,
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control was established. the cause of the fire could have been a broken power line, the head of the company reported this on his telegram channel. republic alexey tsedenov, and the spread of the fire was facilitated by dry grass and hurricane winds of more than 30 m/s. and here is the comment from the prosecutor's office. the prosecutor's office of the republic of buryatia, in connection with fires in the city of ulanode and its suburbs, organized a check of the legislation on emergency situations. during the inspection they will be installed. special forces dispersed a rally in front of parliament in tbilis, at the moment the situation has stabilized, the building is surrounded by security forces, the protesters were forced out of rostavali avenue, a little earlier mass arrests began, stones, bottles and generally various
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objects were thrown at the police officers. in different regions of our country , victory volunteers came to visit veterans of the great patriotic war. on the eve of may 9 , activists brought gifts to the defenders of the fatherland, and they, in turn , thanked the military who are right now on the line of combat contact. evgenia petrukhovina will tell you more about how the gift to a veteran campaign works. hello, hello, we have come to congratulate you on your main holiday. this victory volunteers came with congratulations to
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the participant of the great patriotic war. congratulate on the upcoming victory day, give gifts, and also review these black and white photographs with the veteran, they are like pages of life, life after the war. today we have launched our traditional favorite event, a gift to a veteran, we are doing this together, the united russia party and victory volunteers. the party buys gifts for every front-line soldier, we take care of our front-line soldiers not only on may 9, not just one day a year.
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we do this constantly, systematically, here is the hero, to ivan letkin, the victory volunteers come with flowers, thank you very much, from the victory volunteers from all regions of our country, ivan petrovich, as he himself says, will carefully keep this card close to his heart. he went to the front in 1944, was the gunner of a forty-five-millimeter cannon, was wounded, then another, then served in reconnaissance, worked behind enemy lines more than once, celebrated victory day near riga, and today the veteran lytkin first of all says thank you to those who are at the front now, i thank those who today defend russia, that the main thing for a person, especially for a soldier, is faith, the power of our state, as a fifteen-year-old boy he went through the siege of leningrad, fought for stalingrad, and after the war, in order to get to the
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makarov higher naval school in leningrad, he wrote a letter . these letters will be sent to veterans of the great patriotic war today. each envelope contains warm lines from victory volunteers from the voronezh region. but here they are visiting nikolai nikolaevich borisov. during the war, the tank crew commander knocked out 10 combat enemy vehicles. i personally knocked out 10 tanks. he lost five of his own throughout the war. here. the first
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award is this order. red star for three destroyed tanks. victory volunteers prepared a whole concert for anatoly chastyakov from the tyumen region. songs of the war years, which anatoly matveevich himself performs today no worse than the artists.


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