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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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and i was a student at the beginning, they write every word thoughtfully, these letters will be sent to veterans of the great patriotic war today, in each envelope there are warm lines from victory volunteers from the voronezh region, here they are visiting nikolai nikolaevich borisov, a tank commander for the war crew knocked out 10 enemy combat vehicles, i personally knocked out 10 tanks, and lost five of my own throughout the war. here is the first award, this is the order of the red star for three destroyed tanks for the tyumen region , the victory volunteers prepared a whole concert songs of the war years, which anatoly matveevich himself performs today no worse than the artists. there are so many medals on his jacket that it seems there is no room left. ranin,
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grigory razuman shares his memories with the victory volunteers. we went out to the baltic, into the baltic sea, and there were ships in the distance. a colonel of tank forces, he stormed berlin in 1945, and today he could easily become the subject of a documentary film. the proper cinema festival started today in moscow at the victory museum. this year the festival acquired international status. we have a competitive program for the festival in ten nominations. naturally, we will announce the winners on may 10 at the closing of the festival; we have animated films, both feature and documentary; we will be able to see the competition program in the victory museum and the krasnogorsk branch of the victory museum. where will they show real, proper cinema these days? evgenia petrukhina, maya alenova. in krasnodar , the winners of the children's song competition were awarded, ceremonies and a concert dedicated to victory day. creative co... these are soloists and groups from different
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regions, all the details of the award are in inna nikishina's report. dozens of voices sing in unison about love for the motherland, about its defenders and great people. these motives have united talented youth from all over the country for the third year now. at the children's cossack song competition. the results of the musical competition are summed up today in krasnodar on the stage of the main musical theater of the kuban capital, its stars and finalists. from the ninyan city, they dress in black colors and flowers. the festival is held with the support of the country's investigative committee russian legal academy of the ministry of justice of the russian federation. the gala concert takes place in krasnodar, the cossack heart. capital,
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the governor of the region addresses the winners. venyamin kondratyev notes how significant the song is for the russian people. they always sang folk songs, you know, when it was hard, when it was very hard, when it was joyful, they also sang, that ’s how our people are, with a song it’s always easier, our song, and today here in this hall our song sounds like an invisible thread, folk song, cossack song, our culture, our traditions, our faith connects generations, they they were sung 100 years ago, 200, 300, more, they sang, and we sing them today, and those who come after us will also sing them. huge words of gratitude to the investigative committee, the ministry of justice, russia for the initiative to create and implement festivals, this is important. the audience does not fall silent, they sing along with the artists, because they sound truly folk songs that preserve not only.
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the original culture of the cossacks, but also the centuries-old history of our homeland. young artists perform lines with trepidation and respect that written by the ancestors. it is impossible to sing a patriotic song and not be a patriot. and today we see our future, we see those guys who will raise the banners of our grandfathers, our brothers, who today carry out combat missions in the army. we know that many cossacks are now in the ranks of our armed forces. performs the most difficult combat missions with honor and dignity, showing courage and heroism, and today we see those who accept their banners will go into battle with them. the geography of festival participants is growing, as is their number, most of the contestants are from the krasnodar region. if in 2022 we accepted 700 applications, then this year there are already 1,300 participants, we are once again...
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educating young people, they know and appreciate their roots, the interest in their culture among very young kuban residents is fueled by a real system of continuous cossack education, they begin to be introduced to everyday life and traditions from kindergarten, then schools and universities pick up the baton. there are cossacks everywhere, there were, there will be, in the kuban more than
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ever, we have seven cossack cadet corps, we have more than 5,000 cossack classes, there are 119,000 boys and girls in the cossack youth union, this is the supreme pride of russia, because you and i live in such a cossack region. i want to congratulate you all on this holiday, wish you to be cossacks not only on stage, to sing cossack songs, but to truly be cossacks in life, an example to follow, the pride of your families, your surnames, clans. very soon our country will celebrate a great holiday, victory day, and this one is dedicated to the 79th anniversary. thanks to the organizers of the competition, the all-russian state university of justice on stage the growing artists are joined by all-russian stars, nadezhda babkina, sergei bezrukov, soso pavleashvili, together with the guys who came to the competition from all over the country, they perform the words of a song about a great
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victory, more familiar to every generation, a song that unites everyone, regardless of rank and titles. victory stump, victory victory day. inna nikishino, ivan bakadorov, news! it's profitable to retire with sberbank! for pensioners , a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, credit discount to buy. what you have long dreamed of: apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch and receive special, favorable conditions. start your journey to your dream with sber, open a free account for business and join
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the barren cherry blossom sakura has become. japan long before the country had other warning signs, including red a circle of the rising sun on a white background as a flag, and a lyrical song in five lines from a poetry collection of the 20th century as an anthem. the japanese love for this particular tree dates back more than a thousand years; for the season of admiring the japanese style, hanami, they prepare in advance and carefully monitor the beginning of flowering on the calendar. in japan there are many varieties of sakura, in principle,
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you can catch the blossom in any month of the year, but the first powerful hall produces this species, it is called kawazu, kawazu zakura, after the name of the place on the izu peninsula, on coast of the pacific ocean, where the peak of flowering occurs on the twentieth of february, in tokyo it blooms in the first week of march, it has such a pronounced pink tint, and it is customary to decorate gardens and temples with these bright single torches. in particular this one, which is dedicated to one of the most famous samurai in japan from the 16th to 17th centuries, koto kiyomasa. he had extensive holdings on the island of kyushu and built one of japan's most famous samurai castles in the city of kumamoto. winter sakura, of course, cannot be compared with a massive riot of flowering of the main species, but in the city parks of hanami it has already begun, bright yellow and deadly fragrant fields of decorative rapeseed.
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the sakura season in japan is preceded by plum blossoms, by the way, at first it was the main object of admiration for samurai in the early middle ages, they really liked these strong, squat, gnarled trees, the flowers themselves are very tenacious, they do not fly around like...
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place, where you can find out for sure whether cherry blossoms have begun in tokyo or not, located near the emperor’s residence, the gate decorated with a stylized image of a golden chrysanthemum, are open to everyone, but public figures, especially politicians, should think carefully before entering here. yasukuni shrine is widely known. all over the world, the attitude towards it is ambiguous, some call it a symbol of militarism, but it is here that the control tree grows, by which the beginning of the cherry blossom season is determined, the meteorological department deals with this, but if more than five flowers bloom on this particular tree, then the season is declared open, the beginning of march in japan turned out to be abnormally warm, the daytime reached 25°, so the forecasts for blossoming... changed daily, sakura trees with large, twisted trunks, rough bark and broken branches,
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but once a year a transformation occurs almost before our eyes, delicate flowers and rough wood create the perfect contrast that underlies the japanese canon of beauty, although the unplanned march summer in japan ended as suddenly as it began, but the sakura could no longer be stopped. in tokyo this year, sakura blossomed a week and a half earlier than usual, and the peak occurred during cold weather , rains, and gloom. the streets of the city turn into multi-colored tunnels, which you can admire without leaving your car, although from the point of view of traffic rules this is of course not recommended. such cherry blossom alleys with
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beautiful illumination in iconic places, such as. here, next to the walls of the imperial palace in tokyo, appeared relatively recently, all these trees were planted in the late fifties of the last century, they say the conditions for them are here unsuitable, they often get sick, monitoring their health is technically very difficult and incredibly expensive, but for the sake of such beauty , the japanese do not spare money. sakura blossoming is a special time when the japanese are allowed to do what... is usually unspokenly condemned, and sometimes directly prohibited by law, but during the sakura season, having picnics in public places is a sacred thing. we choose the tree we like, here’s a cherry blossom tree in full bloom, we lay out the equipment and begin to admire it, so that the admiration is more interesting,
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it is recommended to bring some food with you, we have specially prepared, this is...
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the season, it also lasts for a few days, as soon as it blooms it immediately begins to fly around, this transience is very in tune with the japanese worldview, it seems to me that this is laid down from childhood, with elementary school kindergarten, every year we celebrate hanami, at this age you don’t even think about any meaning, this is how traditions are apparently formed, the older generation has a more practical and simpler approach, this is where real japanese hospitality is. and sociability, listen, it’s beautiful, very beautiful, here the soul blossoms, there is a feeling of happiness, joy, you want to be friends with everyone, there is nothing complicated here, this happens once a year, sakura blooms all over the country, moving from south to north, in japan this is the best time of the year, why don’t you drink,
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come on, don’t offend us, we japanese have to keep our word. came here at 10:00 in the morning, but the boat rental was suspended because it was raining a little, now it's almost 33, about 40 minutes ago we were told that they would be there in an hour to launch, but if it rains, then everything will be postponed again for an indefinite time, but we decided not to leave here and drink this cup to the bottom. while we were waiting for the opening,
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the line behind us stretched the entire length of the ditch and began to turn around.
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heirs of the military ruler shogun, when he was forced to abdicate power in the 19th century, the imperial court, which moved from kyoto, settled here. this place is called tidori gafuti, tidori moat, tidori is a bird, because if you rise to a bird's eye view and look at it from above, then the ditch looks like a bird with open wings. a shinta monk performs a ritual of cleansing evil spirits by imitating blows with a sword, a katana, at the yoshino mountain shrine on the outskirts of the ancient japanese capital of nara.
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here it becomes clearer why sakura acquired the significance of the main national symbol of japan. over the centuries, people have brought seedlings here; now there are about 50 thousand cherry trees growing young. they are planted on four different levels, which differ from each other in height, so. that you can admire almost in within a month. in 1594, one of the main unifiers of japan, tuyotomi hideyoshi , organized here a mass admiration of akura, a mass hanami with the participation of about 500 representatives of the highest military and aristocratic nobility, among them were the future japanese shogun, tokugawa and iyasu, the founder of the last dynasty of samurai rulers in japan, who led the country for more than 250 years. in the main temple here, there is a reproduction of a 15th century painting, which is how sakura was admired in those days. this shrine displays personal
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items scrolls from the library of the legendary japanese emperor godaigo. in the 14th century, he refused to recognize the power of a protege of one of the military clans and died here in yoshino, unconquered. and after his death he was again recognized by the samurai as the rightful monarch. from a niche in one of the rooms , a stern hermit monk with two guard spirits looks at visitors. the black statues were carved from solid cherry tree trunks 400 years ago. you can look into the eyes of a monk only if you kneel in front of him . he lived approximately 1,300 years ago, founding the japanese esoteric teaching of shugendo in yoshino. based on shintaism, buddhism, shamanism.
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in april, the center of hanaimi lovers' feasting shifts from warm coastal places to mountain prefectures, when in tokyo and kyoto there is almost nothing left of their former beauty, the ruins of takatoo castle in nagano prefecture are covered with a thick, bright pink cloud of mountain sakura, the ideal time when the hat still remains lush, but underneath it has... this special word in japanese means a cherry blossom snowstorm, then a wave of blossoms spreads to the northern prefecture. in general, the hanami season in japan continues
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until the middle.
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this will be an honest detective story, dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our original besagon tv program, i hope you... remember them and
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enjoy them. this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. five large forest fires are being extinguished in buryat; in general, their area is larger. 40 hectares, all outbreaks are far from populated areas, there is no threat to residential areas, this was reported by the air forest protection service. concerning a large fire in the private sector in the suburbs of ulan od, it is not connected with forest fires, the department clarified. according to the ministry of emergency situations, by this hour the fire had been completely extinguished, no one was injured, and 17 country houses were burned. it was previously reported that the fire area was 10,000 square meters.


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