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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin, no, the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, dear passenger. this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. at the beginning of the issue there is the latest message from georgia. protesters erect barricades on rustavelli avenue in tbilisia, 500 meters from the parliament building. according to local television channels, police detained more than 15 participants in the rally against the law on foreign agents. in the ministry of health of georgia.
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announced the hospitalization of three police officers, clashes continued all last evening, stones, bottles, and other objects were thrown at the police, participants in the action against the law on enogenous agents threw eggs at law enforcement officers, tried to blind them with laser pointers, after the situation seemed to have stabilized, reports began to come again that special forces were trying to disperse demonstrators from the parliament building, at the same time the president of the country calls on the head of the ministry of internal affairs to immediately... stop the dispersal. doctors provide assistance to victims, as local media report, during a brawl. the chairman of the country's largest opposition party, livan khabieshvili, was also injured. let me remind you that on tuesday afternoon , georgian deputies began considering the law on new agents in the second reading, and they plan to vote for it today. in bryat, a large fire in the private sector in the suburb of ulano d. was completely extinguished . its area was. 10,000 square m2, according to
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the ministry of emergency situations, there were no casualties, 17 country houses burned down. the cause of the fire could have been a broken power line. the head of the republic announced this in his telegram channel alexey tsedenov, and the spread of the fire was facilitated by dry grass and hurricane winds of more than 30 m/s. valano d gusts of wind blew away a piece of the roof, and it hit a girl who was hiding at a bus stop during the hurricane, according to preliminary data. she has no serious injuries, only minor bruises, on social networks townspeople are sharing footage of balconies shaking due to strong winds in high-rise buildings, in some areas squally winds have blown away shopping tents, in the coming hours, the weather in wuland should improve today the wind will subside and become a little cooler, that's what forecasters give. the baikal region will turn out to be like the rest of siberia.
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dominated by cold arctic air, that is, temperature contrasts will disappear; in fact , there will be no conditions for the development of squally winds; we predict fairly calm weather with winds of up to 7-12 m/s, while the temperature regime will be 6-8° colder than due to the climate at this time of year, frosts are even possible in places at night until... in the following days, now starting from the work week, that is, from thursday, friday, warmer air masses will again begin to enter the region, while the threat of local frosts will remain, but the daytime temperature will already be within the climate framework in the afternoon to +14-17°. at the same time
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, we do not predict any excessive number of plantings, so the fire danger will remain at a high level. the only thing is that the wind will not spread the flame, that is, it will be easier to fight it. strong winds rage in neighboring zaburyatiya and irkutsk region, several cities, including irkutsk, were covered by a powerful dust storm. wind gusts reach 28 m/s.
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talked about the work of the southern group, the fighters dealt the greatest blow to the manpower of the kiev regime, in the area of ​​four settlements of the dpr, about 450 military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. the enemy also lost equipment, including western-made equipment. a unit of the southern group of troops improved the situation along the front line, inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment, the thirty-ninety -third mechanized, the eightieth, ninety-second air assault, forty- sixth airborne brigades, 200. rozdolovka, zaleznenskaya, krasnogorovka and kleshcheevka. enemy losses amounted to up to 440 military personnel, two tanks, an armored combat vehicle, two cars, a 155mm m-198 howitzer,
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a 122mm d-30 howitzer and an electronic reconnaissance station. in the southern donetsk direction, assault groups of the fifth army from the primorsky territory are working, the military... are fighting towards the line of combat contact only after a thorough artillery barrage, support they are supported by our attack drones and tanks, the situation at the forefront in the report by eduard punigov. a t-80 bv tank of the fifth army from primorye is in a combat position; the crew quickly overheats the equipment, adjusts the coordinates of the targets and opens fire again. objective controls confirm hits. according to aerial reconnaissance , an enemy stronghold that was hindering the advance of infantry in the southern donetsk direction was destroyed. tankers almost always use
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the so-called rolling tactics, that is, the crew takes a combat position, makes a short series of shots, for everything about everything, a maximum of 2-3 minutes, immediately after that he leaves the position. that anything can come in response, tankers are on duty near the front line around the clock, they usually work in pairs, insure and cover each other, sometimes two vehicles can work on the same target, and sometimes there are two targets at once, one works on the same target, different, differently, depending on the goals, on the tasks, two cars are waiting for us at once, well, in a reserve area, but we’ll shoot back and roll back if well, the next team arrives, the next one arrives, they work further, they constantly lead to the tanks. return fire, but even in case of hits, the armor reliably protects the soldiers. the main danger for tanks is kamikaze drones, so the crews weld these nets, they are also called barbecues, and besides, danger can lie in wait on the ground, so they install mine trawls like this in front. this
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tank repeatedly withstood direct hits, but the vehicle never received serious damage and continued to function without failure. works on the front line. somehow we got into the waiting area and needed a tank. the polka began to work to camouflage, began to fly in, well , they ran to the dugout, the tank was cut by shrapnel, of course, well, everything was in order, what did you feel at that moment, what did you experience? fear, but no one rubbed off on our crew. a driver mechanic with the call sign karas came from kemerovo, served a year in the army and decided to sign a contract, i wanted to sign a contract, everything came, ended up in tanks, did he choose it himself or? well, yes, i myself wanted to be a mechanic, a driver, why? don't know, i kind of like to control all this equipment, turn the nuts, tankers are on duty along the entire front line, quickly change positions to provide fire support to an infantry unit, we work
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with direct fire, distances, a kilometer of 700 m, well, as close as we can get, that’s we are working on it. we release the house curtain and retreat, what are your main goals now , oporniks, manpower, dugouts, t-80 bv - one of the main attack vehicles of the vostok group, the crews are always in full combat readiness, the number of tankers is already hundreds hit targets. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. one person died in the village of nikolaev darin, kursk region, due to a fire that broke out after an incendiary bomb was dropped. governor roman starovoy announced this. earlier, he reported about the shelling of the village of kozino, where two women came under fire, one died on the spot, the second was sent to the regional hospital. stroy also recalled that two more village residents were wounded during shelling this morning.
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meanwhile, the ukrainian authorities are still at war with what they have they manage to fight, perhaps, best of all. now the municipal services of kyiv. that in 1654 they took the oath of allegiance to the russian tsar, it was the islav rada that is considered the event that marked the beginning of the reunification of russia. let me remind you that on the eve of victory day in ukraine, the monument to soviet soldiers was again demolished. the sculptures were thrown off the paste, the high relief was torn from the wall, they plan to sell the fragments of the glider figures ; the memorial to those who fell in the great patriotic war stood for almost 40 years. geography of palestinian student protests in the usa
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is rapidly expanding. unrest is already taking place in 16 states. protests from the east coast to the pacific. masked bandits burst into the columbia university campus in manhattan and destroyed the central building. hamilton hall. the university administration has already threatened participants with expulsion. in los angeles, the middle east conflict has divided. usa lloyd osin, during his speech they began to accuse the official of supporting genocide in the gada sector. but in the meantime , white house secretary of state antony blinken is trying to remove resolve the conflict, makes his next tour of the middle east, is it successful?
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a collective meeting with the heads of foreign affairs of the middle eastern countries, as well as the secretary general of the palestine liberation organization, does not take place at the world economic forum. to all of them, blinken, like an experienced salesman, praised israel's latest proposal. hamas currently faces an extremely generous offer from israel; at the moment, the only thing standing between the people of gaza and a ceasefire is hamas. they have to make a decision they have to make it be. according to cnn, the israeli proposal consists of two stages: here are the details and
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sequence of steps. the first phase calls for the release of 20 to 33 hostages over several weeks in exchange for a pause and the release of palestinian prisoners. the second stage is what sources call the restoration of sustainable calm, during which the remaining hostages, captured israeli soldiers and hostage bodies will be exchanged for more palestinian prisoners. in in israel’s view, this is apparently a carrot, that’s it. the equipment accumulating in the rafah area on the eve of a ground operation on the border with egypt is, of course, a whiplash, the tanks seem to be already standing on top of each other, meanwhile, more and more combat vehicles are being brought up on trailers, but blinken has no option b. he has visited the middle east seven times in the last 7 months, what does he really have to show? one of the frequent disappointments.
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american political leaders, american diplomats, american
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military personnel. the biden administration should the authority to issue arrest warrants immediately and unequivocally demand moose stand down, and the us must use all available tools to prevent such an abomination. pro-israeli congressmen use the same word to describe the pro-palestinian protests that have engulfed the campuses of american universities; every day there are new reports from the next front of the cultural war. the wave of protests shows no sign of abating; 20 campuses across america are already seething. the toughest thing the day before was in texas, at the university of austin, the police first pulled protesters out of the crowd by the legs, and then, swaddled in plastic handcuffs, carried them out bound. in total, arrests took place in sixteen states.
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clashes with the police are not just a matter of young people at the columbia university, where it all started, teachers. having put on orange vests, they formed a human chain, protecting the entrance to the so -called gas solidarity camp, tent. in liberal new york, the police once again prefer not to get involved with troublemakers, but after the expiration of the next ultimatum, the first busters began to be suspended from classes, this only fueled their ardor. they are going to storm hamilton hall, the last one. since this happened here already in 1968, they protested against the vietnam war and racial segregation, the first time the building was taken 8 days before the assassination of martin luther king. 56 years later, on the heads of the protesters there are keffiyeh scarves, they are also called arafat, and they are worn by women, although among the arabs they are an item
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of men's clothing, but the participants in the performance do not delve into the details, here on... this is anarchy, this is rebellion, this is absolutely unacceptable. a group of overly emotional ill-informed people choosing which laws they will abide by during a social protest is ridiculous. we must intervene and stop. it hasn't gotten any worse yet. this is exactly what trump did in 2020 , only making things worse for himself, but he couldn’t help but do it. now they put biden on the splits. the wall street journal is trying to measure its width. biden is caught between american national interests at a time of global crisis and the demands of a significant part of his political coalition ahead of the election. failure to stabilize the situation in
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the region could lead to an inflationary surge in gasoline prices, seriously weakening positions in the long term. powers seeking to overthrow the american order throughout the world. at home, us failures in the middle east threaten to split the democratic party itself, which has always relied on the minority. the first call has already been made in the key swing state of michigan, where there are many immigrants from arab countries. the movement with the self-explanatory name “let’s abandon biden” almost derailed the primary there. it is forbidden continue to kill people for our money and think we are stupid enough to elect biden a second time. supposedly we will forget about it. this is an insult to me as a voter. there are 300,000 muslim voters in michigan. 4 years ago, biden beat trump. there are only 154 ballots in this state, but on the issue of gas, these 300 have complete agreement, alarming for
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the current president of the united states. participation in the presidential race of robert ken. the younger one further confuses the electoral cards for joe biden. in their three-way confrontation donald trump is already ahead of his main rival by 6%, two-way, by five. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and denis sokolov, news from new york. joe biden is losing the election race to donald trump. cnn commentators draw this conclusion based on data from recent opinion polls. if the elections were held today, the current ones. the head of the white house would have received 43% of the vote, his predecessor 49. moreover , biden’s popularity, as journalists note, continues to decline. the new york post, in turn, cites the results of the study galeb, it says biden's job approval rating is lower than any other president in the last 70 years. he stands at less than 39%, almost three points worse than
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george w. bush, the elder, who has held it so far. one of the richest people on the planet, elon musk, has again demonstrated how to multiply your income in a matter of days. the sharp rise in his stock is associated with the businessman’s trip to beijing as the owner of tesla. elon musk managed to reach an agreement with local technology giants. true, there are a couple nuances. details in the story by olga panomareva. thanks to a surprise visit to china, elon musk became rich...
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despite the fact that baidu is a direct competitor to his starling satellite system, which means this is a deal for the benefit of one musk company to the detriment of another. keep in mind, tesla is in trouble right now, having just experienced its first quarterly revenue decline since 2020. in addition, the company's share of the electric vehicle sales market in china is declining. tesla is a beloved, but hard-won brainchild of a mask. only in 2022 it lost the record. billion dollars while its shares fell, at the beginning of this year the loss was 27 billion, according to the bloomberg index. not least because of the march
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arson at the tesla plant near berlin. amid the crisis, musk had to reduce the cost of cars and fire 10% of his employees. these are the media data according to the staff. as elon musk states, the money saved will go towards the release of a new tesla model for the robotaxi launch, scheduled for august 8, as this is a lucky one. when several million cars suddenly go from manual to automatic management, this will be the largest increase in the value of a single asset in history. typically, cars are used on average 10-12 hours a week, we see only parked cars all around, but as soon as the cars become self-driving, they can be used 50 more hours a week, this is a fivefold increase in efficiency. it looks as if, after postponing the flight to mars, musk decided to do the right thing. “i don’t want to sit in the ivory tower, i want to be in the thick of the battle. now elon musk has to fight for the australian market. premier albanese
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calls him an arrogant billionaire on camera. everything is complicated on the african continent; musk's starling company announced that it will be disconnecting ur from satellite services from october 30. officially due to unauthorized resale of equipment, which seems to be an illusion of control. as it shows, the guests took the upper hand in the first two matches of the confrontation, stas ridikultsev found out whether the capital club was able to repel zenit on the home field. zenit wins the first
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draw and calmly controls the course of the match, having achieved a comfortable advantage of five points, the kazan team confidently took the first game 20:25. in the second set, the muscovites start off vigorously, but zenit incinerates the home team, winning every ball. emotions fuel a champion. the second game is also for the team. from tatarstan 22:25 there is one step left to gold. some kind of law is completely so perfect that the third party can always be there most often, but often it turns out to be some kind of pancake. dynamo powerfully nails the zenith in the third set. alexey verbov is the first to take a timeout for the first time in the game, but the kazan team seems thoughts not on the site, everything falls out of hand. the blue and white easily take the game 25:17. however, zenit dynamo will not allow zenit to return to the game and extend the championship race. in the fourth set the champion again flexes his muscles and, despite fierce resistance from dynamo, wins the set 20:25 and the match 3:1.
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any gold is a lot of work that comes before it all, and you appreciate what you've done all season. zenit holds the russian championship cup at the dynamo site; the champion did not lose a single game in the playoffs. zenit from kazan, the most the titled club of russia is writing a new chapter in its and russian volleyball history. the team from tatarstan wins the twelfth championship title in the year of its centenary. domestic volleyball wins all three main trophies of the country, i am again in tears, too sentimental for such moments, i am proud of every member of our team. the volleyball players of kazan, using the energy they had left after a tense match , tried to throw head coach alexei verbov to the very ceiling, it looked exciting. i was sure that they’ll catch you, yes, the flight phase was there. for
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just a second, yes, and my heart began to pound a little, but i was sure that i wouldn’t touch the floor, we were going the same way, we were always on the same boat, and it’s like this is probably our main idea, here , that this is the boss of a subordinate fades into the background, after zenit’s volleyball treble, comparisons of alexey verbov with football coach pepp guardiola naturally suggest themselves, it turned out not by chance, a pleasant comparison, but so far it seems to me, except for ours bald spots. there’s nothing else to compare here, a new wave of young volleyball coaches is a sign of the era; just recently , zenit’s star player alexander volkov, as head coach, immediately won bronze in the championship with belogorye. before this season, belgorod residents had not won medals for 8 years. stas ridikultsev, dmitry korsakov, alexander sidorov and karen melikyan, lead. democracy, openness. these guests came in, came out and talked between themselves.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we we often talk about money, the sums are serious, there is a clear signal in russia about whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources. in general , how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure? in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. you kill me.


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