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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal about whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers. mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, you are a psychiatrist in the recent past, famous scientist, and then quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you killed me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy. she is digging under you, valera, in
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the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. holidays in russia are gaining popularity. travel around the country is becoming more accessible, more comfortable and safer, thanks to the national tourism and hospitality industry project. which one a business can receive support from the state for this national project, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. tourism and the hospitality industry is primarily the development of tourism infrastructure. with the support of the national project, new resorts are being developed, hotels and sanatoriums are being built and renovated, glamping and camping sites are appearing, and, of course, i am actively participating in all this. business, and
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the state creates favorable conditions for it. the russian federation tourism corporation is implementing more than 100 investment projects to create tourism infrastructure facilities in on the scale of our country, from the kaliningrad region to the far east and kamchatka. the total investment portfolio exceeds 500 billion rubles. today we suggest that businesses use government support measures. help with financing is one of the most important points. entrepreneurs throughout the country can receive preferential loans for the construction or reconstruction of tourist facilities. these are multifunctional hotel complexes, water and amusement parks, infrastructure for ski resorts, sanatoriums, and hotels. hotel category or the hotel must be at least three stars. room capacity from 120 rooms, both for hotels and multifunctional complexes. preferential loans are issued for a period of up to 12 years, supplies are 30% of the current key rate of the bank of russia plus 3%. the interest
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rate will be 7.8% per annum, this allows you to almost double the return on investment in each investment project related to the development of tourism infrastructure. please note that the project must be highly developed, that is, documents for the land have been drawn up and a business plan has been developed. if you have everything ready, you can contact an authorized bank. they evaluate the reliability and financial stability of borrowers. if the bank. ready to approve a loan, he transmits information to government agencies. the final decision is made by the government tourism commission. funds can not only be borrowed from the bank, the state can provide additional subsidies, for example, for the construction of modular hotels. what is the mechanism here? the business must invest at least 50% of the project cost, then the rest of the amount will be invested by the state, while state aid will amount to one room in a modular hotel. no more than 1.5 million rubles.
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preference will be given to projects based on already operating hotels with at least 50 rooms. there are high chances of subsidies in special economic zones of the tourist and recreational type. what do you need to do to get it? first, contact the local administration to find out all the conditions, then develop a project for the future hotel, indicate where it will be located and other characteristics, and of course, how much is planned to be invested in... construction and what subsidy is needed, then you need to draw up an estimate taking into account force majeure, and finally, submit an application and a package of documents. if the project has already been implemented and you want to compensate part of the costs, you will need documents about the finances invested in construction. each region has its own application deadlines and additional criteria. you can also receive a regional subsidy for the development of your project. funds can be allocated for the development of the beach, laying out the route, and for purchase. need to get a subsidy
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contact your local administration, they will tell you how to apply. another significant support measure is public-private partnership. business invests its own funds in tourism infrastructure projects, and the state invests its own. the investor from the state is the russian federation tourism corporation. in addition to material support, the russian tourism corporation will help in reducing administrative barriers, marketing the project, and attracting additional investments. interaction with government agencies and much more. if you want to cooperate with a corporation, first you need to register on the online platform for investors and fill out an investment questionnaire. after its assessment, it will be possible to sign an agreement of intent to jointly develop a master plan and implement
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the project. today, any entrepreneur can go to the tourism information portal of the russian federation, get acquainted with existing investment lots and finance the development of tourism. placement on own projects in the field of building prefabricated modular tourism facilities. in addition, a business can attract co-financing from the russian tourism corporation within the framework of a public-private partnership. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about business support measures in
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the country’s priority areas, ask in our telegram channel. we will talk to the authorized agencies and will tell you everything in the next issue of the instructions. where are you from? b, no hello, i’m from 11 b. we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, you want to come this way to see this good one the film, why are you so lucky, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, exciting, all this, all these emotions, it was very cool, this was the first film, the cow was really delighted and the humor is good, i need to get to school 733. i have a nephew there at night, but they haven’t gotten divorced yet, wait, hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask me, like me i could actually end up here, what a meeting, sometimes i want to cry, sometimes i want to laugh, great, oh,
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this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years from now.
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i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. the barren cherry blossom sakura became a symbol of japan long before the country had other distinctive signs, including
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a red circle of the rising sun on a white background as a flag, and a lyrical song in five lines from a poetry collection of the 20th century as a hymn. the japanese love for this particular tree dates back more than... years; for the season of admiring the japanese style, hanami, they prepare in advance and carefully monitor the beginning of flowering according to the calendar. there are many varieties of sakura in japan, in principle, you can catch the bloom in any month of the year, but the first powerful hall produces this species, it is called kawazu, kawazu zakura, named after the place on the izu peninsula, on the pacific coast, where the peak of flowering occurs in twentieth day of february, at it blooms in tokyo in the first week of march, it has such a pronounced pink hue, and it is customary to decorate these bright single torches. gardens and temples, in particular this one, which is dedicated to one of the most famous samurai in japan from the 18th century, koto kiyomasa.
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he had extensive holdings on the island of kyushu and built one of japan's most famous samurai castles in the city of kumamoto. winter sakura, of course, cannot be compared with the massive riot of flowering of the main species, but in hanami city parks it has already begun, bright yellow and deadly fragrant fields of decorative. framed by flowering trees, from a distance very reminiscent of cherry trees. the sakura season in japan is preceded by plum blossoms ; by the way, it was initially the main object of admiration for samurai in the early middle ages, they really liked these strong, squat, gnarled trees, the flowers themselves are very tenacious, they do not fly around like sakura from the first breath of the breeze, which is more consistent with the character of representatives
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of the military class, and the aroma is absolutely amazing, sakura, there is no smell of tact at all. continuing the theme of flowers and samurai, one cannot help but say a few words about petrify, it blooms almost all winter, the military had a difficult attitude towards this tree, you see, it falls off in whole buds, they were associated with the severed heads of valiant warriors who committed hara-kiri or seppuku, as they say... according to the rules of japan, at the end of secundan he had to cut off the head of his comrade with a katana. the place where you can find out for sure whether sakura has begun to bloom in tokyo or not is located not far from the emperor’s home. gate decorated with a stylized image of a golden chrysanthemum, are open to everyone, but public people, especially politicians, should think carefully before entering here. yasukunisha shrine. widely known all over the world, the attitude towards it is ambiguous, some call it a symbol of militarism, but it
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is here that the control tree grows, which determines the beginning of the cherry blossom season, the meteorological department deals with this, but if more than five flowers bloom on this particular tree, then the season announced open. the beginning of march in japan turned out to be abnormally warm, with temperatures reaching 25° during the day... therefore, flowering forecasts changed daily. sakura trees have large, twisted trunks, rough bark and broken branches, but once a year a transformation occurs, almost before our eyes. delicate flowers and rough wood create the perfect contrast that lies at the heart of the japanese canon of beauty. true, the unscheduled march summer in japan ended as suddenly as it began, but the sakura could no longer be stopped. in tokyo this
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year, sakura blossomed a week and a half earlier than usual, and the peak occurred during cold weather and rains. gloomy rainy clouds are not the best backdrop for admiring flowers in the daytime, but in the evening the city’s cherry blossom districts are illuminated, so bad weather is not a hindrance for hanami. the city streets turn into colorful tunnels, which you can admire without leaving your car. although, from the point of view of traffic regulations , this is, of course, not recommended. such cherry blossom alleys with beautiful illumination in iconic places, such as here, nearby with the walls of the imperial palace, appeared in tokyo relatively recently. all these trees were planted at the end of the fifties of the last century, they say that the conditions here are unsuitable for them, they often get sick, monitoring their health is technically very difficult and incredibly expensive, but for the sake of...
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cherry blossoms are a special time when the japanese are allowed to do what is usually unspoken is condemned, and sometimes directly prohibited by law, but during the sakura season, having picnics in public places is a sacred thing, we choose the tree we like, that’s quite cherry blossoms for ourselves, spread out the equipment. we begin to admire, in order to make the admiration more interesting, it is recommended to bring some food with us, we have specially prepared. this is thematically inaridushi, this is such juicy rice wrapped in fried tofu, please pay attention to how they are decorated, these are soaked sakura flowers, and the narizushi themselves also have the taste of sakura. we took a bottle of green tea as a drink, but our neighbors were more thorough; real khanam residents prefer stronger drinks. strong
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breakfasts on the grass, as well as lunches and dinners under the shade of sakura - a centuries-old tradition founded by medieval samurai and court aristocracy. the japanese honor traditions and willingly share their thoughts about hanami and sakura with foreigners. when the cherry blossoms bloom, the warmth finally arrives. the nightingales begin to sing along with sakura, they are the main heralds of spring. after the sakura blooms, spring has fully come into its own. this is a symbol for us.
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must be kept, one of the most popular sakura attractions in tokyo - this is boating near the walls of an ancient military fortress in the very center of the city, this requires samurai patience and endurance,
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this year we gave our word: to fulfill this point of the program, no matter the cost. today we came here at 10:00 am, but the boat rental was suspended because it was raining a little. now it’s almost 33, about 40 minutes ago we were told that they would launch it in an hour, but if it rains, then everything will again be postponed for an indefinite time, but we decided not to leave here for a drink this cup to the bottom. while we were waiting for the opening, the queue behind us stretched the entire length of the moat and...
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the branches of sakura picturesquely stretched over the water and feel the atmosphere of harsh feudal times. the cherry blossom season is the only opportunity to visit the moat around the imperial castle. everyone calls it a palace, although in reality there is no palace. the japanese emperor lives in an ordinary modern house, on the territory of a samurai fortress. this was the headquarters of shogun takugawa. and everything here is done according to military science. in in particular, the width of this ditch, as they explained to us, is about 80-100 m, designed for... the century he was forced to abdicate power, the imperial court that moved from kyoto settled here. this place is called
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tidori gafuti, tidori ditch. tidori is a bird, because if you rise to a bird's eye view and look at... from above, the ditch looks like a bird with open wings. a shinta monk performs a cleansing ritual of evil spirits by imitating blows with a katana sword at her shino mountain shrine on the outskirts of the ancient japanese capital of nara. here it becomes clearer why sakura became important. altitude, so you can admire it for almost a month. in 1594, one of the main unifiers of japan, tuyotomi hideyoshi , organized here a mass admiration of sakura,
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a mass hanami with the participation of about 500 representatives of the highest military aristocratic nobility, among them was the future japanese shogun, tokugawa and iyasu, the founder of the last dynasty of samurai rulers in japan who led country for more than 250 years. in the main temple of these places there is a reproduction paintings from the 16th century were how sakura was admired in those days. this shrine displays personal belongings and scrolls from the library of the legendary japanese emperor godaigo. in the 14th century, he refused to recognize the power of a protege of one of the military clans; he died here in yoshino unconquered, and after his death he was again recognized by the samurai as the legitimate monarch. from a niche in one of the rooms , a stern hermit monk with two
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guard spirits looks at visitors. the black statues were carved from solid cherry tree trunks 400 years ago. look into the eyes of a monk you can only kneel in front of him . he lived approximately 1,300 years ago, founding the japanese esoteric teaching of shugendo in yushino. based on syntaism. samuraev, in a row. there is in this code the concept of isagios, a military virtue that actually ruled japan for eight centuries, and it is this that is usually compared with the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms. if you take responsibility for yourself, you must carry it to the end and be mentally prepared when the time comes to leave this world. easily without hesitation, like a cherry blossom, in this, if you like, is the life principle of the japanese. in yushino grows that ancient type of mountain sakura from which other varieties were bred,
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including the most common ones decorating the streets, including the japanese capital, it is called sumei yoshino. in the wild , cherry trees live for no more than 100 years. the tradition of planting new trees to replace old ones continues here to this day. than, say, sakura. different from a rose, a rose is also a beautiful flower, but its whole point is to be beautiful when it blooms, and cherry blossoms are the most beautiful it is when they fly around, in this sense , sakura personifies the japanese, this country was created by warriors. bushido, the way of the warrior and sakura are inseparable from each other. previously, as they said, chrysanthemum is the personification of the emperor, and sakura is the japanese people, so the japanese always have cherry blossoms. evokes a trembling feeling. in april, the center
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of pilgrimage for hanaemi lovers shifts from warm coastal places to mountainous prefectures. when almost nothing remained of its former beauty in tokyo and kyoto, the ruins of takatoo castle in nagano prefecture are covered with a thick , bright pink cloud of mountain sakura. the ideal time is when the hat is still fluffy. east asian bureau of news from japan,
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government. yea, which separated the church. it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church and separate completely from moscow. a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion. some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there are monasteries around inside. there is a spiritual battle going on, the united states, the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. lord about
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his saints, let's see what happens next, stand, who are they, the new guys, this is with me a passenger, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam, why adam , not adam, a chechen, i, an artist, a white weapon, you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, brusey, she’s alive, we don’t need names, we can’t kill her, or.
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do you dream of realizing yourself in a creative profession, but what if you are just one step away? from dreams, take part in large-scale competitions for backstage and digital art specialists artmas, declare yourself, get funding and implement your project, become in demand. the creative industry is waiting for you. i want too. leave an application on the website of the national open championship of creative competencies artmas. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns
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of our author’s episodes. besagon tv programs, i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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this is russia-24 and we continue: four major forest fires are now being extinguished in buryat, their total area is 36 hectares, all fires are far from populated areas, there is no threat to residential areas, this was reported in the roslekhoz. the most serious situation is now in the suburb of ulanode, where a large fire in the private sector continues to be extinguished. by this minute , open fires over an area of ​​1000 km had been extinguished, no one was injured, they were burned out. country
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houses, this is the largest of the three combustion centers in the vicinity of the city.


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