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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church. it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow.
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the lord is with his saints, let's see what happens next. hello, my name is vladimer burtka. what good relations we have with honduras. and in new guinea, this probably happens because of the peacefulness of these peoples, but also because they live enough far. as for our neighbors, our relations with them were not always cloudless. today i want to direct my gaze to poland. beyond the former.
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common things: emotionality, talent, but still, in the character of the two peoples there is a lot of truth and optionality, and disorganization.
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another country, but still the most important difference between the two countries was that russia adopted the eastern version of christianity, and poland - the western, roman one, which entailed fundamental and far-reaching consequences.
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catholicism contributed to development in poland latin-language culture, scholasticism, universities, as well as knighthood, burghers, and city government.
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under the rule of the grand duchy of lithuania, and russia until the 15th century communicated with poland through lithuania, which separated it from poland. but in 1462 , ivan ii occupied the moscow throne.
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grand duke of vladimir and moscow, sovereign of all russia, nicknamed the gatherer of the russian land. was reached. the final liberation of the country from ardyn dependence, a code of law, a set of laws was adopted, the current coat of arms of russia was adopted, double-headed eagle, built the current moscow kremlin and the assumption cathedral. with him the rise of russia begins. from this time on , the russian state became a significant force in eastern europe and began to squeeze its neighbors. and how? in place of the fragmented feudal principalities, a new major power in eastern europe emerged, which perceived itself as the revival of kievan rus. but the mechanism of its formation. were qualitatively different than in poland. in poland, the land of secular feudal lords
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was freed from most state podokay. in russia, all classes, even boyars and nobles, were obliged to serve the sovereign from youth to old age. not only their estate, but also vodchina could have been taken away from them. they could be subjected to corporal punishment. from the end of the 15th century, the tsar's serf became an honorary title for the boyars. since 1505, vasily ii has ruled russia. prince
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of vladimir and moscow, sovereign of all russia. vasily ii continued the policy of his father ivan ii of collecting russian lands and gradually abolishing appanage principalities. his greatest success was in acute the confrontation with the grand duchy of lithuania was the capture of smolensk. the russian state is growing stronger and developing. dated his first wife solomonia saburovo, a famous boyar family, and married for love the lithuanian beauty elena glinskaya. the grand duke was so eager to please his chosen one, who was three times his age, that he even erased his beard, which caused horror among conservative society. they gave birth to a wonderful boy, ivan, later nicknamed the terrible. ivan the terrible started the war . tivtonian order, defeated him, but then
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the livonian war was forced by envious neighbors to join the twenty-five-year-old sweden, lithuania and poland. at the first stage of the war, russian troops achieved significant success, conquering narva, derbd and a number of other cities. the polish king segismund the first informed western monarchs that the muscovites were not christians, but cruel barbarians belonging to asia, who had agreed with the turks. and the tatars destroy the christian world. a similar message can be heard from there to this day. in contrast to the autocratic, service state, in poland already in the 15th century had a gentry democracy, in fact a kind of feudal republic with elected kings. thus, in early modern times the two were adjacent.
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the gentry was very proud of this right, but we will see, it greatly weakened the country, in 1572. but given that in poland there are many nobles associated with moscow, he wanted to take part in the royal elections in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, but subsequently abandoned this. in 1576 , stefan batory or istvan batory, a formidable enemy of ivan the terrible,
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who came from an old hungarian family, became the polish king. stefan baturius successfully completed the speech of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. system and public administration, under him the code of law of 1550 was compiled, the kazan, astrakhan and siberian khanates were conquered, bashkiria and part of the lands of the nagai horde were annexed. the russian state, by the end of his reign, doubled in size
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and became larger than the rest of europe. strength. i will not allow an evil neighbor to oppose the prosperity of the moscow state, strangling our state with a trade noose, but it is not the enemy who is selfishly destroying our prosperity, you toyars, opposing my livonian campaigns worse than the germans, the livonians. enemies of the russian state. ivan the terrible left behind a significant literary heritage and even wrote a church psalm. thanks to the powerful expansion of the russian state, a counter to the russian
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empire emerged. its values ​​have become the values ​​of the consciousness of russian people. and this. importantly, in 1526 stefan batory suffered a sudden death, and a year after his death ivan the terrible died. the radzevils, a god-loving family in the grand duchy of lithuania with interests in russia, nominate their son to the polish throne gruzny, tsar fyodor ioanovich. but he did not want to change orthodoxy; the poles chose swede. after the death of the king. in 1598, the zemsky sobor elected fyodor ancha as successor to the throne , boris gadunov, by modern standards - a liberal. and here the active penetration of progressive western ideas into russia began. godunov reformed the judicial system
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and allowed the building of lutheran churches in russia. the kingdom of boris was engaged in the ongoing rapprochement between russia and the west. there was never before in russia a sovereign who would have so favored foreigners like katunov. he began to invite foreigners to serve. merchants, doctors, industrialists, military men, and scientists traveled to moscow. they received a position, a good salary, land with peasants. european culture penetrated into russian everyday life. it seemed like clothes, housing. social ceremonies and even things like trimming heads. it is worth noting that polish influence in the muscovite kingdom manifested itself in all spheres of social life, from architecture and painting to clothing and manner of speaking. boris sent russian people to study
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abroad, but they, as a rule, did not want to return to their homeland, however. peter i had problems with this in 1600, the ambassador of poland lev sapieha offered boris godunov a federation, but in 1605 boris gadunov died, but how did the liberal reign end, the same as the reign 400 years later of mikhail gorbachev, unrest and ruin russia. false dmitry i appears from poland, an impostor who pretended to be the youngest son of ivan iv, tsarevich dmitry, who had miraculously escaped.
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she hoped to convert the population of russia to catholicism and, contrary to russian customs, preserved catholicism. in exchange for her hand , dmitry promised pskov and novgorod, and smolensk to her father. at the beginning of may 1606, marina and her retinue, about 400 poles, entered moscow in a triumphal parade. patriarch. ignatius confirmed their marriage and placed the rurikovich crown on his head. the poles came for dmitry. many polish troops scattered throughout russia. and
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the russian people had something to remember for a long time. tsar dmitry changed the prim order of life of the moscow sovereigns and relations of the sovereign to the boyar families. but not in vain, intriguer vasily. in tula, on the night of may 16-17, 1606, a detachment of conspirators entered moscow, occupied all the gates and completely isolated the kremlin. dmitry i had already been killed, the poles who were next to them in moscow were partly killed, partly taken into custody and dispersed to cities. and so in 1606 , may 19 on red square. with a huge crowd of people, it was proposed to elect whom to rule? vasily ivanovich shuisky. but
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another contender appears from poland russian throne, new impostor, false dmitry ii. he was joined by a significant number of polish rakashans, rebels who had lost the uprising against the polish king sidismund ii. in 1607, dmitry ii on...
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“before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it, the master plan is sharp, it did not leave the slightest doubt what they wanted to do with us, having exhausted all attempts to plant western colleagues from the negotiating table, to sign something anti-hitler, we realized that we are one on one, we must ensure our own safety.
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this is russia 24, and we continue, four large forest fires are now being extinguished in buryatia, their total area is 36 hectares, all outbreaks.


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